예제 #1
 public function processItemAfterId(&$item, $params = null)
     // if no tags column, do nothing
     if (!isset($item["tags"])) {
     $hasrel = false;
     // tags separator is ,
     $taglist = explode(",", $item["tags"]);
     foreach ($taglist as $tag) {
         if ($tag[0] == "+" || $tag[0] == "-") {
             $hasrel = true;
     // iterate on tags
     $addtags = array();
     $remtags = array();
     foreach ($taglist as $tag) {
         $tag = trim($tag);
         $dir = getRelative($tag);
         $taginfo = $this->parseTag($tag);
         if ($dir == "+") {
             $addtags[] = $taginfo;
         } else {
             $remtags[] = $taginfo;
     $sids = $this->getItemStoreIds($item);
     // we need a real store id , not admin so let's find one
     if (count($sids) == 1 && $sids[0] == 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT store_id FROM " . $this->tablename("core_store") . " WHERE website_id>0 AND is_active=1 ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 ";
         $sid = $this->selectone($sql, null, "store_id");
         if ($sid !== null) {
             $sids = array($sid);
     $pid = $params["product_id"];
     $this->handleItemTags($item, $pid, $sids, $addtags, $remtags, $hasrel);
  * assign categories for a given product id from values
  * categories should already be created & csv values should be as the ones
  * given in the magento export (ie:  comma separated ids, minus 1,2)
  * @param int $pid : product id
  * @param array $item : attribute values for product indexed by attribute_code
 public function assignCategories($pid, $item)
     $cce = $this->tablename("catalog_category_entity");
     $ccpt = $this->tablename("catalog_category_product");
     #handle assignment reset
     if (!isset($item["category_reset"]) || $item["category_reset"] == 1) {
         $sql = "DELETE {$ccpt}.*\n\t\t\tFROM {$ccpt}\n\t\t\tJOIN {$cce} ON {$cce}.entity_id={$ccpt}.category_id\n\t\t\tWHERE product_id=?";
         $this->delete($sql, $pid);
     $inserts = array();
     $data = array();
     $ddata = array();
     $catids = csl2arr($item["category_ids"]);
     foreach ($catids as $catid) {
         $rel = getRelative($catid);
         if ($rel == "-") {
             $ddata[] = $catid;
         } else {
             $inserts[] = "(?,?)";
             $data[] = $catid;
             $data[] = $pid;
     #peform deletion of removed category affectation
     if (count($ddata) > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM {$ccpt} WHERE category_id IN (" . $this->arr2values($ddata) . ") AND product_id=?";
         $ddata[] = $pid;
         $this->delete($sql, $ddata);
     #create new category assignment for products, if multi store with repeated ids
     #ignore duplicates
     if (count($inserts) > 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO {$ccpt} (`category_id`,`product_id`)\n\t\t\t\t VALUES\t ";
         $sql .= implode(",", $inserts);
         $this->insert($sql, $data);
  * assign categories for a given product id from values
  * categories should already be created & csv values should be as the ones
  * given in the magento export (ie: comma separated ids, minus 1,2)
  * @param int $pid
  *            : product id
  * @param array $item
  *            : attribute values for product indexed by attribute_code
 public function assignCategories($pid, $item)
     $cce = $this->tablename("catalog_category_entity");
     $ccpt = $this->tablename("catalog_category_product");
     // andle assignment reset
     if (!isset($item["category_reset"]) || $item["category_reset"] == 1) {
         $sql = "DELETE {$ccpt}.*\n\t\t\tFROM {$ccpt}\n\t\t\tJOIN {$cce} ON {$cce}.entity_id={$ccpt}.category_id\n\t\t\tWHERE product_id=?";
         $this->delete($sql, $pid);
     $inserts = array();
     $data = array();
     $cdata = array();
     $ddata = array();
     $cpos = array();
     $catids = csl2arr($item["category_ids"]);
     // find positive category assignments
     foreach ($catids as $catdef) {
         $a = explode("::", $catdef);
         $catid = $a[0];
         $catpos = count($a) > 1 ? $a[1] : "0";
         $rel = getRelative($catid);
         if ($rel == "-") {
             $ddata[] = $catid;
         } else {
             $cdata[$catid] = $catpos;
     // get all "real ids"
     if (count($cdata) > 0) {
         $scatids = array_keys($cdata);
         $rcatids = $this->selectAll("SELECT cce.entity_id as id FROM {$cce} as cce WHERE cce.entity_id IN (" . $this->arr2values($scatids) . ")", $scatids);
         $vcatids = array();
         foreach ($rcatids as $rcatrow) {
             $vcatids[] = $rcatrow['id'];
         // now get the diff
         $diff = array_diff(array_keys($cdata), $vcatids);
         $cdiff = count($diff);
         // if there are some, warning
         if ($cdiff > 0) {
             $this->log('Invalid category ids found for sku ' . $item['sku'] . ":" . implode(",", $diff), "warning");
             // remove invalid category entries
             for ($i = 0; $i < $cdiff; $i++) {
         // ow we have verified ids
         foreach ($cdata as $catid => $catpos) {
             $inserts[] = "(?,?,?)";
             $data[] = $catid;
             $data[] = $pid;
             $data[] = $catpos;
     // eform deletion of removed category affectation
     if (count($ddata) > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM {$ccpt} WHERE category_id IN (" . $this->arr2values($ddata) . ") AND product_id=?";
         $ddata[] = $pid;
         $this->delete($sql, $ddata);
     // reate new category assignment for products, if multi store with repeated ids
     // gnore duplicates
     if (count($inserts) > 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$ccpt} (`category_id`,`product_id`,`position`)\n\t\t\t\t VALUES\t ";
         $sql .= implode(",", $inserts);
         $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE position=VALUES(`position`)";
         $this->insert($sql, $data);
  * update product stock
  * @param int $pid
  *            : product id
  * @param array $item
  *            : attribute values for product indexed by attribute_code
 public function updateStock($pid, $item, $isnew)
     $scols = $this->getStockCols();
     // ake only stock columns that are in item
     $itstockcols = array_intersect(array_keys($item), $scols);
     // o stock columns set, item exists, no stock update needed.
