예제 #1
	function fetchMeaningIds() {
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$dc = $this->dataset;
		$id = $this->id;
		$queryResult = $dbr->query( "SELECT * FROM {$dc}_syntrans where expression_id=$id AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) );
		while ( $syntransRecord = $dbr->fetchObject( $queryResult ) ) {
			$this->meaningIds[] = $syntransRecord->defined_meaning_id;
		$dbr->freeResult( $queryResult ) ;
예제 #2
	function searchText( $text ) {
		$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$sql = "SELECT INSTR(LCASE({$dc}_expression.spelling), LCASE(" . $dbr->addQuotes( "$text" ) . ")) as position, {$dc}_syntrans.defined_meaning_id AS defined_meaning_id, {$dc}_expression.spelling AS spelling, {$dc}_expression.language_id AS language_id " .
				"FROM {$dc}_expression, {$dc}_syntrans " .
	            "WHERE {$dc}_expression.expression_id={$dc}_syntrans.expression_id AND {$dc}_syntrans.identical_meaning=1 " .
	            " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
	            " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" ) .
				" AND spelling LIKE " . $dbr->addQuotes( "%$text%" ) .
				" ORDER BY position ASC, {$dc}_expression.spelling ASC limit 100";
		$queryResult = $dbr->query( $sql );
		list( $recordSet, $editor ) = getSearchResultAsRecordSet( $queryResult );
//		return $sql;
		return $editor->view( new IdStack( "expression" ), $recordSet );
예제 #3
	public function convert( $record ) {
		$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();

		$o = OmegaWikiAttributes::getInstance();
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$expressionId = $record->getAttributeValue( $this->attribute );
		$queryResult = $dbr->query( "SELECT language_id, spelling from {$dc}_expression WHERE expression_id=$expressionId" .
									" AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" ) );
		$expression = $dbr->fetchObject( $queryResult );

		$expressionRecord = new ArrayRecord( new Structure( $o->language, $o->spelling ) );
		$expressionRecord->language = $expression->language_id;
		$expressionRecord->spelling = $expression->spelling;

		$result = new ArrayRecord( $this->structure );
		$result->expression = $expressionRecord;
		return $result;
	private function getSQLForCollection( $language ) {
		$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$userlang = ' ( SELECT language_id FROM language WHERE wikimedia_key = ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $language ) . ' LIMIT 1 ) ';

		$sql = "SELECT collection_id, spelling " .
			" FROM {$dc}_expression exp, {$dc}_collection col, {$dc}_syntrans synt, {$dc}_defined_meaning dm " .
			" WHERE exp.expression_id=synt.expression_id " .
			" AND synt.defined_meaning_id=col.collection_mid " .
			" AND dm.defined_meaning_id = synt.defined_meaning_id " ;
//			" AND synt.identical_meaning=1" .

		// fallback is English
		$sql .= " AND ( exp.language_id=$userlang " ;
		if ( $userlang != 85 ) {
			$sql .= ' OR ( ' .
				' language_id=85 ' .
				" AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM {$dc}_syntrans synt2, {$dc}_expression exp2 WHERE synt2.defined_meaning_id = synt.defined_meaning_id AND exp2.expression_id = synt2.expression_id AND exp2.language_id=$userlang AND synt2.remove_transaction_id IS NULL LIMIT 1 ) ) " ;
		$sql .= ' ) ' ;

		$sql .= " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "synt" ) .
			" AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "exp" ) .
			" AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "col" ) .
			" AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "dm" );

		return $sql;
예제 #5
	public function getRestriction( Table $table ) {
		return getLatestTransactionRestriction( $table->getIdentifier() );
	protected function showExpressionsNeedingTranslation( $sourceLanguageId, $destinationLanguageId, $collectionId ) {

		$o = OmegaWikiAttributes::getInstance();

		$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
		require_once( "Transaction.php" );
		require_once( "OmegaWikiAttributes.php" );
		require_once( "RecordSet.php" );
		require_once( "Editor.php" );
		require_once( "WikiDataAPI.php" );

