/** * Function to get customfield entries * @param string $module - Module name * return array $cflist - customfield entries */ function getFieldListEntries($module) { $tabid = getTabid($module); global $adb, $smarty, $log, $current_user; global $theme; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = "themes/images/"; $dbQuery = "select vtiger_blocks.*,vtiger_tab.presence as tabpresence from vtiger_blocks" . " inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_blocks.tabid" . " where vtiger_blocks.tabid=? and vtiger_tab.presence = 0 order by sequence"; $result = $adb->pquery($dbQuery, array($tabid)); $row = $adb->fetch_array($result); $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($module); $nonEditableUiTypes = array('4', '70'); // To get reference field names require_once 'include/Webservices/Utils.php'; $handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($module, $current_user); $meta = $handler->getMeta(); $referenceFieldNames = array_keys($meta->getReferenceFieldDetails()); $cflist = array(); $i = 0; if ($row != '') { do { if ($row["blocklabel"] == 'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION') { $smarty->assign("CUSTOMSECTIONID", $row["blockid"]); } if ($row["blocklabel"] == 'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS') { $smarty->assign("RELPRODUCTSECTIONID", $row["blockid"]); } if ($row["blocklabel"] == 'LBL_COMMENTS' || $row['blocklabel'] == 'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION') { $smarty->assign("COMMENTSECTIONID", $row["blockid"]); } if ($row['blocklabel'] == 'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION') { $smarty->assign("SOLUTIONBLOCKID", $row["blockid"]); } if ($row['blocklabel'] == '') { continue; } $cflist[$i]['tabpresence'] = $row['tabpresence']; $cflist[$i]['module'] = $module; $cflist[$i]['blocklabel'] = getTranslatedString($row["blocklabel"], $module); $cflist[$i]['blockid'] = $row["blockid"]; $cflist[$i]['display_status'] = $row["display_status"]; $cflist[$i]['tabid'] = $tabid; $cflist[$i]['blockselect'] = $row["blockid"]; $cflist[$i]['sequence'] = $row["sequence"]; $cflist[$i]['iscustom'] = $row["iscustom"]; if ($module != 'Invoices' && $module != 'Quotes' && $module != 'SalesOrder' && $module != 'Invoice') { $sql_field = "select * from vtiger_field where block=? and vtiger_field.displaytype IN (1,2,4) order by sequence"; $sql_field_params = array($row["blockid"]); } else { $sql_field = "select * from vtiger_field where block=? and (vtiger_field.fieldlabel!='Total' and vtiger_field.fieldlabel!='Sub Total' and vtiger_field.fieldlabel!='Tax') and vtiger_field.displaytype IN (1,2,4) order by sequence"; $sql_field_params = array($row["blockid"]); } $result_field = $adb->pquery($sql_field, $sql_field_params); $row_field = $adb->fetch_array($result_field); if ($row_field != '') { $cf_element = array(); $cf_hidden_element = array(); $count = 0; $hiddencount = 0; do { $fieldid = $row_field['fieldid']; $presence = $row_field['presence']; $fieldname = $row_field['fieldname']; $customfieldflag = InStrCount($row_field['fieldname'], 'cf_', true); $quickcreate = $row_field['quickcreate']; $massedit = $row_field['masseditable']; $typeofdata = $row_field['typeofdata']; $displaytype = $row_field['displaytype']; $uitype = $row_field['uitype']; $fld_type_name = getCustomFieldTypeName($row_field['uitype']); $defaultValue = $row_field['defaultvalue']; if (!empty($defaultValue) && ($uitype == '5' || $uitype == '6' || $uitype == '23')) { $defaultValue = getValidDisplayDate($defaultValue); } $fieldlabel = getTranslatedString($row_field['fieldlabel'], $module); $defaultPermitted = true; $strictlyMandatory = false; if (isset($focus->mandatory_fields) && !empty($focus->mandatory_fields) && in_array($fieldname, $focus->mandatory_fields)) { $strictlyMandatory = true; $defaultPermitted = false; } elseif (in_array($uitype, $nonEditableUiTypes) || $displaytype == 2) { $strictlyMandatory = true; $defaultPermitted = false; } if (in_array($fieldname, $referenceFieldNames)) { $defaultPermitted = false; } $visibility = getFieldInfo($fieldname, $typeofdata, $quickcreate, $massedit, $presence, $strictlyMandatory, $customfieldflag, $displaytype, $uitype); $allValues = array(); if (in_array($uitype, array('15', '16', '33'))) { $allValues = getAllPickListValues($fieldname); } if ($presence == 0 || $presence == 2) { $cf_element[$count]['fieldselect'] = $fieldid; $cf_element[$count]['blockid'] = $row['blockid']; $cf_element[$count]['tabid'] = $tabid; $cf_element[$count]['no'] = $count; $cf_element[$count]['label'] = $fieldlabel; $cf_element[$count]['fieldlabel'] = $row_field['fieldlabel']; $cf_element[$count]['type'] = $fld_type_name; $cf_element[$count]['typeofdata'] = $typeofdata; $cf_element[$count]['uitype'] = $uitype; $cf_element[$count]['columnname'] = $row_field['columnname']; $cf_element[$count]['defaultvalue'] = array('permitted' => $defaultPermitted, 'value' => $defaultValue, '_allvalues' => $allValues); $cf_element[$count] = array_merge($cf_element[$count], $visibility); $count++; } else { $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['fieldselect'] = $fieldid; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['blockid'] = $row['blockid']; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['tabid'] = $tabid; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['no'] = $hiddencount; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['label'] = $fieldlabel; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['fieldlabel'] = $row_field['fieldlabel']; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['type'] = $fld_type_name; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['typeofdata'] = $typeofdata; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['uitype'] = $uitype; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['columnname'] = $row_field['columnname']; $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount]['defaultvalue'] = array('permitted' => $defaultPermitted, 