<?php /** * 自动引入每个模型的挂件文件 * tangbing <*****@*****.**> * 2015/10/14 16:20 */ if (getModuleInfo()) { $widgets_dir = getModuleInfo()->getPath() . '/Widgets'; if (is_dir($widgets_dir)) { $dir = dir($widgets_dir); while ($file = $dir->read()) { if (in_array($file, ['.', '..']) || substr($file, '-3', '3') != 'php' || !is_file($widgets_dir . '/' . $file)) { continue; } include $widgets_dir . '/' . $file; } } } /* * DEMO 部分 * 文档地址:http://sky.pingpong-labs.com/docs/2.0/widget */ Widget::register('demo', function ($contents) { return "<h1>{$contents}</h1>"; });
function executeContrexxUpdate() { global $_CORELANG, $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $objUpdate, $_DBCONFIG; /** * These are the modules which MUST have new template in order for Cloudrexx * to work correctly. CSS definitions for these modules will get updated too. */ $viewUpdateTable = array('newsletter' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array('forms')), 'calendar' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'shop' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array('forms')), 'voting' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'access' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array('forms', 'captcha', 'uploader')), 'podcast' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'login' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array('forms', 'captcha')), 'media1' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'media2' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'media3' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array()), 'media4' => array('version' => '', 'dependencies' => array())); $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copyFilesFinished'] = !empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copyFilesFinished']) ? $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copyFilesFinished'] : false; // Copy cx files to the root directory if (!$_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copyFilesFinished']) { if (!loadMd5SumOfOriginalCxFiles()) { return false; } $copyFilesStatus = copyCxFilesToRoot(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cx_files', ASCMS_PATH . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET); if ($copyFilesStatus !== true) { if ($copyFilesStatus === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); } return false; } if (extension_loaded('apc') && ini_get('apc.enabled')) { apc_clear_cache(); } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copyFilesFinished'] = true; // log modified files DBG::msg('MODIFIED FILES:'); if (isset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['modified_files'])) { DBG::dump($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['modified_files']); } // we need to stop the script here to force a reinitialization of the update system // this is required so that the new constants from config/set_constants.php are loaded //setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_PROCESS_HALTED'], 'title'); //setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_PROCESS_HALTED_TIME_MSG'].'<br />', 'msg'); //setUpdateMsg('Installation der neuen Dateien abgeschlossen.<br /><br />', 'msg'); //setUpdateMsg('<input type="submit" value="'.$_CORELANG['TXT_CONTINUE_UPDATE'].'" name="updateNext" /><input type="hidden" name="processUpdate" id="processUpdate" />', 'button'); setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } unset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['copiedCxFilesIndex']); /** * This needs to be initialized before loading config/doctrine.php * Because we overwrite the Gedmo model (so we need to load our model * before doctrine loads the Gedmo one) */ require_once ASCMS_CORE_PATH . '/ClassLoader/ClassLoader.class.php'; $cl = new \Cx\Core\ClassLoader\ClassLoader(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT, true); Env::set('ClassLoader', $cl); FWLanguage::init(); if (!isset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update'])) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update'] = array(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'])) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'] = array(); } ///////////////////// // UTF-8 MIGRATION // ///////////////////// if (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/core.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/core.php')); return false; } if (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/utf8.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/utf8.php')); return false; } if (!in_array('utf8', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _utf8Update(); if ($result === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } elseif (!$result) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UTF_CONVERSION']), 'title'); } return false; } if ($result === 'charset_changed') { // write new charset/collation definition to config file if (!