function deleteMixAndSongs($titleDelete, $sqlconn) { $titleDelete = str_replace("'", "\\'", $titleDelete); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE MixName = '{$titleDelete}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT SongId FROM MixSongs WHERE MixId = '{$mixid}'", 'MixSongs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Delete", "DELETE FROM Mixes WHERE MixId = '{$mixid}'", 'Mixes'); foreach ($songids as $songid) { $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Delete", "DELETE FROM MixSongs WHERE MixId = '{$mixid}' AND SongId = '{$songid}'", 'MixSongs'); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Delete", "DELETE FROM Songs WHERE SongId = '{$songid}'", 'Songs'); } }
function getSongs($songsMixTitle, $sqlconn) { $songs = array(); $startTimes = array(); $songsMixTitle = str_replace("'", "\\'", $songsMixTitle); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE MixName = '{$songsMixTitle}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT SongId FROM MixSongs WHERE MixId = '{$mixid}' ORDER BY SongId", 'MixSongs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); foreach ($songids as $songid) { $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE SongId = '{$songid}'", 'Songs'); $songs[] = getSong($res); $startTimes[] = getStartTime($res); } $args = array('VideoId' => $songs, 'StartTime' => $startTimes); $xml = createXML('Songs', $args); return $xml; }
function syncMixAndSongs($sqlconn, $titleSync, $emailSync, $datetimeSync) { $titleSync = str_replace("'", "\\'", $titleSync); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE Owner = '{$emailSync}' AND MixName = '{$titleSync}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE TimeAdded = '{$datetimeSync}'", 'Songs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); $table = 'MixSongs'; $queryType = 'Insert'; $condition = null; $types = array('integer', 'integer'); $columns = array('MixId', 'SongId'); for ($x = 0; $x < count($songids); $x++) { $values = array($mixid, $songids[$x]); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml2 = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml2, $queryType, $condition); } }
function syncMixAndSongs($sqlconn, $titleSync, $emailSync, $datetimeSync) { $titleSync = str_replace("'", "\\'", $titleSync); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE Owner = '{$emailSync}' AND MixName = '{$titleSync}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE TimeAdded = '{$datetimeSync}'", 'Songs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); $table = 'MixSongs'; $queryType = 'Insert'; $condition = null; $types = array('integer', 'integer'); $columns = array('MixId', 'SongId'); for ($x = 0; $x < count($songids); $x++) { $values = array($mixid, $songids[$x]); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml2 = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml2, $queryType, $condition); } echo "Mix created!<br/>"; echo "Go to the <a href='' class='linkbutton' id='myMixesLinkFromCreate'>My Mixes</a> page to play your mix."; }