예제 #1
function display($entry, $handle, $id = "NULL", $localid = "NULL")
    if (is_numeric($id)) {
        $entry = $entry[$id];
    $handle = dealWithDeprecatedFrameworkHandles($handle);
    if (!($formhandle = getFormHandleFromEntry($entry, $handle))) {
        return "";
    // return nothing if handle is not part of entry
    $GLOBALS['formulize_mostRecentLocalId'] = array();
    foreach ($entry[$formhandle] as $lid => $elements) {
        if ($localid == "NULL" or $lid == $localid) {
            if (is_array($elements[$handle])) {
                foreach ($elements[$handle] as $value) {
                    $foundValues[] = $value;
                    $GLOBALS['formulize_mostRecentLocalId'][] = $lid;
            } else {
                // the handle is for metadata, all other fields will be arrays in the dataset
                return $elements[$handle];
    if (count($foundValues) == 1) {
        $GLOBALS['formulize_mostRecentLocalId'] = $GLOBALS['formulize_mostRecentLocalId'][0];
        return $foundValues[0];
    } else {
        return $foundValues;
예제 #2
function displayCalendar($formframes, $mainforms = "", $viewHandles, $dateHandles, $filters, $viewPrefixes, $scopes, $hidden, $type = "month", $start = "", $multiPageData = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser;
    global $xoopsTpl;
    // Set some required variables
    $mid = getFormulizeModId();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($formframes); $i++) {
        if ($mainforms[$i]) {
            list($fid, $frid) = getFormFramework($formframes[$i], $mainforms[$i]);
        } else {
            list($fid, $frid) = getFormFramework($formframes[$i]);
        $fids[] = $fid;
        $frids[] = $frid;
    $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    $groups = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
    $uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    foreach ($fids as $thisFid) {
        // check that the user is allowed to see all the fids
        if (!($scheck = security_check($thisFid, "", $uid, "", $groups, $mid, $gperm_handler))) {
            print "<p>" . _NO_PERM . "</p>";
    $currentURL = getCurrentURL();
    // get the current view, ie: the month
    if ($_POST['calview']) {
        // if we're recieving a view from a form submission...
        $settings['calview'] = $_POST['calview'];
    } else {
        if (!$start) {
            // nothing passed from form, and no default value specified, so use current date
            $today = getDate();
            if ($today['mon'] < 10) {
                $today['mon'] = "0" . $today['mon'];
            $settings['calview'] = $today['year'] . "-" . $today['mon'];
        } else {
            $settings['calview'] = $start;
    $settings['calfrid'] = $_POST['calfrid'];
    $settings['calfid'] = $_POST['calfid'];
    $settings['calhidden'] = $hidden;
    // check to see if a switch to a form has been requested
    $settings['ventry'] = $_POST['ventry'];
    if ($settings['ventry']) {
        if ($_POST['ventry'] == "addnew") {
            $this_ent = "";
            $dateOverride = $_POST['adddate'];
        } elseif ($_POST['ventry'] == "proxy") {
            // support for proxies not currently written
            $this_ent = "proxy";
        } else {
            $this_ent = $_POST['ventry'];
        if ($_POST['calfrid']) {
            if (isset($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                if (is_numeric($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                    // numeric value indicates a screen id
                    $screenData = readScreenId($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']], $_POST['calfid']);
                    if (is_array($screenData)) {
                        $multiPageData = $screenData;
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/formdisplaypages.php";
                displayFormPages($_POST['calfrid'], $this_ent, $_POST['calfid'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['pages'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['conditions'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['introtext'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['thankstext'], $currentURL, _formulize_CAL_RETURNFROMMULTI, $settings, $dateOverride, $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['printall']);
            } else {
                displayForm($_POST['calfrid'], $this_ent, $_POST['calfid'], $currentURL, "", $settings, "", $dateOverride, 1, 1);
                // first "" is the done text, second is the onetoonetitles, last two 1s are the overrides for multi form behaviour
        } else {
            if (isset($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                if (is_numeric($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                    // numeric value indicates a screen id
                    $screenData = readScreenId($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']], $_POST['calfid']);
                    if (is_array($screenData)) {
                        $multiPageData = $screenData;
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/formdisplaypages.php";
                displayFormPages($_POST['calfid'], $this_ent, "", $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['pages'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['conditions'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['introtext'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['thankstext'], $currentURL, _formulize_CAL_RETURNFROMMULTI, $settings, $dateOverride, $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['printall']);