_writeNewConfigurationFile()) { return false; } } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'utf8'; // _utf8Update() might have changed the charset/collation and migrated some tables, // therefore, we will force a reinitialization of the update system // to ensure that all db-connections are using the proper charset/collation \DBG::msg('Changed collation to: ' . $_DBCONFIG['collation']); \DBG::msg('Force reinitialization of update...'); setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } ///////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // Session Table MIGRATION // ///////////////////////////// $isSessionVariableTableExists = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist(DBPREFIX . 'session_variable'); if ($isSessionVariableTableExists) { createOrAlterSessionVariableTable(); } if (!$isSessionVariableTableExists && $objUpdate->_isNewerVersion($_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'], '3.2.0')) { if (!migrateSessionTable()) { setUpdateMsg('Error in updating session table', 'error'); return false; } setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } // Load Doctrine (this must be done after the UTF-8 Migration, because we'll need $_DBCONFIG['charset'] to be set) $incDoctrineStatus = (require_once UPDATE_PATH . '/config/doctrine.php'); Env::set('incDoctrineStatus', $incDoctrineStatus); $userData = array('id' => $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['user_id'], 'name' => $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['username']); $loggableListener = \Env::get('loggableListener'); $loggableListener->setUsername(json_encode($userData)); ///////////////////// if ($objUpdate->_isNewerVersion($_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'], '3.0.0')) { ////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: CONTENT MIGRATION // ////////////////////////////// DBG::msg('Installed version: ' . $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion']); Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ContentMigration.class.php'); $contentMigration = new \Cx\Update\Cx_3_0_4\ContentMigration(); // Migrate statistics - this must be done before migrating to the new content architecture if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['content_stats'])) { DBG::msg('Migrate stats'); if ($contentMigration->migrateStatistics()) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['content_stats'] = true; if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } else { return false; } } // Check if there are content of inactive languages. // If true then ask if the update system can remove them. if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['inactive_content_languages_checked'])) { DBG::msg('Check inactive content languages'); $arrMigrateLangIds = $contentMigration->getActiveContentLanguageIds(); if (!isset($_POST['skipMigrateLangIds'])) { $result = $contentMigration->getInactiveContentLanguageCheckboxes(); if (!empty($result)) { setUpdateMsg('Inhaltsseiten von inaktiven Sprache(n) gefunden', 'title'); setUpdateMsg(' Folgende Sprache(n) sind inaktiv, aber enthalten Inhaltsseiten:<br /> ' . $result . '<br /> Wählen Sie die inaktiven Sprachen, dessen Inhaltseiten Sie migrieren möchten.<br /> Klicken Sie anschliessend auf <b>Update fortsetzen...</b>.<br /><br /> <div class="message-alert"> <b>Achtung:</b><br /> Die Inhaltsseiten der inaktive Sprache(n), welche Sie nicht ausgewählt haben, werden gelöscht. </div> ', 'msg'); setUpdateMsg('<input type="submit" value="' . $_CORELANG['TXT_CONTINUE_UPDATE'] . '" name="updateNext" /><input type="hidden" name="processUpdate" id="processUpdate" /><input type="hidden" name="skipMigrateLangIds" id="skipMigrateLangIds" />', 'button'); return false; } } else { if (!empty($_POST['migrateLangIds'])) { if (is_array($_POST['migrateLangIds'])) { $_POST['migrateLangIds'] = array_filter($_POST['migrateLangIds'], 'intval'); if (!empty($_POST['migrateLangIds'])) { $arrMigrateLangIds = array_merge($arrMigrateLangIds, $_POST['migrateLangIds']); } } else { if (intval($_POST['migrateLangIds'])) { $arrMigrateLangIds[] = intval($_POST['migrateLangIds']); } } } } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['migrate_lang_ids'] = $arrMigrateLangIds; $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['inactive_content_languages_checked'] = true; } if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['migrate_lang_ids'])) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['migrate_lang_ids'] = $contentMigration->getActiveContentLanguageIds(); } $contentMigration->arrMigrateLangIds = ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['migrate_lang_ids']); $contentMigration->migrateLangIds = implode(',', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['migrate_lang_ids'])); // Migrate content if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['content_migrated'])) { DBG::msg('Migrate content'); $status = $contentMigration->migrate(); if ($status === true) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['content_migrated'] = true; // log