     if (count($itstockcols) == 0 && !$isnew) {
     $csit = $this->tablename("cataloginventory_stock_item");
     $css = $this->tablename("cataloginventory_stock_status");
     // alculate is_in_stock flag
     if (isset($item["qty"])) {
         if (!isset($item["manage_stock"])) {
             $item["manage_stock"] = 1;
             $item["use_config_manage_stock"] = 0;
         $mqty = isset($item["min_qty"]) ? $item["min_qty"] : 0;
         $is_in_stock = isset($item["is_in_stock"]) ? $item["is_in_stock"] : ($item["qty"] > $mqty ? 1 : 0);
         $item["is_in_stock"] = $is_in_stock;
     // ake only stock columns that are in item after item update
     $common = array_intersect(array_keys($item), $scols);
     // reate stock item line if needed
     $stock_id = isset($item["stock_id"]) ? $item["stock_id"] : 1;
     $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$csit}` (product_id,stock_id) VALUES (?,?)";
     $this->insert($sql, array($pid, $stock_id));
     if (count($common) > 0) {
         $stockvals = $this->filterkvarr($item, $common);
         // ill with values
         $svstr = $this->arr2update($stockvals);
         if (isset($item["qty"]) && $item["qty"] != "") {
             $relqty = null;
             // if magmi_qty_absolute flag is not set, then use standard "relative" qty parsing.
             if (!isset($item["magmi_qty_absolute"]) || $item["magmi_qty_absolute"] == 0) {
                 // test for relative qty
                 if ($item["qty"][0] == "+" || $item["qty"][0] == "-") {
                     $relqty = getRelative($item["qty"]);
             // if relative qty
             if ($relqty != null) {
                 // update UPDATE statement value affectation
                 $svstr = preg_replace("/(^|,)qty=\\?/", "\$1qty=qty{$relqty}?", $svstr);
                 $stockvals["qty"] = $item["qty"];
                 $svstr = str_replace("is_in_stock=?", "is_in_stock=(qty>min_qty)", $svstr);
         $sql = "UPDATE `{$csit}` SET {$svstr} WHERE product_id=? AND stock_id=?";
         $this->update($sql, array_merge(array_values($stockvals), array($pid, $stock_id)));
     $data = array();
     $wsids = $this->getItemWebsites($item);
     $csscols = array("website_id", "product_id", "stock_id", "qty", "stock_status");
     $cssvals = $this->filterkvarr($item, $csscols);
     $stock_id = isset($cssvals["stock_id"]) ? $cssvals["stock_id"] : 1;
     $stock_status = isset($cssvals["stock_status"]) ? $cssvals["stock_status"] : 1;
     // new auto synchro on lat inserted stock item values for stock status.
     // also works for multiple stock ids.
     // [start] exanto.de - this does not work inside a DB transaction bc cataloginventory_stock_item is not written yet on fresh imports
      * :ORG: $sql="INSERT INTO `$css` SELECT csit.product_id,ws.website_id,cis.stock_id,csit.qty,? as stock_status FROM `$csit` as csit JOIN ".$this->tablename("core_website")." as ws ON ws.website_id IN (".$this->arr2values($wsids).") JOIN ".$this->tablename("cataloginventory_stock")." as cis ON cis.stock_id=? WHERE product_id=? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stock_status=VALUES(`stock_status`),qty=VALUES(`qty`)";
     // Fixed version
     $cpe = $this->tablename("catalog_product_entity");
     // Fix , $stockvals is already a mix between item keys & stock table keys.
     $qty = isset($stockvals['qty']) ? $stockvals['qty'] : 0;
     if (!$qty) {
         $qty = 0;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$css}` SELECT '{$pid}' as product_id,ws.website_id,cis.stock_id,'{$qty}' as qty,? as stock_status\n                FROM `{$cpe}` as cpe\n                    JOIN " . $this->tablename("core_website") . " as ws ON ws.website_id IN (" . $this->arr2values($wsids) . ")\n                    JOIN " . $this->tablename("cataloginventory_stock") . " as cis ON cis.stock_id=?\n                WHERE cpe.entity_id=?\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stock_status=VALUES(`stock_status`),qty=VALUES(`qty`)";
     // [ end ] exanto.de - this does not work inside a DB transaction bc cataloginventory_stock_item is not written yet on fresh imports
     $data[] = $stock_status;
     $data = array_merge($data, $wsids);
     $data[] = $stock_id;
     $data[] = $pid;
     $this->insert($sql, $data);