예제 #1
function initialize_page()
    $post_action = "";
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $post_action = $_POST['submit'];
    if ($post_action == "Add Document" || $post_action == "Add and Return to List") {
        $name = $_POST['name'];
        $file_type = getFileExtension($_FILES['file']['name']);
        $filename = slug(getFileName($_FILES['file']['name']));
        $filename_string = $filename . "." . $file_type;
        // Check to make sure there isn't already a file with that name
        $possibledoc = Documents::FindByFilename($filename_string);
        if (is_object($possibledoc)) {
            setFlash("<h3>Failure: Document filename already exists!</h3>");
        $target_path = SERVER_DOCUMENTS_ROOT . $filename_string;
        if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
            $new_doc = MyActiveRecord::Create('Documents', array('name' => $name, 'filename' => $filename_string, 'file_type' => $file_type));
            if (!chmod($target_path, 0644)) {
                setFlash("<h3>Warning: Document Permissions not set; this file may not display properly</h3>");
            setFlash("<h3>Document uploaded</h3>");
        } else {
            setFlash("<h3>Failure: Document could not be uploaded</h3>");
        if ($post_action == "Add and Return to List") {
예제 #2
  * Initialize the upload class
  * @param string $upload The key value of the $_FILES superglobal to use
 private function _initialize($upload)
     $this->_uploadedFile = $upload['name'];
     $this->_tempName = $upload['tmp_name'];
     $this->_fileSize = $upload['size'];
     $this->_extension = getFileExtension($this->_uploadedFile);
     $this->_mimeType = getFileType($this->_tempName);
예제 #3
  * Get file extension for database resource.
  * @param 	$fileId 	Id of file in database to get extension from.
 function getDatabaseFileExtension($fileId)
     global $dbi;
     $result = $dbi->query("SELECT name FROM " . fileTableName . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($fileId));
     if ($result->rows()) {
         list($fileName) = $result->fetchrow_array();
         return convertToLowercase(getFileExtension($fileName));
     return "";
예제 #4
function getFileName($album, $filename)
    global $pic_root;
    $ext = getFileExtension($filename);
    $file_name = str_replace("." . $ext, "", $filename);
    $upload_file_name = $file_name;
    $i = 0;
    while (file_exists($pic_root . $album . "/" . $upload_file_name . "." . $ext)) {
        $upload_file_name = $file_name . "-" . ++$i;
    return $upload_file_name . "." . $ext;
예제 #5
function listFilesFromType($folder, $type)
    $array = array();
    if ($d = opendir($folder)) {
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($d))) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && getFileExtension($file) == $type) {
                $array[] .= $folder . "/" . $file;
    return $array;
예제 #6
 * Returns an overview of certain documents
 * @param Array $documents Ids of the documents in question
 * @param mixed $open      Array containing open states of documents
 * @return string Overview of documents as html, ready to be displayed
function show_documents($documents, $open = null)
    if (!is_array($documents)) {
    if (!is_null($open) && !is_array($open)) {
        $open = null;
    if (is_array($open)) {
        $ank = key($open);
    if (!empty($documents)) {
        $query = "SELECT {$GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']['full']} AS fullname, username, user_id,\n                         dokument_id, filename, filesize, downloads, protected, url, description,\n                         IF(IFNULL(name, '') = '', filename, name) AS t_name,\n                         GREATEST(a.chdate, a.mkdate) AS chdate\n                  FROM dokumente AS a\n                  LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)\n                  LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)\n                  WHERE dokument_id IN (?)\n                  ORDER BY a.chdate DESC";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $documents = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach ($documents as $index => $document) {
        $type = empty($document['url']) ? 0 : 6;
        $is_open = is_null($open) || $open[$document['dokument_id']] ? 'open' : 'close';
        $extension = getFileExtension($document['filename']);
        // Create icon
        $icon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', GetDownloadLink($document['dokument_id'], $document['filename'], $type), GetFileIcon($extension, true)->asImg());
        // Create open/close link
        $link = $is_open === 'open' ? URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('close' => $document['dokument_id'])) : URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('open' => $document['dokument_id']));
        // Create title including filesize and number of downloads
        $size = $document['filesize'] > 1024 * 1024 ? sprintf('%u MB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024 / 1024)) : sprintf('%u kB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024));
        $downloads = $document['downloads'] == 1 ? '1 ' . _('Download') : $document['downloads'] . ' ' . _('Downloads');
        $title = sprintf('<a href="%s"%s class="tree">%s</a> (%s / %s)', $link, $ank == $document['dokument_id'] ? ' name="dok_anker"' : '', htmlReady(mila($document['t_name'])), $size, $downloads);
        // Create additional information
        $addon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a> %s', URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/profile', array('username' => $document['username'])), $document['fullname'], date('d.m.Y H:i', $document['chdate']));
        if ($document['protected']) {
            $addon = tooltipicon(_('Diese Datei ist urheberrechtlich geschützt!')) . ' ' . $addon;
        if (!empty($document['url'])) {
            $addon .= ' ' . Icon::create('link-extern', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Diese Datei wird von einem externen Server geladen!')])->asImg(16);
        // Attach created variables to document
        $documents[$index]['addon'] = $addon;
        $documents[$index]['extension'] = $extension;
        $documents[$index]['icon'] = $icon;
        $documents[$index]['is_open'] = $is_open;
        $documents[$index]['link'] = $link;
        $documents[$index]['title'] = $title;
        $documents[$index]['type'] = $type;
    $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('user_activities/files-details');
    $template->documents = $documents;
    return $template->render();
예제 #7
파일: file.php 프로젝트: slim12kg/Anastat
function move($path, $filename, $newname = null)
    $allowed = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'png', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'zip');
    if (file_exists($_FILES[$filename]['tmp_name'])) {
        if (in_array(getFileExtension(getFileName($filename)), $allowed) && $_FILES[$filename]['error'] == 0) {
            $uploadname = isset($newname) ? $newname : getFileName($filename);
            try {
                move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$filename]['tmp_name'], $path . $uploadname);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo "Error Occurred Uploading File: " . $e->getMessage();