migrated nodes DBG::msg('NODES: catId -> nodeId'); DBG::dump(ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['nodes'])); unset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['nodes']); // log migrated pages DBG::msg('PAGES: catId -> pageId'); DBG::dump(ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['pages'])); unset($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['pages']); if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } else { if ($status === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } else { return false; } } } // Page grouping if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['pages_grouped'])) { DBG::msg('Group pages'); $pageGrouping = $contentMigration->pageGrouping(); if ($pageGrouping === true) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['pages_grouped'] = true; if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } else { if ($pageGrouping === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } else { if ($pageGrouping === false) { return false; } else { if (!empty($pageGrouping)) { $arrDialogData = array('similarPages' => $contentMigration->similarPages); setUpdateMsg('Inhaltsseiten gruppieren', 'title'); setUpdateMsg($pageGrouping, 'msg'); setUpdateMsg('<input type="submit" value="' . $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_NEXT'] . '" name="updateNext" /><input type="hidden" name="processUpdate" id="processUpdate" />', 'button'); setUpdateMsg($arrDialogData, 'dialog'); return false; } } } } } // Migrate aliases if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['aliases_migrated'])) { DBG::msg('Migrate aliases'); if ($contentMigration->migrateAliases()) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['aliases_migrated'] = true; if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } else { return false; } } // Migrate blocks if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['blocks_migrated'])) { DBG::msg('Migrate blocks'); if ($contentMigration->migrateBlocks()) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['blocks_migrated'] = true; if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } else { return false; } } // Drop old tables if (empty($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['old_tables_dropped'])) { DBG::msg('Drop old tables'); if ($contentMigration->dropOldTables()) { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['old_tables_dropped'] = true; if (!checkMemoryLimit() || !checkTimeoutLimit()) { return false; } } } //////////////////////////// // END: CONTENT MIGRATION // //////////////////////////// } else { /////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: UPDATE FOR CONTREXX 3 OR NEWER // /////////////////////////////////////////// $result = _updateModuleRepository(); if ($result === false) { DBG::msg('unable to update module repository'); if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_REPOSITORY']), 'title'); } return false; } else { try { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql('UPDATE `' . DBPREFIX . 'log_entry` SET `object_class` = \'Cx\\\\Core\\\\ContentManager\\\\Model\\\\Entity\\\\Page\' WHERE object_class = \'Cx\\\\Model\\\\ContentManager\\\\Page\''); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { return \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::DefaultActionHandler($e); } // before an update of module page can be done, the db changes have to be done \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table(DBPREFIX . 'content_page', array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'notnull' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'node_id' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'id'), 'nodeIdShadowed' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'node_id'), 'lang' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'after' => 'nodeIdShadowed'), 'type' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'after' => 'lang'), 'caching' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'after' => 'type'), 'updatedAt' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'after' => 'caching', 'notnull' => false), 'updatedBy' => array('type' => 'CHAR(40)', 'after' => 'updatedAt'), 'title' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'after' => 'updatedBy'), 'linkTarget' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'title'), 'contentTitle' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'after' => 'linkTarget'), 'slug' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'after' => 'contentTitle'), 'content' => array('type' => 'longtext', 'after' => 'slug'), 'sourceMode' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'notnull' => true, 'default' => '0', 'after' => 'content'), 'customContent' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'sourceMode'), 'useCustomContentForAllChannels' => array('type' => 'INT(2)', 'after' => 'customContent', 'notnull' => false), 'cssName' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'useCustomContentForAllChannels'), 