function graph_line($file, $tab) { $handle = fopen("./{$file}", "w"); fwrite($handle, "<chart>\n"); /* ecriture des options */ fwrite($handle, file_get_contents('./xml/options.xml')); fwrite($handle, "\t<chart_data>\n"); fwrite($handle, "\t\t<row>\n"); fwrite($handle, "\t\t\t<null/>\n"); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $month = getMonth($i); fwrite($handle, "\t\t\t<string>{$month}</string>\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\t\t</row>\n"); /* Boucle sur chaque catégorie */ foreach ($tab as $key => $value) { fwrite($handle, "\t\t<row>\n"); fwrite($handle, "\t\t\t<string>{$key}</string>\n"); /* Boucle sur chaque mois */ foreach ($value as $money) { fwrite($handle, "\t\t\t<number>{$money}</number>\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\t\t</row>\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\t</chart_data>\n"); fwrite($handle, "\t<chart_type>Line</chart_type>\n"); fwrite($handle, "</chart>\n"); fclose($handle); }
function getMonths() { getMonth("januar"); getMonth("februar"); getMonth("marec"); getMonth("april"); getMonth("maj"); getMonth("junij"); getMonth("julij"); getMonth("avgust"); getMonth("september"); getMonth("oktober"); getMonth("november"); getMonth("december"); }
function convertMessageDate($date, $use_today = false) { $day = convertDate($date, "d"); $month = convertDate($date, "m"); $year = convertDate($date, "Y"); $hour = convertDate($date, "H"); $minute = convertDate($date, "i"); $today = date("Ymd"); if (date("Ymd") == $year . $month . $day || !$use_today) { $formatted_date = "{$day}. " . getMonth($month) . " um {$hour}:{$minute}"; } else { $formatted_date = "{$day}. " . getMonth($month) . " {$year}"; } return $formatted_date; }
<td><a href="index.php?a=5&b=4&month=' . $i . '&year=' . $year . '">' . getMonth($i) . '</a></b> </td> <td>' . $tauxPresence . '%</td> </tr>'; } } // fin du for ?> </tbody></table> </div></div> <?php $row = getStatPresents($month, $year, $epn, "a"); // retourne l'array de presents/inscrits/label $nbp = mysqli_num_rows($row); if ($nbp != 0) { echo '<div class="box"><div class="box-header"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i><h3 class="box-title">Détail pour le mois de ' . getMonth($month) . '</h3></div> <div class="box-body"><table class="table table-condensed"> <thead><tr><th>Date</th> <th>Nom de l\'atelier</th> <th>Nb. d\'inscrits</th> <th>Nb. de présents</th> <th>Taux de présence</th></tr></thead><tbody> '; for ($x = 1; $x <= $nbp; ++$x) { $presence = mysqli_fetch_array($row); echo '<tr> <td>' . $presence['date_AS'] . '</td> <td>' . $presence['label_atelier'] . '</td> <td>' . $presence['inscrits'] . '</td> <td>' . $presence['presents'] . '</td> <td>' . $presence['total'] . '%</td></tr>';
} else { include_once "menu.php"; include_once 'class/Log.php'; include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php'; include_once "../../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php"; $dp = new datepicker("{$tableprefix}"); $dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d'; error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); $ctrl = new SelectCtrl(); $accountsctrlfrom = $ctrl->getSelectAccounts(0, 'Y', "", "accounts_codefrom"); $accountsctrlto = $ctrl->getSelectAccounts(0, 'Y', "", "accounts_codeto"); $periodctrl = $ctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'Y'); $showDateFrom = $dp->show("datefrom"); $showDateTo = $dp->show("dateto"); $datefrom = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 0); $dateto = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 1); echo <<<EOF <table border='1'> <tbody> <tr><TH colspan='4' style='text-align: center'>Criterial</TH></tr> \t<FORM name='frmTrialBalance' method='POST' target="_blank" > \t<tr> \t\t<!-- \t\t<Td class='head'>Account From</Td> \t\t<Td class='odd'><input name='accounts_codefrom1' value="{$accounts_codefrom}"></Td> \t\t<Td class='head'>Account To</Td> \t\t<Td class='odd'><input name='accounts_codeto1' value="{$accounts_codeto}"></Td>--> \t\t \t\t<Td class='head'>Account From</Td> \t\t<Td class='odd'>{$accountsctrlfrom}</Td> \t\t<Td class='head'>Account To</Td>
$param['name'] = $request['name']; } if (isset($request['staff_cd'])) { $param['staff_cd'] = $request['staff_cd']; } $termid = false; if (isset($request['submit'])) { $button = key($request['submit']); if (isset($request['weekDays'][$button])) { $titleDay = $request['weekDays'][$button]; //TOPからの遷移 // $year = 2014; // $titleDay = 0101; $date = changeYYMMDD($year, $titleDay); $year = getYear($date); $month = getMonth($date); $day = getDayYmd($date); $termid = getTermId($date); $param['target_date'] = $date; $param['titleDay'] = $titleDay . '(' . $day . ')'; } if (isset($request['title'][$button])) { $param['title'] = $request['title'][$button]; } if (isset($request['comment'][$button])) { $param['comment'] = $request['comment'][$button]; } if (isset($request['sort_order'][$button])) { $param['sort_order'] = $request['sort_order'][$button]; } if (isset($request['holiday_flg'][$button])) {
function getUserInfoHTML($edit = 0, $notAllowdToEdit = 0) { if ($edit) { $LineStart = "<input type=\"text\" name=\""; $LineMiddle = "\" value=\""; $LineEnd = "\""; } else { $LineStart = ""; $LineMiddle = ""; $LineEnd = ""; } if (isset($_POST[add_user])) { $addUser = true; ?> <input type="hidden" name="addUser" value="addUser"> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="newUserApproval" value="<?php echo $this->uname; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="getUserInfo" value="<?php echo $this->uname; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="uname" value="<?php echo $this->uname; ?> "> <!-- --> <table> <tr> <td>שם פרטי </td> <td><?php //echo $this->firstName ?> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "firstName"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->firstName . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם משפחה</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "lastName"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->lastName . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם משתמש</td> <td> <?php //echo $this->uname; ?> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($addUser) { echo "uname"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->uname . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>תעודת זהות</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "id"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->id . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>בית ספר</td> <td> <?php //From generalFunctions.php if ($edit && $edit != -1) { ?> <select name="memberOfGroup" > <?php getGroupsList($this->memberOfGroup); ?> </select> <?php } else { getUserGroup($this->uname, true); //Echo to screen } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>טלפון</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "phone"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->phone . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>טלפון נייד</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "cellPhone"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->cellPhone . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>דוא"ל</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "email"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->email . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> תאריך לידה</td> <td> <?php //echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { ?> <select name="year_of_birth" > <?php getYear($this->BirthYear); ?> </select> <select name="month_of_birth" > <?php getMonth($this->birthMonth); ?> </select> <select name="day_of_birth" > <?php getDay($this->birthDay); ?> </select> <?php } else { if (strcmp($this->BirthYear, "") != 0 && $this->BirthYear != 0) { echo $LineMiddle . $this->birthDay . "/" . $this->birthMonth . "/" . $this->BirthYear . $LineEnd; } } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>ישוב</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "city"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->city . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>רחוב</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "street"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->Street . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>מס' בית</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "houseNumber"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->houseNumber . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם האב</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "fatherName"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->fatherName . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>מספר טלפון של האב</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "fatherPhoneNumber"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->fatherPhoneNo . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם האם</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "motherName"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->motherName . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>מספר טלפון של האם</td> <td> <?php echo $LineStart; if ($edit) { echo "motherPhoneNumber"; } echo $LineMiddle . $this->motherPhoneNo . $LineEnd; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>הרשאות</td> <td> <?php //From generalFunctions.php if ($edit == 1) { ?> <select name="permissionGroup" > <?php getPermissionList($this->permission[PID]); ?> </select> <?php } else { if (isset($this->permission[PGroupName])) { echo $this->permission[PGroupName]; } else { echo "חניך"; } } ?> <input type="hidden" name="approved" value="<?php echo $this->approved(); ?> "> </td> </tr> <?php // $this->birthDay=""; // $this->birthMonth=""; // // $this->city=""; // $this->Street=""; // $this->houseNumber=""; // // $this->memberOfGroup=""; // $this->permissionGroup=""; // // $this->approvedUser=""; ?> </table> <table> <tr> <?php if ($edit) { ?> <td> <input type="submit" name="userUpdateSave" value="שמור שינויים"> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="userUpdeateCancel" value="בטל שינויים"> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="resetPassword" value="איפוס סיסמא" title="איפוס הסיסמא ל1234"> </td> <?php } else { if (!$notAllowdToEdit) { ?> <td><input type="submit" name="editUserData" value="ערוך"></td> <?php } } ?> </tr> </table> <?php }
function draw_page($persistent) { ?> <h1>ברוכים הבאים - אנא מלאו את הפרטים הבאים על מנת להצטרף למערכת</h1> <form name="registation" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <td>*שם פרטי:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="first_name" title="הכנס שם פרטי" value="<?php print_r($persistent["first_name"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>*שם משפחה:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="last_name" title="הכנס שם משפחה"value="<?php print_r($persistent["last_name"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>*שם משתמש:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="user_name" title="הכנס שם משתמש באותיות לועזיות" value="<?php print_r($persistent["user_name"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>*סיסמא:</td> <td> <input type="password" name="pass1" title="הכנס סיסמה סודית" value=<?php print_r($persistent["pass1"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>*אימות סיסמא:</td> <td> <input type="password" name="pass2" title="הכנס סיסמה סודית" value=<?php print_r($persistent["pass1"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>בית ספר:</td> <td> <select name="memberOfGroup"> <?php getGroupsList(); ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>מספר זהות:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="ID" title="הכנס מספר זהות בן 9 ספרות" value="<?php print_r($persistent["ID"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>כתובת דוא"ל:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="email" title="הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני" value=<?php print_r($persistent["email"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>תאריך לידה:</td> <td> <select name="year_of_birth" > <?php getYear(); ?> </select> <select name="month_of_birth" > <?php getMonth(); ?