'value' => $defaultValue, '_allvalues' => $allValues); $cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount] = array_merge($cf_hidden_element[$hiddencount], $visibility); $hiddencount++; } } while ($row_field = $adb->fetch_array($result_field)); $cflist[$i]['no'] = $count; $cflist[$i]['hidden_count'] = $hiddencount; } else { $cflist[$i]['no'] = 0; } $query_fields_not_in_block = 'select fieldid,fieldlabel,block from vtiger_field ' . 'inner join vtiger_blocks on vtiger_field.block=vtiger_blocks.blockid ' . 'where vtiger_field.block != ? and vtiger_blocks.blocklabel not in ("LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION","LBL_COMMENTS","LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION") ' . 'AND vtiger_field.tabid = ? and vtiger_field.displaytype IN (1,2,4) order by vtiger_field.sequence'; $params = array($row['blockid'], $tabid); $fields = $adb->pquery($query_fields_not_in_block, $params); $row_field = $adb->fetch_array($fields); if ($row_field != '') { $movefields = array(); $movefieldcount = 0; do { $movefields[$movefieldcount]['fieldid'] = $row_field['fieldid']; $movefields[$movefieldcount]['fieldlabel'] = getTranslatedString($row_field['fieldlabel'], $module); $movefieldcount++; } while ($row_field = $adb->fetch_array($fields)); $cflist[$i]['movefieldcount'] = $movefieldcount; } else { $cflist[$i]['movefieldcount'] = 0; } $cflist[$i]['field'] = $cf_element; $cflist[$i]['hiddenfield'] = $cf_hidden_element; $cflist[$i]['movefield'] = $movefields; $cflist[$i]['hascustomtable'] = $focus->customFieldTable; unset($cf_element); unset($cf_hidden_element); unset($movefields); $i++; } while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)); } return $cflist; }
/** * Searches all the fields of any table for a keyword by matching any text or number within a value */ function searchRows($tableName, $keyword, $db) { if ($tableName == "" || $keyword == "") { Errors::report("Values are missing: Table name: {$tableName}, keyword: {$keyword}."); return false; } $fieldinfo = getFieldInfo($tableName, $db); if ($fieldinfo === false) { return false; } if (is_string($fieldinfo)) { return $fieldinfo; } $i = 0; $q = "select * from {$tableName} where "; foreach ($fieldinfo as $f) { if ($i > 0) { $q .= " or "; } $field = $f['Field']; $q .= $field . " LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' "; $i++; } $qr = $db->executeQuery($q); if ($qr === false) { Errors::report($db->err); return false; } if (count($qr) == 0) { return "No results were found for search keyword = {$keyword} in table {$tableName}."; } return $qr; }
*/ if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "You can not access this page directly."; return; } require_once 'config/project.class.php'; $al = new Project(); $title = ""; $body = ""; $rep = ""; $islogin = false; $mail_sent = false; $isinserted = false; extract($_POST); list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $_POST['birthdate']); $fieldinfo = getFieldInfo('users', $al->db); $i = 0; foreach ($fieldinfo as $f) { if ($i > 0) { $q .= " or "; } $fields[] = $f['Field']; $i++; } $values = array("NULL", trim($email), trim($password), trim($fname), trim($lname), $sex, $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day, sha1(rand(10, 100)), 0, 1, 0, date("Y-m-d G:i:s"), date("Y-m-d G:i:s"), 0); $isinserted = setRow('users', $fields, $values, 'insert', $al->db); if ($isinserted === true) { $title = "Congratulations!"; $body = "You are now registered to Articulatelogic CMS. You can now login, with your user name and password that you provided."; $rep = "Signup Successful !"; } else {
$email = $l->getEmail(); $utype = $l->utype; } $al->tp->assign('islogin', $islogin); $al->tp->assign('email', $email); if ($utype != 1) { Errors::report("You do not have permission to view this page."); return; } extract($_POST); if ($action == "add") { $id = getNewId("articles", $al->db); if ($id == false) { return; } $fieldinfo = getFieldInfo('articles', $al->db); if (is_string($fieldinfo)) { $rep .= $fieldinfo; } if ($fieldinfo === false) { return; } $i = 0; foreach ($fieldinfo as $f) { if ($i > 0) { $q .= " or "; } $fields[] = $f['Field']; $i++; } $values = array($id, $l->getId(), $cat, addslashes($arturl), addslashes($arttitle), addslashes($subtitle), addslashes(htmlentities($bodytxt)), addslashes($remarks), addslashes($keywords), 0, 0, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);
$email = $l->getEmail(); $utype = $l->utype; } $al->tp->assign('islogin', $islogin); $al->tp->assign('email', $email); if ($utype != 1) { Errors::report("You do not have permission to view this page."); return; } extract($_POST); if ($action == "add") { $id = getNewId("categories", $al->db); if ($id == false) { return; } $fieldinfo = getFieldInfo('categories', $al->db); if (is_string($fieldinfo)) { $rep .= $fieldinfo; } if ($fieldinfo === false) { return; } $i = 0; foreach ($fieldinfo as $f) { if ($i > 0) { $q .= " or "; } $fields[] = $f['Field']; $i++; } $values = array($id, addslashes(trim($cname)), $mtype, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);