'cssNavName' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'cssName'), 'skin' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'cssNavName'), 'useSkinForAllChannels' => array('type' => 'INT(2)', 'after' => 'skin', 'notnull' => false), 'metatitle' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'useSkinForAllChannels'), 'metadesc' => array('type' => 'text', 'after' => 'metatitle'), 'metakeys' => array('type' => 'text', 'after' => 'metadesc'), 'metarobots' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(7)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'metakeys'), 'start' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'after' => 'metarobots', 'notnull' => false), 'end' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'after' => 'start', 'notnull' => false), 'editingStatus' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'after' => 'end'), 'protection' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'after' => 'editingStatus'), 'frontendAccessId' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'after' => 'protection'), 'backendAccessId' => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'after' => 'frontendAccessId'), 'display' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'after' => 'backendAccessId'), 'active' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'after' => 'display'), 'target' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'active'), 'module' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'notnull' => false, 'after' => 'target'), 'cmd' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(50)', 'notnull' => true, 'default' => '', 'after' => 'module')), array('node_id' => array('fields' => array('node_id', 'lang'), 'type' => 'UNIQUE'), 'IDX_D8E86F54460D9FD7' => array('fields' => array('node_id'))), 'InnoDB', '', array('node_id' => array('table' => DBPREFIX . 'content_node', 'column' => 'id', 'onDelete' => 'SET NULL', 'onUpdate' => 'NO ACTION'))); if (_convertThemes2Component() === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { DBG::msg('unable to convert themes to component'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_CONVERT_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } if (_updateModulePages($viewUpdateTable) === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { DBG::msg('unable to update module templates'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } /* else { if (!in_array('moduleStyles', $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'])) { if (_updateCssDefinitions($viewUpdateTable, $objUpdate) === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'moduleStyles'; } }*/ } // we are updating from 3.0.0 rc1, rc2, stable or if (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/update3.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/update3.php')); return false; } if (!createHtAccess()) { $webServerSoftware = !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') ? 'apache' : (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'iis') ? 'iis' : ''); $file = $webServerSoftware == 'iis' ? 'web.config' : '.htaccess'; setUpdateMsg('Die Datei \'' . $file . '\' konnte nicht erstellt/aktualisiert werden.'); return false; } // Update configuration.php if (!_writeNewConfigurationFile()) { return false; } $arrUpdate = $objUpdate->getLoadedVersionInfo(); $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'] = $arrUpdate['cmsVersion']; $lupd = new License(); try { $lupd->update(false); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_LICENSE_DATA']), 'title'); return false; } return true; ///////////////////////////////////////// // END: UPDATE FOR CONTREXX 3 OR NEWER // ///////////////////////////////////////// } /////////////////////////////////////////// // CONTINUE UPDATE FOR NON CX 3 VERSIONS // /////////////////////////////////////////// $arrDirs = array('core_module', 'module'); $updateStatus = true; if (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/backendAreas.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/backendAreas.php')); return false; } elseif (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/modules.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/modules.php')); return false; } elseif (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/settings.php')) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/settings.php')); return false; } if (!in_array('coreUpdate', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _coreUpdate(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_CORE_SYSTEM']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreUpdate'; } } $missedModules = array(); if ($objUpdate->_isNewerVersion($_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'], '3.0.0')) { $missedModules = getMissedModules(); $conflictedModules = getConflictedModules($missedModules); if (!empty($conflictedModules)) { $conflictedModulesList = ''; foreach ($conflictedModules as $moduleName => $moduleTables) { $conflictedModulesList = '<li><strong>' . $moduleName . ':</strong> ' . implode(', ', $moduleTables) . '</li>'; } setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_CONFLICTED_MODULES_TITLE'], 'title'); setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_CONFLICTED_MODULES_DESCRIPTION'] . '<ul>' . $conflictedModulesList . '</ul>', 'msg'); setUpdateMsg('<input type="submit" value="' . $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_TRY_AGAIN'] . '" name="updateNext" /><input type="hidden" name="processUpdate" id="processUpdate" />', 'button'); return false; } } foreach ($arrDirs as $dir) { $dh = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/' . $dir); if ($dh) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!in_array($file, ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $fileInfo = pathinfo(dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/' . $dir . '/' . $file); if ($fileInfo['extension'] == 'php') { DBG::msg("--------- updating {$file} ------"); if (!(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/' . $dir . '/' . $file)) { setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_ERROR'], 'title'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_UPDATE_COMPONENT'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/' . $dir . '/' . $file)); return false; } if (!in_array($fileInfo['filename'], $missedModules)) { $function = '_' . $fileInfo['filename'] . 'Update'; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $file), 'title'); } return false; } elseif ($result === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } } else { setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_ERROR'], 'title'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UPDATE_COMPONENT_CORRUPT'], '.' . $fileInfo['filename'], $file)); return false; } } else { $function = '_' . $fileInfo['filename'] . 'Install'; if (function_exists($function)) { $result = $function(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $file), 'title'); } return false; } elseif ($result === 'timeout') { setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } else { // fetch module info from components/core/module.php $arrModule = getModuleInfo($fileInfo['filename']); if ($arrModule) { try { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "modules ( `id` , `name` , `description_variable` , `status` , `is_required` , `is_core` , `distributor` ) VALUES ( " . $arrModule['id'] . " , '" . $arrModule['name'] . "', '" . $arrModule['description_variable'] . "', '" . $arrModule['status'] . "', '" . $arrModule['is_required'] . "', '" . $arrModule['is_core'] . "', 'Comvation AG') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = `id`"); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { return \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::DefaultActionHandler($e); } } else { DBG::msg('unable to register module ' . $fileInfo['filename']); } } } else { setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_ERROR'], 'title'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UPDATE_COMPONENT_CORRUPT'], '.' . $fileInfo['filename'], $file)); return false; } } } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = $file; setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } } } else { setUpdateMsg($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_ERROR'], 'title'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_UNABLE_LOAD_DIR_COMPONENTS'], dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/' . $dir)); return false; } closedir($dh); } if (!in_array('coreSettings', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _updateSettings(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_BASIC_CONFIGURATION']), 'title'); } return false; } else { // update configuration.php (migrate to new format) if (!_writeNewConfigurationFile()) { return false; } $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreSettings'; // till this point the file config/version.php was still loaded upon a request, // therefore we must force a new page request here, to ensure that the file config/version.php // will not be loaded anylonger. This is essential here, otherwise the old values of config/version.php // would screw up the update process setUpdateMsg(1, 'timeout'); return false; } } if (!in_array('coreModules', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _updateModules(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULES']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreModules'; } } if (!in_array('coreBackendAreas', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _updateBackendAreas(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_SECURITY_SYSTEM']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreBackendAreas'; } } if (!in_array('coreModuleRepository', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _updateModuleRepository(); if ($result === false) { DBG::msg('unable to update module