    } else {
        throw new Exception('FILE NOT FOUND');
예제 #8
function uploadFiletoDB($UserFileName)
    $TransactionArray = array();
    $TblName = TableName;
    $FileName = $_FILES[$UserFileName]['name'];
    $FileServerName = $_FILES[$UserFileName]['tmp_name'];
    $CSVFIle = 'transactionTable.csv';
    $CSVDelimiter = ';';
    $ValidRecordswrited = 0;
    $InvalidRecords = 0;
    if (getFileExtension($FileName) == 'xlsx') {
        convertXLStoCSV($FileServerName, $CSVFIle);
        $CSVDelimiter = ',';
    } else {
        $CSVFIle = $FileServerName;
    $TransactionArray = csv_to_array($CSVFIle, $CSVDelimiter);
    if (sizeof($TransactionArray) > 100000) {
        echo '<br>';
        echo "Error - file rows cont is to much";
        return false;
    $Connection = mysql_connect(ServerName, UserName, Password);
    $db_selected = mysql_select_db(DBName, $Connection);
    if (!$Connection) {
        die("Connection failed: " . mysql_error());
    foreach ($TransactionArray as $Line) {
        if (checkTransactionRecord($Line)) {
            $Request = "INSERT INTO {$TblName}(`Account`, `Description`, `CurrencyCode`, `Ammount`) VALUES ('{$Line['Account']}','{$Line['Description']}','{$Line['CurrencyCode']}',{$Line['Amount']})";
            $result = mysql_query($Request);
            if (!$result) {
                echo 'Query error: ' . mysql_error();
            } else {
        } else {
    echo '<br> <br>';
    echo "Valid records writed to DataBase: {$ValidRecordswrited}";
    echo '<br>';
    echo "Invalid records count: {$InvalidRecords}";
예제 #9
function upload_file($tabla, $type, $archivo, $archivo_name)
    $s_ = "select * from configuracion where variable='ruta_cargas'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    $d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_);
    $r_server = $d_['valor'];
    $pext = getFileExtension($archivo_name);
    $nombre = date("YmdHis") . "." . $pext;
    $nom_final = $r_server . $nombre;
    if (is_uploaded_file($archivo)) {
        if (!copy($archivo, "{$nom_final}")) {
            echo "<script>alert('Error al subir el archivo: {$nom_final}');</script>";
        } else {
            insert_csv($tabla, $type, $nombre);
예제 #10
 function save_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $file_name, $isportimg = false, $isentryimg = false, $maxwidth = 0, $maxheight = 0)
     $filetype = getFileExtension($file_name);
     $file_name = slug(basename($file_name, $filetype));
     $new_file_name = $this->id . "-" . $file_name . '.' . $filetype;
     move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $this->get_local_image_path($new_file_name));
     chmod($this->get_local_image_path($new_file_name), 0644);
     $max_width = 0;
     $max_height = 0;
     if ($maxwidth != 0) {
         $max_width = $maxwidth;
     } elseif ($maxheight != 0) {
         $max_height = $maxheight;
     } elseif ($isportimg) {
         if (defined("MAX_PORTFOLIO_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) {
             $max_height = MAX_PORTFOLIO_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
         if (defined("MAX_PORTFOLIO_IMAGE_WIDTH")) {
             $max_width = MAX_PORTFOLIO_IMAGE_WIDTH;
     } elseif ($isentryimg) {
         if (defined("MAX_ENTRY_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) {
             $max_height = MAX_ENTRY_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
         if (defined("MAX_ENTRY_IMAGE_WIDTH")) {
             $max_width = MAX_ENTRY_IMAGE_WIDTH;
     } else {
         if (defined("MAX_GALLERY_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) {
             $max_height = MAX_GALLERY_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
         if (defined("MAX_GALLERY_IMAGE_WIDTH")) {
             $max_width = MAX_GALLERY_IMAGE_WIDTH;
     $this->filename = $new_file_name;
     resizeToMultipleMaxDimensions($this->get_local_image_path($new_file_name), $max_width, $max_height, $filetype);
     //$query = "UPDATE photos SET filename = $file_name WHERE id = {$this->id};";
     //return mysql_query( $query, MyActiveRecord::Connection() ) or die( $query );
예제 #11
function saveFileTo($name, $path, $width = 0, $height = 0)
    if (!$_FILES[$name]) {
    if ($_FILES[$name]["error"] != 0) {
    $tempFile = $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'];
    $fileName = $_FILES[$name]['name'];
    //$fileSize = $_FILES['Filedata']['size'];
    if (!is_dir(dirname($path))) {
        mkdir(dirname($path), true);
        chmod(dirname($path), 777);
    if ($width == 0) {
        move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $path);
    } else {
        move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $tempFile . "." . getFileExtension($fileName));
        createImage($tempFile . "." . getFileExtension($fileName), $path, $width, $height);
예제 #12
function uploadFile($file, $path, $allowType, $maxSize)
    $fileName = $file['name'];
    $ext = getFileExtension($fileName);
    $fileSize = $file['size'];
    $tmpFile = $file['tmp_name'];
    $result = ["error" => [], "path" => ""];
    if ($fileSize > $maxSize) {
        $result['error'][] = ["msg" => "Exceeded filesize limit (" . $maxSize / 1000000 . "MB)"];
    if (count($result['error']) == 0) {
        $fileName = time() . "_" . $fileName;
        if (!is_dir(getcwd() . $path)) {
            mkdir($path, 0777, true);
        $path = $path . "/" . $fileName;
        if (move_uploaded_file(stmpFile, getcwd() . $path)) {
            $result['path'] = $path;
        } else {
            $result['error'][] = ["msg" => " Error on upload file : Permission denied"];
    return $result;
예제 #13
파일: file.php 프로젝트: ragi79/Textcube
function getMIMEType($ext, $filename = null)
    if ($filename) {
        return getMIMEType(getFileExtension($filename));
    } else {
        switch (strtolower($ext)) {
            // Image
            case 'gif':
                return 'image/gif';
            case 'jpeg':
            case 'jpg':
            case 'jpe':
                return 'image/jpeg';
            case 'png':
                return 'image/png';
            case 'tiff':
            case 'tif':
                return 'image/tiff';
            case 'bmp':
                return 'image/bmp';
                // Sound
            // Sound
            case 'wav':
                return 'audio/x-wav';
            case 'mpga':
            case 'mp2':
            case 'mp3':
                return 'audio/mpeg';
            case 'm3u':
                return 'audio/x-mpegurl';
            case 'wma':
                return 'audio/x-msaudio';
            case 'ra':
                return 'audio/x-realaudio';
                // Document
            // Document
            case 'css':
                return 'text/css';
            case 'html':
            case 'htm':
            case 'xhtml':
                return 'text/html';
            case 'rtf':
                return 'text/rtf';
            case 'sgml':
            case 'sgm':
                return 'text/sgml';
            case 'xml':
            case 'xsl':
                return 'text/xml';
            case 'hwp':
            case 'hwpml':
                return 'application/x-hwp';
            case 'pdf':
                return 'application/pdf';
