예제 #1
$gridColumns = [['class' => 'kartik\\grid\\SerialColumn', 'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'kartik-sheet-style'], 'width' => '10px', 'header' => 'No.', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '10px', 'font-family' => 'verdana, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '10px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'Image', 'mergeHeader' => true, 'format' => 'html', 'value' => function ($data) {
    return Html::img(Yii::$app->urlManager->baseUrl . '/upload/barang/' . $data->IMAGE, ['width' => '40']);
}, 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '40px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']]], ['attribute' => 'KD_BARANG', 'label' => 'SKU', 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'NM_BARANG', 'label' => 'Item Name', 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '200px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '200px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'unitbrg', 'label' => 'Item Unit', 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'tipebrg', 'label' => 'Type', 'filterType' => GridView::FILTER_SELECT2, 'filter' => $typeBrg, 'filterWidgetOptions' => ['pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true]], 'filterInputOptions' => ['placeholder' => 'Any author'], 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'nmkategori', 'label' => 'Category', 'filterType' => GridView::FILTER_SELECT2, 'filter' => $kat, 'filterWidgetOptions' => ['pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true]], 'filterInputOptions' => ['placeholder' => 'Any author'], 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['attribute' => 'STATUS', 'filter' => $valStt, 'format' => 'raw', 'hAlign' => 'center', 'value' => function ($model) {
    if ($model->STATUS == 1) {
        return Html::a('<i class="fa fa-check"></i> &nbsp;Enable', '', ['class' => 'btn btn-success btn-xs', 'title' => 'Aktif']);
    } else {
        if ($model->STATUS == 0) {
            return Html::a('<i class="fa fa-close"></i> &nbsp;Disable', '', ['class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-xs', 'title' => 'Deactive']);
}, 'hAlign' => 'left', 'vAlign' => 'middle', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '80px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '80px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]], ['class' => 'kartik\\grid\\ActionColumn', 'dropdown' => true, 'template' => '{view}{update}{price}', 'dropdownOptions' => ['class' => 'pull-right dropup'], 'buttons' => ['view' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
    return '<li>' . Html::a('<span class="fa fa-eye fa-dm"></span>' . Yii::t('app', 'View'), ['/dashboard/alg-product/view', 'id' => $model->ID], ['data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => "#modal-view", 'data-title' => $model->KD_BARANG]) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
}, 'update' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
    return '<li>' . Html::a('<span class="fa fa-edit fa-dm"></span>' . Yii::t('app', 'Edit'), ['/dashboard/alg-product/update', 'id' => $model->ID], ['data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => "#modal-create", 'data-title' => $model->KD_BARANG]) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
}, 'price' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
    $gF = getPermissionEmp()->GF_ID;
    if ($gF <= 4) {
        return '<li>' . Html::a('<span class="fa fa-money fa-dm"></span>' . Yii::t('app', 'Price List Items'), ['/dashboard/alg-product/login-price-view'], ['data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => "#modal-price"]) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
}], 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '150px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '150px', 'height' => '10px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '9pt']]]];