repository'); if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_REPOSITORY']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreModuleRepository'; } } if (!in_array('convertTemplates', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $result = _convertThemes2Component(); if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { DBG::msg('unable to convert themes to component'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_CONVERT_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'convertTemplates'; } } if (!in_array('moduleTemplates', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { if (_updateModulePages($viewUpdateTable) === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { DBG::msg('unable to update module templates'); setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'moduleTemplates'; } } if (!in_array('moduleStyles', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { if (_updateCssDefinitions($viewUpdateTable, $objUpdate) === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_MODULE_TEMPLATES']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'moduleStyles'; } } if (!in_array('navigations', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { if (_updateNavigations() === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_NAVIGATIONS']), 'title'); } return false; } else { $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'navigations'; } } if (!createHtAccess()) { $webServerSoftware = !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') ? 'apache' : (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'iis') ? 'iis' : ''); $file = $webServerSoftware == 'iis' ? 'web.config' : '.htaccess'; setUpdateMsg('Die Datei \'' . $file . '\' konnte nicht erstellt/aktualisiert werden.'); return false; } if (file_exists(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php')) { \DBG::msg('/cadmin/index.php still exists...'); // move cadmin index.php if its customized if (!loadMd5SumOfOriginalCxFiles()) { return false; } if (!verifyMd5SumOfFile(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php', '', false)) { \DBG::msg('...and it\'s customized, so let\'s move it to customizing directory'); // changes, backup modified file if (!backupModifiedFile(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php')) { setUpdateMsg('Die Datei \'' . ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php\' konnte nicht kopiert werden.'); return false; } } else { \DBG::msg('...but it\'s not customized'); } // no non-backupped changes, can delete try { \DBG::msg('So let\'s remove it...'); $cadminIndex = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php'); $cadminIndex->delete(); } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) { setUpdateMsg('Die Datei \'' . ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/index.php\' konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'); return false; } } $arrUpdate = $objUpdate->getLoadedVersionInfo(); $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'] = $arrUpdate['cmsVersion']; if (!in_array('coreLicense', ContrexxUpdate::_getSessionArray($_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done']))) { $lupd = new License(); try { $result = $lupd->update(); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_LICENSE_DATA']), 'title'); return false; } // ignore error to allow offline installations /*if ($result === false) { if (empty($objUpdate->arrStatusMsg['title'])) { setUpdateMsg(sprintf($_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_COMPONENT_BUG'], $_CORELANG['TXT_UPDATE_LICENSE_DATA']), 'title'); } return false; } else {*/ $_SESSION['contrexx_update']['update']['done'][] = 'coreLicense'; //} } return true; }
public function isModulePermitted($module = false) { if ($module === false && isset($_REQUEST["m"])) { $module = $_REQUEST["m"]; } /** * if module not set, it is home module. It is allowed */ if ($module === false) { return true; } $data_item_type = 0; $actionMapping = array(); $arrModuleInfo = getModuleInfo("modulename"); if (isset($arrModuleInfo[$module])) { if ($module == "joborders") { $reqModuleInfo = $arrModuleInfo["joborders"]; $libModuleName = "JobOrders"; include_once "lib/{$libModuleName}.php"; $data_item_type = $reqModuleInfo["data_item_type_id"]; $actionMapping = $libModuleName::actionMapping(); } else { $reqModuleInfo = $arrModuleInfo[$module]; $libModuleName = ucfirst($module); include_once "lib/{$libModuleName}.php"; $data_item_type = $reqModuleInfo["data_item_type_id"]; $actionMapping = $libModuleName::actionMapping(); } } /*switch ($module) { case 'candidates': { include_once("lib/Candidates.php"); $data_item_type=100; $actionMapping= Candidates::actionMapping(); break; } case 'companies': { include_once("lib/Companies.php"); $data_item_type=200; $actionMapping= Companies::actionMapping(); break; } case 'contacts': { include_once("lib/Contacts.php"); $data_item_type=300; $actionMapping= Contacts::actionMapping(); break; } case 'joborders': { include_once("lib/JobOrders.php"); $data_item_type=400; $actionMapping= JobOrders::actionMapping(); break; } }*/ /** * if $data_item_type is 0, it indicates other modules. so it is allowed */ if ($data_item_type <= 0) { return true; } //insert into auieo_profiles2permissions (`profileid`,`data_item_type`,`operation`,`permissions`,`site_id`) values ('3','400','4','0','180'); /*$permissions = array( "listByView"=>4, "add"=>0, "edit"=>1, "show"=>2, "delete"=>3, "default"=>"listByView" );*/ if (!isset($this->permission[$data_item_type])) { return false; } $modulePermission = $this->permission[$data_item_type]; /** * checks whether any one operation is allowed */ $isModulePermited = false; if ($modulePermission) { foreach ($modulePermission as $operation => $permission) { if ($permission > 0) { return true; } } } /** * since all the operation is not allowed, don't allow */ return false; }
<h2><?php echo _T("Module Info"); ?> </h2> <div class="phpinfo"><?php echo getModuleInfo(); ?> </div>
return false; } } } if ($objUpdate->_isNewerVersion($_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'], '3.1.0')) { // install crm require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/components/core/modules.php'; $crmModuleInfo = getModuleInfo('crm'); try { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DBPREFIX . "modules ( `id` , `name` , `description_variable` , `status` , `is_required` , `is_core` , `distributor` ) VALUES ( " . $crmModuleInfo['id'] . " , '" . $crmModuleInfo['name'] . "', '" . $crmModuleInfo['description_variable'] . "', '" . $crmModuleInfo['status'] . "', '" . $crmModuleInfo['is_required'] . "', '" . $crmModuleInfo['is_core'] . "', 'Comvation AG') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = `id`"); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { return \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::DefaultActionHandler($e); } \DBG::log('installing crm module'); // install frontend editing $frontendEditingModuleInfo = getModuleInfo('FrontendEditing'); try { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DBPREFIX . "modules ( `id` , `name` , `description_variable` , `status` , `is_required` , `is_core` , `distributor` ) VALUES ( " . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['id'] . " , '" . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['name'] . "', '" . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['description_variable'] . "', '" . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['status'] . "', '" . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['is_required'] . "', '" . $frontendEditingModuleInfo['is_core'] . "', 'Comvation AG') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = `id`"); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { return \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::DefaultActionHandler($e); } } // Add primary keys $result = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql('SHOW KEYS FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'access_group_dynamic_ids`'); if ($result->EOF) { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `' . DBPREFIX . 'access_group_dynamic_ids` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `access_id` , `group_id` )'); } $result = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql('SHOW KEYS FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'access_group_static_ids`'); if ($result->EOF) { \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql('ALTER IGNORE TABLE `' . DBPREFIX . 'access_group_static_ids` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `access_id` , `group_id` )'); }
/** * add the where condition for listing the record * @param type $dgModule * @return string */ function getPermittedRecordWhere($dgModule) { $arrModuleInfo = getModuleInfo("modulename"); if (!isset($arrModuleInfo[$dgModule])) { return array(); } $moduleInfo = $arrModuleInfo[$dgModule]; $dgTable = $moduleInfo["tablename"]; $whereSQL = array(); $access_level = Users::getInstance()->getUserInfo("access_level"); if ($access_level == 500) { return $whereSQL; } if ($dgTable) { $data_item_type = $moduleInfo["data_item_type_id"]; if (getSharingAccess($data_item_type) <= 0) { $obj = Users::getInstance(); $arrTmpWhere = array(); $arrTmpWhere[] = "({$dgTable}.owner = " . $_SESSION["CATS"]->getUserID() . " and {$dgTable}.ownertype=0)"; $arrUserAllowed = $obj->getChildRolesUsers(); if ($arrUserAllowed) { foreach ($arrUserAllowed as $userAllowed) { $arrTmpWhere[] = "({$dgTable}.owner = {$userAllowed} and {$dgTable}.ownertype=0)"; } } $arrGroup = $obj->getAllGroups(); if ($arrGroup) { foreach ($arrGroup as $group) { $arrTmpWhere[] = "({$dgTable}.owner = {$group} and {$dgTable}.ownertype=1)"; } } $whereSQL[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $arrTmpWhere) . ")"; } } return $whereSQL; }
<br> <div class="well"> <h1><font size="5">Modules teaching</font></h1> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>Module code</th> <th>Module title</th> <th>Credits</th> <th>Class id</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (isset($_POST['search'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; getModuleInfo($id, $conn); } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