		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );

		$sqlcount = 'SELECT COUNT(*)' .
			" FROM ({$dc}_syntrans source_syntrans, {$dc}_expression source_expression)";

		if ( $collectionId != '' )
			$sqlcount .= " JOIN {$dc}_collection_contents ON source_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = member_mid";

		$sqlcount .= ' WHERE source_syntrans.expression_id = source_expression.expression_id';

		if ( $sourceLanguageId != '' )
			$sqlcount .= ' AND source_expression.language_id = ' . $sourceLanguageId;
		if ( $collectionId != '' )
			$sqlcount .= " AND {$dc}_collection_contents.collection_id = " . $collectionId .
				' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_collection_contents" );

		$sqlcount .= ' AND NOT EXISTS (' .
			" SELECT * FROM {$dc}_syntrans destination_syntrans, {$dc}_expression destination_expression" .
			' WHERE destination_syntrans.expression_id = destination_expression.expression_id AND destination_expression.language_id = ' . $destinationLanguageId .
			' AND source_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = destination_syntrans.defined_meaning_id' .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'destination_syntrans' ) .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'destination_expression' ) .
			')' .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'source_syntrans' ) .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'source_expression' ) ;

		$queryResultCount_r = mysql_query( $sqlcount );
		$queryResultCount_a = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResultCount_r );
		$queryResultCount = $queryResultCount_a[0];
		$nbshown = min ( 100, $queryResultCount ) ;

		$sql = 'SELECT source_expression.expression_id AS source_expression_id, source_expression.language_id AS source_language_id, source_expression.spelling AS source_spelling, source_syntrans.defined_meaning_id AS source_defined_meaning_id' .
			" FROM ({$dc}_syntrans source_syntrans, {$dc}_expression source_expression)";

		if ( $collectionId != '' )
			$sql .= " JOIN {$dc}_collection_contents ON source_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = member_mid";

		$sql .= ' WHERE source_syntrans.expression_id = source_expression.expression_id';

		if ( $sourceLanguageId != '' )
			$sql .= ' AND source_expression.language_id = ' . $sourceLanguageId;
		if ( $collectionId != '' )
			$sql .= " AND {$dc}_collection_contents.collection_id = " . $collectionId .
				' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_collection_contents" );

		$sql .= ' AND NOT EXISTS (' .
			" SELECT * FROM {$dc}_syntrans destination_syntrans, {$dc}_expression destination_expression" .
			' WHERE destination_syntrans.expression_id = destination_expression.expression_id AND destination_expression.language_id = ' . $destinationLanguageId .
			' AND source_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = destination_syntrans.defined_meaning_id' .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'destination_syntrans' ) .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'destination_expression' ) .
			')' .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'source_syntrans' ) .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'source_expression' ) ;

		if ( $queryResultCount > 100 ) {
			$startnumber = rand ( 0 , $queryResultCount - 100 ) ;
			$sql .= " LIMIT $startnumber,100";
		} else {
			$sql .= ' LIMIT 100';

		$queryResult = $dbr->query( $sql );

		$definitionAttribute = new Attribute( "definition", wfMsg( "ow_Definition" ), "definition" );

		$recordSet = new ArrayRecordSet( new Structure( $o->definedMeaningId, $o->expressionId, $o->expression, $definitionAttribute ), new Structure( $o->definedMeaningId, $o->expressionId ) );

		while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $queryResult ) ) {
			$expressionRecord = new ArrayRecord( $o->expressionStructure );
			$expressionRecord->language = $row->source_language_id;
			$spellingAsLink = definedMeaningReferenceAsLink( $row->source_defined_meaning_id, $row->source_spelling, $row->source_spelling );
			$expressionRecord->spelling = $spellingAsLink ;

			$definition = getDefinedMeaningDefinitionForLanguage( $row->source_defined_meaning_id, $row->source_language_id ) ;
			if ( $definition == "" ) {
				$definition = getDefinedMeaningDefinition( $row->source_defined_meaning_id ) ;