> </select> <select name="day_of_birth" > <?php getDay(); ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>טלפון:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="phone" title="הכנס מספר טלפון "value=<?php print_r($persistent["phone"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>טלפון סלולרי:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="cell_phone" title="הכנס מספר טלפון סלולרי" value=<?php print_r($persistent["cell_phone"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>ישוב:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="city" title="הכנס את שם הישוב בו אתה גר" value=<?php print_r($persistent["city"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>רחוב:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="street" title="הכנס את שם הרחוב בו אתה גר" value=<?php print_r($persistent["street"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>מספר בית:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="house_number" title="הכנס את מספר הבית בו אתה גר" value=<?php print_r($persistent["house_number"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם האב:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="father_name" title="הכנס את שם האב" value="<?php print_r($persistent["father_name"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> טלפון של האב:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="father_phone" title="הכנס מספר טלפון של האב" value=<?php print_r($persistent["father_phone"]); ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td>שם האם:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="mother_name" title="הכנס את שם האם" value="<?php print_r($persistent["mother_name"]); ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>טלפון של האם:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="mother_phone" title="הכנס מספר טלפון של האם" value=<?php print_r($persistent["mother_phone"]); ?> > </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" title="לחץ להרשמה" value="הירשם"></form> <?php }
dbUpdate($query, $connection); dbLog('delete event ' . $mid, $connection); header('Location: manageevents.php'); } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'update') { $connection = dbConnect(); $events = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM events WHERE deleted=false ORDER BY date", $connection); $file = fopen('../events.xml', 'w'); // exclusive lock if (flock($file, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($file, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-7"?>' . "\n"); fwrite($file, "<Records>\n"); foreach ($events as $event) { fwrite($file, "\t<Event>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Year>" . substr($event['date'], 0, 4) . "</Year>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Month>" . getMonth(substr($event['date'], 5, 2)) . "</Month>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Day>" . sprintf("%d", substr($event['date'], 8, 2)) . "</Day>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Desc_en>" . htmlspecialchars($event['msg_en'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</Desc_en>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Desc_gr>" . htmlspecialchars($event['msg_gr'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</Desc_gr>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t\t<Link>" . htmlspecialchars($event['link'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</Link>\n"); fwrite($file, "\t</Event>\n"); } fwrite($file, "</Records>\n"); flock($file, LOCK_UN); $connection = dbConnect(); dbLog('update XML event file', $connection); } else { echo 'Error locking file!'; } fclose($file); header('Location: manageevents.php');
function json2Arr($json) { $arr = json_decode($json, true); // print_r($arr); $res = []; foreach ($arr['jsonList'] as $list) { $metadata = getMeta($list); // get some metadata $month1 = getMonth($metadata, $list['month1List']); $month2 = getMonth($metadata, $list['month2List']); $month3 = getMonth($metadata, $list['month3List']); $res = array_merge($res, $month1, $month2, $month3); } return $res; }
echo "<form method=POST action='./aksi.php?module=pembelian_barang&act=input'>\n <input type=hidden name='tot_pembayaran' value='{$tot_pembelian}' id='tot_pembayaran'>\n <table class=tableku width=600>\n <tr><td width=65% align=right><a name='#total'>Total Pembelian</a><br />\n\t\t\t\t<a href='#total' onclick=\"Recalc();\" accesskey='u'>Hitung (U)lang</a></td><td align=right><input id='grandtotal' readonly='readonly' value='" . number_format($tot_pembelian, 0, ',', '.') . "' tabindex=15></td></tr>\n <tr><td width=65% align=right>Tipe Pembayaran</td>\n <td align=right><select name='tipePembayaran' tabindex=16>\n <option value='0'>-Tipe Pembayaran-</option>"; while ($pembayaran = mysql_fetch_array($pmbyrn)) { echo "<option value='{$pembayaran['idTipePembayaran']}'>{$pembayaran['tipePembayaran']}</option>"; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n <tr><td width=65% align=right>Tanggal Pembayaran (hutang)</td><td align=right><input type=text name='tglBayar' tabindex=17></td></tr>\n <tr><td width=65% align=right>Nomor Invoice</td><td align=right><input type=text name='NomorInvoice' value=0 tabindex=18></td></tr>\n <tr><td width=65% align=right>Tanggal Invoice</td><td align=right><input type=text name='TanggalInvoice'\n\t\t\tvalue='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' tabindex=19></td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td width=65% align=right>Diskon (%)</td><td align=right><input type=text id='diskonpersen' name='DiskonPersen' value=0 tabindex=20></td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td width=65% align=right>Diskon (Rp)</td><td align=right><input type=text id='diskonrupiah' name='DiskonRupiah' value=0 tabindex=21></td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td width=65% align=right>PPn (%)</td><td align=right><input type=text id='ppn' name='PPN' value=0 tabindex=22></td></tr>"; echo "\n <tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>\n <tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td><a href='aksi.php?module=pembelian_barang&act=batal'>BATAL</a></td>\n\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='idSupplier' value='" . $_SESSION['idSupplier'] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=submit