function getCMNTUpfiles($R) { if (!$R['upload']) { return array(); } else { global $table, $m; $d['upload'] = array(); $d['upload']['tmp'] = $R['upload']; $d['_pload'] = getArrayString($R['upload']); foreach ($d['_pload']['data'] as $_val) { $U = getUidData($table['s_upload'], $_val); if (!$U['uid']) { $R['upload'] = str_replace('[' . $_val . ']', '', $R['upload']); $d['_pload']['count']--; } else { $d['upload']['data'][] = $U; } if (!$U['cync']) { $cyncArr = getArrayString($R['cync']); $_CYNC = "cync='[" . $m . "][" . $R['uid'] . "][uid,down][" . $table['s_comment'] . "][" . $R['mbruid'] . "][" . $cyncArr['data'][5] . ",CMT:" . $R['uid'] . "#CMT]'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_upload'], $_CYNC, 'uid=' . $U['uid']); } } if ($R['upload'] != $d['upload']['tmp']) { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], "upload='" . $R['upload'] . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } $d['upload']['count'] = $d['_pload']['count']; return $d['upload']; } }
function DeleteOneline($C, $d, $sync_arr) { global $table, $date; $_ONELINE = getDbSelect($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid'], '*'); while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) { if ($d['comment']['give_opoint'] && $_O['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $d['comment']['give_opoint'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $d['comment']['give_opoint'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $C['uid']); // 댓글 수량 동기화 $sync_arr = explode('|', $R['sync']); $feed_table = $sync_arr[0]; $feed_uid = $sync_arr[1]; getDbUpdate($feed_table, 'oneline=oneline-1', 'uid=' . $feed_uid); }
$fdset = array(); $fdset['config'] = array('version', 'themepc', 'pannellink', 'cache_flag', 'smtp_use', 'smtp_host', 'smtp_port', 'smtp_auth', 'smtp_ssl', 'smtp_user', 'smtp_pass', 'ftp_use', 'ftp_type', 'ftp_host', 'ftp_port', 'ftp_pasv', 'ftp_user', 'ftp_pass', 'ftp_rb', 'email', 'smtp', 'ftp', 'uninstall', 'dblclick', 'codeeidt', 'editor', 'syslang', 'sysmail', 'sysmodule'); $fdset['ssl'] = array('http_port', 'ssl_type', 'ssl_port', 'ssl_module', 'ssl_menu', 'ssl_page'); $fdset['security'] = array('secu_tags', 'secu_domain', 'secu_param'); //제거탭 출력 주의 알림 if (!$d['admin']['uninstall'] && $uninstall) { $_message = _LANG('a5001', 'admin'); $_referer = $g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=admin&module=admin'; putNotice($my['uid'], $m, 0, $_message, $_referer, ''); } if ($act == 'config') { if ($d['admin']['syslang'] != $syslang) { $RCD = getDbArray($table['s_module'], '', '*', 'gid', 'asc', 0, 1); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($RCD)) { $new_modulename = $g['path_module'] . $_R['id'] . '/language/' . $syslang . '/name.module.txt'; getDbUpdate($table['s_module'], "name='" . ($syslang && is_file($new_modulename) ? implode('', file($new_modulename)) : getFolderName($g['path_module'] . $_R['id'])) . "'", "id='" . $_R['id'] . "'"); } $panel_reload = true; } } foreach ($fdset[$act] as $val) { $d['admin'][$val] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', trim(${$val})); } $_tmpdfile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/var.system.php'; $fp = fopen($_tmpdfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, "<?php\n"); foreach ($d['admin'] as $key => $val) { fwrite($fp, "\$d['admin']['" . $key . "'] = \"" . addslashes(stripslashes($val)) . "\";\n"); } fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp);
} } $_SESSION['module_' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '_dncheck'] = $_SESSION['module_' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '_dncheck'] . '[' . $AT['uid'] . ']'; getLink('', '', '결제되었습니다. 