            case 'odt':
            case 'ott':
                return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text';
            case 'ods':
            case 'ots':
                return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet';
            case 'odp':
            case 'otp':
                return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation';
            case 'sxw':
            case 'stw':
                return '	application/vnd.sun.xml.writer';
            case 'sxc':
            case 'stc':
                return '	application/vnd.sun.xml.calc';
            case 'sxi':
            case 'sti':
                return '	application/vnd.sun.xml.impress';
            case 'doc':
                return 'application/vnd.ms-word';
            case 'xls':
            case 'xla':
            case 'xlt':
            case 'xlb':
                return 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
            case 'ppt':
            case 'ppa':
            case 'pot':
            case 'pps':
                return 'application/vnd.mspowerpoint';
            case 'vsd':
            case 'vss':
            case 'vsw':
                return 'application/vnd.visio';
            case 'docx':
            case 'docm':
            case 'pptx':
            case 'pptm':
            case 'xlsx':
            case 'xlsm':
                return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats';
            case 'csv':
                return 'text/comma-separated-values';
                // Multimedia
            // Multimedia
            case 'mpeg':
            case 'mpg':
            case 'mpe':
                return 'video/mpeg';
            case 'qt':
            case 'mov':
                return 'video/quicktime';
            case 'avi':
            case 'wmv':
                return 'video/x-msvideo';
                // Compression
            // Compression
            case 'bz2':
                return 'application/x-bzip2';
            case 'gz':
            case 'tgz':
                return 'application/x-gzip';
            case 'tar':
                return 'application/x-tar';
            case 'zip':
                return 'application/zip';
            case 'rar':
                return 'application/x-rar-compressed';
            case '7z':
                return 'application/x-7z-compressed';
            case 'alz':
                return 'application/x-alzip';
    return '';
예제 #14
$outputFiles = '';
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    $previewFile = getPreviewFileFromLive(DIR . '/' . $file);
    if (strstr($file, 'phpthumb') || strstr($file, 'phpthumb') || !file_exists($previewFile)) {
    if (!in_array($file, $reserved_filenames)) {
        if (is_dir(DIR . '/' . $file)) {
            // Directory
            $outputDirs .= "\n<li class=\"dir\">";
            $outputDirs .= '<a href="?dir=' . DIR . '/' . $file . '" title="Browse ' . $file . '">';
            $outputDirs .= $file;
            $outputDirs .= '</a></li>';
        } else {
            if (getFileExtension($file) == 'html' || getFileExtension($file) == 'php') {
                // File
                $outputFiles .= "\n" . '<li class="file"><a href="javascript:selectPage(\'' . DIR . '/' . $file . '\');" >';
                $outputFiles .= $file;
                $outputFiles .= '</a>';
                $outputFiles .= "\n</li>";
if ($itemsFound > 0) {
    $outputHTML = '<div class="bigLinks"><ul>' . $outputDirs . $outputFiles . '<!-- 3 --></ul></div>';
} else {
    $outputHTML .= '<div><span class="info">No files or folders found</span></div>';
예제 #15
function guardar_1($partes, $partes_name, $comentario, $accion_correctiva)
    $s_ = "select * from configuracion where variable='ruta_capturas'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    $d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_);
    $r_server = $d_['valor'];
    $pext = getFileExtension($partes_name);
    $nombre_ = "partes_UID" . $_SESSION["IDEMP"] . "." . $pext;
    $nom_final_ = $r_server . $nombre_;
    if (is_uploaded_file($partes)) {
        if (!copy($partes, "{$nom_final_}")) {
            echo "<script>alert('Error al subir el archivo de partes: {$nom_final_}');</script>";
            nuevo($comentario, $accion_correctiva);
    insert_csv($nombre_, $comentario, $accion_correctiva);
예제 #16
 protected function processActionCommit()
     if ($this->errorCollection->hasErrors()) {
     $currentSession = $this->getEditSessionByCurrentUser((int) $this->request->getPost('editSessionId'));
     if (!$currentSession) {
         $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage('DISK_DOC_CONTROLLER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_EDIT_SESSION'), self::ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_EDIT_SESSION)));
     $tmpFile = \CTempFile::getFileName(uniqid('_wd'));
     $fileData = new FileData();
     $newNameFileAfterConvert = null;
     if ($this->documentHandler->isNeedConvertExtension($this->file->getExtension())) {
         $newNameFileAfterConvert = getFileNameWithoutExtension($this->file->getName()) . '.' . $this->documentHandler->getConvertExtension($this->file->getExtension());
     } else {
     $fileData = $this->documentHandler->downloadFile($fileData);
     if (!$fileData) {
         if ($this->documentHandler->isRequiredAuthorization()) {
     $oldName = $this->file->getName();
     //rename in cloud service
     $renameInCloud = $fileData->getName() && $fileData->getName() != $this->file->getName();
     if ($newNameFileAfterConvert || $renameInCloud) {
         if ($newNameFileAfterConvert && $renameInCloud) {
             $newNameFileAfterConvert = getFileNameWithoutExtension($fileData->getName()) . '.' . getFileExtension($newNameFileAfterConvert);
     $fileArray = \CFile::makeFileArray($tmpFile);
     $fileArray['name'] = $this->file->getName();
     $fileArray['type'] = $fileData->getMimeType();
     $fileArray['MODULE_ID'] = Driver::INTERNAL_MODULE_ID;
     /** @noinspection PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspection */
     $fileId = \CFile::saveFile($fileArray, Driver::INTERNAL_MODULE_ID);
     if (!$fileId) {
         $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage('DISK_DOC_CONTROLLER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_FILE'), self::ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_FILE)));
     $versionModel = $this->file->addVersion(array('ID' => $fileId, 'FILE_SIZE' => $fileArray['size']), $this->getUser()->getId(), true);
     if (!$versionModel) {
         $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage('DISK_DOC_CONTROLLER_ERROR_COULD_NOT_ADD_VERSION'), self::ERROR_COULD_NOT_ADD_VERSION)));
     if ($this->isLastEditSessionForFile()) {
         $this->deleteFile($currentSession, $fileData);
     $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array('objectId' => $this->file->getId(), 'newName' => $this->file->getName(), 'oldName' => $oldName));
예제 #17
function guardar($turno, $proyecto, $area, $area_2, $estacion, $estacion_2, $linea, $linea_2, $defecto, $defecto_2, $causa, $causa_2, $codigo_scrap, $codigo_scrap_2, $supervisor, $operador, $no_personal, $apd, $o_mantto, $docto_sap, $info_1, $info_2, $comentario, $accion_correctiva, $archivo, $archivo_name)