value='Simpan' tabindex=23>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n </table></form>\n\t\t\t"; //fixme : Pembatalan Nota (code di atas & bawah komentar ini) perlu merujuk ke user ybs, // agar jangan keliru menghapus nota yang sedang di input oleh user yang lainnya } else { echo "Belum ada barang yang dibeli<br /><a href='aksi.php?module=pembelian_barang&act=batal'>BATAL</a>"; } break; case "laporanpembeliantanggal": // =============================================================================================================== echo "<h2>Laporan Pembelian (per Tanggal)</h2>\n <form method=POST action='?module=pembelian_barang&act=laporanpembeliantanggal&action=pilihtanggal'>\n\n <br />Periode Laporan : Bulan :\n <select name=bulanLaporan>"; $dataBulan = getMonth(); while ($bulan = mysql_fetch_array($dataBulan)) { echo "<option value={$bulan['bulan']}>" . getBulanku($bulan[bulan]) . "</option>"; } echo "</select>, Tahun :\n <select name=tahunLaporan>"; $dataTahun = getYear(); while ($tahun = mysql_fetch_array($dataTahun)) { echo "<option value={$tahun['tahun']}>{$tahun['tahun']}</option>"; } echo "</select>\n <input type=submit value=Lihat>\n </form>\n "; if ($_GET[action] == 'pilihtanggal') { // ------------------------------------------------------------ $sql = "SELECT tglTransaksiBeli, idTransaksiBeli FROM transaksibeli\n\t\t\t\tWHERE month(tglTransaksiBeli)='{$_POST['bulanLaporan']}' AND year(tglTransaksiBeli)='{$_POST['tahunLaporan']}'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY tglTransaksiBeli, idTransaksiBeli ASC"; $hasil = mysql_query($sql); ?> <hr />
function showContent($authorise, $selectedText, $option) { $strContent = ""; $choice = 0; $dte1 = ""; $dte2 = ""; $curDate = ""; $event = ""; switch ($option) { case "1": $year = $_GET['MYear']; $dte1 = $year . "-" . $selectedText . "-" . "01"; $dte2 = $year . "-" . $selectedText . "-" . "31"; $filterval = "eventtime between '" . $dte1 . "' and '" . $dte2 . "' "; $choice = 1; break; case "2": $curDate = date("d.m.Y"); $arrDate = explode(".", $curDate); $dte1 = $selectedText . "-01-01"; $dte2 = $selectedText . "-12-31"; $filterval = "eventtime between '" . $dte1 . "' and '" . $dte2 . "' "; $choice = 2; break; case "3": if (isset($_GET['Datestart'])) { $startdate = getDateToDb($_GET['Datestart']); $enddate = getDateToDb($_GET['Dateclose']); } else { $arrDate = strtEndDateMonthDiff(); $startdate = $arrDate[0]; $enddate = $arrDate[1]; } $filterval = "eventtime between '" . $startdate . "' and '" . $enddate . "' "; $choice = 3; break; case "4": $filterval = "event like '%" . $selectedText . "' "; $choice = 4; break; default: break; } $result = mysql_query("select * from eventlog where 1=1 and " . $filterval . " ") or die(mysql_error()); $paginationQuery = "select * from eventlog where 1=1 and " . $filterval; $intCount = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($intCount > 0) { if ($choice == 1) { echo '<h4>Report on ' . getMonth($selectedText) . ' ' . $_GET['MYear'] . '</h4><br>'; } else { if ($choice == 2) { echo '<h4>Report For The Year ' . $selectedText . '</h4><br>'; } else { if ($choice == 3) { if (isset($_GET['Datestart'])) { echo '<h4>Report on ' . $_GET['Datestart'] . ' and ' . $_GET['Dateclose'] . '</h4><br>'; } else { echo '<h4>Report on ' . getDateFromDb($startdate) . ' and ' . getDateFromDb($enddate) . '</h4><br>'; } } else { echo '<h4>Report on ' . $selectedText . '</h4><br>'; } } } /* function for pagination */ list($result, $classObj, $dispyListInfo) = classPagination($paginationQuery, $intCount); $listData = listEvent($authorise, $intCount, $result); $strContent .= $listData; $strContent .= '<br /><br />'; $strContent .= $dispyListInfo . '<br />'; $strContent .= $classObj->navigationBar(); } else { $strContent .= "No data is stored in the database or you are not authorised to view this data"; } echo $strContent; }
<div class="box box-primary"> <div class="box-header"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i><h3 class="box-title">Nombre d'heures de réservation par jour pour le mois de <?php echo getMonth($month); ?> </h3></div> <div class="box-body"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_jour; ++$i) { $result = getStatResaByDay($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $i, $epn); //debug($result['duree']); $dataSet3->addPoint(new Point($i, $result['duree'])); $maxBound[$i] = $result['duree']; } $maxValue = ceil(max($maxBound) / 60); $chart3->setDataSet($dataSet3); $chart3->setTitle("Detail des heures pour " . getMonth($month) . " " . $year . " "); $chart3->getPlot()->getPalette()->setBarColor(array(new Color(128, 195, 28))); $chart3->getPlot()->setLabelGenerator(new TimeLabelGenerator()); // arrondir la valeur maximale supérieure $chart3->getBound()->setUpperBound($maxValue * 60); // $chart3->getTics()->quantizeTics(12); $chart3->render("img/chart/" . $year . "/" . $namepn . "_resa-Mensuelle-" . $month . ".png"); ?> <!-- rendu du graphique sous forme d'image--> <img src="img/chart/<?php echo $year; ?> /<?php echo $namepn; ?> _resa-Mensuelle-<?php
$row .= "<th colspan='3'>" . getMonth($i) . "</th>"; $row .= "</thead>"; $row .= "<tbody>"; #body for ($j = 0; $j < count($retI[$i]); $j++) { $row .= "<tr>"; $row .= "<td style='background-color: #E7BAB6;'>- " . money_format('%(#5n', $retI[$i][$j][0]) . "</td>"; $row .= "<td> Descripcion</td>"; $row .= "<td><button class='remove' data-id='" . $retI[$i][$j][1] . "' value='remove' style='color:green;'>Quitar adeudo</button></td>"; $row .= "</tr>"; } $row .= "</tbody>"; $row .= "</table>"; $row .= "<div class='mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border'>"; $row .= "<input id='ingresoFijo' class='monthlyInput' type='text' name='amount' placeholder='100' style='color:black;'>"; $row .= "<button style='color:red;' class='insertMonthly mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect' data-idu='1'>Pagaste dinero en " . getMonth($i) . "</button>"; $row .= "</div>"; #button echo $row; } } ?> </div> </div> </div> <script>
