예제 #1
파일: Credits.php 프로젝트: ErdemA/wikihow
 * This is largely cadged from PageHistory::history
function showCreditsPage($article)
    global $wgOut, $wgUser;
    $fname = 'showCreditsPage';
    // Show a 404 page for anonymous users accessing the credits.
    // We do this to hopefully improve SEO by removing links visible
    // to Google.
    if ($wgUser->isAnon()) {
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
    if ($article->mTitle->getArticleID() == 0) {
        $s = wfMsg('nocredits');
    } else {
        $s = getCredits($article, -1);
예제 #2
function createTransaction()
    // We need globals.
    global $DB;
    global $MySelf;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    // Are we allowed to poke in here?
    if (!$MySelf->isAccountant()) {
        makeNotice("Umm, you are not allowed to do this. Really. You are not.", "warning", "You are not supposed to be here");
    // Check the ints.
    numericCheck($_POST[wod], 0, 1);
    numericCheck($_POST[amount], 0);
    numericCheck($_POST[id], 0);
    // Its easier on the eyes.
    $type = $_POST[wod];
    $amount = $_POST[amount];
    $id = $_POST[id];
    $username = idToUsername($id);
    // invert the amount if we have a withdrawal.
    if ($_POST[wod] == 1) {
        $dir = "withdrawed";
        $dir2 = "from";
        $hisMoney = getCredits($id);
        if ($hisMoney < $amount) {
            $ayee = $hisMoney - $amount;
            confirm("WARNING:<br>{$username} can NOT afford this withdrawal. If you choose to " . "authorize this transaction anyway his account will be at " . number_format($ayee, 2) . " ISK.");
    } else {
        $amount = $_POST[amount];
        $dir = "deposited";
        $dir2 = "into";
    // We use custom reason, if set.
    if ($_POST[reason2] != "") {
        $reason = sanitize($_POST[reason2]);
    } else {
        $reason = sanitize($_POST[reason1]);
    // Create transaction.
    $transaction = new transaction($id, $type, $amount);
    // Success?
    if (!$transaction->commit()) {
        // Nope :(
        makeNotice("Unable to create transaction. Danger, Will Robinson, DANGER!", "error", "Internal Error", "index.php?action=edituser&id={$id}", "[Back]");
    } else {
        // Success !
        makeNotice("You successfully {$dir} {$amount} ISK {$dir2} " . $username . "'s account.", "notice", "Transaction complete", "index.php?action=edituser&id={$id}", "[Ok]");
예제 #3
 * This is largely cadged from PageHistory::history
function showCreditsPage($article)
    global $wgOut;
    $fname = 'showCreditsPage';
    if ($article->mTitle->getArticleID() == 0) {
        $s = wfMsg('nocredits');
    } else {
        $s = getCredits($article, -1);
예제 #4
 public function index()
     //$this->openid  =  $this->openid();
     $this->openid = 'o3Iz7jmy9NjyTWvKQ7rkNhjJNSuY';
     $usr = M('t_huiyuan')->where(array('open_id' => $this->openid))->find();
     if ($usr) {
         //call sand api
         $score = getCredits($usr['card_no']);
         $usr['score'] = $score;
         $this->usr = $usr;
     } else {
         $this->cityList = $this->cityList();
예제 #5
function transferMoney()
    // Globals
    global $MySelf;
    global $DB;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    $MyCredits = getCredits($MySelf->getID());
    // Can we afford even the most basic transactions?
    if (!numericCheckBool($MyCredits, 0)) {
        makeNotice("You can not afford any transaction.", "warning", "Out of money", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
    // Did we supply an isk amount at all?
    if ($_POST[amount] == "") {
        makeNotice("You did not specify an ISK amount. Please go back, and try again.", "warning", "How much?", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
    if (!is_numeric($_POST[amount])) {
        makeNotice("The frog looks at you and your cheque with the amount of \"" . $_POST[amount] . "\". The frog is unsure how much ISK that is and instead decides to lick your face in a friendly manner, then it closes the teller and goes for lunch.", "warning", "Huh?");
    // Check for sanity.
