function findDistance($data) { $timeArr = array(); $totalDistance = 0; $data1 = explode("#", $data); for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("\$", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = date("d-m-Y h:i A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $geoTime = date("H:i:s A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $pos1 = convertLat(calLat($data3[7])); $pos2 = convertLong(calLong($data3[8])); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } return round($totalDistance); }
function getResult(&$rs, $x, $y, $km, $p, $id, $pageShow, $myKey, $lng = 'lng', $lat = 'lat') { $km = $km * 1000; $data = array('data' => $rs, 'total_count' => 0, 'total_page' => 0); // 算出实际距离 if ($data['data']) { $sortdistance = array(); foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $val) { $distance = getDistance($x, $y, $val[$lng], $val[$lat]); if ($val[$myKey] != $id && $distance <= $km) { $data['data'][$key]['distance'] = $distance; $sortdistance[$key] = $distance; // 排序列 } else { unset($data['data'][$key]); } } if ($sortdistance) { // 距离排序 array_multisort($sortdistance, SORT_ASC, $data['data']); $data['total_count'] = count($data['data']); $data['total_page'] = ceil($data['total_count'] / $pageShow); if ($p > $data['total_page']) { $p = $data['total_page']; } $data['data'] = array_slice($data['data'], ($p - 1) * $pageShow, $pageShow); } } return $data; }
protected function validateAddresses($origin, $destination) { $errorOrigin = ''; $errorDestination = ''; $distance = ''; if (empty($origin)) { $errorOrigin = $this->errorMsg; } if (empty($destination)) { $errorDestination = $this->errorMsg; } if (!empty($origin) && !empty($destination)) { $arrayGoogleMapAPIResponse = getDistance($origin, $destination); if ($arrayGoogleMapAPIResponse['geocoded_waypoints'][0]['geocoder_status'] != 'OK') { $errorOrigin = $this->errorAddressMsg; } if ($arrayGoogleMapAPIResponse['geocoded_waypoints'][1]['geocoder_status'] != 'OK') { $errorDestination = $this->errorAddressMsg; } if (empty($errorOrigin) && empty($errorDestination) && $arrayGoogleMapAPIResponse['status'] != 'OK') { $errorDestination = $this->errorRouteMsg; } } if ($errorOrigin == '' && $errorDestination == '') { $distance = $arrayGoogleMapAPIResponse['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['distance']['value']; } $arrayErrorAddresses = [$errorOrigin, $errorDestination, $distance]; return $arrayErrorAddresses; }
function matchTrip($tripId) { if (!isLoggedIn()) { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Invalid session"); echo json_encode($response); return; } include "config.php"; $myTripQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_mysql_table_name . " WHERE id='" . $tripId . "'"; $tripQuerySuccess = mysqli_query($link, $myTripQuery); if ($tripQuerySuccess) { if (mysqli_num_rows($tripQuerySuccess) == 1) { $matchTrip = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tripQuerySuccess); } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Duplicate id in DB "); echo json_encode($response); } } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Unable to run query in DB"); echo json_encode($response); } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_mysql_table_name . " WHERE state=0" . " AND id!='" . $tripId . "'" . " AND date='" . getTripDate($matchTrip) . "'"; // Ensures rides are on the same day. $success = mysqli_query($link, $query); $rows = array(); if ($success) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($success)) { if (timeCoincides($row, $matchTrip)) { // Ensures that they start at around the same time. if (getDistance(getDestAddr($row), getDestAddr($matchTrip)) <= 3000) { if (getDistance(getSourceAddr($row), getSourceAddr($matchTrip)) <= 3000) { $rows[] = $row; } } } } $response = array("status" => 0, "data" => $rows); $response = json_encode($response); foreach ($rows as $match) { send_email(getUserId($match), $response); } if (!empty($playerlist)) { // Do not send email if no match found send_email(getMailId(), $response); } else { // Send email of no match if needed. } echo json_encode($response); } else { $response = array("status" => 1, "error" => "Unable to run query in DB"); echo json_encode($response); } }
function kmsPerDay($path) { $timeArr = array(); $cnt = 1; $totalDistance = 0; $file1 = @fopen($path, "r"); if ($file1) { $i = 0; while (!feof($file1)) { $data = fgets($file1); //$i++; } $data = getSortedData($data); $data1 = explode("#", $data); for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("\$", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = date("d-m-Y h:i A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $geoTime = date("H:i:s A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $pos1 = convertLat(calLat($data3[7])); $pos2 = convertLong(calLong($data3[8])); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } //echo $data3[11]; $res = simpleGeocode($pos1, $pos2); //print_r($res); $res = str_replace('"', "", $res); //echo $res."<br>"; //echo round($totalDistance,2); $finalData = round($totalDistance) . "#" . $geodate . "#" . $res; fclose($file1); return $finalData; } }
public function lists() { $must = array(); $this->check_param($must); $this->check_sign(); extract($this->params); do { if (!isset($page_size)) { $page_size = 10; } //设置默认的 city_id 为 1 if (!isset($city_id)) { $city_id = 1; } $this->Table_model->init(T_DISTRICT); $where_map = array('city' => $city_id); //是否只返回已经开发的商圈 if (isset($is_developed)) { $where_map['is_developed'] = $is_developed; } $limit_arr = array($page_size, $this->page_now); $order_map = array('is_developed' => 'desc'); $res = $this->Table_model->records($where_map, array(), $limit_arr, $order_map); if ($res['err_num'] == 0) { $results =& $res['results']; $results['pager'] = paging($results['records_num'], $this->page_now, $page_size); foreach ($results['records'] as &$value) { $value['photo'] = json_decode($value['photo']); //@todo 因为城市暂时只有一个北京,先临时处理下 $value['city_name'] = "北京"; //如果传参数 longtitude , 和 latitude ,则多返回一个 用户距 商圈距离字段 if (isset($Latitude) && isset($Longitude)) { if (!$Latitude) { $value['distance'] = "无法获取您的位置信息"; } if (!$Longitude) { $value['distance'] = "无法获取您的位置信息"; } else { $value['distance'] = getDistance($value['Latitude'], $value['Longitude'], $Latitude, $Longitude); } } else { $value['distance'] = "无法获取您的位置信息"; } } unset($results['records_num']); $this->op($res); } else { $this->st(array(), "获取商圈列表失败!", API_UNKNOW_ERR); } } while (0); $this->op(); }
function bestServer($location, $server) { foreach ($server as $k => $s) { foreach ($location as $i => $loc) { $sum = $sum + getDistance($loc['latitutde'], $loc['longitude'], $s['latitude'], $s['longitude']); if ($sum <= $min || !$min) { $min = $sum; $id = $s['id']; } } } return $id; }