/** * 週報(トレーナー、責任者)DB登録可否判定 * 登録可能の場合、trueを返す * * @param */ function isEntryEnabledFeedback($sql_flg, $staff_id, $term_id, $boss_id, $boss_flg, $data_type, $wm_flg) { $isEnabled = true; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `t_feedback` WHERE `staff_id` = :staff_id AND `term_id` = :term_id AND `data_type` = :data_type"; $searchParam = array('staff_id' => $staff_id, 'term_id' => $term_id['id'], 'data_type' => $data_type); if ($boss_flg == 'trainer') { $searchParam['trainer_id'] = $boss_id; $sql .= ' AND `trainer_id` = :trainer_id'; } elseif ($boss_flg == 'admin') { $searchParam['admin_id'] = $boss_id; $sql .= ' AND `admin_id` = :admin_id'; } // データベースに接続する $conn = DbControl::getInstance(); $conn->dbConnect(DbControl::SLAVE_DB); // クエリを実行する $res = $conn->dbExecFetch(DbControl::SLAVE_DB, $sql, $searchParam); if (isset($sql_flg) && !empty($sql_flg) && $sql_flg == 'insert') { if (isset($res) && $res['cnt'] > 0) { $isEnabled = false; } else { $isEnabled = true; } } elseif (isset($sql_flg) && !empty($sql_flg) && $sql_flg == 'update') { if (isset($res) && $res['cnt'] > 0) { if ($wm_flg == 'weekly') { $tense = $this->tenseWeekly($term_id['id']); } elseif ($wm_flg == 'monthly') { $target_year = getYear($this->request['target_date']); $target_month = getMonth($this->request['target_date']); $tense = tenseMonthly($target_year, $target_month); } if ($tense) { $isEnabled = true; } else { $isEnabled = false; } } else { $isEnabled = false; } } // データベースを切断する $conn->dbClose(DbControl::SLAVE_DB); return $isEnabled; }
/** * formのバリデーションチェック(テスト) * エラーがあるとtrueを返す * * @param */ function formValidate($form, $data) { $error = array(); //検索画面関連 if (!isset($data['search_staff_cd'])) { $error[] = "検索時の社員CDが取得できませんでした。"; } if (!isset($data['search_name'])) { $error[] = "検索時の社員名が取得できませんでした。"; } if (!isset($data['search_department_cd'])) { $error[] = "検索時の本部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } if (!isset($data['search_division_cd'])) { $error[] = "検索時の部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } if (!isset($data['search_section_cd'])) { $error[] = "検索時の課・支店CDが取得できませんでした。"; } if (!isset($data['search_target_year'])) { $error[] = "検索時の対象年が取得できませんでした。"; } //初期遷移のみ if ($form == "edit") { //社員IDを確認 if (!isset($data['edit_id'])) { $error[] = "編集対象の社員IDが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif (emp($data['edit_id']) || !preg_match("/^\\d{1,10}\$/", $data['edit_id'])) { $error[] = "編集対象のIDが不正です。"; } //初期遷移以外 } else { //社員IDを確認 if (!isset($data['id'])) { $error[] = "社員IDが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif (emp($data['id']) || !preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $data['id'])) { $error[] = "IDが不正です。"; } //社員CDを確認 if (!isset($data['staff_cd'])) { $error[] = "社員CDが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif (!emp($data['staff_cd']) && !preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $data['staff_cd'])) { $error[] = "社員CDが不正です。"; } //対象年度を確認 if (!isset($data['target_year'])) { $error[] = "対象年度が取得できませんでした。"; } elseif (!emp($data['target_year']) && !preg_match("/^\\d{4}\$/", $data['target_year'])) { $error[] = "対象年度が不正です。"; } //社員名を確認 if (!isset($data['name'])) { $error[] = "社員名が取得できませんでした。"; } //社員名カナを確認 if (!isset($data['name_kana'])) { $error[] = "社員名カナが取得できませんでした。"; } //性別を確認 if (!isset($data['sex'])) { $error[] = "性別が取得できませんでした。"; } //メールアドレスを確認 if (!isset($data['mail'])) { $error[] = "メールアドレスが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif (!emp($data['mail']) && !preg_match('|^([\\w])+([\\w\\._-])*\\@([\\w])+([\\w\\._-])*\\.([a-zA-Z])+$|', $data['mail'])) { $errors[] = "メールアドレスが不正です。"; } //本部CDを確認 if (!isset($data['department_cd'])) { $error[] = "本部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //部CDを確認 if (!isset($data['division_cd'])) { $error[] = "部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //課・支店CDを確認 if (!isset($data['section_cd'])) { $error[] = "課・支店CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //職種CDを確認 if (!isset($data['occupation_cd'])) { $error[] = "職種CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //職種名を確認 if (!isset($data['occupation'])) { $error[] = "職種名が取得できませんでした。"; } /* //社員CDを確認 if ( !isset($data['staff_cd']) && emp($data['staff_cd'])){ $error[] = "社員CDが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif( !preg_match("/^\d+$/", $data['staff_cd']) ) { $error[] = "社員CDが不正です。"; } //対象年度を確認 if ( !isset($data['target_year']) && emp($data['target_year']) ){ $error[] = "対象年度が取得できませんでした。"; } elseif( !preg_match("/^\d{4}$/", $data['target_year']) ) { $error[] = "対象年度が不正です。"; } //社員名を確認 if ( !isset($data['name']) && emp($data['name']) ){ $error[] = "社員名が取得できませんでした。"; } //社員名カナを確認 if ( !isset($data['name_kana']) && emp($data['name_kana']) ){ $error[] = "社員名カナが取得できませんでした。"; } //性別を確認 if ( !isset($data['sex']) && emp($data['sex']) ){ $error[] = "性別が取得できませんでした。"; } //メールアドレスを確認 if ( !isset($data['mail']) && emp($data['mail']) ){ $error[] = "メールアドレスが取得できませんでした。"; } elseif ( !preg_match('|^[0-9a-z_./?-]+@([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z-]+$|', $data['mail']) ) { $errors[] = "メールアドレスが不正です。"; } //本部CDを確認 if ( !isset($data['department_cd']) && emp($data['department_cd']) ){ $error[] = "本部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //部CDを確認 if ( !isset($data['division_cd']) && emp($data['division_cd']) ){ $error[] = "部CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //課・支店CDを確認 if ( !isset($data['section_cd']) && emp($data['section_cd']) ){ $error[] = "課・支店CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //職種CDを確認 if ( !isset($data['occupation_cd']) && emp($data['occupation_cd']) ){ $error[] = "職種CDが取得できませんでした。"; } //職種名を確認 if ( !isset($data['occupation']) && emp($data['occupation']) ){ $error[] = "職種名が取得できませんでした。"; } */ //権限を確認 if (isset($data['group_cd'])) { if (is_array($data['group_cd']) && in_array(ACCOUNT_NEW_EMP, $data['group_cd']) && count($data['group_cd']) > 1) { $error[] = "新入社員権限は他の権限と併用できません。"; } } //退職フラグを確認 if (isset($data['retire_flg']) && !preg_match("/^\\d\$/", $data['retire_flg'])) { $error[] = "退職フラグ指定値が不正です。"