<div class="container-full">
	<div style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px">			
echo $grid = GridView::widget(['id' => 'gv-brg-prodak', 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'filterModel' => $searchModel, 'filterRowOptions' => ['style' => 'background-color:rgba(97, 211, 96, 0.3); align:center'], 'columns' => $gridColumns, 'pjax' => true, 'pjaxSettings' => ['options' => ['enablePushState' => false, 'id' => 'gv-brg-prodak']], 'toolbar' => ['{export}'], 'panel' => ['heading' => '<h3 class="panel-title">List Items Production, PT.Artha Lipat Ganda</h3>', 'type' => 'warning', 'before' => Html::a('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i> ' . Yii::t('app', 'Add Items ', ['modelClass' => 'Kategori']), '/dashboard/alg-product/create', ['data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => "#modal-create", 'class' => 'btn btn-success']), 'showFooter' => false], 'export' => ['target' => GridView::TARGET_BLANK], 'exportConfig' => [GridView::PDF => ['filename' => 'kategori' . '-' . date('ymdHis')], GridView::EXCEL => ['filename' => 'kategori' . '-' . date('ymdHis')]]]);
예제 #2
function tombolCancel($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        //Permission Jabatan
        $a = getPermissionEmp()->JOBGRADE_ID;
        $b = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN1;
        if ($a == 'SEVP' or $a == 'EVP' or $a == 'SVP' or $a == 'VP' or $a == 'AVP' or $a == 'SM' or $a == 'M' or $a == 'AM' or $a == 'S' and $b == 1) {
            if ($model->STATUS !== 101 or $model->STATUS !== 4 or $model->STATUS !== 3 or $model->STATUS !== 0) {
                // 0=process 4= Reject
                $title = Yii::t('app', 'Cancel');
                $options = ['id' => 'cancel', 'data-pjax' => true, 'data-toggle-cancel' => $model->ID];
                $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
                $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
                return '<li>' . Html::a($label, '', $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #3
function tombolReview($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        /* GF_ID>=4 Group Function[Director|GM|M|S] */
        $gF = getPermissionEmp()->GF_ID;
        $Auth2 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN2;
        // Auth2
        $Auth3 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN3;
        // Auth3
        $BtnReview = getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW;
        if (($Auth2 == 1 or $Auth3 == 1) and $gF <= 4 and $BtnReview = 1 or getPermissionEmp()->EMP_ID == $model->USER_CC) {
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options = [];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/sales-order/review', 'kd' => $model->KD_RO]);
            //$url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/sales-order/approved']);
            //$url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/sales-order/approved']);
            $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #4
    $ttlTaxF = number_format($ttlTax, 2);
    $ttlDeliveryF = number_format($ttlDelivery, 2);
    $grandTotalF = number_format($grandTotal, 2);
     * LINK Modal Editing Discount | tax
     * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
     * @since 1.1
    return '<div>' . $ttlSubtotal . '</div>
						<div>' . $ttlDiscountF . '</div>
						<div>' . $ttlTaxF . '</div>
						<div>' . $ttlDeliveryF . '</div>
						<div><b>' . $grandTotalF . '</b></div>';
}, 'pageSummaryOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'right', 'width' => '100px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma', 'font-size' => '8pt', 'border-left' => '0px']], 'footer' => true], ['class' => 'kartik\\grid\\CheckboxColumn', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '20px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma', 'font-size' => '8pt', 'background-color' => 'rgba(0, 95, 218, 0.3)']], 'contentOptions' => ['style' => ['text-align' => 'center', 'width' => '20px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma', 'font-size' => '8pt', 'border-left' => '0px']], 'checkboxOptions' => ['is' => 'ck-gv', 'class' => 'simple', 'style' => ['text-align' => 'left', 'width' => '20px', 'font-family' => 'tahoma', 'font-size' => '8pt', 'border-left' => '0px']], 'rowSelectedClass' => GridView::TYPE_WARNING, 'checkboxOptions' => function ($model, $key, $index, $column) {
    if (getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'DRC') {
        if ($model->STATUS == 1) {
            return ['checked' => $model->KD_RO];
        } else {
            return ['value' => $model->KD_RO];
    } else {
        return ['value' => $model->KD_RO, 'hidden' => true];
$viewGrid = GridView::widget(['id' => 'poa-review-id', 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'showPageSummary' => true, 'columns' => $gridColumnsX, 'pjax' => true, 'pjaxSettings' => ['options' => ['enablePushState' => false, 'id' => 'poa-review-id']], 'hover' => true, 'responsive' => true, 'responsiveWrap' => true, 'bordered' => true, 'striped' => '4px', 'autoXlFormat' => true, 'export' => false]);
 * Status Value Signature1 | PurchaseOrder
 * Permission Edit [BTN_SIGN1==1] & [Status 0=process 1=CREATED]
예제 #5
function tombolReview($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        if (getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->STATUS == 0 || getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && ($model->STATUS != 101 && $model->STATUS != 102)) {
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options = [];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/request-term/review', 'kd' => $model->KD_RIB]);
            $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        } elseif (getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'ACT' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->STATUS != 102) {
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options = [];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/request-term/review', 'kd' => $model->KD_RIB]);
            $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        } elseif (getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'DRC' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->STATUS != 102 || getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'GM' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->STATUS != 102) {
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options = [];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/request-term/review', 'kd' => $model->KD_RIB]);
            $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #6
function tombolReview($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        //Permission Jabatan
        $grd = getPermissionEmp()->JOBGRADE_ID;
        $auth2 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN2;
        $auth3 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN3;
        //if(getPermissionEmp()->JOBGRADE_ID == 'S' OR getPermissionEmp()->JOBGRADE_ID == 'M' OR getPermissionEmp()->JOBGRADE_ID == 'SM' AND getPermission()->BTN_SIGN1==1 ){
        if (getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1) {
            //($a == 'EVP' OR $a == 'SVP' OR $a == 'VP') OR
            //if($model->STATUS == 1 | $model->STATUS != 0){ //STATUS!=0 ATAU STATUS=1 Available to Revview for Approved
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options = [];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/purchase-order/review', 'kdpo' => $model->KD_PO]);
            $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #7
function tombolCancel($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        /* GF_ID>=4 Group Function[Director|GM|M|S] */
        $gF = getPermissionEmp()->GF_ID;
        $Auth2 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN2;
        // Auth2
        $Auth3 = getPermission()->BTN_SIGN3;
        // Auth3
        if (($Auth2 == 1 or $Auth3 == 1) and $gF <= 4) {
            $title = Yii::t('app', 'Cancel');
            $options = ['id' => 'cancel', 'data-pjax' => true, 'data-toggle-cancel' => $model->ID];
            $icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>';
            $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, '', $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #8

