/** * Формирование html-кода для input_treecheck */ function showTreeLinksHtml() { $ids = get('ids', array(), 'p'); $fld = get('fld', '', 'p'); $path_id = get('path', '', 'p'); $html = ""; if (!$ids) { } else { global $site_domains; $rows = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM tree WHERE id IN (" . $ids . ")", true); $ids = explode(",", $ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $id = (int) trim($id); if (!$id) { continue; } $path = ''; if (count($site_domains) > 1) { $path .= getSiteByRootID(@$rows[$id]['root_id']) . ' (' . getLangByRootID(@$rows[$id]['root_id']) . '): '; } $path .= $this->getPath($id, '', '', false); $html .= '<div class="textBox">'; $html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="remove_from_treecheck(\'' . $id . '\', \'' . str_replace(array("[", "]"), array("\\\\[", "\\\\]"), $fld) . '\', this);"><img src="/admin/images/tree/ico_del.gif" style="float:left" alt="Удалить"></a> '; $html .= $path; $html .= ' <a href="' . (count($site_domains) > 1 ? 'http://' . getSiteByRootID(@$rows[$id]['root_id']) . '/' . getLangByRootID(@$rows[$id]['root_id']) . $rows[$id]['dir'] . $path_id : @$rows[$id]['dir'] . $path_id) . '" target="_blank"><img src="/admin/images/tree/ico_see.gif" alt="Просмотр"></a>'; $html .= '</div>'; } } echo json_encode(array('html' => iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8', $html))); die; }
function getMessagesForTemplate() { $single = true; if ($single) { $status = sql_getRows('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "sites"'); if (!empty($status)) { if ((int) sql_getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sites') > 1) { $single = false; } } } if ($single) { $status = sql_getRows('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "sites_langs"'); if (!empty($status)) { if ((int) sql_getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sites_langs') > 1) { $single = false; } } } if (!$single) { $row = sql_getRows("\n SELECT\n IF(t2.value IS NULL, IF(t1.module='site', t1.name, CONCAT(t1.module,'_',t1.name)), IF(t2.module='site', t2.name, CONCAT(t2.module,'_',t2.name))) AS name,\n IFNULL(t2.value,t1.value) AS value\n FROM strings AS t1\n LEFT JOIN strings AS t2 ON (t1.module=t2.module AND t1.name=t2.name AND t2.lang='" . lang() . "' AND t2.root_id='" . ROOT_ID . "')\n WHERE t1.lang='" . getLangByRootID(getMainRootID()) . "' AND t1.root_id='" . getMainRootID() . "'\n ORDER BY IFNULL(t2.module,t1.module) ASC", true); return $row; } $row = sql_getRows("SELECT IF(module='site',name, CONCAT(module,'_',name)) AS name, value FROM strings WHERE lang='" . lang() . "' AND root_id='" . ROOT_ID . "' ORDER BY module ASC", true); return $row; }