			$recordSet->addRecord( array( $row->source_defined_meaning_id, $row->source_expression_id, $expressionRecord, $definition ) );

		$expressionEditor = new RecordTableCellEditor( $o->expression );
		$expressionEditor->addEditor( new LanguageEditor( $o->language, new SimplePermissionController( false ), false ) );
		$expressionEditor->addEditor( new ShortTextNoEscapeEditor( $o->spelling, new SimplePermissionController( false ), false ) );

		$editor = new RecordSetTableEditor( null, new SimplePermissionController( false ), new ShowEditFieldChecker( true ), new AllowAddController( false ), false, false, null );
		$editor->addEditor( $expressionEditor );
		$editor->addEditor( new TextEditor( $definitionAttribute, new SimplePermissionController( false ), false, true, 75 ) );

		global $wgOut;

		$wgOut->addHTML( "Showing $nbshown out of $queryResultCount" ) ;
		$wgOut->addHTML( $editor->view( new IdStack( "expression" ), $recordSet ) );
	function execute( $par ) {

		global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;

		if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'exporttsv' ) ) {
			$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_exporttsv_not_allowed' ) );
			return false;
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$dc = wdGetDataSetcontext();
		if ( $wgRequest->getText( 'collection' ) && $wgRequest->getText( 'languages' ) ) {
			// render the tsv file

			require_once( 'WikiDataAPI.php' );
			require_once( 'Transaction.php' );
			// get the collection to export. Cut off the 'cid' part that we added
			// to make the keys strings rather than numbers in the array sent to the form.
			$collectionId = substr( $wgRequest->getText( 'collection' ), 3 );
			// get the languages requested, turn into an array, trim for spaces.
			$isoCodes = explode( ',', $wgRequest->getText( 'languages' ) );
			for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $isoCodes ); $i++ ) {
				$isoCodes[$i] = trim( $isoCodes[$i] );
				if ( !getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $isoCodes[$i] ) ) {
					$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_exporttsv_export_failed' ) );
					$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_impexptsv_unknown_lang', $isoCodes[$i] ) );
					return false;
			$languages = $this->getLanguages( $isoCodes );
			$isoLookup = $this->createIsoLookup( $languages );
			$downloadFileName = $this->createFileName( $isoCodes );
			// Force the browser into a download
			header( 'Content-Type: text/tab-separated-values;charset=utf-8' );
			header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $downloadFileName . '"' ); // attachment

			// separator character used.
			$sc = "\t";
			echo( pack( 'CCC', 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf ) );
			// start the first row: column names
			echo( 'defined meaning id' . $sc . 'defining expression' );
			foreach ( $isoCodes as $isoCode ) {
				echo( $sc . 'definition_' . $isoCode . $sc . 'translations_' . $isoCode );
			echo( "\r\n" );
			// get all the defined meanings in the collection
			$query = "SELECT dm.defined_meaning_id, exp.spelling ";
			$query .= "FROM {$dc}_collection_contents col, {$dc}_defined_meaning dm, {$dc}_expression exp ";
			$query .= "WHERE col.collection_id=" . $collectionId . " ";
			$query .= "AND col.member_mid=dm.defined_meaning_id ";
			$query .= "AND dm.expression_id = exp.expression_id ";
			$query .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "col" );
			$query .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "dm" );
			$query .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "exp" );
			$query .= "ORDER BY exp.spelling";
			// wfDebug($query."\n");					

			$queryResult = $dbr->query( $query );
			while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $queryResult ) ) {
				$dm_id = $row['defined_meaning_id'];
				// echo the defined meaning id and the defining expression
				echo( $dm_id );
				echo( "\t" . $row['spelling'] );
				// First we'll fill an associative array with the definitions and
				// translations. Then we'll use the isoCodes array to put them in the
				// proper order.