function getStations($lat, $lng, $rad) { global $db; $ret = array(); $q = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM `it_stations`"); while (($station = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) != null) { $station["distance"] = ceil(getDistance((double) $station["lat"], (double) $station["lng"], (double) $lat, (double) $lng) * 1000); if ($station["distance"] < $rad * 1000) { $station["prices"] = getPrices($station["id"]); $ret[] = $station; } } return $ret; }
function getDistance($evalCallback, $from, $previousDistance = 0, $previousLocations = []) { global $routes; $previousLocations[] = $from; $distances = []; foreach ($routes[$from] as $to => $length) { if (\in_array($to, $previousLocations)) { continue; } // Here (at least on shortest path) we could stop if previous + length > previous-best $distances[$to] = \getDistance($evalCallback, $to, $previousDistance + $length, $previousLocations); } return empty($distances) ? $previousDistance : \call_user_func($evalCallback, $distances); }
public function testUserLocation() { $this->load->model('Venue_model'); $this->load->model('User_model'); $this->load->helper("location"); $me = $this->User_model->load(1); $me = $me[0]; $peppers = $this->Venue_model->load(1); $peppers = $peppers[0]; $capital = $this->Venue_model->load(7); $capital = $capital[0]; $distanceToPeps = getDistance($me->lastLocationLat, $me->lastLocationLong, $peppers->latitude, $peppers->longitude); $distanceToCap = getDistance($me->lastLocationLat, $me->lastLocationLong, $capital->latitude, $capital->longitude); //echo "To Peps: " . $distanceToPeps . ", To Capital: " . $distanceToCap; self::printJson($capital); }
public function showdetail() { global $G, $lang; $tid = intval($_GET['tid']); $task = $this->t('task')->where(array('tid' => $tid))->selectOne(); if ($task) { $task['pic'] = image($task['pic']); $task['distance'] = getDistance($this->longitude, $this->latitude, $task['longitude'], $task['latitude']); if ($_GET['datatype'] == 'json') { $task['content'] = stripHtml($task['content']); $this->showAppData($task); } else { include template('task_detail', 'app'); } } }
function liveKmsPerDay($lData, $sTime1, $eTime1) { $timeArr = array(); //$ptArr = array(); $cnt = 0; $totalDistance = 0; $data1 = explode("#", $lData); for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("@", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $geodate = $data3[8]; $geoTime = $data3[9]; $curTime = explode(":", $data3[9]); $curTime = $curTime[0] * 60 + $curTime[1]; //echo "<br>"; if ($curTime >= $sTime1 && $curTime <= $eTime1) { $pos1 = calLat($data3[2]); $pos2 = calLong($data3[1]); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($cnt == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; //echo $sTime1." >= ".$curTime." <= ".$eTime1." ".$totalDistance."<br>"; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } } } $cnt++; } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } //$res=simpleGeocode($pos1,$pos2); //$res=str_replace('"',"",$res); $finalData = round($totalDistance); return $finalData; }
/** * 显示商品详细信息 */ public function showdetail() { global $G, $lang; $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->t('goods')->where(array('id' => $id))->update('viewnum=viewnum+1'); $goods = $this->t('goods')->where(array('id' => $id))->selectOne(); $goods['dateline'] = @date('Y-m-d H:i', $goods['dateline']); $goods['modified'] = @date('Y-m-d H:i', $goods['modified']); $goods['pic'] = image($goods['pic']); $goods['distance'] = getDistance($this->longitude, $this->latitude, $goods['longitude'], $goods['latitude']); if ($_GET['datatype'] == 'json') { $this->showAppData($goods); } else { $json = json_encode($goods); $description = $this->t('goods_description')->where(array('goods_id' => $id))->selectOne(); $shop = $this->t('shop')->where(array('shopid' => $goods['shopid']))->selectOne(); $shop['pic'] = image($shop['pic']); include template('goods_detail', 'app'); } }
function getSaving($source, $destination) { $data = getDistance($source, $destination); $fare = calculateFare($data["distance"]); $duration = minToHours(calculateDuration($data["distance"])); $start_date = "06/03/2015"; $end_date = "09/03/2015"; $geoCordinates = get_lat_long($destination); $hotelPrice = getStayzillahotel($geoCordinates[0], $geoCordinates[1], $start_date, $end_date); $Price = $hotelPrice->hotels[0]->rawPrice; $stayzillaSource = $hotelPrice->hotels[0]->address; $data_User = array("distance" => $data["distance"], "duration" => $duration, "cabFare" => $fare); $stayzillaData = getDistance($stayzillaSource, $destination); $stayZillaDistance = number_format((double) $hotelPrice->hotels[0]->distanceFromLatLong / 1000, 2, '.', ''); $stayzillafare = calculateFare($stayZillaDistance); $stayzillaDuration = minToHours(calculateDuration($stayZillaDistance)); $data_stayzilla = array("distance" => $stayZillaDistance . " km", "duration" => $stayzillaDuration, "cabFare" => $stayzillafare, "hotelFare" => $Price, "hotelData" => $hotelPrice->hotels[0]); $responceData = array(); $responceData["user"] = $data_User; $responceData["stayzilla"] = $data_stayzilla; return json_encode($responceData); }
function addTableData() { $abfrage = "SELECT * FROM Hotel"; $ergebnis = mysql_query($abfrage); if (mysql_num_rows($ergebnis) == 0) { echo "keine Daten vorhanden"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($ergebnis)) { //Land besorgen $ab = "SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE iso2='" . $row[6] . "'"; $land = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($ab)); //Zimmerbuchungen besorgen $ab1 = "SELECT * FROM Zimmerbuchung WHERE hotelid='" . $row[0] . "' AND von<'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' AND bis>'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'"; $zimmer = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($ab1)); $zimmer = !$zimmer ? "0" : $zimmer; $hotelname = getHotelNameByID($row[0]); //Tabellenzeile einfügen echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><div class="box"> <p class"hover">' . $row[0] . '</p> <div class="mask"><img class="minipic" src="../images/hotels/' . getHotelBild($hotelname) . '" width="250" height="270" border="0" alt=' . $hotelname . '></div> </td>'; // echo "<td>" . $row[0] . "</td>"; echo '<td class="name">' . $row[1] . '<input type="button" class="showZimmer" value="Zimmer" onclick=\'window.location.href = "#' . $row[0] . '"\'/></td>'; echo "<td style='width:125px;'><p hidden>" . $row[2] . "</p>" . addSterne($row[2]) . "</td>"; echo '<td><span class="pie">' . $zimmer . '/' . $row[3] . '</span><br>' . $zimmer . '/' . $row[3] . '</td>'; echo "<td>" . $row[4] . "<br>" . $row[5] . "<br>" . $land->country . "<img src='../images/flags/" . strtolower($row[6]) . ".png'></td>"; $flughafen = getDistance($row[4] . " " . $row[5], "airport " . $row[8]); echo "<td>" . getOrtAndFlag($row[8]) . "<br>" . $flughafen . " km</td>"; echo "<td><a href='" . $row[7] . "'>Link</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href='../phpdata/hotelAendern.php?"; echo addEditList($row[0], "Hotel"); echo "#openModal'><img src='../images/edit.png' class='bin'></td>"; echo "<td><a href='../phpdata/hotelLoeschen.php?id=" . $row[0] . "'><img src='../images/loeschen.png' class='bin'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } }
$activities = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('weilive_activity') . " where start_time < " . time() . " and end_time > " . time() . " and flag = 0 and isopen = 1 and weid = " . $weid); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . tablename('weilive_stores') . " WHERE weid = :weid AND status<>0 AND checked=1 {$condition_store} ", array(':weid' => $weid)); } } else { $styles = 2; if (empty($_GPC['lng'])) { $gps = false; } else { $gps = true; $lng = $_GPC['lng']; $lat = $_GPC['lat']; $stores = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('weilive_stores') . " WHERE weid = :weid AND status<>0 AND checked=1 {$condition_store} {$order_condition} LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, array(':weid' => $weid)); $distance = empty($setting) ? 5 : $setting['distance']; $total1 = 0; foreach ($stores as $key => $s) { $stores[$key]['dis'] = getDistance($lng, $lat, $s['lng'], $s['lat']); if ($stores[$key]['dis'] > $distance) { $total1++; unset($stores[$key]); } } if (!empty($stores)) { foreach ($stores as $key => $row) { $level[$key] = $row['level']; $dis[$key] = $row['dis']; } array_multisort($dis, SORT_ASC, $level, SORT_DESC, $stores); } $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('weilive_stores') . " WHERE weid = :weid AND status<>0 AND checked=1 {$condition_store} ", array(':weid' => $weid)); $total = $total - $total1; $activities = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('weilive_activity') . " where start_time < " . time() . " and end_time > " . time() . " and flag = 0 and isopen = 1 and weid = " . $weid);
public function searchArea() { $resto_cuisine = ''; $rating = ''; $minimum = ''; $pay_by = ''; $minus_has_delivery_rates = 0; $cuisine_list = Yii::app()->functions->Cuisine(true); $country_list = Yii::app()->functions->CountryList(); $this->data['s'] = isset($this->data['s']) ? $this->data['s'] : ""; $search_str = explode(",", $this->data['s']); if (is_array($search_str) && count($search_str) >= 2) { $city = isset($search_str[1]) ? trim($search_str[1]) : ''; $state = isset($search_str[2]) ? trim($search_str[2]) : ''; } else { $city = trim($this->data['s']); $state = trim($this->data['s']); } $from_address = $this->data['s']; if (empty($from_address)) { $from_address = isset($this->data['st']) ? $this->data['st'] : ''; if (!empty($this->data['st'])) { $_SESSION['kr_search_address'] = $this->data['st']; } } if ($res = Yii::app()->functions->searchByArea($city, $state)) { if (is_array($res) && count($res) >= 1) { $total = Yii::app()->functions->search_result_total; $feed_datas['sEcho'] = $this->data['sEcho']; $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] = $total; $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total; /*dump($feed_datas); die();*/ foreach ($res as $val) { $merchant_address = $val['street'] . " " . $val['city'] . " " . $val['post_code']; $miles = 0; $kms = 0; $ft = false; $new_distance_raw = 0; if ($distance = getDistance($from_address, $merchant_address, $val['country_code'], false)) { $miles = $distance->rows[0]->elements[0]->distance->text; //dump($miles); if (preg_match("/ft/i", $miles)) { $ft = true; $miles_raw = $miles; $new_distance_raw = str_replace("ft", '', $miles); $new_distance_raw = ft2kms(trim($new_distance_raw)); } else { $miles_raw = str_replace(array(" ", "mi"), "", $miles); $kms = miles2kms(unPrettyPrice($miles_raw)); $new_distance_raw = $kms; $kms = standardPrettyFormat($kms); } } /*get merchant distance */ $mt_delivery_miles = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_delivery_miles", $val['merchant_id']); $merchant_distance_type = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_distance_type", $val['merchant_id']); /*dump($mt_delivery_miles); dump($miles_raw);*/ $resto_cuisine = ''; $cuisine = !empty($val['cuisine']) ? (array) json_decode($val['cuisine']) : false; if ($cuisine != false) { foreach ($cuisine as $valc) { if (array_key_exists($valc, (array) $cuisine_list)) { $resto_cuisine .= $cuisine_list[$valc] . ", "; } } $resto_cuisine = !empty($resto_cuisine) ? substr($resto_cuisine, 0, -2) : ''; } $resto_info = "<h5><a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">" . $val['restaurant_name'] . "</a></h5>"; //$resto_cuisine="<span class=\"cuisine-list\">".$resto_cuisine."</span>"; $resto_cuisine = wordwrap($resto_cuisine, 50, "<br />\n"); $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-muted\">" . $val['street'] . " " . $val['city'] . " " . $val['post_code'] . "</p>"; if (array_key_exists($val['country_code'], (array) $country_list)) { $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . $country_list[$val['country_code']] . "</p>"; } $resto_info .= "<p class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t('default', "Cuisine") . " - " . $resto_cuisine . "</p>"; $delivery_est = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_delivery_estimation", $val['merchant_id']); $distancesya = $miles_raw; $unit_distance = $merchant_distance_type; if (!empty($from_address)) { if ($ft == TRUE) { $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$miles_raw} </p>"; if ($merchant_distance_type == "km") { $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "km"); } else { $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "miles"); } } else { if ($merchant_distance_type == "km") { $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "km"); $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$kms} " . Yii::t("default", "km") . "</p>"; $distancesya = $kms; } else { $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Distance") . ": </span> {$miles_raw} " . Yii::t("default", "miles") . "</p>"; $distance_type = Yii::t("default", "miles"); } } } $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Est") . ": </span> " . $delivery_est . "</p>"; if (is_numeric($mt_delivery_miles)) { $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Distance") . ": </span> " . $mt_delivery_miles . " " . $distance_type . "</p>"; } $shipping_enabled = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("shipping_enabled", $val['merchant_id']); //delivery rates table $delivery_fee = $val['delivery_charges']; if ($shipping_enabled == 2) { $FunctionsK = new FunctionsK(); //$distancesya=round($distancesya); //dump($distancesya); $delivery_fee = $FunctionsK->getDeliveryChargesByDistance($val['merchant_id'], $distancesya, $unit_distance, $delivery_fee); if ($delivery_fee >= 0.01) { if (isset($_GET['filter_promo'])) { if (preg_match("/free-delivery/i", $_GET['filter_promo'])) { $minus_has_delivery_rates++; continue; } } } } if (is_numeric($delivery_fee) && $delivery_fee >= 1) { $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Fee") . ":</span> " . displayPrice(getCurrencyCode(), prettyFormat($delivery_fee)) . "</p>"; } else { $resto_info .