    $error = 0;
    $fecha = date("Y-m-d");
    $hora = date("H:i:s");
    $anio = date("Y");
    list($anio, $mes, $dia) = split("-", $fecha);
    $semana = date('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia, $anio));
    $folio = get_folio();
    $i = 0;
    //Validar que el folio no esté duplicado
    $s_ = "select * from scrap_folios where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_) > 0) {
        $movimiento = "El folio esta duplicado.";
    if ($archivo != '') {
        $s_ = "select * from configuracion where variable='ruta_evidencias'";
        $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
        $d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_);
        $r_server = $d_['valor'];
        $pext = getFileExtension($archivo_name);
        $nombre = "evidencia_" . $folio . "." . $pext;
        $nom_final = $r_server . $nombre;
        if (is_uploaded_file($archivo)) {
            if (!copy($archivo, "{$nom_final}")) {
                echo "<script>alert('Error al subir el archivo de evidencias: {$nom_final}');</script>";
    $folios[$i] = $_SESSION['IDEMP'];
    $folios[$i] = $_SESSION['NAME'];
    $folios[$i] = $folio;
    $folios[$i] = $fecha;
    $folios[$i] = $hora;
    $folios[$i] = $semana;
    $folios[$i] = $anio;
    $folios[$i] = $turno;
    $d_pr = get_datos_proyecto($proyecto);
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_pr'];
    //ID Proyecto
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_pr'];
    //Nombre Proyecto
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_p'];
    //ID Planta
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_p'];
    //Nombre Planta
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_d'];
    //ID División
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_d'];
    //Nombre División
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_s'];
    //ID Segmento
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_s'];
    //Nombre Segmento
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_pc'];
    //ID ceco
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_pc'];
    //Nombre ceco
    $folios[$i] = $apd;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $apd, "apd");
    $folios[$i] = $area;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $area, "areas");
    $folios[$i] = $estacion;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $estacion, "estaciones");
    $folios[$i] = $linea;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $linea, "lineas");
    $folios[$i] = $defecto;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $defecto, "defectos");
    $folios[$i] = $causa;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $causa, "causas");
    $folios[$i] = $codigo_scrap;
    $cod_scr = data_cod_scrap($d_pr['nom_pc'], $codigo_scrap);
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['fin'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['rc'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['oi'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['txs'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['mov'];
    $folios[$i] = $supervisor;
    $folios[$i] = get_supervisor($supervisor);
    $operador = str_replace("/", "", $operador);
    $folios[$i] = $operador;
    $folios[$i] = $no_personal;
    if ($info_1 == '') {
        $info_1 = 'NA';
    $folios[$i] = $info_1;
    $folios[$i] = $info_2;
    $folios[$i] = $o_mantto;
    $folios[$i] = $nombre;
    $comentario = str_replace("/", "", $comentario);
    $folios[$i] = htmlentities($comentario, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $accion_correctiva = str_replace("/", "", $accion_correctiva);
    $folios[$i] = htmlentities($accion_correctiva, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $s_1 = "insert into scrap_folios values ('',";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($folios); $i++) {
        $s_1 = $s_1 . "'" . $folios[$i] . "',";
    $s_1 = $s_1 . "0,0,1,0)";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    $i = 0;
    log_sistema("scrap_folios", "nuevo", $folio, $s_1);
    //Si es un código scrap que tiene financiero en 1
    if ($cod_scr['fin'] == '1') {
        $cod_id_area = $area_2;
        $cod_nom_area = get_dato("nombre", $area_2, "areas");
        $cod_id_est = $estacion_2;
        $cod_nom_est = get_dato("nombre", $estacion_2, "estaciones");
        $cod_id_linea = $linea_2;
        $cod_nom_linea = get_dato("nombre", $linea_2, "lineas");
        $cod_id_def = $defecto_2;
        $cod_nom_def = get_dato("nombre", $defecto_2, "defectos");
        $cod_id_cau = $causa_2;
        $cod_nom_cau = get_dato("nombre", $causa_2, "causas");
        $s_1 = "insert into scrap_codigos values('', '{$folio}', '{$cod_id_area}', '{$cod_nom_area}', '{$cod_id_est}', '{$cod_nom_est}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$cod_id_linea}', '{$cod_nom_linea}', '{$cod_id_def}', '{$cod_nom_def}', '{$cod_id_cau}', '{$cod_nom_cau}', '{$codigo_scrap_2}')";
        $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("scrap_codigos", "nuevo", $folio, $s_1);
    $s_ = "select * from scrap_partes_tmp where id_emp='{$_SESSION['IDEMP']}'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    while ($d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_)) {
        $s_1 = "insert into scrap_partes values('', '{$folio}', '{$d_['padre']}', '{$d_['no_parte']}', '{$d_['tipo']}', '{$d_['tipo_sub']}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$d_['descripcion']}', '{$d_['cantidad']}', '{$d_['costo']}', '{$d_['total']}', '{$d_['batch_id']}', '{$d_['serial_unidad']}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$d_['ubicacion']}', '0', '0', '0')";
        $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("scrap_partes", "nuevo", $folio, $s_1);
    autorizaciones($folio, $d_pr['id_p'], $codigo_scrap, $d_pr['id_pr']);
    $s_ = "delete from scrap_partes_tmp where id_emp='{$_SESSION['IDEMP']}'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    $ruta = "&turno={$turno}&proyecto={$proyecto}&area={$area}&estacion={$estacion}&linea={$linea}&supervisor={$supervisor}&operador={$operador}";
    $ruta .= "&no_personal={$no_personal}&apd={$apd}";
    //Inserto en la bitácora de autorizaciones el movimiento correspondiente
    $s_2 = "insert into aut_bitacora values('', '{$folio}', '{$_SESSION['DEPTO']}', '{$_SESSION['IDEMP']}', '{$_SESSION['NAME']}', '6', ";
    $s_2 .= "'{$fecha}', '{$hora}', 'Creaci&oacute;n de la boleta')";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    log_sistema("aut_bitacora", "nuevo", $folio, $s_2);
    $s_3 = "DROP VIEW vw_padre_" . $_SESSION["IDEMP"];
    $r_3 = mysql_query($s_3);
    //Validar que la boleta se haya guardado correctamente
    $s_2 = "select * from scrap_folios where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_2) <= 0) {
        $movimientos = "La boleta no se guardo en scrap_folios.";
    $s_2 = "select * from scrap_partes where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_2) <= 0) {
        $movimientos = "La boleta no se guardo en scrap_partes.";
    if ($cod_scr['fin'] == '1') {
        $s_2 = "select * from scrap_codigos where no_folio='{$folio}'";
        $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
        if (mysql_num_rows($r_2) <= 0) {
            $movimientos = "La boleta no se guardo en scrap_codigos.";