				// the associative array holding the definitions and translations
				$data = array();
				// ****************************
				// query to get the definitions
				// ****************************
				$qry = 'SELECT txt.text_text, trans.language_id ';
				$qry .= "FROM {$dc}_text txt, {$dc}_translated_content trans, {$dc}_defined_meaning dm ";
				$qry .= 'WHERE txt.text_id = trans.text_id ';
				$qry .= 'AND trans.translated_content_id = dm.meaning_text_tcid ';
				$qry .= "AND dm.defined_meaning_id = $dm_id ";
				$qry .= 'AND trans.language_id IN (';
				for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $languages ); $i++ ) {
					$language = $languages[$i];
					if ( $i > 0 )
						$qry .= ",";
					$qry .= $language['language_id'];
				$qry .= ') AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'trans' );
				$qry .= 'AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'dm' );
				// wfDebug($qry."\n"); // uncomment this if you accept having 1700+ queries in the log

				$definitions = $dbr->query( $qry );
				while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $definitions ) ) {
					// $key becomes something like def_eng
					$key = 'def_' . $isoLookup['id' . $row['language_id']];
					$data[$key] = $row['text_text'];
				$dbr->freeResult( $definitions );
				// *****************************
				// query to get the translations
				// *****************************
				$qry = "SELECT exp.spelling, exp.language_id ";
				$qry .= "FROM {$dc}_expression exp ";
				$qry .= "INNER JOIN {$dc}_syntrans trans ON exp.expression_id=trans.expression_id ";
				$qry .= "WHERE trans.defined_meaning_id=$dm_id ";
				$qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "exp" );
				$qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "trans" );
				// wfDebug($qry."\n"); // uncomment this if you accept having 1700+ queries in the log

				$translations = $dbr->query( $qry );
				while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $translations ) ) {
					// qry gets all languages, we filter them here. Saves an order 
					// of magnitude execution time.
					if ( isset( $isoLookup['id' . $row['language_id']] ) ) {
						// $key becomes something like trans_eng
						$key = 'trans_' . $isoLookup['id' . $row['language_id']];
						if ( !isset( $data[$key] ) )
							$data[$key] = $row['spelling'];
							$data[$key] = $data[$key] . '|' . $row['spelling'];
				$dbr->freeResult( $translations );
				// now that we have everything, output the row.
				foreach ( $isoCodes as $isoCode ) {
					// if statements save a bunch of notices in the log about
					// undefined indices.	
					echo( "\t" );
					if ( isset( $data['def_' . $isoCode] ) )
						echo( $this->escapeDelimitedValue( $data['def_' . $isoCode] ) );
					echo( "\t" );
					if ( isset( $data['trans_' . $isoCode] ) )
						echo( $data['trans_' . $isoCode] );
				echo( "\r\n" );
		else {
			// Get the collections
			$colQuery = "SELECT col.collection_id, exp.spelling " .
						"FROM {$dc}_collection col INNER JOIN {$dc}_defined_meaning dm ON col.collection_mid=dm.defined_meaning_id " .
						"INNER JOIN {$dc}_expression exp ON dm.expression_id=exp.expression_id " .
						"WHERE " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'col' );
			$collections = array();
			$colResults = $dbr->query( $colQuery );
			while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $colResults ) ) {
				$collections['cid' . $row['collection_id']] = $row['spelling'];
			// render the page
			$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_exporttsv_title' ) );
			$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_exporttsv_header' ) );
			$wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanel(
					wfMsg( 'ow_Collection_colon' ) => getSelect( 'collection', $collections, 'cid376322' ),
					wfMsg( 'ow_exporttsv_languages' ) => getTextBox( 'languages', 'ita, eng, deu, fra, cat' ),
				'', array( 'create' => wfMsg( 'ow_create' ) )
			) );