    if (!numericCheckBool($_POST[to], 0)) {
        makeNotice("The supplied reciver is not valid.", "warning", "Invalid ID", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
    if (!numericCheckBool($_POST[amount], 0)) {
        makeNotice("You need to specify a positive ISK value.", "error", "Invalid amount", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
    if (!numericCheckBool($_POST[amount], 0, $MyCredits)) {
        makeNotice("You can not afford this transaction.", "warning", "Out of money", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
    // Ok so now we know: The reciver is valid, the sender has enough money.
    $from = "<br><br>From: " . ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername());
    $to = "<br>To: " . ucfirst(idToUsername($_POST[to]));
    $amount = "<br>Amount: " . number_format($_POST[amount], 2) . " ISK";
    $reason = "<br>Reason: " . $_POST[reason];
    confirm("Please authorize this transaction:" . $from . $to . $amount . $reason);
    // Lets do it.
    $transaction = new transaction($_POST[to], 0, $_POST[amount]);
    $transaction->setReason("Cash transfer from " . ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()) . " to " . ucfirst(idToUsername($_POST[to])) . ": " . $_POST[reason]);
    // Send'em back.
    makeNotice($amount . " has been transfered from your into " . ucfirst(idToUsername($_POST[to])) . " account.", "notice", "Cash transfered", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[OK]");
예제 #6
function requestPayout()
    // Globals
    global $MySelf;
    global $DB;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    // How much overdraft are we allowed?
    $overdraft = 100 * 1000000;
    // 100m
    $overdraftlimit = false;
    // How much isk we got?
    $MyCredits = getCredits($MySelf->getID());
    // Is this a number?
    if (!is_numeric($_POST[amount])) {
        makeNotice("The frog looks at you and your cheque with the amount of \"" . $_POST[amount] . "\". The frog is unsure how much ISK that is and instead decides to lick your face in a friendly manner, then it closes the teller and goes for lunch.", "warning", "Huh?");
    // We are requesting a POSITIVE amount, right?
    if (!numericCheckBool($_POST[amount], 0)) {
        makeNotice("You can only request positive amounts of ISK. If you want money, go work for it.", "notice", "This aint no charity", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "But i got women and children to feed...");
    // So, can we afford it?
    if ($overdraft <= 0 && !numericCheckBool($_POST[amount], 1, $MyCredits)) {
        makeNotice("You can only request a payment up to " . number_format($MyCredits) . " ISK. You requested " . number_format($_POST[amount]) . " ISK. Thats " . number_format($_POST[amount] - $MyCredits, 2) . " ISK more than you can afford.", "warning", "Too big of a payout.", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[Cancel]");
    // Allow an overdraft, but not too much
    if ($overdraft > 0 && $overdraftlimit && !numericCheckBool($_POST[amount], 1, $MyCredits + $overdraft)) {
        makeNotice("You can only request a payment up to " . number_format($MyCredits + $overdraft) . " ISK. You requested " . number_format($_POST[amount]) . " ISK. Thats " . number_format($_POST[amount] - ($MyCredits + $overdraft), 2) . " ISK more than you are allowed.", "warning", "Too big of a payout.", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[Cancel]");
    // We sure?
    confirm("Please confirm your payout request of " . number_format($_POST[amount], 2) . " ISK.");
    // Ok, do it.
