예제 #1
function showchart()
    $chart = $_SESSION['chart'];
    //	print_r($chart);
    if ($chart) {
        $items = explode(',', $chart);
        $contents = array();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $contents[$item] = isset($contents[$item]) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
        $output[] = "<table class=\"table table-striped \">";
        $output[] = "<th><td>Nama</td><td> Harga</td><td>jumlah</td><td>subtotal</td><td>Aksi</td></th>";
        $output[] = '<form action="index.php?mod=chart&pg=chart&action=update" method="post" id="chart">';
        $no = 1;
        foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {
            $sql = "SELECT produk.*,stok.harga_jual from produk,stok WHERE produk.idproduk = '{$id}' and stok.idproduk = '{$id}'";
            $result = mysql_query($sql);
            $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
            $output[] = '<tr><td>' . $no . '</td>';
            $output[] = '<td><img src=\'upload/produk/' . $row->foto;
            $output[] = '\' width=\'128px\' height=\'128px\'><br> ' . $row->nama_produk . '</td><td>' . format_rupiah($row->harga_jual) . '</td>';
            $output[] = '<td><input type="text" class="input-mini" name="qty' . $id . '" value="' . $qty . '"  /></td>';
            $output[] = '<td>' . format_rupiah($row->harga_jual * $qty) . '</td>';
            $total += $row->harga_jual * $qty;
            $output[] = '<td><a href="index.php?mod=chart&pg=chart&action=delete&id=' . $id . '" class="btn btn-danger">Hapus</a></td></tr>';
        $output[] = "</table>";
        $qty = getQty();
        $output[] = '<h3>Total	Transaksi	: ' . format_rupiah($total) . '</h3>';
        $_SESSION['totalbayar'] = $total;
        $output[] = '<button type="submit" class=\'btn btn-primary\'>Update cart</button>';
        $output[] = '</form>';
        $output[] = '<a href=\'chart/chart_action.php\' class=\'btn btn-primary\'>Check out</a>';
    } else {
        $output[] = '<p>Keranjang belanja masih kosong.</p>';
    return join('', $output);
예제 #2
include './config.php';
include './auth.php';
$id = $_GET['id'];
$can_id = $_GET['can_id'];
$ord_id = $_GET['ord_id'];

$active_super_category = getSuperCategoryActive();
$editProductsName = editPdoructs($id);
$editProducts = editPdoructsOrder($id,$ord_id);
$active_category = getCategoryActive();
$ca_id = $editProducts[0]['category_id'];
$super_id = $editProducts[0]['supercategory_id'];
$active_sub_category = getSubCategoryActive($super_id,$ca_id);
$qty = getQty($id,$ord_id);
$price = getPriceE($id,$ord_id);
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Edit Sub Category</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <div id="popup_content"> <!--your content start-->
               <div id="msg" style="color:#007F2A; font-size: 13px;"></div>
<form name="edit_products" id="edit_products" method="post" action="" >
if (!isset($_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet])) {
    // if the session var for this mfr/worksheet is not set, create it now
    $_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['inventory_array'] = $data;
    // grab all new values
    $_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['timestamp'] = $rightnow;
    // set the timestamp
} else {
    // else if it IS set, check the timestamp in it
    if ($_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['timestamp'] + 600 < $rightnow) {
        // if the last timestamp is over 10 minutes less than the current "time()"
        $_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['inventory_array'] = $data;
        // grab all new values
        $_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['timestamp'] = $rightnow;
        // re-set the timestamp
        $the_session_id = session_id();
$qty = getQty($partnum, $_SESSION['inventory'][$worksheet]['inventory_array']);
// hopefully this way gets it from the session
if ($qty >= $qty_ordered) {
    $qtystyle = ' style="color:green;"';
} else {
    $qtystyle = ' style="color:red;"';
if (is_numeric($qty)) {
    echo 'In stock: <b' . $qtystyle . '>' . $qty . '</b>';
} else {
    echo '???';