    $s_2 = "select * from aut_bitacora where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_2) <= 0) {
        $movimientos = "La boleta no se guardo en aut_bitacora.";
    $s_2 = "select * from autorizaciones where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    if (mysql_num_rows($r_2) <= 0) {
        $movimientos = "La boleta no se guardo en autorizaciones.";
    if ($error > 0) {
        echo "<br><br>";
        echo "<table align=center width=500 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center><img src='../imagenes/exclamation.gif'></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center>";
        echo "<br><strong class=rojo><b>Error en la captura del folio o está duplicado:</strong><br><br>";
        echo "<span style='color:#FF6600; font-size:20px;'><b>{$folio}</b><br><br>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center class=texto>" . $detalles . "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center>";
        echo "<br><strong class=rojo><b>Contacte al administrador del sistema!</b><br><br>";
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
        echo "<form method='post' action='?op=nuevo'>";
        echo "<div align=center><input type='submit' value='Regresar' class='submit'></div>";
        echo "</form>";
        $s_ = "update configuracion set valor='SI' where variable='bloqueado'";
        $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("configuracion", "error", $folio, $s_);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("configuracion", "error", $folio, $movimiento);
    } else {
        echo "<br><br>";
        echo "<table align=center width=500 bgcolor=#FFFFFF>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center><img src='../imagenes/aprobado.gif'></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td align=center>";
        echo "<br><strong class=texto>Boleta almacenada con el folio:</strong><br><br>";
        echo "<span style='color:#FF6600; font-size:20px;'><b>{$folio}</b><br><br>";
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
        echo "<form method='post' action='?op=nuevo{$ruta}'>";
        echo "<div align=center><input type='submit' value='Continuar' class='submit'></div>";
        echo "</form>";
예제 #18
function purgeFiles($temp_dir, $purge_time_limit, $file_type, $debug_ajax = 0)
    //$now_time = mktime();
    $now_time = time();
    if (@is_dir($temp_dir)) {
        if ($dp = @opendir($temp_dir)) {
            while (($file_name = readdir($dp)) !== false) {
                if ($file_name !== '.' && $file_name !== '..' && strcmp(getFileExtension($file_name), $file_type) == 0) {
                    if ($file_time = @filectime($temp_dir . $file_name)) {
                        if ($now_time - $file_time > $purge_time_limit) {
                            @unlink($temp_dir . $file_name);
        } else {
            if ($debug_ajax) {
                showDebugMessage('Failed to open temp_dir ' . $temp_dir);
            showAlertMessage("<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to open temp_dir", 1);
    } else {
        if ($debug_ajax) {
            showDebugMessage('Failed to find temp_dir ' . $temp_dir);
        showAlertMessage("<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to find temp_dir", 1);
예제 #19
 * Return a directory of files and folders with heirarchy and additional data
 * @since 3.1.3
 * @param $directory string directory to scan
 * @param $recursive boolean whether to do a recursive scan or not.
 * @param $exts array file extension include filter, array of extensions to include
 * @param $exclude bool true to treat exts as exclusion filter instead of include
 * @return multidimensional array or files and folders {type,path,name}
function directoryToMultiArray($dir, $recursive = true, $exts = null, $exclude = false)
    // $recurse is not implemented
    $result = array();
    $dir = rtrim($dir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    $cdir = scandir($dir);
    foreach ($cdir as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($value, array(".", ".."))) {
            if (is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value)) {
                if (!$recursive) {
                $path = preg_replace("#\\\\|//#", "/", $dir . '/' . $value . '/');
                $result[$value] = array();
                $result[$value]['type'] = "directory";
                $result[$value]['path'] = $path;
                $result[$value]['dir'] = $value;
                $result[$value]['value'] = call_user_func(__FUNCTION__, $path, $recursive, $exts, $exclude);
            } else {
                $path = preg_replace("#\\\\|//#", "/", $dir . '/');
                // filetype filter
                $ext = getFileExtension($value);
                if (is_array($exts)) {
                    if (!in_array($ext, $exts) and !$exclude) {
                    if ($exclude and in_array($ext, $exts)) {
                $result[$value] = array();
                $result[$value]['type'] = 'file';
                $result[$value]['path'] = $path;
                $result[$value]['value'] = $value;
    return $result;
예제 #20
function update($folio, $turno, $proyecto, $area, $area_2, $estacion, $estacion_2, $linea, $linea_2, $defecto, $defecto_2, $causa, $causa_2, $codigo_scrap, $codigo_scrap_2, $supervisor, $operador, $no_personal, $apd, $o_mantto, $docto_sap, $info_1, $info_2, $comentario, $accion_correctiva, $from, $archivo, $archivo_name)
    //Obtengo el código de scrap viejo
    $s_2 = "select archivo, codigo_scrap from scrap_folios where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_2 = mysql_query($s_2);
    $d_2 = mysql_fetch_array($r_2);
    $cod = $d_2['codigo_scrap'];
    //Obtengo el id del autorizador que había rechazado
    $s_1 = "select id_emp, depto from autorizaciones where no_folio='{$folio}' and status='2'";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    $d_1 = mysql_fetch_array($r_1);
    $emp = $d_1['id_emp'];
    //Borro todo de la boleta para volver a ingresarlo
    $s_1 = "delete from scrap_partes where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    $s_1 = "delete from scrap_folios where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    $s_1 = "delete from scrap_codigos where no_folio='{$folio}'";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    if ($archivo != '') {
        $s_ = "select * from configuracion where variable='ruta_evidencias'";
        $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
        $d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_);
        $r_server = $d_['valor'];
        $pext = getFileExtension($archivo_name);
        $nombre = "evidencia_" . $folio . "." . $pext;
        $nom_final = $r_server . $nombre;
        if (file_exists($nom_final)) {
        if (is_uploaded_file($archivo)) {
            if (!copy($archivo, "{$nom_final}")) {
                echo "<script>alert('Error al subir el archivo: {$nom_final}');</script>";
    } else {
        $nombre = $old;
    $fecha = date("Y-m-d");
    $anio = date("Y");
    list($anio, $mes, $dia) = split("-", $fecha);
    $semana = date('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $dia, $anio));
    $i = 0;
    $folios[$i] = $_SESSION['IDEMP'];
    $folios[$i] = $_SESSION['NAME'];