    $DB->query("INSERT INTO payoutRequests (time, applicant, amount) VALUES (?,?,?)", array($TIMEMARK, $MySelf->getID(), $_POST[amount]));
    if ($DB->affectedRows() == 1) {
        mailUser("We are notifying you that " . $MySelf->getUsername() . " has requested a payout of " . number_format($_POST[amount], 2) . " ISK", "WHB Payout Requested", "isAccountant");
        makeNotice("You request has been logged. An accountant will soon honor your request.", "notice", "Request logged", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[OK]");
    } else {
        makeNotice("Internal Error! Unable to record your request into the database! Inform the admin!", "error", "Internal Error!", "index.php?action=manageWallet", "[cancel]");
예제 #7
 function outputPage(OutputPage $out = null)
     global $wgTitle, $wgArticle, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgOut;
     global $wgScript, $wgStylePath, $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLanguageCode;
     global $wgMimeType, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgUseDatabaseMessages;
     global $wgRequest, $wgUseNewInterlanguage;
     global $wgDisableCounters, $wgLogo, $action, $wgFeedClasses;
     global $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax, $wgHideInterlanguageLinks;
     global $wgServer;
     global $wgSquidMaxage, $IP;
     $fname = __METHOD__;
     wfRunHooks('BeforePageDisplay', array(&$wgOut, &$this));
     $this->mTitle = $wgTitle;
     extract($wgRequest->getValues('oldid', 'diff'));
     //$this->initPage( $out );
     $tpl = $this->setupTemplate('WikiHowTemplate', 'skins');
     $tpl->setTranslator(new MediaWiki_I18N());
     $this->thispage = $wgTitle->getPrefixedDbKey();
     $this->thisurl = $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL();
     $this->loggedin = $wgUser->getID() != 0;
     $this->iscontent = $wgTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL;
     $this->iseditable = ($this->iscontent and !($action == 'edit' or $action == 'submit'));
     $this->username = $wgUser->getName();
     $this->userpage = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER) . ":" . $wgUser->getName();
     $this->userpageUrlDetails = $this->makeUrlDetails($this->userpage);
     $this->usercss = $this->userjs = $this->userjsprev = false;
     $this->titletxt = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText();
     // add utm
     $tpl->set('title', $wgOut->getPageTitle());
     $tpl->setRef("thispage", $this->thispage);
     $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
     $tpl->set("undelete", !empty($undelete) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $undelete . '</span>' : '');
     $tpl->set('headscripts', $out->getHeadScripts() . $out->getHeadItems());
     $description = ArticleMetaInfo::getCurrentTitleMetaDescription();
     if ($description) {
         $wgOut->addMeta('description', $description);
     $keywords = ArticleMetaInfo::getCurrentTitleMetaKeywords();
     if ($keywords) {
         $wgOut->mKeywords = array();
         $wgOut->addMeta('keywords', $keywords);
     if ($wgOut->isSyndicated()) {
         $feeds = array();
         foreach ($wgFeedClasses as $format => $class) {
             $feeds[$format] = array('text' => $format, 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery("feed={$format}"), 'ttip' => wfMessage('tooltip-' . $format)->text());
         $tpl->setRef('feeds', $feeds);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('feeds', false);
     $tpl->setRef('mimetype', $wgMimeType);
     $tpl->setRef('charset', $wgOutputEncoding);
     $tpl->set('headlinks', $out->getHeadLinks());
     $tpl->setRef('wgScript', $wgScript);
     $tpl->setRef('skinname', $this->skinname);
     $tpl->setRef('stylename', $this->stylename);
     $tpl->setRef('loggedin', $this->loggedin);
     $tpl->set('nsclass', 'ns-' . $wgTitle->getNamespace());
     $tpl->set('notspecialpage', $wgTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL);
     /* XXX currently unused, might get useful later
     		$tpl->set( "editable", ($wgTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) );
     		$tpl->set( "exists", $wgTitle->getArticleID() != 0 );
     		$tpl->set( "watch", $wgTitle->userIsWatching() ? "unwatch" : "watch" );
     		$tpl->set( "protect", count($wgTitle->isProtected()) ? "unprotect" : "protect" );
     		$tpl->set( "helppage", wfMessage('helppage')->text());
     $tpl->set('searchaction', $this->escapeSearchLink());
     $tpl->set('search', trim($wgRequest->getVal('search')));
     $tpl->setRef('stylepath', $wgStylePath);
     $tpl->setRef('logopath', $wgLogo);
     $tpl->setRef("lang", $wgContLanguageCode);
     $tpl->set('dir', $wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr");
     $tpl->set('rtl', $wgContLang->isRTL());
     $tpl->set('langname', $wgContLang->getLanguageName($wgContLanguageCode));
     $tpl->setRef('username', $this->username);
