예제 #1
 static function clear()
     $files = glob(getDataPath() . "cache/*");
     if ($files) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
 static function uploadFile($filename, $file_guid, $allowed_extensions = array("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "doc", "docx", "ods"))
     if (!$filename || !$file_guid) {
         return false;
     $file_entity = getEntity($file_guid);
     $target_dir = getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $file_guid . "/";
     makePath($target_dir, 0777);
     $name = basename($_FILES[$filename]["name"]);
     $name = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $name);
     $name = preg_replace("([\\.]{2,})", '', $name);
     $target_file = $target_dir . $name;
     $file_entity->path = $target_file;
     $file_entity->extension = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     if (!empty($allowed_extensions) && is_array($allowed_extensions)) {
         if (!in_array(strtolower($imageFileType), $allowed_extensions)) {
             new SystemMessage("Allowed file types: " . implode(" ", $allowed_extensions));
     $error = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$filename]["tmp_name"], $target_file);
     $finfo = \finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
     $mime = \finfo_file($finfo, $target_file);
     if ($mime == "image/jpeg" || $mime == "image/jpg" || $mime == "image/gif") {
     $file_entity->file_location = $target_file;
     $file_entity->mime_type = $mime;
     $file_entity->filename = $name;
     return $name;
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$filename = getDataPath() . "cache" . "/" . "*";
$files = glob($filename);
foreach ($files as $file) {
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $contents = gzuncompress(file_get_contents($file));
        if (@unserialize($contents)) {
            $contents = unserialize($contents);
    echo "<p><strong>{$file}</strong></p>";
    $var = ob_get_contents();
    echo $var;
 public function __construct()
     $container_guid = getInput("container_guid");
     $title = getInput("title");
     $description = getInput("description");
     $access_id = getInput("access_id");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['avatar']['name']); $i++) {
         $photo = new Photo();
         $photo->container_guid = $container_guid;
         $photo->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid();
         $photo->title = $title;
         $photo->description = $description;
         $file = new File();
         $file->container_guid = $photo->guid;
         $file->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid();
         $file->access_id = $photo->access_id;
         $file_guid = $file->save();
         $file_entity = getEntity($file_guid);
         $target_dir = getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $file_guid . "/";
         if (!file_exists($target_dir)) {
             makePath($target_dir, 0777, true);
         } else {
             $files = glob($target_dir . '*', GLOB_MARK);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
         $name = basename($_FILES['avatar']["name"][$i]);
         $name = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $name);
         $name = preg_replace("([\\.]{2,})", '', $name);
         $target_file = $target_dir . $name;
         $file_entity->path = $target_file;
         $file_entity->extension = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         if (!empty($allowed_extensions)) {
             if (!in_array(strtolower($imageFileType), $allowed_extensions)) {
                 new SystemMessage("Allowed file types: " . implode(" ", $allowed_extensions));
         $error = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']["tmp_name"][$i], $target_file);
         $finfo = \finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
         $mime = \finfo_file($finfo, $target_file);
         if ($mime == "image/jpeg" || $mime == "image/jpg" || $mime == "image/gif" || $mime == "image/png") {
         $file_entity->file_location = $target_file;
         $file_entity->mime_type = $mime;
         $file_entity->filename = $name;
         $filename = $name;
         $file = getEntity($file_guid);
         $file->filename = $filename;
         $photo->icon = $file->guid;
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, TINY);
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, SMALL);
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, MEDIUM);
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, LARGE);
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, EXTRALARGE);
         Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, HUGE);
     new SystemMessage("Your Photo has been Uploaded");
     $album_guid = $container_guid;
     $album = getEntity($album_guid);
     if (!$album->title != "Profile Avatars" && $album->title != "General") {
         new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "activity:add:photo", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $album->getURL(), $album->title, "<a href='" . $album->getURL() . "'>" . $photo->icon(MEDIUM, "img-responsive") . "</a>"));
예제 #5