    $folios[$i] = $folio;
    $folios[$i] = $fecha;
    $folios[$i] = $semana;
    $folios[$i] = $anio;
    $folios[$i] = $turno;
    $d_pr = get_datos_proyecto($proyecto);
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_pr'];
    //ID Proyecto
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_pr'];
    //Nombre Proyecto
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_p'];
    //ID Planta
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_p'];
    //Nombre Planta
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_d'];
    //ID División
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_d'];
    //Nombre División
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_s'];
    //ID Segmento
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_s'];
    //Nombre Segmento
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['id_pc'];
    //ID ceco
    $folios[$i] = $d_pr['nom_pc'];
    //Nombre ceco
    $folios[$i] = $apd;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $apd, "apd");
    $folios[$i] = $area;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $area, "areas");
    $folios[$i] = $estacion;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $estacion, "estaciones");
    $folios[$i] = $linea;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $linea, "lineas");
    $folios[$i] = $defecto;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $defecto, "defectos");
    $folios[$i] = $causa;
    $folios[$i] = get_dato("nombre", $causa, "causas");
    $folios[$i] = $codigo_scrap;
    $cod_scr = data_cod_scrap($d_pr['nom_pc'], $codigo_scrap);
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['fin'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['rc'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['oi'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['txs'];
    $folios[$i] = $cod_scr['mov'];
    $folios[$i] = $supervisor;
    $folios[$i] = $operador;
    $folios[$i] = $no_personal;
    if ($info_1 == '') {
        $info_1 = 'NA';
    $folios[$i] = $info_1;
    $folios[$i] = $info_2;
    $folios[$i] = $o_mantto;
    //Revisar nuevamente los autorizadores que aplican por si estos cambiaron para el adjunto
    if (aplica_lo_loa($d_pr['id_p'], $codigo_scrap, $d_pr['id_d'], $d_pr['id_pc'], $area, $d_pr['id_pr']) == 'SI') {
        $folios[$i] = $nombre;
    } else {
        $folios[$i] = '';
    $folios[$i] = $comentario;
    $folios[$i] = $accion_correctiva;
    if ($from == 'proceso') {
        $estado = '0';
    if ($from == 'rechazado') {
        $estado = '2';
    $s_1 = "insert into scrap_folios values ('',";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($folios); $i++) {
        $s_1 = $s_1 . "'" . $folios[$i] . "',";
    $s_1 = $s_1 . "'{$estado}',1)";
    $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
    $i = 0;
    log_sistema("scrap", "editar", $s_1);
    //Si es un código scrap que tiene financiero en 1
    if ($cod_scr['fin'] == '1') {
        $cod_id_area = $area_2;
        $cod_nom_area = get_dato("nombre", $area_2, "areas");
        $cod_id_est = $estacion_2;
        $cod_nom_est = get_dato("nombre", $estacion_2, "estaciones");
        $cod_id_linea = $linea_2;
        $cod_nom_linea = get_dato("nombre", $linea_2, "lineas");
        $cod_id_def = $defecto_2;
        $cod_nom_def = get_dato("nombre", $defecto_2, "defectos");
        $cod_id_cau = $causa_2;
        $cod_nom_cau = get_dato("nombre", $causa_2, "causas");
        $s_1 = "insert into scrap_codigos values('', '{$folio}', '{$cod_id_area}', '{$cod_nom_area}', '{$cod_id_est}', '{$cod_nom_est}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$cod_id_linea}', '{$cod_nom_linea}', '{$cod_id_def}', '{$cod_nom_def}', '{$cod_id_cau}', '{$cod_nom_cau}', '{$codigo_scrap_2}')";
        $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("scrap", "nuevo", $s_1);
    $s_ = "select * from scrap_partes_tmp where id_emp='{$_SESSION['IDEMP']}'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    while ($d_ = mysql_fetch_array($r_)) {
        $s_1 = "insert into scrap_partes values('', '{$folio}', '{$d_['padre']}', '{$d_['no_parte']}', '{$d_['tipo']}', '{$d_['tipo_sub']}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$d_['descripcion']}', '{$d_['cantidad']}', '{$d_['costo']}', '{$d_['total']}', '{$d_['batch_id']}', '{$d_['serial_unidad']}', ";
        $s_1 .= "'{$d_['ubicacion']}', '0', '0')";
        $r_1 = mysql_query($s_1);
        /*LOG SISTEMA*/
        log_sistema("scrap", "editar", $s_1);
    //Reasigno los autorizadores que aplican sólo si cambió el código de scrap
    if ($codigo_scrap != $cod) {
        $s_a = "delete from autorizaciones where no_folio='{$folio}'";
        $r_a = mysql_query($s_a);
        autorizaciones($folio, $d_pr['id_p'], $codigo_scrap, $d_pr['id_d'], $d_pr['id_pc'], $area, $d_pr['id_pr']);
    $s_ = "delete from scrap_temporal where id_emp='{$_SESSION['IDEMP']}'";
    $r_ = mysql_query($s_);
    if ($from == 'rechazado') {
        enviar_aviso_autorizador($folio, $emp);
    echo "<script>alert('Registro Almacenado');</script>";
예제 #21
 public static function mobileDiskGetIconByFilename($name)
     if (CFile::isImage($name)) {
         return 'img.png';
     $icons = array('pdf' => 'pdf.png', 'doc' => 'doc.png', 'docx' => 'doc.png', 'ppt' => 'ppt.png', 'pptx' => 'ppt.png', 'rar' => 'rar.png', 'xls' => 'xls.png', 'xlsx' => 'xls.png', 'zip' => 'zip.png');
     $ext = strtolower(getFileExtension($name));
     return isset($icons[$ext]) ? $icons[$ext] : 'blank.png';
예제 #22
function process_attachments($attachments)
    $result = array();
    foreach ($attachments as $info) {
        $orig_name = "";
        $size = 0;
        $stored_name = "";
        $type = "";
        if (array_key_exists("Type", $info)) {
            $type = $info["Type"];
        if (array_key_exists("FileName", $info)) {
            $orig_name = $info["FileName"];
        if (!strlen($orig_name)) {
        if (array_key_exists("Data", $info)) {
            $data = $info["Data"];
            $size = strlen($data);
            if ($size == 0) {
            $attachsdir = get_config("AttachmentsDir");
            if (!is_dir($attachsdir)) {
                die('The attachments directory "' . $attachsdir . '" doesn\'t exist.');
            $stored_name = save_attachment($attachsdir, getFileExtension($orig_name), $data);
        } else {
            $stored_name = $info['DataFile'];
            $size = filesize($stored_name);
        $result[] = array("orig_name" => $orig_name, "size" => $size, "stored_name" => $stored_name, "type" => $type);
    return $result;
예제 #23
if (!isset($_POST['textcontent'])) {
    print 'error:No content supplied.';
} else {
    if (!isset($_POST['sourcefile'])) {
        print 'error:No source text file name supplied.';
    } else {
        $sourceFile = pathFromID($_POST['sourcefile']);
        $fileContent = $_POST['textcontent'];
$mode = isset($_POST['mode']) ? $_POST['mode'] : false;
if (isPageTemplate($sourceFile)) {
    $mode = 'pagetemplate';
} elseif (getFileExtension($sourceFile) == "php") {
    $mode = 'page';
	If a child include, save file to pv location, and save live copy if live not present or empty
	If a page, just save to pv location, and save live copy if not present or empty, PLUS correct the general-include call (for the LIVE version!)