public function profiles() { if(isset($_REQUEST["s"])) { $objDB=DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $site_id=$_SESSION["CATS"]->getSiteID(); switch($_REQUEST["s"]) { case 'update_cell': { $sql="update auieo_profiles set profilename='{$_REQUEST["cell_data"]}' where id='{$_REQUEST["recordid"]}' and site_id={$site_id}"; $objDB->query($sql); break; } case 'delete': { $sql="delete from auieo_profiles where id={$_REQUEST["profileid"]}"; $objDB->query($sql); header("Location:index.php?m=settings&a=profiles");exit; break; } case 'update_permission': { $data_item_type=0; $arrModuleInfo=getModuleInfo("modulename"); foreach($arrModuleInfo as $modulename=>$moduleInfo) { if($_REQUEST["module"] == $modulename) { $data_item_type=$moduleInfo["data_item_type_id"]; break; } } $sql="select * from auieo_profiles2permissions where data_item_type='{$data_item_type}' and profileid={$_REQUEST["profileid"]} and operation={$_REQUEST["fieldname"]} and site_id={$site_id}"; if($objDB->getAssoc($sql)) { $sql="update auieo_profiles2permissions set permissions={$_REQUEST["cell_data"]} where data_item_type='{$data_item_type}' and profileid={$_REQUEST["profileid"]} and operation={$_REQUEST["fieldname"]} and site_id={$site_id}"; $objDB->query($sql); } else { $sql="insert into auieo_profiles2permissions (permissions,data_item_type,profileid,operation,site_id) values({$_REQUEST["cell_data"]},'{$data_item_type}',{$_REQUEST["profileid"]},'{$_REQUEST["fieldname"]}',{$site_id})"; $objDB->query($sql); } break; } case 'load_profile': { $arrProfilePermission=array(); $modulesInfo=getModuleInfo("data_item_type"); foreach($modulesInfo as $data_item_type=>$modInfo) { $arrProfilePermission[$data_item_type]=array("module"=>$modInfo["modulename"],"data_item_id"=>$data_item_type,0=>0,1=>0,2=>0,3=>0,4=>0); } //$arrSite=array(1,180); $arrSQL=array(); $profileid=$_REQUEST["profileid"]; $sql="select * from auieo_profiles2permissions where profileid={$profileid} and site_id=".$site_id; $arrAssoc=$objDB->getAllAssoc($sql); if($arrAssoc) { foreach($arrAssoc as $record) { $arrProfilePermission[$record["data_item_type"]][$record["operation"]]=$record["permissions"]; } } else { foreach($arrProfilePermission as $data_item_type=>$rowData) { array_shift($rowData); array_shift($rowData); foreach($rowData as $operation=>$permissions) { $arrSQL[]="insert into auieo_profiles2permissions (`profileid`,`data_item_type`,`operation`,`permissions`,`site_id`) values ('{$profileid}','{$data_item_type}','{$operation}','{$permissions}','{$site_id}')"; } } } echo json_encode(array_values($arrProfilePermission)); break; } case 'assign': { $sql="select * from auieo_roles2profiles where roleid={$_REQUEST["role"]} && profileid={$_REQUEST["profileid"]}"; $arrAssoc=$objDB->getAllAssoc($sql); if(empty($arrAssoc)) { $sql="insert into auieo_roles2profiles (roleid,profileid,site_id) values ({$_REQUEST["role"]},{$_REQUEST["profileid"]},{$site_id})"; $objDB->query($sql); } break; } case 'addnew': { $sql="insert into auieo_profiles (`profilename`,`site_id`) values ('{$_REQUEST["profilename"]}','{$site_id}')"; $objDB->query($sql); echo $objDB->getLastInsertID(); break; } default: { $sql="select * from auieo_profiles where site_id=".$_SESSION["CATS"]->getSiteID(); $arrAssoc=$objDB->getAllAssoc($sql); foreach($arrAssoc as $ind=>$assoc) { $arrAssoc[$ind]["delete"]="Delete"; } echo json_encode($arrAssoc); } } exit; } }
function getTableInfoByModule($_AUIEO_MODULE) { static $arrTableInfo=array(); if(!isset($arrTableInfo[$_AUIEO_MODULE])) { $table=""; $primaryKey=""; $module=""; $arrDataItemType=getModuleInfo("modulename"); if(isset($arrDataItemType[$_AUIEO_MODULE])) { $table=$arrDataItemType[$_AUIEO_MODULE]["tablename"]; $primaryKey=$arrDataItemType[$_AUIEO_MODULE]["primarykey"]; $module=$arrDataItemType[$_AUIEO_MODULE]["modulename"]; $data_item_type=$arrDataItemType[$_AUIEO_MODULE]["data_item_type_id"]; } $arrTableInfo[$_AUIEO_MODULE] = array("table"=>$table,"primary_key"=>$primaryKey,"module"=>$module,"data_item_type"=>$data_item_type); } return $arrTableInfo[$_AUIEO_MODULE]; /*$table=""; $primaryKey=""; switch ($module) { case "candidates": { $table="candidate"; $primaryKey="candidate_id"; $module="candidates"; $data_item_type=100; break; } case "companies": { $table="company"; $primaryKey="company_id"; $module="companies"; $data_item_type=200; break; } case "contacts": { $table="contact"; $primaryKey="contact_id"; $module="contacts"; $data_item_type=300; break; } case "joborders": { $table="joborder"; $primaryKey="joborder_id"; $module="joborders"; $data_item_type=400; break; } } return array("table"=>$table,"primary_key"=>$primaryKey,"module"=>$module,"data_item_type"=>$data_item_type);*/ }
function moduleAsset($path = '') { return getModuleInfo() ? asset('modules/' . getModuleInfo()->getName() . '/' . ltrim($path, '/')) : asset($path); }