private function showEmpSelectionForm() { if (empty($this->empID)) { $this->empID = $_SESSION['userIDnum']; } $empq = getEmployeeInfo($this->config, $this->empID); $empInfo = getQueryResult($this->config, $empq, $debug = false); $emp = $empInfo->fetch_assoc(); $this->empName = $emp['Name']; echo '<h3>Submission for Employee: <font color="yellow">' . $this->empName . '</font>'; if ($this->config->adminLvl >= 25) { //echo ' Lookup Employee... work in progress<br/>'; if (empty($this->subTypeID)) { echo ' <br/><br/><input type="submit" name="reqFormEmpSearch" value="Submit For Employee" />'; } echo '<input type="hidden" name="empID" value="' . $this->empID . '" /><br/><br/>'; } echo '</h3>'; }
public function showPrintFriendlyRequest() { if ($this->config->adminLvl >= 0) { //Valid user $this->refNo = isset($_GET['printRequestNo']) ? $_GET['printRequestNo'] : ''; $this->refNo = isset($_POST['requestID']) ? $_POST['requestID'] : $this->refNo; if (!empty($this->refNo)) { echo '<div style="font-size:16px"> <h1><center>MAHONING COUNTY SHERIFF\'S OFFICE <br/> EMPLOYEE REQUEST FORM<br/></center></h1> <h2><center>Request reference #' . $this->refNo . '</center></h2>'; $this->filters = getFilterByRefNo($this->config, $this->refNo); $this->currentQuery = getTimeRequestTable($this->config, $this->filters, $orderBy = '', $limit = ' LIMIT 1'); $result = getQueryResult($this->config, $this->currentQuery, $this->debug); $req = $result->fetch_assoc(); $mydivq = getEmployeeInfo($this->config, $req['Requester']); $myDivResult = getQueryResult($this->config, $mydivq, $debug = false); $empInfo = $myDivResult->fetch_assoc(); if ($this->config->adminLvl >= 25 || $req['Requester'] == $_SESSION['userIDnum']) { //Must be admin or viewing own requests echo '<div align="right"> DATE FILED: ' . $req['Request_Date'] . '</div>'; echo '<h1>Employee Information</h1>'; echo 'EMPLOYEE: <div style="display: inline;font-size:24px">' . $req['Name']; if (strcmp($req['Name'], $req['Audit_Name']) != 0) { echo ' <font color="darkred">Submission By: ' . $req['Audit_Name'] . '</font>'; } echo '</div><br/>'; echo 'Dvision: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $empInfo['DESCR'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'RANK: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $empInfo['RANK'] . '</div><br/>'; echo '<br/><h2>Requested Information</h2>'; echo '<br/>'; echo 'TYPE OF REQUEST: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Type'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'SUBTYPE: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Subtype'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'DATE OF USE: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Used'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'START TIME: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Start'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'END TIME: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['End'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'CALCULATED HOURS: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Hrs'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'EMPLOYEE NOTES: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Comment'] . '</div><br/><br/>'; if ($this->config->adminLvl >= 25) { if (strcmp($req['Name'], $req['Audit_Name']) != 0) { echo '<br/><h2>Employee Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________</h2>'; } else { $fname = capitolizeFirstLetterOnly($req['Emp_Fname']); $lname = capitolizeFirstLetterOnly($req['Emp_Lname']); echo '<h2>Employee Signature: <div id="HaloSignature">' . ' ' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . ' </div>' . ' Date: <div id="HaloSignature"> ' . $req['Submit_Date'] . ' </div></h2>'; } echo '<div class="divider"></div>'; } echo '<h1>O.I.C.</h1>'; echo 'REQUEST STATUS: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Status'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'SUPERVISOR NOTES: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['Reason'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'SUPERVISOR FILED DATE: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['approveTS'] . '</div><br/>'; echo 'SUPERVISOR: <div style="display: inline;font-size:20px">' . $req['ApprovedBy'] . '</div><br/><br/><br/>'; if ($this->config->adminLvl >= 25) { echo '<h2>Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________</h2>'; echo '<br/><br/><h1>OFFICE USE ONLY</h1><br/><br/>'; echo '<h2>Office Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________</h2>'; echo '</div>'; } } else { echo 'You can only view your own requests'; } } else { echo 'Error Getting Reference Number to Print!'; } } else { echo 'You must login first'; } }