	If a free include, save to pv location, and save live copy if not present or empty
	If a Page Template, simply save to PTs folder 
switch ($mode) {
    case "ptchildinclude":
        // ????????????????
        $previewFile = pathFromID($_POST['sourcefile']);
        $liveFile = False;
    case "pagetemplate":
예제 #24
    $liveFile = DIR . '/' . $arrFile;
    if (file_exists($liveFile)) {
        if (False === file_exists($previewFile)) {
            $filesMatch = 'liveonly';
        } else {
            $filesMatch = md5_file($previewFile) == md5_file($liveFile) ? 'match' : 'dontmatch';
    } else {
        if (file_exists($previewFile)) {
            $filesMatch = 'previewonly';
    	Get the preview version - do the versions match?
    if (getFileExtension($arrFile) == "php") {
        $xmlr .= '<page><name>';
        $xmlr .= $arrFile;
        $xmlr .= '</name><match>';
        $xmlr .= $filesMatch;
        $xmlr .= '</match></page>';
    } else {
        $xmlr .= '<file><name>';
        $xmlr .= $arrFile;
        $xmlr .= '</name><match>';
        $xmlr .= $filesMatch;
        $xmlr .= '</match></file>';
$xmlr .= "</xml>";
print $xmlr;
예제 #25
function saveFileToS3ByName($client, $name, $path, $s3bucket = "", $width = 0, $height = 0)
    if (!$_FILES[$name]) {
    if ($_FILES[$name]["error"] != 0) {
    $tempFile = $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'];
    $fileName = $_FILES[$name]['name'];
    if ($width == 0) {
        saveObjectToS3ByFile($client, $s3bucket, $path, $tempFile);
    } else {
        $tempName = $tempFile . "." . getFileExtension($fileName);
        $newName = $tempFile . "_new." . getFileExtension($path);
        move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $tempName);
        createImage($tempName, $newName, $width, $height);
        saveObjectToS3ByFile($client, $s3bucket, $path, $newName);
예제 #26
 * get extra files list for given module
 * @param $sModule - module name
 * @param $sFolder - folder name where to look for files
 * @param $bGetUserFile - get current user file (true) or default file (false)
 * @param $bGetDate - get dates of files
 * @return $aResult - files array without extension and/or current file
function getExtraFiles($sModule, $sFolder = "langs", $bGetUserFile = true, $bGetDate = false)
    global $sModulesPath;
    $sFilesPath = $sModulesPath . $sModule . "/" . $sFolder . "/";
    $aFiles = array();
    $aDates = array();
    $sExtension = getFileExtension($sModule, $sFolder);
    if ($bGetDate) {
    if ($rDirHandle = opendir($sFilesPath)) {
        while (false !== ($sFile = readdir($rDirHandle))) {
            if (is_file($sFilesPath . $sFile) && $sFile != "." && $sFile != ".." && $sExtension == substr($sFile, strpos($sFile, ".") + 1)) {
                $aFiles[] = substr($sFile, 0, strpos($sFile, "."));
                if ($bGetDate) {
                    $aDates[] = filectime($sFilesPath . $sFile);
    $aResult = getSettingValue($sModule, FILE_DEFAULT_KEY, $sFolder, true);
    if ($aResult['status'] == FAILED_VAL || empty($aResult['value'])) {
        $sDefaultFile = $sFolder == "langs" ? "english" : "default";
    } else {
        $sDefaultFile = $aResult['value'];
    $sCurrentFile = in_array($sDefaultFile, $aFiles) ? $sDefaultFile : $aFiles[0];
    if ($bGetUserFile) {
        $sCookieValue = $_COOKIE["ray_" . $sFolder . "_" . $sModule];
        $sCurrentFile = isset($sCookieValue) && in_array($sCookieValue, $aFiles) ? $sCookieValue : $sDefaultFile;
    return array('files' => $aFiles, 'dates' => $aDates, 'current' => $sCurrentFile, 'extension' => $sExtension);
예제 #27
// show files
if (count($filesSorted) != 0) {
    foreach ($filesSorted as $upload) {
        $thumbnailLink = '';
        $primarylink = getRelPath(GSDATAUPLOADPATH) . $urlPath . rawurlencode($upload['name']);
        echo '<tr class="all ' . $upload['type'] . '" >';
        echo '<td class="imgthumb" >';
        // handle images
        if ($upload['type'] == 'image') {
            $gallery = 'rel="fancybox_i"';
            $pathlink = 'image.php?i=' . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '&amp;path=' . $subPath;
            $thumbLink = $urlPath . 'thumbsm.' . $upload['name'];
            $thumbLinkEncoded = $urlPath . 'thumbsm.' . rawurlencode($upload['name']);
            $thumbLinkExternal = $urlPath . 'thumbnail.' . $upload['name'];
            $ext = getFileExtension($upload['name']);
            // get thumbsm
            if (!file_exists(GSTHUMBNAILPATH . $thumbLink) || isset($_REQUEST['regenthumbsm'])) {
                $imgSrc = '<img class="' . $ext . '" src="inc/thumb.php?src=' . $urlPath . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '&amp;dest=' . $thumbLinkEncoded . '&amp;f=1&x=' . $thumbsm_w . '&y=' . $thumbsm_h . '" />';
            } else {
                $imgSrc = '<img class="' . $ext . '" src="' . tsl($SITEURL) . getRelPath(GSTHUMBNAILPATH) . $thumbLinkEncoded . '" />';
            // thumbnail link lightbox
            echo '<a href="' . tsl($SITEURL) . getRelPath($path) . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '" title="' . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '" rel="fancybox_i" >' . $imgSrc . '</a>';
            # get external thumbnail link
            # if not exist generate it
            if (!file_exists(GSTHUMBNAILPATH . $thumbLinkExternal) || isset($_REQUEST['regenthumbnail'])) {
                genStdThumb($subPath, $upload['name']);