 public function createAvatar($entity = false, $filename = false, $copy = false)
     $target_dir = getDataPath() . "videos" . "/" . $this->video_guid . "/";
     $file_entity = getEntity($this->video_guid);
     makePath($target_dir, 0777);
     $ffmpeg = \FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create(array('ffmpeg.binaries' => Setting::get("ffmpeg_ffmprobe_executable_path") . "/ffmpeg", 'ffprobe.binaries' => Setting::get("ffmpeg_ffmprobe_executable_path") . "/ffprobe", 'timeout' => 7200, 'ffmpeg.threads' => 6));
     $file_location = $file_entity->file_location;
     $video = $ffmpeg->open($file_location);
     $video->frame(\FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(2))->save($target_dir . 'frame.jpg');
/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . "/engine/start.php";
$guid = getInput("guid");
$path = getInput("path");
$file_location = getDataPath() . "videos" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "video.{$path}";
if (file_exists($file_location)) {
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_location);
    $size = filesize($file_location);
    echo FileSystem::serveFilePartial($file_location, NULL, $mime);
예제 #7
function uploadBase64Image($image)
    $image = base64_decode($image);
    $file = new File();
    $file_guid = $file->save();
    $name = "avatar.jpg";
    $target_dir = getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $file_guid . "/";
    makePath($target_dir, 0777);
    $file->path = $target_dir . $name;
    $file->extension = "jpg";
    $file->mime_type = "image/jpeg";
    $file->filename = "avatar.jpg";
    file_put_contents($target_dir . $name, $image);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, TINY);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, SMALL);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, MEDIUM);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, LARGE);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, EXTRALARGE);
    Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, HUGE);
    return $file->guid;
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/engine/start.php";
$guid = getInput("guid");
if (!$guid) {
    $guid = Vars::get("guid");
$file = getEntity($guid);
$thumbnail = getInput("thumbnail");
if (!$thumbnail) {
    $thumbnail = Vars::get("thumbnail");
if (!$thumbnail) {
    $thumbnail = HUGE;
$file_location = getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $file->guid . "/" . "thumbnail" . "/" . $thumbnail . "/" . $file->filename;
if (file_exists($file_location)) {
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_location);
    $size = filesize($file_location);
    header('Content-Type:' . $mime);
    header("Content-length: {$size}");
예제 #9
 static function createThumbnail($guid, $width)
     $file = getEntity($guid);
     $mime_type = $file->mime_type;
     $path = $file->path;
     $filename = $file->filename;
     $owner_guid = $file->owner_guid;
     $im = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($path));
     //        switch ($mime_type) {
     //            case "image/jpeg":
     //                $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
     //                break;
     //            case "image/gif":
     //                $im = imagecreatefromgif($path);
     //                break;
     //            case "image/png":
     //                $im = imagecreatefrompng($path);
     //                break;
     //            default:
     //                return false;
     //                break;
     //        }
     $ox = imagesx($im);
     $oy = imagesy($im);
     $nx = $width;
     $ny = floor($oy * ($width / $ox));
     $nm = imagecreatetruecolor($nx, $ny);
     imagefilledrectangle($nm, 0, 0, $nx, $ny, imagecolorallocate($nm, 255, 255, 255));
     imagecopyresampled($nm, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nx, $ny, $ox, $oy);
     $thumbnail_path = getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "thumbnail" . "/" . $width;
     if (!file_exists($thumbnail_path)) {
         makePath($thumbnail_path, 0777);
     switch ($mime_type) {
         case "image/jpeg":
             imagejpeg($nm, getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "thumbnail" . "/" . $width . "/" . $filename);
         case "image/gif":
             imagegif($nm, getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "thumbnail" . "/" . $width . "/" . $filename);
         case "image/png":
             imagepng($nm, getDataPath() . "files" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "thumbnail" . "/" . $width . "/" . $filename);
             return false;
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus (http://SocialApparatus.co) 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron admin@socia.us for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . "/engine/start.php";
$guid = getInput("guid");
if (!$guid) {
    $guid = Vars::get("guid");
$file_location = getDataPath() . "videos" . "/" . $guid . "/" . "frame.jpg";
if (file_exists($file_location)) {
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_location);
    $size = filesize($file_location);
    header('Content-Type:' . $mime);
    header("Content-length: {$size}");