            } else {
                displayForm($_POST['calfid'], $this_ent, "", $currentURL, "", $settings, "", $dateOverride, 1, 1);
                // "" is the done text
    // handle deletion if requested, added sept 18 2005
    if ($_POST['delentry']) {
        deleteEntry($_POST['delentry'], $_POST['delfrid'], $_POST['delfid'], $gperm_handler, $member_handler, $mid);
    // get the data for all the fids
    // 1. convert the scopes for each one
    // 2. do the extraction (filter by calview)
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($fids); $i++) {
        $scope = "";
        if ($scopes[$i]) {
            list($scope, $throwAwayCurrentView) = buildScope($scopes[$i], $member_handler, $gperm_handler, $uid, $groups, $fids[$i], $mid);
        if (is_array($dateHandles[$i])) {
            $dateField = $dateHandles[$i][0];
            $dateField2 = $dateHandles[$i][1];
        } else {
            $dateField = $dateHandles[$i];
            $dateField2 = "";
        if (!$frids[$i]) {
            $filterDH = $dateField;
            $filterDH2 = $dateField2;
        } else {
            $filterDH = $dateField;
            $filterDH2 = $dateField2;
        // new, complex filter format is:
        // $filter[0][0] -- andor setting for filter 0
        // $filter[0][1] -- filter for filter 0
        $filter = array();
        $filter[0][0] = "OR";
        $filter[0][1] = $filterDH . "/**/" . $settings['calview'];
        if ($filterDH2) {
            $filter[0][1] .= "][" . $filterDH2 . "/**/" . $settings['calview'];
        if ($filters[$i]) {
            $filter[1][0] = "AND";
            $filter[1][1] = $filters[$i];
        $data[$i] = getData($frids[$i], $fids[$i], $filter, "AND", $scope);
        $data[$i] = resultSort($data[$i], $dateField);
    // need the formatting magic to go here, to whip it all into a nice calendar
    // basic display of data is below
    // demonstrates linking to a form for updating/viewing that entry
    // demonstrates altering the calview setting to change months
    // need to do something a little more complex for adding a new entry, since we have to know for which fid/frid pair the add operation is being requested.
    // probably best to leave out adding for now and leave it as a future feature.  It can always be custom added within a pageworks page if necessary for a particular calendar
    $rights = $gperm_handler->checkRight("add_own_entry", $fid, $groups, $mid);
    // information to pass to the template
    global $calendarData;
    // initialize language constants
    global $arrayMonthNames;
    global $arrayWeekNames;
    global $dateMonthStartDay;
    $arrayMonthNames = array(_formulize_CAL_MONTH_01, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_02, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_03, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_04, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_05, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_06, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_07, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_08, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_09, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_10, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_11, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_12);
    if ($type == "mini_month") {
        $arrayWeekNames = array(_formulize_CAL_WEEK_1_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_2_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_3_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_4_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_5_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_6_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_7_3ABRV);
    } else {
        $arrayWeekNames = array(_formulize_CAL_WEEK_1, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_2, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_3, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_4, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_5, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_6, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_7);
    // convert string date into parts
    $arrayDate = getdate(strtotime($settings['calview'] . "-01"));
    $dateMonth = $arrayDate["mon"];
    $dateDay = $arrayDate["mday"];
    $dateYear = $arrayDate["year"];
    // get the number of days in the month.
    $dateMonthDays = days_in_month($dateMonth, $dateYear);
    // get the month's first week start day.
    $dateMonthStartDay = $arrayDate["wday"];
    // get the number of weeks.
    $dateMonthWeeks = week_in_month($dateMonthDays) + 1;
    // intialize MONTH template information
    // each cell is an array:
    // [0] - is control information, where each entry is an array:
    //     [0] - day number
    //     [1] - send date
    // [1] - is an array containing all items, where each item is also an array:
    //     [0] - $ids[0]
    //     [1] - $frids[$i]
    //     [2] - $fids[$i]
    //     [3] - $textToDisplay
    //     [4] - true/false based on user's right to delete this item (based on either delete own, or delete others permission)
    if ($type == "month" || $type == "mini_month" || $type == "micro_month") {
        // initialize grid: convert the data set into a grid of 7 columns for
        //  days and a row for each week
        $displayDay = "";
        for ($intWeeks = 0; $intWeeks < $dateMonthWeeks; $intWeeks++) {
            $calendarData[$intWeeks] = array();
            for ($intDays = 0; $intDays < 7; $intDays++) {
                // check to see if the processing day is the start day.