= "<p><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">" . Yii::t("default", "Delivery Fee") . ":</span> " . "<span class=\"uk-text-success\">" . Yii::t("default", "Free Delivery") . "</span>" . "</p>"; } $image = ''; $merchant_photo = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_photo", $val['merchant_id']); if (!empty($merchant_photo)) { $image .= "<a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">"; $image .= "<img class=\"uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini\" src=\"" . baseUrl() . "/upload/" . $merchant_photo . "\" alt=\"\" title=\"\">"; $image .= "</a>"; } if (empty($image)) { $image .= "<a href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">"; $image .= "<img class=\"uk-thumbnail uk-thumbnail-mini\" src=\"" . baseUrl() . "/assets/images/thumbnail-medium.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"\">"; $image .= "</a>"; } $ratings = Yii::app()->functions->getRatings($val['merchant_id']); $rating_meanings = ''; if ($ratings['ratings'] >= 1) { $rating_meaning = Yii::app()->functions->getRatingsMeaning($ratings['ratings']); $rating_meanings = ucwords($rating_meaning['meaning']); } $rating = "<div class=\"rate-wrap\">\r\n\t \t\t\t\t<h6 class=\"rounded2\" data-uk-tooltip=\"{pos:'bottom-left'}\" title=\"{$rating_meanings}\" >" . number_format($ratings['ratings'], 1) . "</h6>\r\n\t \t\t\t\t<span>" . $ratings['votes'] . " " . Yii::t("default", "Votes") . "</span>\r\n\t \t\t\t\t</div>"; $stores_open_day = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_day", $val['merchant_id']); $stores_open_starts = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_starts", $val['merchant_id']); $stores_open_ends = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_ends", $val['merchant_id']); $stores_open_custom_text = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("stores_open_custom_text", $val['merchant_id']); $stores_open_day = !empty($stores_open_day) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_day) : false; $stores_open_starts = !empty($stores_open_starts) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_starts) : false; $stores_open_ends = !empty($stores_open_ends) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_ends) : false; $stores_open_custom_text = !empty($stores_open_custom_text) ? (array) json_decode($stores_open_custom_text) : false; $tip = ''; $open_starts = ''; $open_ends = ''; $open_text = ''; $tip .= "<ul class=\"hr_op rounded2\"><i class=\"fa fa-caret-up\"></i>"; if (is_array($stores_open_day) && count($stores_open_day) >= 1) { foreach ($stores_open_day as $val_open) { if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_starts)) { $open_starts = timeFormat($stores_open_starts[$val_open], true); } if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_ends)) { $open_ends = timeFormat($stores_open_ends[$val_open], true); } if (array_key_exists($val_open, (array) $stores_open_custom_text)) { $open_text = $stores_open_custom_text[$val_open]; } $tip .= '<li><span>' . ucwords(Yii::t("default", $val_open)) . '</span><value>' . $open_starts . " - " . $open_ends . " " . ucfirst($open_text) . '</value></li>'; $open_starts = ''; $open_ends = ''; $open_text = ''; } } else { $tip .= '<li>' . Yii::t("default", "Not available.") . '</li>'; } $tip .= "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; $tip .= "</ul>"; $tips = "<a class=\"opening-hours-wrap\" href=\"javascript:;\">" . Yii::t("default", "Hours of Operation") . "{$tip}</a>"; $resto_info .= $tips; $resto_info .= "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>"; $resto_info .= "<div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"uk-button uk-button-success uk-width-1-2\" href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "\">"; $resto_info .= Yii::t("default", "Order Now"); $resto_info .= "</a></div>"; $resto_info .= "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>"; $table_book = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_table_booking", $val['merchant_id']); if ($table_book == "") { $resto_info .= "<div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"uk-button uk-button-success uk-width-1-2\" href=\"" . baseUrl() . "/store/menu/merchant/" . $val['restaurant_slug'] . "/?tab=booking" . "\">"; $resto_info .= Yii::t("default", "Book a Table"); $resto_info .= "</a></div>"; } $is_sponsored = ''; if ($val['is_sponsored'] == 2) { $is_sponsored = "<br/><div class=\"uk-badge uk-badge-warning\">" . Yii::t("default", "sponsored") . "</div>"; } $is_merchant_open = Yii::app()->functions->isMerchantOpen($val['merchant_id']); $merchant_preorder = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_preorder", $val['merchant_id']); $now = date('Y-m-d'); $is_holiday = false; if ($m_holiday = Yii::app()->functions->getMerchantHoliday($val['merchant_id'])) { if (in_array($now, (array) $m_holiday)) { $is_merchant_open = false; } } $tag_open = ''; if ($is_merchant_open == TRUE) { $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-success">' . t("Open") . '</div>'; } else { if ($merchant_preorder) { $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-warning">' . t("Pre-Order") . '</div>'; } else { $tag_open = '<div class="uk-badge uk-badge-danger">' . t("Closed") . '</div>'; } } $is_sponsored .= $tag_open; $offers = Widgets::offers($val['merchant_id'], 2); $is_sponsored .