다운로드 받으세요.', 'close'); } else { getWindow($g['s'] . '/?iframe=Y&r=' . $r . '&m=' . $cyncArr['data'][0] . '&bid=' . $AT['bbsid'] . '&mod=down&dfile=' . $uid . '&uid=' . $AT['uid'], '', 'width=550px,height=350px,status=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '#attach', ''); exit; } } } } $cyncQue = $fdexp[1] . '=' . $fdexp[1] . '+1'; getDbUpdate($cyncArr['data'][3], $cyncQue, $fdexp[0] . '=' . $cyncArr['data'][1]); } getDbUpdate($table['s_upload'], 'down=down+1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'download=download+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s); } header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Length: " . $filesize); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header("Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); if ($R['url'] == $d['upload']['ftp_urlpath']) { $FTP_CONNECT = ftp_connect($d['upload']['ftp_host'], $d['upload']['ftp_port']); $FTP_CRESULT = ftp_login($FTP_CONNECT, $d['upload']['ftp_user'], $d['upload']['ftp_pass']); if (!$FTP_CONNECT) { getLink('', '', 'FTP서버 연결에 문제가 발생했습니다.', ''); } if (!$FTP_CRESULT) { getLink('', '', 'FTP서버 아이디나 패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.', '');
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.', ''); } $tmpname = $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name']; $realname = $_FILES['upfile']['name']; $fileExt = strtolower(getExt($realname)); $fileExt = $fileExt == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $fileExt; $photo = $my['id'] . '.' . $fileExt; $saveFile = $g['path_var'] . 'simbol/' . $photo; if (is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { if (!strstr('[gif][jpg][png]', $fileExt)) { getLink('', '', 'gif/jpg/png 파일만 등록할 수 있습니다.', ''); } if (is_file($g['path_var'] . 'simbol/' . $my['photo'])) { unlink($g['path_var'] . 'simbol/' . $my['photo']); } include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/thumb.func.php'; move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $saveFile); ResizeWidthHeight($saveFile, $saveFile, 50, 50); @chmod($saveFile, 0707); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], "photo='" . $photo . "'", 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
} if ($uid) { $R = getUidData($table['s_oneline'], $uid); if (!$R['uid']) { echo '[RESULT:존재하지 않는 한줄의견입니다. :RESULT]'; } if (!$my['admin'] && $my['uid'] != $R['mbruid']) { echo '[RESULT:정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.:RESULT]'; } $QVAL = "hidden='{$hidden}',content='{$content}',html='{$html}',d_modify='{$d_regis}',adddata='{$adddata}'"; getDbUpdate($table['s_oneline'], $QVAL, 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } else { //댓글의 부모글에 한줄의견 수량 추가 $sync_arr = explode('|', $R['sync']); $feed_table = $sync_arr[0]; $feed_uid = $sync_arr[1]; getDbUpdate($feed_table, 'oneline=oneline+1', 'uid=' . $feed_uid); $maxuid = getDbCnt($table['s_oneline'], 'max(uid)', ''); $uid = $maxuid ? $maxuid + 1 : 1; $QKEY = "uid,site,parent,parentmbr,hidden,name,nic,mbruid,id,content,html,report,point,d_regis,d_modify,ip,agent,adddata"; $QVAL = "'{$uid}','{$s}','{$parent}','{$parentmbr}','{$hidden}','{$name}','{$nic}','{$mbruid}','{$id}','{$content}','{$html}','{$report}','{$point}','{$d_regis}','{$d_modify}','{$ip}','{$agent}','{$adddata}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_oneline'], $QKEY, $QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], "oneline=oneline+1,d_oneline='" . $d_regis . "'", 'uid=' . $parent); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline+1', "date='" . $date['today'] . "' and site=" . $s); if ($point && $my['uid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $my['uid'] . "','0','" . $point . "','한줄의견(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($content)), 15, '') . ")포인트','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point+' . $point, 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); } } echo '[RESULT:ok:RESULT]'; exit;
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); $i = 0; foreach ($bookmark_pages as $val) { $i++; getDbUpdate($table['s_admpage'], 'gid=' . $i, 'uid=' . $val . ' and memberuid=' . $my['uid']); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