     $tpl->setRef('userpage', $this->userpage);
     $tpl->setRef('userpageurl', $this->userpageUrlDetails['href']);
     $tpl->setRef('usercss', $this->usercss);
     $tpl->setRef('userjs', $this->userjs);
     $tpl->setRef('userjsprev', $this->userjsprev);
     if ($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption('editsectiononrightclick')) {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', 'setupRightClickEdit()');
     } else {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', false);
     global $wgUseSiteJs;
     if ($wgUseSiteJs) {
         if ($this->loggedin) {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl($this->userpage . '/-', 'action=raw&gen=js&maxage=' . $wgSquidMaxage));
         } else {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl('-', 'action=raw&gen=js'));
     } else {
         $tpl->set('jsvarurl', false);
     $tpl->setRef('newtalk', $ntl);
     $tpl->setRef('skin', $this);
     $tpl->set('logo', $this->logoText());
     if ($wgOut->isArticle() and (!isset($oldid) or isset($diff)) and $this->getContext()->canUseWikiPage() && 0 != $this->getContext()->getWikiPage()->getId()) {
         if (!$wgDisableCounters) {
             $viewcount = $this->getContext()->getWikiPage()->getCount();
             if ($viewcount) {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', wfMessage("viewcount", $viewcount)->text());
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', $this->lastModified());
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $this->credits = false;
         if (isset($wgMaxCredits) && $wgMaxCredits != 0) {
             require_once "{$IP}/includes/Credits.php";
             $this->credits = getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
         $tpl->setRef('credits', $this->credits);
     } elseif (isset($oldid) && !isset($diff)) {
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('copyright', false);
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
     $tpl->set('copyrightico', $this->getCopyrightIcon());
     $tpl->set('poweredbyico', $this->getPoweredBy());
     $tpl->set('disclaimer', $this->disclaimerLink());
     $tpl->set('about', $this->aboutLink());
     $tpl->setRef('debug', $out->mDebugtext);
     $tpl->set('bottomscripts', $this->bottomScripts());
     if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER && $wgUser->getId() == 0 && !UserPagePolicy::isGoodUserPage($wgTitle->getDBKey())) {
         $txt = $out->parse(wfMessage('noarticletext_user')->text());
         $tpl->setRef('bodytext', $txt);
         header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
     } else {
         if (!is_null($out)) {
             $tpl->setRef('bodytext', $out->getHTML());
     # Language links
     $language_urls = array();
     if (!$wgHideInterlanguageLinks) {
         foreach ($wgOut->getLanguageLinks() as $l) {
             $tmp = explode(':', $l, 2);
             $class = 'interwiki-' . $tmp[0];
             $code = $tmp[0];
             $lTitle = $tmp[1];
             $nt = Title::newFromText($l);
             $language = $wgContLang->fetchLanguageName($nt->getInterwiki(), $wgLanguageCode);
             $language_urls[] = array('code' => $code, 'href' => $nt->getFullURL(), 'text' => $lTitle, 'class' => $class, 'language' => ($language != '' ? Misc::capitalize($language) : $l) . ": ");
     if (count($language_urls)) {
         $tpl->setRef('language_urls', $language_urls);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('language_urls', false);
     # Personal toolbar
     //$tpl->set('personal_urls', $this->buildPersonalUrls());
     /*$content_actions = $this->buildContentActionUrls();
     		$tpl->setRef('content_actions', $content_actions);
     		// XXX: attach this from javascript, same with section editing
     		if($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption("editondblclick") ) {
     			$tpl->set('body_ondblclick', 'document.location = "' .$content_actions['edit']['href'] .'";');
     		} else {
     			$tpl->set('body_ondblclick', false);
     //$tpl->set( 'navigation_urls', $this->buildNavigationUrls() );
     //$tpl->set( 'nav_urls', $this->buildNavUrls() );
     // execute template
     $res = $tpl->execute();
     // result may be an error
예제 #8
                    <div class="panel-body">
                        <h4 class="adjst"><?php 
echo getName($row);
                        <div id="overview">
echo getOverview($row);
                        <div id="credits">
echo getCredits($row);
                        <div id="director">
echo getDirector($row);
                        <div id="runtime">
echo getRuntime($row);
예제 #9
function manageWallet()
    // Globals
    global $MySelf;
    global $DB;
    $MyCredits = getCredits($MySelf->getID());
    // Get (recent?) transactions
    $html = getTransactions($MySelf->getID());
    if ($MyCredits > 0) {
        // Create the dropdown menu with all pilots.