= $offers; $merchant_latitude = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_latitude", $val['merchant_id']); $merchant_longtitude = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_longtitude", $val['merchant_id']); $merchant_latitude = !empty($merchant_latitude) ? $merchant_latitude : '0'; $merchant_longtitude = !empty($merchant_longtitude) ? $merchant_longtitude : '0'; $feed_data[] = array($image, $resto_info, $rating, !empty($val['minimum_order']) ? displayPrice(getCurrencyCode(), prettyFormat($val['minimum_order'])) . "<br/>" . $is_sponsored : "{$is_sponsored}", $miles_raw, $merchant_latitude, $merchant_longtitude, addslashes($val['restaurant_name']), $merchant_address, $val['restaurant_slug'], $image, $new_distance_raw); } $this->data['sort_filter'] = isset($this->data['sort_filter']) ? $this->data['sort_filter'] : ''; //dump($feed_data); if ($this->data['sort_filter'] == "distance") { Yii::app()->functions->arraySortByColumn($feed_data, 11); $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data; } else { /** sort by distance */ if (Yii::app()->functions->getOptionAdmin('search_result_bydistance') == 2) { Yii::app()->functions->arraySortByColumn($feed_data, 11); $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data; } else { $feed_datas['aaData'] = $feed_data; } } //dump("minus_has_delivery_rates->".$minus_has_delivery_rates); if ($minus_has_delivery_rates >= 1) { $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] = $feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] - $minus_has_delivery_rates; $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $feed_datas['iTotalDisplayRecords'] - $minus_has_delivery_rates; if ($feed_datas['iTotalRecords'] <= 0) { $this->otableNodata(); } } $this->otableOutput($feed_datas); } } $this->otableNodata(); }
function storeData($data, $km, $devName, $sTime2, $eTime2) { //echo $data; $data1 = explode("#", $data); $latnlong_values = ""; //$xml = '<gps geoData="'.$latnlong_values.'" geoPointName="'.$point_names.'">'; $km = explode("#", $km); $totKm += $km[0]; $totPath .= $km[1]; //print_r($km); //exit; $xml = '<gps>'; $timeArr = array(); $totalDistance = 0; $ct = 0; $j1 = 0; while ($j1 < count($data1)) { $data2 = explode("@", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); //print_r($data3); $date = $data3[8] / 1000; $date = $data3[8] . " " . $data3[9]; $geodate = $data3[8] . " " . $data3[9]; $geoTime = $data3[9]; $pos1 = calLat($data3[2]); $pos2 = calLong($data3[1]); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } $mph = $data3[3]; $direction = $data3[4]; $altitute = $data3[5]; $deviceIMEI = $data3[0]; $sessionID = $_GET["sessionID"]; $accuracy = $data3[6]; $extraInfo = $data3[6]; $fule_param = $data3[7]; $d = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $fule_param); foreach ($d as $e) { if (substr($e, 0, 3) == '[9=') { $fuel = str_replace(array('[9=', ']'), '', $e); } if (substr($e, 0, 3) == '[1=') { $engine = str_replace(array('[1=', ']'), '', $e); if ($engine == '1') { $engine_st = 'On'; } else { $engine_st = 'Off'; } } } $xml .= '<locations latitude="' . $pos1 . '" longitude="' . $pos2 . '" speed="' . $mph . '" direction="' . $direction . '" altitute="' . $altitute . '" curTime = "' . $curTime . '" distance="' . round($totalDistance) . '" gpsTime="' . date("h:i A", strtotime($geoTime)) . '" geodate="' . $geodate . '" deviceIMEI="' . $deviceIMEI . '" deviceName="' . $devName . '" sessionID="' . $sessionID . '" extraInfo="' . $extraInfo . '" route="' . $rtName . '" other="' . $data3[7] . '"/>'; } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); if ($j1 > 0) { $dif = count($data1) - $j1; if ($dif > 10) { $j1 = $j1 + 10; } else { $j1 = $j1 + 1; } //echo $dif." ".$j1." ".count($data1)."<br>"; } else { $j1 = $j1 + 1; //echo $dif." ".$j1." ".count($data1)."<br>"; } } $xml .= '<OtherData totPt="' . $totPath . '" geoData="" geoPointName="" totalDist="' . $totKm . '" />'; $xml .= '</gps>'; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo $xml; }
/** * 用户需求详情 type=1 未报价 type=2已报价 */ public function get_member_demand() { //跨域解决方法: 指定域名 header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:true'); $mer_session_id = $_POST['mer_session_id']; $merchant_id = $this->session_handle->getsession_userid($mer_session_id); $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $bidd = M('MerchantBidding')->where(array('demand_id' => $id, 'merchant_id' => $merchant_id))->find(); if ($bidd) { $type = 2; } else { $type = 1; } if (empty($id)) { $this->jsonUtils->echo_json_msg(4, '车主需求ID为空...'); exit; } $arr = $this->dao->query("select,a.status as demand_status ,from_unixtime(a.reach_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') as reach_time ,a.description,,a.member_id,a.longitude,a.latitude,a.cart_data,b.nick_name,b.header,a.publish,a.expire_time from " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "member_demand as a left join " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "member as b on a.member_id = where{$id}"); if ($arr) { $arr[0]['header'] = imgUrl($arr[0]['header']); $cart = json_decode($arr[0]['cart_data'], true); $arr[0]['cart_model'] = $cart['cart_model']; $model = new Model(); $merchant = M('Merchant'); $mer_arr = $merchant->field("longitude,latitude")->where("id={$merchant_id}")->select(); $longitude = $arr[0]['longitude']; // 用户发布需求的经纬度 $latitude = $arr[0]['latitude']; $demand_id = $arr[0]['id']; // 计算商家店铺和用户需求距离 $arr[0]['distance'] = getDistance($latitude, $longitude, $mer_arr[0]['latitude'], $mer_arr[0]['longitude']); $is_expire = time() - $arr[0]['expire_time'] > 0 ? '1' : '0'; if ($is_expire) { if ($arr[0]['demand_status'] == 0) { $arr[0]['demand_status'] = '3'; //过期 } } // 服务项目信息 if ($arr[0]['publish'] == 0) { $category = "category"; } elseif ($arr[0]['publish'] == 1) { $category = "car_maintain_category"; } else { $this->jsonUtils->echo_json_msg(4, '订单有误'); exit; } // $s_arr = $model->query("select, from " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "member_demand_subitems as a left join " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "{$category} as b on where a.demand_id={$demand_id} "); $perlist = array(); if ($s_arr) { if ($type == 1) { // 未报价 $arr[0]['merchant_remark'] = ''; } elseif ($type == 2) { // 已报价 bidding $merchant_remark = M('MerchantBiddingRemark')->where(array('demand_id' => $id, 'merchant_id' => $merchant_id))->getField('remark'); $arr[0]['merchant_remark'] = !empty($merchant_remark) ? $merchant_remark : ''; $map['demand_id'] = $id; $map['merchant_id'] = $merchant_id; $alert_price = M('MerchantBidding')->where($map)->field('id as bidding_id,price,sub_id as cat_id,out_time as time')->select(); foreach ($alert_price as $tem) { $price[$tem['cat_id']] = $tem; } } else { $this->jsonUtils->echo_json_msg(4, '参数不全.'); exit; } // 区分是报价为0 还是未报价,-1标识未报价 foreach ($s_arr as $key => $row) { $perlist[$key]['category_id'] = $row['id']; $perlist[$key]['server_name'] = $row['name']; $perlist[$key]['is_server'] = 1; $perlist[$key]['price'] = !isset($price[$row['id']]['price']) ? '-1' : $price[$row['id']]['price']; $perlist[$key]['bidding_id'] = !isset($price[$row['id']]['bidding_id']) ? '-1' : $price[$row['id']]['bidding_id']; $perlist[$key]['time'] = !isset($price[$row['id']]['time']) ? '-1' : $price[$row['id']]['time']; } } $arr[0]['list'] = $perlist; if ($arr[0]['pics']) { $json_obj = json_decode($arr[0]['pics'], true); $arr[0]['pics'] = imgUrl($json_obj); } else { $arr[0]['pics'] = ''; } $arr[0]['cart_model'] == null ? '' : $arr[0]['cart_model']; $this->jsonUtils->echo_json_data(0, 'ok', $arr[0]); exit; } else { $this->jsonUtils->echo_json_msg(1, '没有该用户需求...'); exit; } }