예제 #8
 function searchExternalIdentifiers($text, $collectionId)
     $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $sql = "SELECT " . $this->getPositionSelectColumn($text, "{$dc}_collection_contents.internal_member_id") . " {$dc}_collection_contents.member_mid AS member_mid, {$dc}_collection_contents.internal_member_id AS external_identifier, {$dc}_collection.collection_mid AS collection_mid " . "FROM {$dc}_collection_contents, {$dc}_collection ";
     $sql .= "WHERE {$dc}_collection.collection_id={$dc}_collection_contents.collection_id " . " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction("{$dc}_collection") . " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction("{$dc}_collection_contents") . $this->getSpellingRestriction($text, "{$dc}_collection_contents.internal_member_id");
     if ($collectionId > 0) {
         $sql .= " AND {$dc}_collection.collection_id={$collectionId} ";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $this->getSpellingOrderBy($text) . "{$dc}_collection_contents.internal_member_id ASC limit 100";
     $queryResult = $dbr->query($sql);
     $recordSet = $this->getExternalIdentifiersSearchResultAsRecordSet($queryResult);
     $editor = $this->getExternalIdentifiersSearchResultEditor();
     return $editor->view(new IdStack("external-identifiers"), $recordSet);
	function execute( $par ) {
		global $wgOut, $wgUser;
		// These operations should always be on the community database.
		$dc = "uw";
		require_once( 'Transaction.php' );

		$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'importlangnames_title' ) );

		if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'languagenames' ) ) {
			$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'importlangnames_not_allowed' ) );
			return false;

		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );

		/* Get collection ID for "ISO 639-3 codes" collection.
		 if we want to find $collection_id , we can use the following query */
		$sql = "SELECT collection_id FROM {$dc}_collection" .
			" JOIN {$dc}_defined_meaning ON defined_meaning_id = collection_mid" .
			" JOIN {$dc}_expression ON" .
			" {$dc}_defined_meaning.expression_id = {$dc}_expression.expression_id" .
			' WHERE spelling LIKE "ISO 639-3 codes"' .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_collection" ) .
			' LIMIT 1';
		$collection_id_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
		$collection_id = $this->fetchResult( $dbr->fetchRow( $collection_id_res ) );
		// but having "ISO 639-3 codes" hardcoded is the same as having "145264" hardcoded
		$collection_id = 145264 ;

		/* Get defined meaning IDs and ISO codes for languages in collection. */
		$sql = "SELECT member_mid,internal_member_id FROM {$dc}_collection_contents" .
			' WHERE collection_id = ' . $collection_id .
			' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_collection_contents" );
		$lang_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
		$editable = '';
		$first = true;

		while ( $lang_row = $dbr->fetchRow( $lang_res ) ) {
			$iso_code = $lang_row['internal_member_id'];
			$dm_id = $lang_row['member_mid'];

			/*	Get the language ID for the current language. */
			$lang_id = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $iso_code ) ;

			if ( $lang_id ) {
				if ( !$first ) {
					$wgOut->addHTML( '<br />' . "\n" );
				} else {
					$first = false;
				$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'importlangnames_added', $iso_code ) );

				/* Add current language to list of portals/DMs. */
				$sql = "SELECT spelling FROM {$dc}_expression" .
					" JOIN {$dc}_defined_meaning ON {$dc}_defined_meaning.expression_id = {$dc}_expression.expression_id" .
					' WHERE defined_meaning_id = ' . $dm_id .
					' LIMIT 1';
				$dm_expr_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
				$dm_expr = $this->fetchResult( $dbr->fetchRow( $dm_expr_res ) );
				if ( $editable != '' ) $editable .= "\n";
				$editable .= '*[[Portal:' . $iso_code . ']] - [[DefinedMeaning:' . $dm_expr . ' (' . $dm_id . ')]]';

				/*	Delete all language names that match current language ID. */
				$sql = 'DELETE FROM language_names' .
					' WHERE language_id = ' . $lang_id;
				$dbr->query( $sql );