        $NamesDS = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT username, id FROM users WHERE deleted='0' ORDER BY username");
        $ddm = "<select name=\"to\">";
        while ($name = $NamesDS->fetchRow()) {
            // Lets not allow transfers to self.
            if ($name[id] != $MySelf->getID()) {
                $ddm .= "<option value=\"" . $name[id] . "\">" . ucfirst($name[username]) . "</option>";
        $ddm .= "</select>";
        $tt = new table(2, true);
        $tt->addHeader(">> Transfer ISK");
        $tt->addCol("You can transfer ISK into another Pilots wallet by using this form.", array("colspan" => 2));
        $tt->addCol("Transfer from:");
        $tt->addCol("Transfer to:");
        $tt->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"amount\">");
        $tt->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"reason\">");
        $tt->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Transfer money\">");
        // Create form stuff, and embed the table within.
        $transfer = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
        $transfer .= $tt->flush();
        $transfer .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
        $transfer .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"transferMoney\">";
        $transfer .= "</form>";
        // Create the payout form.
        $payout = new table(2, true);
        $payout->addHeader(">> Request payout");
        $payout->addCol("Fill out this form to request payout of ISK. An accountant will honor your request soon.", array("colspan" => 2));
        $payout->addCol("Payout amount:");
        $payout->addCol("<input type=\"text\" name=\"amount\" value=\"" . $MyCredits . "\"> ISK");
        $payout->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"request payout\">");
        // Create form stuff, and embed the table within.
        $requestPayout = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
        $requestPayout .= $payout->flush();
        $requestPayout .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
        $requestPayout .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"requestPayout\">";
        $requestPayout .= "</form>";
     * Show current requests
    $requests = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM payoutRequests WHERE payoutTime IS NULL AND applicant='" . $MySelf->getID() . "' ORDER BY time");
    $table = new table(4, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Pending payout requests");
    while ($request = $requests->fetchRow()) {
        $table->addCol("#" . str_pad($request[request], "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
        $table->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request[time]));
        $table->addCol(number_format($request[amount], 2) . " ISK");
        $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $request[request] . "\" value=\"true\">");
        $haveRequest = true;
    $table->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"cancel marked requests\">");
    $takeBack = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
    $takeBack .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
    $takeBack .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"deleteRequest\">";
    $takeBack .= $table->flush();
    $rakeBack .= "</form>";
     * Show fulfilled requests
    $requests = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM payoutRequests WHERE payoutTime IS NOT NULL AND applicant='" . $MySelf->getID() . "' ORDER BY time");
    $table_done = new table(5, true);
    $table_done->addHeader(">> Fulfilled payout requests");
    $table_done->addCol("Payout time");
    $table_done->addCol("Paid by");
    while ($request = $requests->fetchRow()) {
        $table_done->addCol("#" . str_pad($request[request], "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
        $table_done->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request[time]));