} ftp_close($FTP_CONNECT); } else { unlink($g['path_file'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['tmpname']); if ($R['type'] == 2) { unlink($g['path_file'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['thumbname']); } } } $_type = getuFileType($R['type']); if ($R['category'] == -1) { getDbUpdate($table['s_uploadcat'], 'r_num=r_num-1', 'mbruid=' . $R['mbruid'] . " and type=" . $_type . " and name='trash'"); } if ($R['category'] == 0) { getDbUpdate($table['s_upload'], 'category=-1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_uploadcat'], 'r_num=r_num-1', 'mbruid=' . $R['mbruid'] . " and type=" . $_type . " and name='none'"); } if ($R['category'] > 0) { getDbUpdate($table['s_uploadcat'], 'r_num=r_num-1', 'mbruid=' . $R['mbruid'] . ' and type=' . $_type . ' and uid=' . $R['category']); getDbUpdate($table['s_upload'], 'category=-1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } if ($R['mbruid']) { $_MEMBERS['m' . $R['mbruid']]++; } } } //파일이 삭제된 회원들에게 알림 foreach ($_MEMBERS as $_key => $_val) { putNotice(str_replace('m', '', $_key), $m, 0, sprintf(_LANG('a4001', 'mediaset'), $_val), '', ''); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); if ($my['uid'] != 1) { getLink('', '', '권한이 없습니다.', ''); } getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], "adm_view='" . $perm . "'", 'memberuid=' . $memberuid); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '처리되었습니다.', '');
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); $admin_id = trim($admin_id); $R = getDbData($table['s_mbrid'], "id='" . $admin_id . "'", '*'); if (!$R['uid']) { getLink('', '', '존재하지 않는 회원아이디입니다.', ''); } $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $R['uid'], '*'); if ($M['admin']) { getLink('', '', '이미 관리자로 지정된 회원입니다.', ''); } getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], "admin=1,adm_view=''", 'memberuid=' . $R['uid']); $fp = fopen($g['dir_module'] . 'var/users/' . $R['id'] . '.widget.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($g['dir_module'] . 'var/users/' . $R['id'] . '.widget.php', 0707); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
} ?> <div id="_action_layer_"></div> <div id="_action_layer_popup"></div> <iframe name="_action_frame_<?php echo $m; ?> " width="0" height="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ <?php if ($m != 'admin' && $iframe != 'Y' && !$g['mobile']) { $POPUPS = getDbSelect($table['s_popup'], 'hidden=0', '*'); while ($POP = db_fetch_array($POPUPS)) { if (!$POP['term0'] && ($POP['term1'] > $date['totime'] || $POP['term2'] < $date['totime'])) { getDbUpdate($table['s_popup'], 'hidden=1', 'uid=' . $POP['uid']); continue; } $POP['xdispage'] = '_' . $POP['dispage']; if (strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[c[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']]')) { continue; } if (!strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[s[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']]') && !strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[m[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']' . $_HM['id'] . ']') && !strpos($POP['xdispage'], '[m[' . $_HS['uid'] . ']' . $_HP['id'] . ']')) { continue; } ?> //alert(getCookie('popview')); if (getCookie('popview').indexOf('[<?php echo $POP['uid']; ?> ]') == -1)
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if ($my['uid']) { getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'now_log=0', 'memberuid=' . $my['uid']); $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] = ''; $_SESSION['mbr_logout'] = '1'; } $referer = $referer ? urldecode($referer) : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $referer = explode('&_admpnl_', $referer); $referer = $referer[0]; getLink($referer, 'top.', '', '');
$marr2 = 0; $sms = 1; $mailing = 1; $smail = 0; $point = 0; $usepoint = 0; $money = 0; $cash = 0; $num_login = 1; $pw_q = ''; $pw_a = ''; $now_log = 0; $last_log = ''; $last_pw = $date['totime']; $is_paper = 0; $d_regis = $date['totime']; $sns = ''; $noticeconf = ''; $num_notice = 0; $addfield = ''; $_QKEY = "memberuid,site,auth,mygroup,level,comp,admin,adm_view,"; $_QKEY .= "email,name,nic,grade,photo,home,sex,birth1,birth2,birthtype,tel1,tel2,zip,"; $_QKEY .= "addr0,addr1,addr2,job,marr1,marr2,sms,mailing,smail,point,usepoint,money,cash,num_login,pw_q,pw_a,now_log,last_log,last_pw,is_paper,d_regis,tmpcode,sns,noticeconf,num_notice,addfield"; $_QVAL = "'{$memberuid}','{$s}','{$auth}','{$mygroup}','{$level}','{$comp}','{$admin}','{$adm_view}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$email}','{$name}','{$nic}','','{$photo}','{$home}','{$sex}','{$birth1}','{$birth2}','{$birthtype}','{$tel1}','{$tel2}','{$zip}',"; $_QVAL .