public function postdata() { $this->glob = get_global_setting(); $user_money = M("member_money")->where("uid = {$this->uid}")->find(); //判断是否满足免费体验资格 $quota_map['status'] = array("not in", "1,4"); $quota_map['uid'] = $this->uid; $quata_num = D("shares_apply")->where("(status not in(1,4) AND uid = {$this->uid}) OR (status = 1 AND type_id = 4 AND uid = {$this->uid})")->count(); //$quata_num = D("shares_apply")->where(" uid = {$this->uid}")->count(); //dump($quata_num);die; if ($quata_num != 0) { echo jsonmsg('很抱歉,您不具备免费体验配资资格!', 0); exit; } //当天范围 $today_start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time())); $today_end = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", time())); $free_map = array(); $free_map['type_id'] = 4; $free_map['status'] = array("in", "1,2,3"); $free_map['add_time'] = array("between", array($today_start, $today_end)); $free_num = D("shares_apply")->where($free_map)->count(); //判断是否满足免费体验名额 if ($free_num >= $this->glob['free_num']) { echo jsonmsg('今日免费体验名额已满,请明天再来!', 0); exit; } //判断用户是否登录 if (session('u_id') == null) { echo jsonmsg('您还没有登录,请先登录!', 2); exit; } //判断是否实名认证 /*$ids = M('members_status')->getFieldByUid($this->uid,'id_status'); if($ids!=1){ echo jsonmsg('您还未完成身份验证,请先进行实名认证!',2);exit; }*/ //判断是否手机认证 /*$phones = M('members_status')->getFieldByUid($this->uid,'phone_status'); if($phones!=1){ echo jsonmsg('您还未手机认证,请先进行手机认证!',3);exit; }*/ $uid = $this->uid; $count = getMoneylimit($this->uid); $all_money = $count + 1; if ($all_money > $user_money['account_money'] + $user_money['back_money']) { echo jsonmsg('您的可用余额不足以支付您所有的配资申请费用,请等待审核完成或进行充值!', 4); exit; } //执行添加 $_POST['uid'] = $this->uid; $ret = D("SharesApply")->addFreeStock(); if ($ret) { echo jsonmsg('恭喜配资成功!', 1); exit; } else { echo jsonmsg('恭喜配资失败!', 0); exit; } }
public function dosupply() { $user_money = M('member_money')->where("uid = {$this->uid}")->find(); $count = getMoneylimit($this->uid); if ($count + $this->_post("money") > $user_money['back_money'] + $user_money['account_money']) { $msg = array(); $msg['msg'] = '可用余额不足!Sorry!'; echo json_encode($msg); die; } dosupply($this->_post("id"), $this->_post("money"), $this->uid, 1); }
public function postdatab() { $jsoncode = file_get_contents("php://input"); $arr = array(); $arr = json_decode($jsoncode, true); if (!is_array($arr) || empty($arr) || empty($arr['uid'])) { ajaxmsg("查询错误!", 0); } $user_money = M("member_money")->where("uid = {$this->uid}")->find(); $quota_map['status'] = array("not in", "1,4"); $quota_map['uid'] = $this->uid; $quata_num = D("shares_apply")->where("(status not in(1,4) AND uid = {$this->uid}) OR (status = 1 AND type_id = 4 AND uid = {$this->uid})")->count(); if ($quata_num != 0) { ajaxmsg('很抱歉,您不具备免费体验配资资格!', 0); } //当天范围 $today_start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", time())); $today_end = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", time())); $free_map = array(); $free_map['status'] = 4; $free_map['add_time'] = array("between", array($today_start, $today_end)); $free_num = D("shares_apply")->where($free_map)->count(); //判断是否满足免费体验名额 if ($free_num >= $this->glob['free_num']) { ajaxmsg('今日免费体验名额已满,请明天再来!', 0); } //判断用户是否登录 if (session('u_id') == null) { ajaxmsg('您还没有登录,请先登录!', 2); } $uid = $this->uid; $count = getMoneylimit($this->uid); $all_money = $count + 1; if ($all_money > $user_money['account_money'] + $user_money['back_money']) { ajaxmsg('您的可用余额不足以支付您所有的配资申请费用,请等待审核完成或进行充值!', 4); } //执行添加 $_POST['uid'] = $this->uid; $ret = D("SharesApply")->addFreeStock(); if ($ret) { ajaxmsg('恭喜配资成功!', 1); } else { ajaxmsg('恭喜配资失败!', 0); } }
public function postdata() { $days = intval($_POST['days']); $stock_money = $_POST['stock_money']; $type = $_POST['type']; $istoday = $_POST['istoday']; if (!$istoday) { echo jsonmsg('数据有误!', 0); exit; } elseif (!$type) { echo jsonmsg('数据有误!', 0); exit; } elseif ($days < 2 || $days > 30) { echo jsonmsg('配资天数有误!', 0); exit; } elseif ($stock_money < 1000) { echo jsonmsg('配资金额小于最小配资金额!', 0); exit; } $uid = $this->uid; $glo = M('shares_global')->field('text')->where("code = " . "'{$type}'")->find(); $glos = explode('|', $glo['text']); $guarantee_money = $stock_money / $glos[0]; //保证金 $interest = $stock_money * ($glos[1] / 1000) * $days; //总利息 $user_money = M('member_money')->where("uid = {$this->uid}")->find(); $uid = $this->uid; $count = getMoneylimit($this->uid); $all_money = $count + $guarantee_money + $interest; if ($all_money > $user_money['account_money'] + $user_money['back_money']) { echo jsonmsg('您的可用余额不足以支付您所有的配资申请费用,请等待审核完成或进行充值!', 4); exit; } /* //判断是否实名认证 $ids = M('members_status')->getFieldByUid($this->uid,'id_status'); if($ids!=1){ echo jsonmsg('您还未完成身份验证,请先进行实名认证!',2);exit; } //判断是否手机认证 $phones = M('members_status')->getFieldByUid($this->uid,'phone_status'); if($phones!=1){ echo jsonmsg('您还未手机认证,请先进行手机认证!',3);exit; } */ $ret = stockmoney($days, $stock_money, $type, $istoday, $uid); if ($ret) { echo jsonmsg('恭喜配资成功!', 1); } else { echo jsonmsg('Sorry,配资失败!', 0); } //dump($daydata);die; }