/** * Function to show the log on failure **/ function wpau_show_log($automated = false) { global $wpdb; $logData = ''; wpauStartHtml(); echo '<strong>Some problems did not allow us to upgrade your blog. This most likely ocurred due to file permission issues, you can find a workaround for the issue by visiting <a href="http://forum.techie-buzz.com/topic.php?id=46&page&replies=1" target="_blank" title="Opens in new Window">this forum post on WPAU forums</a>.<br /><br />If that does not solve your problem please post on the forum and I will definitely take a look at the issue.</strong>'; echo "<hr /><strong>Below is the log for the upgradation</strong><br /><hr />"; echo getDBLog(); wpauEndHtml(); }
/** * Function to show the log on failure **/ function wpau_show_log($automated = false) { global $wpdb; $logData = ''; wpauStartHtml(); echo '<strong>Some problems did not allow us to upgrade your blog. You can <a href="mailto:dsouza.keith@gmail.com">email me</a> the logs so that I can help debug your problem. Please let me know whether you were running automated or normal version while emailing.</strong>'; echo "<hr /><strong>Below is the log for the upgradation</strong><br /><hr />"; echo getDBLog(); wpauEndHtml(); }