= "'{$addr0}','{$addr1}','{$addr2}','{$job}','{$marr1}','{$marr2}','{$sms}','{$mailing}','{$smail}','{$point}','{$usepoint}','{$money}','{$cash}','{$num_login}','{$pw_q}','{$pw_a}','{$now_log}','{$last_log}','{$last_pw}','{$is_paper}','{$d_regis}','','{$sns}','{$noticeconf}','{$num_notice}','{$addfield}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_mbrdata'], $_QKEY, $_QVAL); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrlevel'], 'num=num+1', 'uid=' . $level); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'num=num+1', 'uid=' . $mygroup); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
ftp_pasv($FTP_CONNECT, true); } $FILES = getDbArray($table['s_upload'], "tmpcode='" . $sescode . "'", '*', 'uid', 'asc', 0, 0); while ($R = db_fetch_array($FILES)) { getDbDelete($table['s_upload'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'upload=upload-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); ftp_delete($FTP_CONNECT, $d['upload']['ftp_folder'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['tmpname']); if ($R['type'] == 2) { ftp_delete($FTP_CONNECT, $d['upload']['ftp_folder'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['thumbname']); } } ftp_close($FTP_CONNECT); } else { $FILES = getDbArray($table['s_upload'], "tmpcode='" . $sescode . "'", '*', 'uid', 'asc', 0, 0); while ($R = db_fetch_array($FILES)) { getDbDelete($table['s_upload'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'upload=upload-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); unlink($g['path_file'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['tmpname']); if ($R['type'] == 2) { unlink($g['path_file'] . $R['folder'] . '/' . $R['thumbname']); } } } } if ($close == 'Y') { $_SESSION['upsescode'] = ''; getLink('', '', '', 'close'); } else { getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } }
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); if ($type == 'pc') { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], "layout='" . $layout . "/main.php'", 'uid=' . $s); getWindow(RW(0), 'PC모드 대표 레이아웃으로 적용되었습니다.', '', '', ''); exit; } else { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], "m_layout='" . $layout . "/main.php'", 'uid=' . $s); getLink('', '', '모바일웹 대표레이아웃으로 적용되었습니다. \\n\\n모바일기기나 에뮬레이터로 확인하세요.', ''); }
fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.widget.php', 0707); if (trim($codhead)) { $fp = fopen($mfile . '.header.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codhead))); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.header.php', 0707); } if (trim($codfoot)) { $fp = fopen($mfile . '.footer.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codfoot))); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.footer.php', 0707); } if ($cachetime) { $fp = fopen($mfile . '.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $cachetime); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.txt', 0707); } } if ($parent) { getDbUpdate($table['s_menu'], 'isson=1', 'uid=' . $parent); } db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_menu'], $DB_CONNECT); if ($backc == 'user') { getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=' . $iframe . '&system=edit.all&type=menu' . ($parent ? '&cat=' . $parent : ''), 'parent.', '', ''); } else { getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=admin&module=' . $m . '&front=menu' . ($parent ? '&cat=' . $parent : '') . '&account=' . $account, 'parent.', '', ''); } }
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<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$my['uid']) { getLink('', '', '정상적인 접근이 아닙니다.', ''); } foreach ($members as $val) { $R = getUidData($table['s_friend'], $val); if (!$R['rel']) { getDbInsert($table['s_friend'], 'rel,my_mbruid,by_mbruid,category,d_regis', "'1','" . $my['uid'] . "','" . $R['my_mbruid'] . "','','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_friend'], 'rel=1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