        $table_done->addCol(number_format($request[amount], 2) . " ISK");
        $table_done->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request[payoutTime]));
        $haveOldRequests = true;
    if ($html) {
        $html = "<h2>Your Wallet</h2>" . $html . "<br>" . $requestPayout . $transfer;
        if ($haveRequest) {
            $html .= $takeBack . "<br>";
        if ($haveOldRequests) {
            $html .= $table_done->flush();
    } else {
        $html = "<h2>Your Wallet</h2>Once your wallet has any transactions you can view the details here. And once you obtained a positive balance you can transfer money and request payouts.<br>";
    return $html;
예제 #10
  * initialize various variables and generate the template
  * @param OutputPage $out
  * @access public
 function outputPage(&$out)
     global $wgTitle, $wgArticle, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgOut;
     global $wgScript, $wgStylePath, $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLanguageCode, $wgUseNewInterlanguage;
     global $wgMimeType, $wgJsMimeType, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgUseDatabaseMessages, $wgRequest;
     global $wgDisableCounters, $wgLogo, $action, $wgFeedClasses, $wgHideInterlanguageLinks;
     global $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax;
     global $wgPageShowWatchingUsers;
     global $wgUseTrackbacks;
     $fname = 'SkinTemplate::outputPage';
     extract($wgRequest->getValues('oldid', 'diff'));
     $this->mTitle =& $wgTitle;
     $this->mUser =& $wgUser;
     $tpl = $this->setupTemplate($this->template, 'skins');
     #if ( $wgUseDatabaseMessages ) { // uncomment this to fall back to GetText
     $tpl->setTranslator(new MediaWiki_I18N());
     $this->thispage = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDbKey();
     $this->thisurl = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL();
     $this->loggedin = $wgUser->isLoggedIn();
     $this->iscontent = $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL;
     $this->iseditable = ($this->iscontent and !($action == 'edit' or $action == 'submit'));
     $this->username = $wgUser->getName();
     $userPage = $wgUser->getUserPage();
     $this->userpage = $userPage->getPrefixedText();
     $this->userpageUrlDetails = $this->makeUrlDetails($this->userpage);
     $this->usercss = $this->userjs = $this->userjsprev = false;
     $this->titletxt = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $tpl->set('title', $wgOut->getPageTitle());
     $tpl->set('pagetitle', $wgOut->getHTMLTitle());
     $tpl->setRef("thispage", $this->thispage);
     $subpagestr = $this->subPageSubtitle();
     $tpl->set('subtitle', !empty($subpagestr) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $subpagestr . '</span>' . $out->getSubtitle() : $out->getSubtitle());
     $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
     $tpl->set("undelete", !empty($undelete) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $undelete . '</span>' : '');
     $tpl->set('catlinks', $this->getCategories());
     if ($wgOut->isSyndicated()) {
         $feeds = array();
         foreach ($wgFeedClasses as $format => $class) {
             $feeds[$format] = array('text' => $format, 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery("feed={$format}"), 'ttip' => wfMsg('tooltip-' . $format));
         $tpl->setRef('feeds', $feeds);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('feeds', false);
     if ($wgUseTrackbacks && $out->isArticleRelated()) {
         $tpl->set('trackbackhtml', $wgTitle->trackbackRDF());
     $tpl->setRef('mimetype', $wgMimeType);
     $tpl->setRef('jsmimetype', $wgJsMimeType);
     $tpl->setRef('charset', $wgOutputEncoding);
     $tpl->set('headlinks', $out->getHeadLinks());
     $tpl->setRef('headscripts', $out->getScript());
     $tpl->setRef('wgScript', $wgScript);
     $tpl->setRef('skinname', $this->skinname);
     $tpl->setRef('stylename', $this->stylename);