; } //件数分の判定処理 $cnt = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { //トレーナー確認 if (isset($data["department_cd_trainer{$i}"]) && !emp($data["department_cd_trainer{$i}"])) { if (!isset($data["user_id_trainer{$i}"]) || emp($data["user_id_trainer{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJTトレーナー" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「トレーナー名」が選択されていません。"; } } //責任者確認 /* if( isset($data["department_cd_admin{$i}"]) && !emp( $data["department_cd_admin{$i}"] ) ){ if( !isset($data["user_id_admin{$i}"]) || emp( $data["user_id_admin{$i}"] ) ){ $error[] = "担当OJT責任者".($i+1)."人目の「責任者名」が選択されていません。"; } } */ //責任者所属選択あり、責任者名選択なし/期間指定なし if (isset($data["department_cd_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["department_cd_admin{$i}"])) { if (!isset($data["user_id_admin{$i}"]) || emp($data["user_id_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「責任者名」が選択されていません。"; } if (!isset($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) || emp($data["start_date_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当開始日」を入力されていません。"; } if (!isset($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]) || emp($data["end_date_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当終了日」を入力されていません。"; } } //責任者紐付き期間確認 //半角数字8桁・正しい日付けか if (isset($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["start_date_admin{$i}"])) { $year = getYear($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]); $month = getMonth($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]); $day = getDays($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]); if (!preg_match("/^\\d{8}\$/", $data["start_date_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当開始日」は半角数字8桁で入力してください。"; } elseif (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当開始日」が不正です。"; } } if (isset($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["end_date_admin{$i}"])) { $year = getYear($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]); $month = getMonth($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]); $day = getDays($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]); if (!preg_match("/^\\d{8}\$/", $data["end_date_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当終了日」は半角数字8桁で入力してください。"; } elseif (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当終了日」が不正です。"; } } if (isset($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) && isset($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["end_date_admin{$i}"])) { //開始日が終了日より過去か if ($data["start_date_admin{$i}"] > $data["end_date_admin{$i}"]) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「担当開始日」は「担当終了日」より過去を入力してください。"; } } if (isset($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["start_date_admin{$i}"]) || isset($data["end_date_admin{$i}"]) && !emp($data["end_date_admin{$i}"])) { //責任者所属選択なし、期間指定あり if (!isset($data["department_cd_admin{$i}"]) || emp($data["department_cd_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の所属部署が選択されていません。"; } //責任者名選択なし、期間指定あり if (!isset($data["user_id_admin{$i}"]) || emp($data["user_id_admin{$i}"])) { $error[] = "担当OJT責任者" . ($i + 1) . "人目の「責任者名」が選択されていません。"; } } } } // チェック結果を返す if (count($error) > 0) { return $error; } else { return false; } }
<option value="0">- wszystkie -</option> <?php foreach ($this->month_year_select as $key => $value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $value['month'] . '-' . $value['year']; ?> " <?php if ($this->month_year == $value['month'] . '-' . $value['year']) { echo ' selected'; } ?> ><?php echo getMonth($value['month']) . ' ' . $value['year'] . ' (' . $value['count'] . ')'; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->countOfFilteredArticles > 5) { ?> <label>Wpisów na stronie:</label> <select name="page_limit"> <option value="5" <?php
?> </p> <hr> <strong><i class="fa fa-map-marker margin-r-5"></i> Adresse</strong> <p class="text-muted"><?php echo $row["adresse_user"]; ?> <br><?php echo getCity($row["ville_user"]); ?> </p> <hr> <strong><i class="fa fa-pencil margin-r-5"></i> Données personnelles</strong> <p class="text-muted">né(e) le <?php echo $row["jour_naissance_user"] . " " . getMonth($row["mois_naissance_user"]) . " " . $row["annee_naissance_user"]; ?> </p> <p class="text-muted"><i class="fa fa-phone margin-r-5"></i> <?php echo $row["tel_user"]; ?> </p> <p class="text-muted"><i class="fa fa-envelope margin-r-5"></i><?php echo $row["mail_user"]; ?> </p> </div></div>
function util_sysdatefmt_explode($date) { $months = array("Jan" => 1, "Feb" => 2, "Mar" => 3, "Apr" => 4, "May" => 5, "Jun" => 6, "Jul" => 7, "Aug" => 8, "Sep" => 9, "Oct" => 10, "Nov" => 11, "Dec" => 12); $res = preg_match("/\\s*(\\d+)-(.+)-(\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+)/", $date, $match); if ($res == 0) { //if it doesn't work try (Y-M-d) only $res = preg_match("/\\s*(\\d+)-(.+)-(\\d+)/", $date, $match); if ($res == 0) { // if it doesn't work try Y-M only $res = preg_match("/\\s*(\\d+)-(.+)/", $date, $match); if ($res == 0) { // if it doesn't work try YYYY only $res = preg_match("/\\s*(\\d+)/", $date, $match); if ($res == 0) { // nothing is valid return Epoch time $year = '1970'; $month = '1'; $day = '1'; $hour = '0'; $minute = '0'; } else { list(, $year) = $match; $month = '1'; $day = '1'; $hour = '0'; $minute = '0'; } } else { list(, $year, $month) = $match; $day = '1'; $hour = '0'; $minute = '0'; } } else { list(, $year, $month, $day) = $match; $hour = '0'; $minute = '0'; } } else { list(, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute) = $match; } return array($year, getMonth($month, $ok), $day, $hour, $minute); }
//boucler sur les tarifs $rowtarifsNB = selectPrintTarif(0); while ($tarifn = mysqli_fetch_array($rowtarifsNB)) { $mNoir = $mNoir + getStatNCbyM($i, $year, $tarifn['id_tarif'], $epn); } //retrouver l'ensemble des tarifs pour la couleur $rowtarifscoul = selectPrintTarif(1); while ($tarifc = mysqli_fetch_array($rowtarifscoul)) { $mcouleur = $mcouleur + getStatNCbyM($i, $year, $tarifc['id_tarif'], $epn); } //calcul des totaux $totalNoirBlanc = $totalNoirBlanc + $mNoir; $totalcouleur = $totalcouleur + $mcouleur; $totalpages = $totalpages + $pagesimprime; $totalcredit = $totalcredit + $credit; echo '<tr><td align="right"><a href="">' . getMonth($i) . '</a></b> </td> <td >' . $pagesimprime . '</td> <td>' . $credit . ' €</td> <td>' . $mNoir . '</td> <td>' . $mcouleur . '</td></tr>'; //vider pour la suite $pagesimprime = ''; $credit = ''; $mNoir = ''; $mcouleur = ''; } ?> <tr ><td>Totaux</td> <td ><?php echo $totalpages; ?>