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while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) { getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline-1', "date='" . substr($_O['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $_O['site']); if ($_O['point'] && $_O['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $_O['point'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $_O['point'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid']); } getDbDelete($table['s_comment'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'comment=comment-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); if ($R['point'] && $R['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point'] . "','댓글삭제(" . getStrCut($R['subject'], 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']); } $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('skin', 'iframe', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 삭제처리 되었습니다.', $history); } else { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], 'hidden=1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('skin', 'iframe', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 게시제한처리 되었습니다.', $history); } } else { if (!strstr($_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_singo'], '[' . $R['uid'] . ']')) { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], 'singo=singo+1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_singo'] .= '[' . $R['uid'] . ']'; getLink('', '', '신고처리 되었습니다.', ''); } else { getLink('', '', '이미 신고하신 댓글입니다.', ''); } }
if (!$R['uid']) { getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $R['uid'], '*'); } else { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], "email='" . $email . "'", '*'); if (!$M['email']) { getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } $R = getUidData($table['s_mbrid'], $M['memberuid']); } if ($M['name'] != $name) { getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } if ($M['tmpcode']) { getLink('', '', '이미 회원님의 이메일[' . $M['email'] . ']로 \\n임시 비밀번호를 발송해 드렸습니다.', ''); } $auth_pw = 'rb' . date('His'); include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/email.func.php'; $content = implode('', file($g['dir_module'] . 'doc/_pw.txt')); $content = str_replace('{NAME}', $M['name'], $content); $content = str_replace('{NICK}', $M['nic'], $content); $content = str_replace('{ID}', $R['id'], $content); $content = str_replace('{EMAIL}', $M['email'], $content); $content .= '<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:#ff0000;">임시 비밀번호 : ' . $auth_pw . '</div>'; $result = getSendMail($M['email'] . '|' . $M['name'], $d['member']['join_email'] . '|' . $_HS['name'], '[' . $_HS['name'] . ']임시 비밀번호가 발급되었습니다.', $content, 'HTML'); if (!$result) { getLink('', '', '죄송합니다. 이메일서버가 응답하지 않아 이메일을 보내드리지 못했습니다.', ''); } getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], "last_pw='" . $date['today'] . "',tmpcode='" . md5($auth_pw) . "'", 'memberuid=' . $M['memberuid']); getLink('', '', '회원님의 이메일[' . $M['email'] . ']로 \\n임시 비밀번호를 발송해 드렸습니다.', '');
require $g['path_core'] . 'opensrc/unzip/ArchiveExtractor.class.php'; require $g['path_core'] . 'function/dir.func.php'; $extractor = new ArchiveExtractor(); $extractor->extractArchive($saveFile, $extPath1); unlink($saveFile); } else { getLink('', '', _LANG('a9002', 'market'), ''); } getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=Y&m=admin&module=' . $m . '&front=modal.package&package_step=2&package_folder=' . $realname, 'parent.', '', ''); } if ($package_step == 2) { require $g['path_core'] . 'function/dir.func.php'; include $g['path_tmp'] . 'app/' . $package_folder . '/_settings/var.php'; if ($siteuid) { $S = getUidData($table['s_site'], $siteuid); getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], "layout='" . $d['package']['layout'] . "',m_layout='" . $d['package']['layout_mobile'] . "'", 'uid=' . $S['uid']); //기존메뉴삭제 if ($ACT_DM) { $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $S['uid'] . ' order by gid asc', '*'); while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) { @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imghead']); @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imgfoot']); getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=1 and parent=' . $_M['uid']); } getDbDelete($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $S['uid']); db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_menu'], $DB_CONNECT); db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_seo'], $DB_CONNECT); DirDelete($g['path_page'] . $S['id'] . '-menus'); } //기존페이지삭제 if ($ACT_DP) {