            $thumbnailLink = '<a href="' . tsl($SITEURL) . getRelPath(GSTHUMBNAILPATH) . $thumbLinkExternal . '" class="label label-ghost thumblinkexternal" data-fileurl="' . getRelPath(GSTHUMBNAILPATH) . $thumbLinkExternal . '">' . i18n_r('THUMBNAIL') . '</a>';
        } else {
function getPTChildIncludes($liveFile)
    // e.g. $liveFile = "pagetemplates/ptname/"
    global $xmlr;
    $lciDir = PTSDIR . '/' . stripFileExtension(substr($liveFile, strlen(PTSDIR) + 1));
    if (!is_dir($lciDir)) {
        return false;
        // Should we attempt to create folder??
    $lciDirHandle = opendir($lciDir);
    while (False !== ($lciFile = readdir($lciDirHandle))) {
        if ($lciFile != '.' & $lciFile != '..' && !is_dir($lciDir . '/' . $lciFile)) {
            $xmlr .= '<lci>';
            $xmlr .= '<type>' . getFileExtension($lciFile) . '</type>';
            $xmlr .= '<filename>' . $lciFile . '</filename>';
            $xmlr .= '<filestatus>0</filestatus>';
            $xmlr .= '</lci>';
예제 #29
function initialize_page()
    $post_action = isset($_POST['submit']) ? $_POST['submit'] : "";
    if ($post_action == "Add Image" || $post_action == "Add and Return to List") {
        $title = cleanupSpecialChars($_POST['title']);
        $description = cleanupSpecialChars($_POST['description']);
            $name = $_POST['name'] == "" ? slug($_POST['title']) : slug($_POST['name']);
        } else {
            $name = slug($_POST['title']);
        // Was a file uploaded?
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"])) {
            $mimeType = $_FILES["image"]["type"];
            $filetype = getFileExtension($_FILES["image"]["name"]);
            list($width) = getimagesize($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]);
            $max_width = 0;
            $max_height = 0;
            if (defined("MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) {
                $max_height = MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
            if (defined("MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH")) {
                $max_width = MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH;
            resizeToMultipleMaxDimensions($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], $max_width, $max_height, $filetype);
            // Open the uploaded file
            $file = fopen($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], "r");
            // Read in the uploaded file
            $fileContents = fread($file, filesize($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]));
            // Escape special characters in the file
            $fileContents = AddSlashes($fileContents);
            /*if( copy($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] . "_thumb") ) {
            					resizeToMultipleMaxDimensions($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] . "_thumb", 200, 0);
            					$image = open_image($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] . "_thumb");
            					if ( $image === false ) { die ('Unable to open image for resizing'); }
            					$width = imagesx($image);
            					// Open the thumbnail file
            					$thumb_file = fopen($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] . "_thumb", "r");
            					// Read in the thumbnail file
            					$thumb_fileContents = fread($thumb_file, filesize($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"] . "_thumb")); 
            					// Escape special characters in the file
            					$thumb_fileContents = AddSlashes($thumb_fileContents);
            $thumb_fileContents = NULL;
        } else {
            $fileContents = $thumb_fileContents = NULL;
        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO images VALUES (NULL, \"{$title}\", \"{$description}\", \"{$fileContents}\", \"{$thumb_fileContents}\", \"{$mimeType}\", \"{$name}\")";
        $result = mysql_Query($insertQuery, MyActiveRecord::Connection());
        if (empty($result)) {
            //die( $updateQuery );
            setFlash("<h3>FAILURE &ndash; Please notify HCd of this error: " . mysql_error() . "</h3>");
        setFlash("<h3>Image uploaded</h3>");
        if ($post_action == "Add and Return to List") {
예제 #30
function Upload_and_Save_Image($image, $table_name, $file_field_name, $row_id, $thiswidth = null, $thisheight = null)
    $mimeType = $image["type"];
    switch ($mimeType) {
        case "image/gif":
            $mimeName = "GIF Image";
        case "image/jpeg":
            $mimeName = "JPEG Image";
        case "image/png":
            $mimeName = "PNG Image";
        case "image/x-MS-bmp":
            $mimeName = "Windows Bitmap";
            $mimeName = "Unknown image type";
    $filetype = getFileExtension($image["name"]);
    list($width) = getimagesize($image["tmp_name"]);
    $max_width = defined($thiswidth) ? $thiswidth : 0;
    $max_height = defined($thisheight) ? $thisheight : 0;
    resizeImageToMax($image["tmp_name"], $max_width, $max_height, $filetype);
    // Open the uploaded file
    $file = fopen($image["tmp_name"], "r");
    // Read in the uploaded file
    $fileContents = fread($file, filesize($image["tmp_name"]));
    // Escape special characters in the file
    $fileContents = AddSlashes($fileContents);
    $updateQuery = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ' . $file_field_name . ' = "' . $fileContents . '", mime_type = "' . $mimeType . '" WHERE id = ' . $row_id . ';';
    $result = mysql_Query($updateQuery, MyActiveRecord::Connection());
    if (!$result) {
        echo 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error();