예제 #1
<?php get_header(); ?>
	<div id="content">
	<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
		<article  id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"	>
				<?php the_content(); ?>	
				<h1><?php wp_title(' ','true','right'); ?></h1>
				<div id="pagenote" class="flat grid_3 alpha">
					<div class="notetext">
						<h2 class="notetitle">University Bound</h2>
						<p>Our university bound team members have recently graduated high school and work with us during the 9 months in between high school and university to earn money towards college.</p>
					<img class="noteimage" src="<?php echo site_url(); ?>/wp-content/themes/Sseko/images/pagenote.jpg">

				<?php $womens = getFieldOrder('image'); 
									{foreach($womens as $women)
										{echo "<a rel='women' href='#info$women'class='grid_3 inlineimg'>"; 
										 echo get_image('image',1,$women); 
										 echo "</a>";
										 echo "<div style='display:none'><div id='info$women' class='grid_8 lightbox women container_12'>";
										 echo "<img class='grid_5 right'src='";
										 echo get('image',1,$women);
										 echo "'/>";

										 echo "<div class='grid_6'>";
										 echo get('woman',1,$women);
										 echo "</div><hr>";	
																		 echo "</div></div>";
예제 #2
Template Name: Home Page
<?php get_header(); ?>
	<div id="content">
	<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
		<article  id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
				<?php the_content(); ?>						
						<div class="flexslider blueberry grid_12">
							<ul class="slides">
								<?php $images = getFieldOrder('slider_image'); 
									{foreach($images as $image)
										{echo "<li>"; 
										 echo "<a href='";
										 echo get('slider_button_link',1,$image);
										 echo "'>";
										 echo get_image('slider_image',1,$image); 
										 echo "</a>";
										 echo "</li>";
예제 #3
Template Name: Style your Ssekos
<?php get_header(); ?>
	<div id="content">
	<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
		<article  id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">

				<?php the_content(); ?>	
				<div id="note" class="grid_12"><p class="note grid_6 alpha"><span class="special">Style your Ssekos!</span> There are so many ways to tie your Ssekos. Watch the videos and learn how! Then, come up with your own!</p><h1 class="grid_6 omega"><?php wp_title(' ','true','right'); ?></h1></div>					
				<?php $styles = getFieldOrder('image'); 
									{foreach($styles as $style)
										 echo "<div class='grid_3'>";
										 echo "<a rel='styles' href='#info$style'class='inlineimg grid_3'>";
										 echo "<img src='";
										 echo get('image',1,$style,$tag_img=0);
										 echo "'class='grid_3'/>";										 
										 echo "</a>";
										 echo "<h2 class='grid_3'>";
										 echo get('name',1,$style);
										 echo "</h2></div>";
										 echo "<div style='display:none'><div id='info$style' class='grid_8 lightbox'>";
										 echo get('link',1,$style);
										 echo "</div></div>";