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); foreach ($bbs_members as $val) { $R = getUidData($table[$m . 'list'], $val); if (!$R['uid']) { continue; } getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'list'], "name='" . trim(${'name_' . $R['uid']}) . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '수정되었습니다.', '');
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); getDbUpdate($table['sliderdata'], "imgsrc='',url=''", "seq='" . $seq . "' AND sitecode='" . $sitecode . "'"); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
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$fp = fopen($mfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile, 0707); if ($cachetime) { $fp = fopen($g['path_page'] . $id . '.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $cachetime); fclose($fp); @chmod($g['path_page'] . $id . '.txt', 0707); } $QKEY = "pagetype,ismain,mobile,id,category,name,perm_g,perm_l,layout,joint,hit,sosokmenu,d_regis,d_update"; $QVAL = "'{$pagetype}','{$ismain}','{$mobile}','{$id}','{$category}','{$name}','{$perm_g}','{$perm_l}','{$layout}','{$joint}','{$hit}','{$sosokmenu}','{$d_regis}','{$d_update}'"; getDbInsert($table['s_page'], $QKEY, $QVAL); $lastpage = getDbCnt($table['s_page'], 'max(uid)', ''); if ($pagetype == 1) { $joint = str_replace('cync=Y', 'cync=[' . $m . '][p' . $lastpage . '][,,,][][][mod:' . $id . ']', $joint); getDbUpdate($table['s_page'], "joint='{$joint}'", 'uid=' . $lastpage); } if (!$_HS['startpage'] && $ismain == 1) { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], 'startpage=' . $lastpage, 'uid=' . $s); } db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_page'], $DB_CONNECT); if ($backc == 'user') { $typeset = array(1 => 'module', 2 => 'widget', 3 => 'source'); getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=' . $iframe . '&' . $lastpage . '&type=' . $typeset[$pagetype], 'parent.', '', ''); } elseif ($backc == 'add') { getLink($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&iframe=' . $iframe . '&system=edit.all&type=page', 'parent.', '', ''); } else { getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', ''); } }
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$realname = $_FILES['img' . $imgset[$i]]['name']; $fileExt = strtolower(getExt($realname)); $fileExt = $fileExt == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $fileExt; $userimg = $R['id'] . '_' . $imgset[$i] . '.' . $fileExt; $saveFile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/files/' . $userimg; if (is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { if (!strstr('[gif][jpg][png][swf]', $fileExt)) { getLink('', '', '헤더/풋터파일은 gif/jpg/png/swf 파일만 등록할 수 있습니다.', ''); } move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $saveFile); @chmod($saveFile, 0707); ${'img' . $imgset[$i]} = $userimg; } } $QVAL = "name='{$name}',category='{$category}',imghead='{$imghead}',imgfoot='{$imgfoot}',puthead='{$puthead}',putfoot='{$putfoot}',addinfo='{$addinfo}',writecode='{$writecode}'"; getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'list'], $QVAL, "id='" . $bid . "'"); $vfile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/code/' . $R['id']; if (trim($codhead)) { $fp = fopen($vfile . '.header.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codhead))); fclose($fp); @chmod($vfile . '.header.php', 0707); } else { if (is_file($vfile . '.header.php')) { unlink($vfile . '.header.php'); } } if (trim($codfoot)) { $fp = fopen($vfile . '.footer.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($codfoot))); fclose($fp);