public function act_findPosition() { $now_position = isset($_POST['now_position']) ? $_POST['now_position'] : ""; $where = " where pName='{$now_position}'"; $now_position_info = whShelfModel::selectPosition($where); if (!$now_position_info || empty($now_position_info)) { self::$errCode = "003"; self::$errMsg = "系统中不存在[{$now_position}]仓位信息"; return false; } $where = " where is_enable=0 and type=1 and id!={$now_position_info[0]['id']}"; $picking_position_list = whShelfModel::selectPosition($where); //未用仓位 $where = " where is_enable=0 and type=2 and id!={$now_position_info[0]['id']}"; $nopicking_position_list = whShelfModel::selectPosition($where); //未用备货位 $picking_arr = array(); $picking_pname_arr = array(); $show_picking_arr = array(); $nopicking_arr = array(); $nopicking_pname_arr = array(); $show_nopicking_arr = array(); if ($now_position_info[0]['type'] == 1) { $show_picking_arr[] = array('id' => $now_position_info[0]['id'], 'pName' => $now_position_info[0]['pName']); } else { if ($now_position_info[0]['type'] == 2) { $show_nopicking_arr[] = array('id' => $now_position_info[0]['id'], 'pName' => $now_position_info[0]['pName']); } } if ($picking_position_list) { foreach ($picking_position_list as $picking_position) { $distance = getDistance($now_position_info[0]['x_alixs'], $now_position_info[0]['y_alixs'], $now_position_info[0]['floor'], $picking_position['x_alixs'], $picking_position['y_alixs'], $picking_position['floor']); $picking_arr[$picking_position['id']] = $distance; $picking_pname_arr[$picking_position['id']] = $picking_position['pName']; } asort($picking_arr); $i = 0; foreach ($picking_arr as $p_key => $picking_info) { if ($i >= 3) { break; } $show_picking_arr[] = array('id' => $p_key, 'pName' => $picking_pname_arr[$p_key]); $i++; } } if ($nopicking_position_list) { foreach ($nopicking_position_list as $nopicking_position) { $distance = getDistance($now_position_info[0]['x_alixs'], $now_position_info[0]['y_alixs'], $now_position_info[0]['floor'], $nopicking_position['x_alixs'], $nopicking_position['y_alixs'], $nopicking_position['floor']); $nopicking_arr[$nopicking_position['id']] = $distance; $nopicking_pname_arr[$nopicking_position['id']] = $nopicking_position['pName']; } asort($nopicking_arr); $j = 0; foreach ($nopicking_arr as $p_key => $nopicking_info) { if ($j >= 3) { break; } $show_nopicking_arr[] = array('id' => $p_key, 'pName' => $nopicking_pname_arr[$p_key]); $j++; } } $res['show_picking'] = $show_picking_arr; $res['show_nopicking'] = $show_nopicking_arr; self::$errMsg = "请选择上架位置"; return $res; }
function kmsPerDay($path) { $timeArr = array(); $cnt = 1; $totalDistance = 0; $file1 = @fopen($path, "r"); if ($file1) { $i = 0; while (!feof($file1)) { $data = fgets($file1); //$i++; } $data = getSortedData($data); $data1 = explode("#", $data); for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("\$", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = date("d-m-Y h:i A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $geoTime = date("H:i:s A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $pos1 = convertLat(calLat($data3[7])); $pos2 = convertLong(calLong($data3[8])); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } $mph = $data3[9]; $direction = $data3[10]; $distance = ''; $date = $date; $locationMethod = '327681'; //echo getDateFromJavaDate($date); $phoneNumber = $data3[0]; $sessionID = $_GET["sessionID"]; $accuracy = 11; $locationIsValid = yes; $extraInfo = $data3[11]; $xml .= '<locations latitude="' . $pos1 . '" longitude="' . $pos2 . '" speed="' . $mph . '" direction="' . $direction . '" distance="' . round($totalDistance, 2) . '" locationMethod="327681" gpsTime="' . $geodate . '" phoneNumber="' . $phoneNumber . '" sessionID="' . $sessionID . '" accuracy="11" isLocationValid="yes" extraInfo="' . $extraInfo . '" />'; } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } //echo $data3[11]; //$res=simpleGeocode($pos1,$pos2); //print_r($res); //$res=str_replace(",","-",$res[0]); //echo $res."<br>"; //echo round($totalDistance,2); $finalData = round($totalDistance) . "#" . $geodate . "#" . $res; fclose($file1); return $finalData; } }
if (!empty($_GET['type'])) { $url .= "&type={$_GET['type']}"; } $context = stream_context_create($opts); $html = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); //echo json_encode($html);die(); $arr = json_decode($html, true); $far = array(); foreach ($arr['dealers'] as $key => $value) { $url = "{$value['address']}&output=json&ak=YIjdDENupKI3zHmuTioRP3t6"; $address = file_get_contents($url); $addressArr = json_decode($address, true); if ($addressArr['status'] == 0) { $lng = $addressArr['result']['location']['lng']; $lat = $addressArr['result']['location']['lat']; $distance = getDistance($addressLng, $addressLat, $lng, $lat); $far[$key] = $distance; $arr['dealers'][$key]['distance'] = meter_calculate($distance); $arr['dealers'][$key]['lng'] = $lng; $arr['dealers'][$key]['lat'] = $lat; //手机号码处理 $phone = trim($arr['dealers'][$key]['contacts'][0]['phone_number'], '?'); $phoneArr = explode(' ', $phone); $phoneHtml = ""; foreach ($phoneArr as $val) { $phoneHtml .= "<a href='tel:{$val}'>{$val}</a> "; } $arr['dealers'][$key]['phone'] = $phoneHtml; } else { unset($arr['dealers'][$key]); }
function storeData1($data) { //echo $data; $data1 = explode("#", $data); $latnlong_values = ""; if ($_GET[sessionID] != '') { $getDriver = "SELECT di_id,di_driverId,di_license,di_firstName,di_lastName,di_phone1,di_profile_image from driver_info,gps_task_info, vehicle_info WHERE gti_clientId=" . $_GET[sessionID] . " AND di_id=gti_driver_id AND '" . $_GET[date_offline] . "' BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT( gti_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AND DATE_FORMAT( gti_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AND vi_reg_no = '" . $_GET[phoneNumber] . "' LIMIT 0 , 30"; $resDriver = mysql_query($getDriver); $fetchDriver = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resDriver); $qr = "SELECT * FROM gps_geopoints_info WHERE gpi_clientID=" . $_SESSION["clientID"]; $rs_geofence_details = mysql_query($qr); if (@mysql_num_rows($rs_geofence_details) == 0) { $latnlong_values = ""; } else { $latnlong_values = ""; $ct = 0; while ($fetch_geofence_details = @mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_geofence_details)) { //print_r($fetch_geofence_details); if ($ct == 0) { $latnlong_values = $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_miles] . "," . $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_latVal] . "," . $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_longVal] . "@"; $ct++; } else { $latnlong_values .