				/*	Get syntrans expressions for names of language and IDs for the languages the names are in. */
				$sql = "SELECT spelling,language_id FROM {$dc}_expression" .
					" JOIN {$dc}_syntrans" .
					" ON {$dc}_expression.expression_id = {$dc}_syntrans.expression_id" .
					' WHERE defined_meaning_id = ' . $dm_id .
					' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" ) .
					' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
					' GROUP BY language_id ORDER BY NULL';
				$syntrans_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
				while ( $syntrans_row = $dbr->fetchRow( $syntrans_res ) ) {
					$sql = 'INSERT INTO language_names' .
						' (`language_id`,`name_language_id`,`language_name`)' .
						' VALUES(' . $lang_id . ', ' .
						$syntrans_row['language_id'] . ', ' .
						$dbr->addQuotes( $syntrans_row['spelling'] ) . ')';
					$dbr->query( $sql );

			} else {
				if ( !$first )
					$wgOut->addHTML( '<br />' . "\n" );
					$first = false;
				$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'importlangnames_not_found', $iso_code ) );
		$this->addDMsListToPage( $editable, 'Editable_languages' );
예제 #10
	function execute( $par ) {
		require_once( 'languages.php' );
		require_once( 'Transaction.php' );
		global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest, $wgOptionAttribute;


		$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
		$optionAttribute = $wgRequest->getVal( $wgOptionAttribute );
		$attributeObject = $wgRequest->getVal( 'attribute-object' );
		$lang_code = $wgLang->getCode();

		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$sql = 'SELECT language_id' .
				" FROM {$dc}_syntrans" .
				" JOIN {$dc}_expression ON {$dc}_expression.expression_id = {$dc}_syntrans.expression_id" .
				" WHERE {$dc}_syntrans.syntrans_sid = " . $attributeObject .
				' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
				' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" );
		$lang_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
		$objectLanguage = $dbr->fetchObject( $lang_res )->language_id;
		// language is not always defined, for example for a DM Option Attribute
		if ( ! $objectLanguage ) $objectLanguage = 0 ;

		$sql = "SELECT {$dc}_option_attribute_options.option_id,{$dc}_option_attribute_options.option_mid" .
				" FROM {$dc}_option_attribute_options" .
				" WHERE {$dc}_option_attribute_options.attribute_id = " . $optionAttribute .
				" AND ({$dc}_option_attribute_options.language_id = " . $objectLanguage .
				" OR {$dc}_option_attribute_options.language_id = 0)" .
				' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_option_attribute_options" ) ;
		$options_res = $dbr->query( $sql );

		$optionsString = '';
		$optionsArray = array() ;
		while ( $options_row = $dbr->fetchObject( $options_res ) ) {
			/* Use a simpler query if the user's language is English. */
			if ( $lang_code == 'en' || !( $lang_id = getLanguageIdForCode( $lang_code ) ) ) {
				$sql = "SELECT {$dc}_expression.spelling" .
						" FROM {$dc}_syntrans" .
						" JOIN {$dc}_expression ON {$dc}_expression.expression_id = {$dc}_syntrans.expression_id" .
						" WHERE {$dc}_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = " . $options_row->option_mid .
						" AND {$dc}_expression.language_id = " . getLanguageIdForCode( 'en' ) .
						' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
						' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" );
			/* Fall back on English in cases where an option name is not present in the
				user's preferred language. */
			else {
				/* XXX: This setup is really hacked together. It NEEDS to be improved. */
				$sql = "SELECT {$dc}_expression.spelling" .
						" FROM {$dc}_syntrans" .
						" JOIN {$dc}_expression ON {$dc}_expression.expression_id = {$dc}_syntrans.expression_id" .
						" WHERE {$dc}_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = " . $options_row->option_mid .
						" AND {$dc}_expression.language_id = " . $lang_id .
						' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
						' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" );
				$res = $dbr->query( $sql );
				if ( !$dbr->fetchObject( $res )->spelling )
					$sql = "SELECT {$dc}_expression.spelling" .
							" FROM {$dc}_syntrans" .
							" JOIN {$dc}_expression ON {$dc}_expression.expression_id = {$dc}_syntrans.expression_id" .
							" WHERE {$dc}_syntrans.defined_meaning_id = " . $options_row->option_mid .
							" AND {$dc}_expression.language_id = " . getLanguageIdForCode( 'en' ) .
							' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_syntrans" ) .
							' AND ' . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_expression" );