     $tpl->set('printable', $wgRequest->getBool('printable'));
     $tpl->setRef('loggedin', $this->loggedin);
     $tpl->set('nsclass', 'ns-' . $this->mTitle->getNamespace());
     $tpl->set('notspecialpage', $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL);
     /* XXX currently unused, might get useful later
     		$tpl->set( "editable", ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) );
     		$tpl->set( "exists", $this->mTitle->getArticleID() != 0 );
     		$tpl->set( "watch", $this->mTitle->userIsWatching() ? "unwatch" : "watch" );
     		$tpl->set( "protect", count($this->mTitle->isProtected()) ? "unprotect" : "protect" );
     		$tpl->set( "helppage", wfMsg('helppage'));
     $tpl->set('searchaction', $this->escapeSearchLink());
     $tpl->set('search', trim($wgRequest->getVal('search')));
     $tpl->setRef('stylepath', $wgStylePath);
     $tpl->setRef('logopath', $wgLogo);
     $tpl->setRef("lang", $wgContLanguageCode);
     $tpl->set('dir', $wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr");
     $tpl->set('rtl', $wgContLang->isRTL());
     $tpl->set('langname', $wgContLang->getLanguageName($wgContLanguageCode));
     $tpl->setRef('username', $this->username);
     $tpl->setRef('userpage', $this->userpage);
     $tpl->setRef('userpageurl', $this->userpageUrlDetails['href']);
     $tpl->setRef('usercss', $this->usercss);
     $tpl->setRef('userjs', $this->userjs);
     $tpl->setRef('userjsprev', $this->userjsprev);
     global $wgUseSiteJs;
     if ($wgUseSiteJs) {
         if ($this->loggedin) {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl('-', 'action=raw&smaxage=0&gen=js'));
         } else {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl('-', 'action=raw&gen=js'));
     } else {
         $tpl->set('jsvarurl', false);
     if ($wgUser->getNewtalk()) {
         global $wgShowNewtalkForUserOrUserTalkPage;
         if ($wgShowNewtalkForUserOrUserTalkPage) {
             $newmsg_usertalk = false;
             $newmsg_user = false;
             $usertitle = Title::newFromText($this->userpage);
             if ($wgUser->checkNotificationPendingForArticleOrTalk($usertitle, NS_USER_TALK, $lvr)) {
                 $diff_oldid = $lvr != 0 ? "diff=0&oldid={$lvr}" : '';
                 $ns_usertalk = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER_TALK);
                 $newmsg_usertalklink = $this->makeKnownLink($ns_usertalk . ':' . $this->username, wfMsg('newmsg_usertalk'));
                 $newmsg_usertalklvrlink = $this->makeKnownLink($ns_usertalk . ':' . $this->username, wfMsg('diff-to-lvr'), $diff_oldid, '', '', '', wfMsg('diff-to-lvr_tooltiptext'));
                 $newmsg_usertalk = true;
             if ($wgUser->checkNotificationPendingForArticleOrTalk($usertitle, NS_USER, $lvr)) {
                 $diff_oldid = $lvr != 0 ? "diff=0&oldid={$lvr}" : '';
                 $ns_user = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER);
                 $newmsg_userlink = $this->makeKnownLink($ns_user . ':' . $this->username, wfMsg('newmsg_user'));
                 $newmsg_userlvrlink = $this->makeKnownLink($ns_user . ':' . $this->username, wfMsg('diff-to-lvr'), $diff_oldid, '', '', '', wfMsg('diff-to-lvr_tooltiptext'));
                 $newmsg_user = true;
             switch (true) {
                 case $newmsg_user && $newmsg_usertalk:
                     $str = $newmsg_userlink . ' (' . $newmsg_userlvrlink . ') ' . wfMsg('newmsg_and') . ' ' . $newmsg_usertalklink . ' (' . $newmsg_usertalklvrlink . ')';
                 case !$newmsg_user && $newmsg_usertalk:
                     $str = $newmsg_usertalklink . ' (' . $newmsg_usertalklvrlink . ')';
                 case $newmsg_user && !$newmsg_usertalk:
                     $str = $newmsg_userlink . ' (' . $newmsg_userlvrlink . ')';
                     # this is the case for anon talk
                     $str = $this->makeKnownLink($wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER_TALK) . ':' . $this->username, wfMsg('newmsg_usertalk'));