if (strlen($period->period_month) == 1) { $period->period_month = '0' . $period->period_month; } $dateto = "{$period->period_year}-{$period->period_month}-31"; } if ($periodfrom_id == 0) { $datefrom = "0000-01-01"; $pdf->datefrom = ""; } else { $pdf->datefrom = getMonth(str_replace("-", "", $datefrom), 0); } if ($periodto_id == 0) { $dateto = "9999-01-31"; $pdf->dateto = ""; } else { $pdf->dateto = getMonth(str_replace("-", "", $dateto), 1); } if ($pdf->datefrom == "") { $pdf->datefrom = $pdf->getBatchInfo(0); } if ($pdf->dateto == "") { $pdf->dateto = $pdf->getBatchInfo(1); } //$pdf->datefrom=$datefrom; //$pdf->dateto=$dateto; $acc->fetchAccounts($accounts_id); $balanceamt = $acc->accBalanceBFAmount($periodfrom_id, $accounts_id); if ((int) $balanceamt == 0) { $balanceamt = 0; } $pdf->headeraccounts_code = $acc->accountcode_full;
<?php include "../include/fonction.php"; include "../connect_db.php"; // $date = $_GET["date"]; $epn = $_GET["epn"]; $separator = ";"; header("Content-type: application/"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=caissedumois-" . $date . ".csv"); // Ligne entête $csv_output = "Etat de caisse pour le mois de " . getMonth($date) . " " . date('Y'); $csv_output .= "\n"; $csv_output .= "date" . $separator . "nom" . $separator . "prenom" . $separator . "Tarif" . $separator . "Nombre" . $separator . "Encaissé" . $separator . "Caissier"; $csv_output .= "\n"; //Les impressions du jour $db = mysqli_connect($host, $userdb, $passdb, $database); $sql = "SELECT `print_date`,`print_debit`,`donnee_tarif`,`print_credit`, nom_user, prenom_user ,print_userexterne,print_user,print_caissier\nFROM tab_print, tab_user , tab_tarifs \nWHERE MONTH(`print_date`)=" . $date . "\nAND print_statut=1 \nAND tab_print.`print_user`=tab_user.id_user \nAND tab_print.print_tarif=tab_tarifs.`id_tarif` \nAND print_epn=" . $epn . "\nORDER BY print_date ASC"; $resultprint = mysqli_query($db, $sql); mysqli_close($db); $nbprint = mysqli_num_rows($resultprint); $total = 0; //*** verification utilisateur externe $db = mysqli_connect($host, $userdb, $passdb, $database); $sql1 = "SELECT `id_user` FROM `tab_user` WHERE `nom_user`='Externe' AND `login_user`='compte_imprim' "; $resultexterne = mysqli_query($db, $sql1); mysqli_close($db); if ($resultexterne == FALSE) { return FALSE; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultexterne);
</FORM> EOF; if ($_POST["viewpdf"] == "0") { $datefrom = $_POST['period_from']; $dateto = $_POST['period_to']; $accounts_codefrom = $_POST['accounts_codefrom']; $accounts_codeto = $_POST['accounts_codeto']; $datefrom = str_replace("-", "", getPeriodDate($datefrom)); $dateto = str_replace("-", "", getPeriodDate($dateto)); if ($datefrom != "") { $datefrom = getMonth($datefrom . "01", 0); } if ($dateto != "") { $dateto = getMonth($dateto . "01", 1); } if ($datefrom == "") { $datefrom = "0000-00-00"; } if ($dateto == "") { $dateto = "9999-12-31"; } //$pdf->datefromh = $datefrom; //$pdf->datetoh = $dateto; if ($_POST['accounts_codefrom'] == "") { $accounts_codefrom = "0000000"; } if ($_POST['accounts_codeto'] == "") { $accounts_codeto = "9999999"; }
$finance[1] = $outcome; } $smtp->free_result(); $smtp->close(); ?> <div class="container"> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) { if (count($arrI[$i]) > 0 || count($arrE[$i]) > 0) { echo "<div class='row' style='padding:80px 0 0;'>" . "<table class='table'><thead><th>" . getMonth($i) . "</th></thead>" . "<tbody>" . "<div class='row'>" . "<div class='col-md-6'>" . "<table class='table'><thead><th style='color:green;'>Ingreso</th></thead>" . "<tbody>"; for ($j = 0; $j < count($arrI[$i]); $j++) { echo "<td style='color:green;'>+ " . $arrI[$i][$j] . "</td>"; } echo "</tbody>" . "</div>" . "<div class='col-md-6'>" . "<table class='table'><thead><th style='color:red;'>Egreso</th></thead>" . "<tbody>"; for ($j = 0; $j < count($arrE[$i]); $j++) { echo "<td style='color:red;'>+ " . $arrE[$i][$j] . "</td>"; } echo "</tbody>" . "</div>" . "</div>" . "</tbody>" . "</table>" . "</div>"; } } ?> </div> <?php
public function showSearchForm($wherestr) { if ($this->issearch != "Y") { $this->quotation_no = ""; $this->iscomplete = "null"; $this->studentpayment_type = ""; $this->studentpayment_category = ""; if ($this->start_date == "") { $this->start_date = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 0); } if ($this->end_date == "") { $this->end_date = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 1); } } //iscomplete if ($this->iscomplete == "1") { $selectactiveY = "selected = 'selected'"; } else { if ($this->iscomplete == "0") { $selectactiveN = "selected = 'selected'"; } else { $selectactiveL = "selected = 'selected'"; } } $selectCash = ""; $selectCheque = ""; $selectNull = ""; if ($this->studentpayment_type == "C") { $selectCash = "SELECTED"; } else { if ($this->studentpayment_type == "Q") { $selectCheque = "SELECTED"; } else { $selectNull = "SELECTED"; } } $selectTypeNull = ""; $selectTypeI = ""; $selectTypeO = ""; if ($this->studentpayment_category == "I") { $selectTypeI = "SELECTED"; } else { if ($this->studentpayment_category == "O") { $selectTypeO = "SELECTED"; } else { $selectTypeNull = "SELECTED"; } } //echo $this->iscomplete; echo <<<EOF <form name="frmStudentpayment" action="studentpayment.php" method="POST"> \t</form> \t<form name="frmSearch" action="studentpayment.php" method="POST"> \t<table> \t<tr> \t<td nowrap><input value="Reset" type="reset"> \t<input value="New" type="button" onclick="gotoAction('');"></td> \t</tr> \t</table> \t<table border="0"> \t<input name="issearch" value="Y" type="hidden"> \t<input name="action" value="search" type="hidden"> \t<tr><th colspan="4">Criterial</th></tr> <tr> <td class="head">Date From (YYYY-MM-DD)</td> <td class="even"> <input name='start_date' id='start_date' value="{$this->start_date}" maxlength='10' size='10'> <input