			$spelling_res = $dbr->query( $sql );
			$spelling_row = $dbr->fetchObject( $spelling_res );

			$optionsArray[$options_row->option_id] = $spelling_row->spelling ;

		asort( $optionsArray ) ;
		foreach ($optionsArray as $option_id => $spelling ) {
			if ( $optionsString != '' ) $optionsString .= "\n";
			$optionsString .= $option_id . ';' . $spelling ;

	echo $optionsString;
	function execute( $par ) {

		global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;

		$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_title1' ) );
		if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'importtsv' ) ) {
			$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_allowed' ) );
			return false;
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
		$dc = wdGetDataSetcontext();
		$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_importing' ) );
		setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' );
		if ( $wgRequest->getFileName( 'tsvfile' ) ) {
			// *****************
			//    process tsv
			// *****************

			require_once( 'WikiDataAPI.php' );
			require_once( 'Transaction.php' );
			$testRun = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'testrun' );
			// lets do some tests first. Is this even a tsv file? 
			// It is _very_ important that the file is utf-8 encoded.
			// also, this is a good time to determine the max line length for the 
			// fgetcsv function.
			$file = fopen( $wgRequest->getFileTempname( 'tsvfile' ), 'r' );
			$myLine = "";
			$maxLineLength = 0;
			while ( $myLine = fgets( $file ) ) {
				if ( !preg_match( '/./u', $myLine ) ) {
					$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) );
					$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_utf8' ) );
					return false;
				$maxLineLength = max( $maxLineLength, strlen( $myLine ) + 2 );
			// start from the beginning again. Check if the column names are valid
			rewind( $file );
			$columns = fgetcsv( $file, $maxLineLength, "\t" );
			// somehow testing for $columns[0] fails sometimes. Byte Order Mark?
			if ( !$columns || count( $columns ) <= 2 || $columns[1] != "defining expression" ) {
				$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) );
				$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_tsv' ) );
				return false;
			for ( $i = 2; $i < count( $columns ); $i++ ) {
				$columnName = $columns[$i];
				$baseName = substr( $columnName, 0, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) );
				if ( $baseName == "definition" || $baseName == "translations" ) {
					$langCode = substr( $columnName, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) + 1 );
					if ( !getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $langCode ) ) {
						$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) );
						$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_impexptsv_unknown_lang', $langCode ) );
						return false;
				else { // column name does not start with definition or translations. 
						$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) );
						$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_bad_columns', $columnName ) );
						return false;
			// All tests passed. lets get started

			if ( $testRun ) {
				$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_test_run_title' ) );
			else {
				$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_importing' ) );
			startNewTransaction( $wgUser->getID(), wfGetIP(), "Bulk import via Special:ImportTSV", $dc );	# this string shouldn't be localized because it will be stored in the db

			$row = "";
			$line = 1; // actually 2, 1 was the header, but increased at the start of while
			$definitions = 0; // definitions added
			$translations = 0; // translations added