                if ($intWeeks == 0 && $displayDay == "") {
                    if ($intDays == $dateMonthStartDay) {
                        $displayDay = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($displayDay != "") {
                        if ($displayDay > $dateMonthDays) {
                            $displayDay = "";
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays] = array();
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][0][0] = $displayDay;
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][0][1] = $dateYear . "-" . $dateMonth . "-" . ($displayDay < 10 ? "0" . $displayDay : $displayDay);
                //$calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][1] = array();
        // Initialize template variables
        $xoopsTpl->assign('previousMonth', $dateMonth - 1 < 1 ? $dateYear - 1 . "-12" : $dateYear . "-" . ($dateMonth - 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($dateMonth - 1) : $dateMonth - 1));
        $xoopsTpl->assign('nextMonth', $dateMonth + 1 > 12 ? $dateYear + 1 . "-01" : $dateYear . "-" . ($dateMonth + 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($dateMonth + 1) : $dateMonth + 1));
        $monthSelector = array();
        $numberOfMonths = count($arrayMonthNames);
        for ($intMonth = 0; $intMonth < $numberOfMonths; $intMonth++) {
            $monthName = $arrayMonthNames[$intMonth];
            $monthSelector[$intMonth + 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($intMonth + 1) : $intMonth + 1] = $monthName;
        $xoopsTpl->assign('monthSelector', $monthSelector);
        $yearSelector = array();
        $startYear = $dateYear - 4;
        $endYear = $dateYear + 3;
        for ($intYear = $startYear; $intYear <= $endYear; $intYear++) {
            $yearSelector[] = $intYear;
        $xoopsTpl->assign('yearSelector', $yearSelector);
    // process data set(s)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
        foreach ($data[$i] as $id => $entry) {
            if (!$frids[$i]) {
                if (is_array($viewHandles[$i])) {
                    $formhandle = getFormHandleFromEntry($entry, $viewHandles[$i][0]);
                } else {
                    $formhandle = getFormHandleFromEntry($entry, $viewHandles[$i]);
            } else {
                $formhandle = $mainforms[$i];
            $ids = internalRecordIds($entry, $formhandle);
            if (is_array($viewHandles[$i])) {
                $needsep = 0;
                // make sure that no data is keep from previous processing
                $textToDisplay = "";
                foreach ($viewHandles[$i] as $thisVH) {
                    if ($needsep) {
                        $textToDisplay .= ", ";
                    $needsep = 1;
                    $textToDisplay .= display($entry, $thisVH);
            } else {
                $textToDisplay = display($entry, $viewHandles[$i]);
            if ($viewPrefixes[$i]) {
                $textToDisplay = $viewPrefixes[$i] . $textToDisplay;
            $calendarDataItem = array();
            $calendarDataItem[0] = $ids[0];
            $calendarDataItem[1] = $frids[$i];
            $calendarDataItem[2] = $fids[$i];
            $calendarDataItem[3] = $textToDisplay;
            $calendarDataItem[4] = ($i == 0 and formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($fids[$i], display($entry, "uid"), $ids[0]));
            if ($type == "month" || $type == "mini_month" || $type == "micro_month") {
                if (is_array($dateHandles[$i])) {
                    $startValue = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i][0]);
                    $endValue = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i][1]);
                    if ($startValue && $endValue) {
                        $startDate = strtotime($startValue);
                        $endDate = strtotime($endValue);
                        for ($x = $startDate; $x <= $endDate; $x = $x + 86400) {
                            $arrayDate = getdate($x);
                            if ($arrayDate["mon"] == $dateMonth) {
                                $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                    } else {
                        if ($startValue) {
                            $startDate = strtotime($startValue);
                            $arrayDate = getdate($startDate);
                            $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                        } else {
                            $endDate = strtotime($endValue);
                            $arrayDate = getdate($endDate);
                            $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                } else {
                    $currentDate = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i]);
                    $arrayDate = getdate(strtotime($currentDate));
                    $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
    // Initialize common template variables
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cal_type', $type);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('rights', $rights);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('frids', $frids[0]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('fids', $fids[0]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('addItem', _formulize_CAL_ADD_ITEM);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('rowStyleEven', true);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('MonthNames', $arrayMonthNames);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WeekNames', $arrayWeekNames);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateMonthZeroIndex', $dateMonth - 1);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateMonth', $dateMonth);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateYear', $dateYear);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('currentURL', $currentURL);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('hidden', $hidden);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('calview', $settings['calview']);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('calendarData', $calendarData);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('delete', _formulize_DELETE);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('delconf', _formulize_DELCONF);
    // force template to be drawn
    $xoopsTpl->display("db:calendar_" . $type . ".html");