name='btnDate' value="Date" type="button" onclick="{$this->startctrl}"> </td> <td class="head">Date To (YYYY-MM-DD)</td> <td class="even"> <input name='end_date' id='end_date' value="{$this->end_date}" maxlength='10' size='10'> <input name='btnDate' value="Date" type="button" onclick="{$this->endctrl}"> </td> </tr> \t<tr> \t<td class="head">Payment No</td> \t<td class="even" acolspan="3"><input name="studentpayment_no" value="{$this->studentpayment_no}"></td> \t<td class="head">Student</td> \t<td class="even">{$this->studentctrl}</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t<td class="head">Student Name</td> \t<td class="even"><input name="student_name" value="{$this->student_name}"></td> \t<td class="head">Matrix No</td> \t<td class="even"><input name="student_no" value="{$this->student_no}"></td> \t</tr> \t<tr style="display:none"> \t<td class="head">Session</td> \t<td class="even">{$this->yearctrl} / {$this->sessionctrl}</td> \t<td class="head">Semester</td> \t<td class="even">{$this->semesterctrl}</td> \t</tr> <tr> <td class="head">Course</td> <td class="even" colspan="3">{$this->coursectrl}</td> </tr> \t<tr> <td class="head">Payment Type</td> <td class="even" acolspan="3"> <select name="studentpayment_category"> <option value="" {$selectTypeNull}>Null</option> <option value="I" {$selectTypeI}>By Invoice</option> <option value="O" {$selectTypeO}>Others</option> </select> </td> <td class="head">Payment Method</td> <td class="even" acolspan="3"> <select name="studentpayment_type"> <option value="" {$selectNull}>Null</option> <option value="C" {$selectCash}>Cash</option> <option value="Q" {$selectCheque}>Cheque</option> </select> </td> \t</tr> \t<tr> <td class="head">Is Complete</td> <td class="even" colspan="3"> <select name="iscomplete"> <option value="null" {$selectactiveL}>Null</option> <option value=1 {$selectactiveY}>Yes</option> <option value=0 {$selectactiveN}>No</option> </select> </td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t<th colspan="4"><input type="submit" aonclick="gotoAction('search');" value="Search" ></th> \t</tr> \t</table> \t</form> \t<br> EOF; }
$headersSum->{$record}['parent']->{$ref} += $plano_contas[$i]['dataTable']->{$ref}; } } } if ($plano_contas[$i]['tipo'] != 'A' && !count((array) $plano_contas[$i]['dataTable'])) { unset($plano_contas[$i]); } if ($plano_contas[$i]['tipo'] != 'A' && (strpos($record['mask'], $plano_contas[$i]['mask']) >= 0 || strlen((string) $record['cod']) != $lastCodSize) || $plano_contas[$i]['tipo'] == 'A' && count((array) $plano_contas[$i]['dataTable'])) { $data[] = $record; $lastCodSize = strlen((string) $record['cod']); $lastCod = $record['mask']; } } $tree = buildTree($data); getMonth(1, $tree[0]); getMonth(2, $tree[0]); echo json_encode($tree); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) { $r = $data[$i]; //echo $r['mask'] . "," . $r['plano'] . ",". $r['saldo'] . ",". $r['jan'] .",". $r['fev'] .",". $r['mar'] .",". $r['abr'] .",". $r['mai'] .",". $r['jun'] .",". $r['jul'] .",". $r['ago'] ."\n"; } /*echo json_encode( array( "success" => empty($mysqli->error), "error" => $mysqli->error, "data" => $newdata ) );*/ break; case "getExtrato": $fonte = addslashes($_GET['fonte']);
$PAGE = "S_REPORT_MONTHLY_EDIT"; require_once '../_init_auth.php'; require_once 'report/class.Report.php'; require_once 'target/class.Target.php'; try { $param['page'] = $PAGE; $report = new report($request); $target = new target($request); //日付取得 if (isset($request['target_date']) && !empty($request['target_date'])) { //サブメニューから遷移 $date = date('Ymd', strtotime($request['target_date'])); $termid = getTermId($date); $param['date'] = $date; $year = getYear($request['target_date']); $month = getMonth($request['target_date']); $month = sprintf('%01d', $month); $param['target_date'] = $date; } else { $param['errors'][] = "システムエラーが発生しました。"; renderTemplate('error.tpl', $param); exit; } //新入社員情報取得 if (isset($request['id'])) { $employee = $report->getEmpData($request['id']); } else { $param['errors'][] = "システムエラーが発生しました。"; renderTemplate('error.tpl', $param); exit; }
<br>Type of order: <br><input type="checkbox" id="chk_cust_graphic">Graphic</input> <br><input type="checkbox" id="chk_cust_typeset">Type settings</input> <br><input type="checkbox" id="chk_cust_webdesign">Web design</input> <br>Due date: <br><select id="sel_dueyear"> <?php for ($i = 2014; $i < 2050; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <select id="sel_duemonth"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . getMonth($i) . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <select id="sel_dueday"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <br>Description : <br><textarea id="text_cust_desc" row="30" col="5"></textarea></br> <br> <input type="button" value="Create order" onclick="createOrder()"></input> <input type="button" value="Close" onclick="closeNewOrder()" style="right: 10px"></input>
echo getCyberName($epn); ?> )</h3></div> <div class="box-body"><table class="table"> <thead><tr> <th></th> <th>Nouveaux inscrits</th> <th>Dont actifs</th></td></tr></thead></tbody> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $month; ++$i) { $nbNewAdhActifs = statInscription($i, 1, $epn); $nbNewAdhInactifs = statInscription($i, 2, $epn); //debug($nbNewAdhInactifs); $totalNewadh = $nbNewAdhActifs + $nbNewAdhInactifs; //debug($nbNewAdh); echo '<tr><td >' . getMonth($i) . '</td> <td >' . $totalNewadh . '</td> <td >' . $nbNewAdhActifs . ' (' . getPourcent($nbNewAdhActifs, $nbTotal) . ')</td></tr>'; } ?> </TBODY></table> </div></div> <?php } else { echo geterror(36); } ?>
getgroupMobile(); break; case "getgroupFortool": getgroupFortool(); break; case "getunit": getunit(); break; case "getdosageformFetch": getDosageForm(); break; case "getRouteofAdminName": RouteofAdminNamelist(); break; case "getMonth": getMonth($lang); break; case "getMonthByFrequencyId": getMonthByFrequencyId(); break; case "getMonthMobile": getMonthMobile(); break; case "getYear": getYear(); break; case "getYearMobile": getYearMobile(); break; case "getItemlistwithstrength": getItemlistwithstrength();