			while ( $row = fgetcsv( $file, $maxLineLength, "\t" ) ) {
				$dmid = $row[0];
				$exp = $row[1];
				// find the defined meaning record
				$qry = "SELECT dm.meaning_text_tcid, exp.spelling ";
				$qry .= "FROM {$dc}_defined_meaning dm INNER JOIN {$dc}_expression exp ON dm.expression_id=exp.expression_id ";
				$qry .= "WHERE dm.defined_meaning_id=$dmid ";
				$qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'dm' );
				$qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'exp' );
				$dmResult = $dbr->query( $qry );
				$dmRecord = null;
				// perfomr some tests
				if ( $dmRecord = $dbr->fetchRow( $dmResult ) ) {
					if ( $dmRecord['spelling'] != $exp ) {
						$wgOut->addHTML( "Skipped line $line: defined meaning id $dmid does not match defining expression. Should be '{$dmRecord['spelling']}', found '$exp'.<br />" );
				else {
					$wgOut->addHTML( "Skipped line $line: unknown defined meaning id $dmid. The id may have been altered in the imported file, or the defined meaning or defining expression was removed from the database.<br />" );
				// all is well. Get the translated content id
				$tcid = $dmRecord['meaning_text_tcid'];
				for ( $columnIndex = 2; $columnIndex < count( $columns ); $columnIndex++ ) {
					// Google docs removes empty columns at the end of a row,
					// so if column index is higher than the length of the row, we can break
					// and move on to the next defined meaning.
					if ( columnIndex >= count( $row ) ) {
					$columnValue = $row[$columnIndex];
					if ( !$columnValue ) {
					$columnName = $columns[$columnIndex];
					$langCode = substr( $columnName, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) + 1 );
					$langId = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $langCode );
					if ( strpos( $columnName, 'definition' ) === 0 ) {
						if ( !translatedTextExists( $tcid, $langId ) ) {
							if ( $testRun ) {
								$wgOut->addHTML( "Would add definition for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $columnValue.<br />" );
							} else {
								addTranslatedText( $tcid, $langId, $columnValue );
								$wgOut->addHTML( "Added definition for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $columnValue.<br />" );
					if ( strpos( $columnName, 'translation' ) === 0 ) {
						$spellings = explode( '|', $columnValue );
						foreach ( $spellings as $spelling ) {
							$spelling = trim( $spelling );
							$expression = findExpression( $spelling, $langId );
							if ( !$expression ) { // expression does not exist
								if ( $testRun ) {
									$wgOut->addHTML( "Would add translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling. Would also add new page.<br />" );
								else {
									$expression = createExpression( $spelling, $langId );
									$expression->bindToDefinedMeaning( $dmid, 1 );

									// not nescesary to check page exists, createPage does that.
									$title = getPageTitle( $spelling );
									createPage( 16, $title );

									$wgOut->addHTML( "Added translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling. Also added new page.<br />" );
							else { // expression exists, but may not be bound to this defined meaning.
								if ( !$expression->isBoundToDefinedMeaning( $dmid ) ) {
									if ( $testRun ) {
										$wgOut->addHTML( "Would add translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling.<br />" );
									else {
										$expression->bindToDefinedMeaning( $dmid, 1 );
										$wgOut->addHTML( "Added translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling.<br />" );
			if ( $definitions == 0 && $translations == 0 ) {
				$wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" );
				if ( $testRun ) {
					$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_nothing_added_test' ) );
				else {
					$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_nothing_added' ) );
				$wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" );
			else {
				$wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" . wfMsgExt( 'ow_importtsv_results', 'parsemag', $definitions, $translations ) . "<br />" );
		else {
			// render the page
			$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_title2' ) );
			$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_header' ) );
			$wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanelForFileUpload(
					wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_file' ) => getFileField( 'tsvfile' ),
					wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_test_run' ) => getCheckBox( 'testrun', true )
			) );

	 * @param DataSet where to look
	 * @param Integer Defined Meaning Id
	 * @param String  Spelling
	 * @return DataSet or null
	 * @see checkExistence
	public function checkExistenceInDataSet( DataSet $dc ) {

		$definingExpression = $this->definingExpression;
		$id = $this->getId();
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$queryResult = $dbr->query( "SELECT defined_meaning_id, expression_id from {$dc}_defined_meaning where defined_meaning_id=" . $this->id . " AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( "{$dc}_defined_meaning" ) );
		$dmRow = $dbr->fetchObject( $queryResult );
		if ( !$dmRow || !$dmRow->defined_meaning_id ) {
			return null;
		if ( is_null( $definingExpression ) ) {
			return $dc;
		} else {
			$expid = (int)$dmRow->expression_id;
			$storedExpression = getExpression( $expid, $dc );
			if ( is_null( $storedExpression ) ) return null;
			if ( $storedExpression->spelling != $definingExpression ) {
				// Defining expression does not match, but check was requested!
				return null;
			} else {
				return $dc;