<div style="font-family: tahoma ;font-size: 9pt;">
	You've changed your login password in <a href="http://www.lukisongroup.com">www.lukisongroup.com</a>
<div style="font-family: tahoma ;font-size: 9pt;">
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Account</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionUser()->username;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Name</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionEmp()->EMP_NM . ' ' . getPermissionEmp()->EMP_NM_BLK;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Email</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionUser()->email;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Status</dt>
		<dd>: Testing ver.1.1 </dd>
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Generate</dt>
		<dd>: Your password has been changed to : <?php 
echo $newPassword;
예제 #9
function review($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        if (getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'ACT' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG3_NM == "none" || getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'ACT' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG2_NM == "none") {
            $title1 = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options1 = ['id' => 'term-Review'];
            $icon1 = '<span class="fa fa-plus fa-lg"></span>';
            $label = $icon1 . ' ' . $title1;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/master/term-customers/review-act', 'id' => $model->ID_TERM]);
            $options1['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options1) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        } elseif (getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'GM' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG3_NM == "none" || getPermissionEmp()->DEP_ID == 'DRC' && getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG3_NM == "none") {
            # code...
            $title1 = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options1 = ['id' => 'term-Review'];
            $icon1 = '<span class="fa fa-plus fa-lg"></span>';
            $label = $icon1 . ' ' . $title1;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/master/term-customers/review-drc', 'id' => $model->ID_TERM]);
            $options1['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options1) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        } elseif (getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG2_NM == "none" || getPermission()->BTN_REVIEW == 1 && $model->SIG1_NM == "none") {
            $title1 = Yii::t('app', 'Review');
            $options1 = ['id' => 'term-Review'];
            $icon1 = '<span class="fa fa-plus fa-lg"></span>';
            $label = $icon1 . ' ' . $title1;
            $url = Url::toRoute(['/master/term-customers/view', 'id' => $model->ID_TERM]);
            // $options1['tabindex'] = '-1';
            return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options1) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
예제 #10
			<!-- EMPLOYEE IMAGE !-->
			<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12  text-center ">
				<img src="<?php 
echo Yii::getAlias('@HRD_EMP_UploadUrl') . '/' . $profile->emp->EMP_IMG;
" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail" style="width:80%; height:80%" />

			<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
				<table  class="col-md-12 table-bordered  text-center" style="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;">
$ttd1 = getPermissionEmp()->SIGSVGBASE64 != '' ? '<img style="width:60%; height:60%" src=' . getPermissionEmp()->SIGSVGBASE64 . '></img>' : '';
echo $ttd1;
			<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12  text-center ">
echo tombolUploadSig();

예제 #11

<div style="font-family: tahoma ;font-size: 9pt;">
	You've changed your login password in <a href="http://www.lukisongroup.com">www.lukisongroup.com</a>
<div style="font-family: tahoma ;font-size: 9pt;">
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Account</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionUser()->username;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Name</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionEmp()->NM_MIDDLE . ' ' . getPermissionEmp()->NM_END;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Email</dt>
		<dd>: <?php 
echo getPermissionUser()->email;
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Status</dt>
		<dd>: Testing ver.1.1 </dd>
		<dt style="width:80px;float:left">Generate</dt>
		<dd>: Your password has been changed to : <?php 
echo $newPassword;
예제 #12
function tombolDelete($url, $model)
    if (getPermission()) {
        if (getPermissionEmp()->EMP_ID == $model->ID_USER and getPermission()->BTN_DELETE == 1) {
            if ($model->STATUS == 0) {
                // 0=process 101=Approved
                $title = Yii::t('app', 'Delete');
                $options = ['id' => 'ro-delete', 'data-confirm' => 'Anda yakin ingin menghapus RO ini?'];
                $icon = '<span class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg"></span>';
                $label = $icon . ' ' . $title;
                $url = Url::toRoute(['/purchasing/sales-order/hapusro', 'kd' => $model->KD_RO]);
                $options['tabindex'] = '-1';
                return '<li>' . Html::a($label, $url, $options) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;