= $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_miles] . "," . $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_latVal] . "," . $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_longVal] . "@"; $ct++; } if ($ct != @mysql_num_rows($rs_geofence_details)) { $point_names .= $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_stopName] . ","; } else { $point_names .= $fetch_geofence_details[gpi_stopName]; } } //echo $latnlong_values; } } else { $client_array = array(); $res_clients = SuperAdminSF::getClients(); while ($clientIds = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_clients)) { array_push($client_array, $clientIds); } for ($cl = 0; $cl < count($client_array); $cl++) { $fetchDriver = getDriverDetails($client_array[$cl][clin_id], $_GET[date_offline], $_GET[phoneNumber]); } } $xml = '<gps geoData="' . $latnlong_values . '" geoPointName="' . $point_names . '">'; $timeArr = array(); $totalDistance = 0; if ($_GET[from_hrs] != '' && ($fm = $_GET[from_mins] != '' && ($th = $_GET[to_hrs] != '' && ($tm = $_GET[to_mins] != '')))) { for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("\$", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); if (date("d-m-Y", strtotime($_GET[date_offline])) == date("d-m-Y", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3]))) { $fh = $_GET[from_hrs]; $fm = $_GET[from_mins]; $fs = '00'; $th = $_GET[to_hrs]; $tm = $_GET[to_mins]; $ts = '00'; $h = date("H", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $m = date("i", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $s = date("s", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); if ($fh == $th && $fh == $h) { if ($m >= $fm && $m < $tm) { $show = 1; } else { $show = 0; } } else { if ($h >= $fh && $h <= $th) { if ($h < $th) { if ($m >= $fm || $m < $tm) { $show = 1; } else { $show = 0; } } else { if ($h == $th) { if ($m >= $fm && $m < $tm) { $show = 1; } else { $show = 0; } } } } else { $show = 0; } } if ($show == 1) { $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = date("d-m-Y h:i A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $geoTime = date("h:i:s A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $pos1 = convertLat(calLat($data3[7])); $pos2 = convertLong(calLong($data3[8])); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { //echo $sPt=$pos1."#".$pos2; if ($cnt == 1) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } $mph = $data3[9]; $direction = $data3[10]; $distance = ''; $date = $date; $locationMethod = '327681'; //echo getDateFromJavaDate($date); $phoneNumber = $data3[0]; $sessionID = $_GET["sessionID"]; $accuracy = 11; $locationIsValid = yes; $extraInfo = $data3[11]; $xml .= '<locations latitude="' . $pos1 . '" longitude="' . $pos2 . '" speed="' . $mph . '" direction="' . $direction . '" distance="' . round($totalDistance, 2) . '" locationMethod="327681" gpsTime="' . $geodate . '" phoneNumber="' . $phoneNumber . '" sessionID="' . $sessionID . '" accuracy="11" isLocationValid="yes" extraInfo="' . $extraInfo . '" route="' . $rtName . '"/>'; } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } } } } else { for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("\$", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = date("d-m-Y h:i A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $geoTime = date("H:i:s A", @mktime($data3[4] + 5, $data3[5] + 30, $data3[6], $data3[2], $data3[1], $data3[3])); $pos1 = convertLat(calLat($data3[7])); $pos2 = convertLong(calLong($data3[8])); if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } $mph = $data3[9]; $direction = $data3[10]; $distance = ''; $date = $date; $locationMethod = '327681'; //echo getDateFromJavaDate($date); $phoneNumber = $data3[0]; $sessionID = $_GET["sessionID"]; $accuracy = 11; $locationIsValid = yes; $extraInfo = $data3[11]; $xml .= '<locations latitude="' . $pos1 . '" longitude="' . $pos2 . '" speed="' . $mph . '" direction="' . $direction . '" distance="' . round($totalDistance, 2) . '" locationMethod="327681" gpsTime="' . $geodate . '" phoneNumber="' . $phoneNumber . '" sessionID="' . $sessionID . '" accuracy="11" isLocationValid="yes" extraInfo="' . $extraInfo . '" route="' . $rtName . '"/>'; } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } } //echo $totalDistance; $xml .= '</gps>'; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo $xml; }
<?php // date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); //默认时区 // echo "今天:",date("Y-m-d",time()),"<br>"; // echo "昨天:",date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-2 day")), "<br>"; // echo "明天:",date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 day")), "<br>"; // echo "一周后:",date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 week")), "<br>"; // echo "一周零两天四小时两秒后:",date("Y-m-d G:H:s",strtotime("+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds")), "<br>"; // echo "下个星期四:",date("Y-m-d",strtotime("next Thursday")), "<br>"; // echo "上个周一:".date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday"))."<br>"; // echo "一个月前:".date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last month"))."<br>"; // echo "一个月后:".date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 month"))."<br>"; // echo "十年后:".date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+10 year"))."<br>"; include "helper.php"; //function getDistance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2) // function getDistance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $len_type = 1, $decimal = 2) //118.814771#31.988162 120.738459#31.321361 echo getDistance(31.988162, 118.814771, 31.321361, 120.738459); //echo getDistance(30, 50, 50, 100, $len_type = 2, $decimal = 2);
function PrintKMLFolder($path1, $vehiName, $resellID) { //echo $path; $timeArr = array(); $cnt = 1; $totalDistance = 0; $file1 = @fopen($path1, "r"); if ($file1) { //echo $path1; while (!feof($file1)) { $data = @fgets($file1); } $data = getSortedData($data); $data1 = explode("#", $data); //print_r($data1); for ($j1 = 0; $j1 < count($data1); $j1++) { $data2 = explode("@", $data1[$j1]); if (count($data2) > 1) { $data3 = explode(",", $data2[1]); $vehi = $data3[0]; $geodate = $data3[8]; $geoTime = date("h:i A", strtotime($data3[9])); $pos1 = calLat($data3[2]); $pos2 = calLong($data3[1]); $mph = $data3[3]; if ($pos1 > 0 && $pos2 > 0) { if (!in_array($geoTime, $timeArr)) { if ($j1 == 0) { $pits1 = $pos1; $pits2 = $pos2; } else { $pits3 = $pos1; $pits4 = $pos2; $dist = getDistance($pits1, $pits2, $pits3, $pits4); $totalDistance += $dist; $pits1 = $pits3; $pits2 = $pits4; } } } } array_push($timeArr, $geoTime); } $locat = simpleGeocode($pits1, $pits2); $locat = str_replace('"', "", $locat); //$finalData = round($totalDistance).",".$locat.",".$data3[3].",".$geodate.",".$geoTime; @fclose($file1); print "Dear Client! " . $vehiName . " is located at " . $locat . " on " . $geodate . ", Sd = " . $mph . " k/h TD = " . round($totalDistance) . " km - VTS Alert."; $from = ""; $to = $_GET[from]; //sendLocation($from,$to,$msg,$resellID); //sendGatewaySMS($from,$to,$msg,$smsUri,$smsUname,$smsPwd,$smsSender); //return $finalData; } else { //return false; print_r("Dear Client! " . $vehiName . " is not avilable today - VTS Alert."); $from = ""; $to = $_GET[from]; //sendLocation($from,$to,$msg,$resellID); //sendGatewaySMS($from,$to,$msg,$smsUri,$smsUname,$smsPwd,$smsSender); } }
foreach ($fields as $k) { $data[$k] = $obj[$k]; } if ($obj['date_entered']) { $data['bdate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($obj['date_entered'])); $tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("select date_format(date_buy,'%H') as bhour, date_format(date_buy,'%i') as bminute from panelie_user_check where user_id=" . $obj['user_id'] . ' and check_number=' . intval($obj['check_id']) . " and date_format(date_buy,'%Y-%m-%d')='" . $data['bdate'] . "'")); if ($tmp && ($tmp['bhour'] != 0 || $tmp['bminute'] != 0)) { $data['bhour'] = $tmp['bhour']; $data['bminute'] = $tmp['bminute']; } } $data['first_date'] = getFirstDate($obj['user_id']); $data = array_merge($data, getShop($obj['user_id'], $obj['shop_id'])); $data = array_merge($data, getUnit($obj['unit_id'])); $data = array_merge($data, getCity($obj['city_id'])); $data = array_merge($data, getDistance($obj['user_id'], $obj['shop_id'])); $data = array_merge($data, getBarcode($obj['barcode_value'])); if (!$data['product_name']) { $data['product_name'] = $obj['corrected_name']; if (!$data['product_name']) { unset($data['product_name']); } } $data = array_merge($data, calcWeight($data)); $data = array_merge($data, getRange($obj['date_entered'])); $data = array_merge($data, getNoPurchases($obj['date_entered'])); $data = array_merge($data, getFamilyDetails($obj['user_id'])); $data['discount'] = countDiscount($obj['price'], $obj['discount']); if ($obj['id']) { $data['purchase_id'] = $obj['id']; }
function getNearestAirport($ort, $land) { $ort = ucfirst($ort); $ab = "SELECT * FROM Flughafen WHERE INSTR(ort, '{$ort}') > 0"; $res = mysql_query($ab); if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) { $flughafen = array(); $strecke = array(); $count = 0; while ($airport = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $strecke[$count] = getDistance($ort, "airport " . $airport->id); $flughafen[$count] = $airport->ort; // echo $strecke[$count]."-->".$flughafen[$count]; $count++; } $min = getNearest($strecke); return array(getFlughafenIDByOrt($flughafen[$min]), $strecke[getNearest($strecke)]); } $ab = "SELECT * From Flughafen WHERE land_id='{$land}'"; $res = mysql_query($ab); $flughafen = array(); $strecke = array(); $count = 0; while ($airport = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $strecke[$count] = getDistance($ort, $airport->id); $flughafen[$count] = $airport->ort; $count++; } $min = getNearest($strecke); return array(getFlughafenIDByOrt($flughafen[$min]), $strecke[getNearest($strecke)]); }
function trouverPartenaire($player, $soloPlayers) { //$first = array_shift($soloPlayers); $procheP = $soloPlayers[0]; $distanceMin = getDistance($player['address'], $procheP['address']); foreach ($soloPlayers as $p) { $tmp = getDistance($player['address'], $p['address']); if ($tmp < $distanceMin) { $procheP = $p; $distanceMin = $tmp; } } return [$player, $procheP]; }
} else { $tuijian = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . $tablename . " WHERE weid='{$weid}' AND nickname!='' AND isshow='{$isshow}' AND yingcang='1' AND gender='2' AND tuijian='2' "); if ($tuijian < $tuijiannum) { $list1 = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . $tablename . " WHERE weid='{$weid}' AND nickname!='' AND isshow='{$isshow}' AND yingcang='1' AND gender='2' AND tuijian='2' ORDER BY love DESC,time DESC"); $NUM = $tuijiannum - $tuijian; $list2 = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . $tablename . " WHERE weid='{$weid}' AND nickname!='' AND isshow='{$isshow}' AND yingcang='1' AND gender='2' AND tuijian='1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $NUM . ""); $list = array_merge_recursive($list1, $list2); } else { $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . $tablename . " WHERE weid='{$weid}' AND nickname!='' AND isshow='{$isshow}' AND yingcang='1' AND gender='2' AND tuijian='2' ORDER BY love DESC,time DESC LIMIT 0," . $tuijiannum); } } if (!empty($list) && is_array($list)) { foreach ($list as $row) { if (!empty($row['lat']) && !empty($row['lng'])) { if (!empty($res['lat']) && !empty($res['lng'])) { $juli[$row['id']] = "相距: " . getDistance($res['lat'], $res['lng'], $row['lat'], $row['lng']) . "km"; } else { $juli[$row['id']] = ""; } } else { $juli[$row['id']] = ""; } } } } } else { $url = empty($settings['url']) ? '' : $settings['url']; header("location:{$url}"); exit; } if ($cfg['telephoneconfirm'] == '1') {
<?php $config->styles->add($config->urls->templates . 'css/leaflet.css'); $config->scripts->add($config->urls->templates . 'js/leaflet-src.js'); $latitude = str_replace(',', '.', $page->latitude); $longitude = str_replace(',', '.', $page->longitude); $nearnodes = umkreissuche("node", $page->latitude, $page->longitude, 5); $marker = ''; foreach ($nearnodes as $node) { $marker .= "[" . str_replace(',', '.', $node->latitude) . "," . str_replace(',', '.', $node->longitude) . "], 10,{\n color:'blue',\n fillColor:" . ($page->online == 1 ? "'green'" : "'red'") . "\n }).addTo(map)\n .bindPopup('<a href=\"" . $node->httpUrl . "\">{$node->subtitle}</a><br>" . getDistance($node->dist) . " entfernt');"; } $script = "<script>\n var map ='map').setView([{$latitude}, {$longitude}], 16);\n\n L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {\n maxZoom: 19,\n attribution: '© <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a>'\n }).addTo(map);\n\n[{$latitude}, {$longitude}], 10, {\n color:" . ($page->online == 1 ? "'green'" : "'red'") . ",\n fillColor: " . ($page->online == 1 ? "'green'" : "'red'") . "\n }).addTo(map);\n\n {$marker}\n\n map.invalidateSize();\n </script>"; $page->losttime = time_elapsed_string($page->getUnformatted('lastseen')); $content = renderPage();