             $ntl = wfMsg('newmsg', $str);
         } else {
             /* OLD METHOD */
             if ($wgUser->getNewtalk()) {
                 $usertitle = $this->mUser->getUserPage();
                 $usertalktitle = $usertitle->getTalkPage();
                 if (!$usertalktitle->equals($this->mTitle)) {
                     $ntl = wfMsg('newmessages', $this->makeKnownLinkObj($usertalktitle, wfMsg('newmessageslink')));
                     # Disable Cache
             } else {
                 $ntl = '';
     $tpl->setRef('newtalk', $ntl);
     $tpl->setRef('skin', $this);
     $tpl->set('logo', $this->logoText());
     if ($wgOut->isArticle() and (!isset($oldid) or isset($diff)) and 0 != $wgArticle->getID()) {
         if (!$wgDisableCounters) {
             $viewcount = $wgLang->formatNum($wgArticle->getCount());
             if ($viewcount) {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', wfMsg("viewcount", $viewcount));
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         if ($wgPageShowWatchingUsers) {
             $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM {$watchlist}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE wl_title='" . $dbr->strencode($this->mTitle->getDBKey()) . "' AND  wl_namespace=" . $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
             $res = $dbr->query($sql, 'SkinPHPTal::outputPage');
             $x = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
             $numberofwatchingusers = $x->n;
             if ($numberofwatchingusers > 0) {
                 $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', ' ' . wfMsg('number_of_watching_users_pageview', $numberofwatchingusers));
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $this->credits = false;
         if (isset($wgMaxCredits) && $wgMaxCredits != 0) {
             require_once "Credits.php";
             $this->credits = getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('lastmod', $this->lastModified());
         $tpl->setRef('credits', $this->credits);
     } elseif (isset($oldid) && !isset($diff)) {
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
         $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('copyright', false);
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
         $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
     $tpl->set('copyrightico', $this->getCopyrightIcon());
     $tpl->set('poweredbyico', $this->getPoweredBy());
     $tpl->set('disclaimer', $this->disclaimerLink());
     $tpl->set('about', $this->aboutLink());
     $tpl->setRef('debug', $out->mDebugtext);
     $tpl->set('reporttime', $out->reportTime());
     $tpl->set('sitenotice', wfGetSiteNotice());
     $printfooter = "<div class=\"printfooter\">\n" . $this->printSource() . "</div>\n";
     $out->mBodytext .= $printfooter;
     $tpl->setRef('bodytext', $out->mBodytext);
     # Language links
     $language_urls = array();
     if (!$wgHideInterlanguageLinks) {
         foreach ($wgOut->getLanguageLinks() as $l) {
             $tmp = explode(':', $l, 2);
             $class = 'interwiki-' . $tmp[0];
             $nt = Title::newFromText($l);
             $language_urls[] = array('href' => $nt->getFullURL(), 'text' => $wgContLang->getLanguageName($nt->getInterwiki()) != '' ? $wgContLang->getLanguageName($nt->getInterwiki()) : $l, 'class' => $class);
     if (count($language_urls)) {
         $tpl->setRef('language_urls', $language_urls);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('language_urls', false);
     # Personal toolbar
     $tpl->set('personal_urls', $this->buildPersonalUrls());
     $content_actions = $this->buildContentActionUrls();
     $tpl->setRef('content_actions', $content_actions);
     // XXX: attach this from javascript, same with section editing
     if ($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption("editondblclick")) {
         $tpl->set('body_ondblclick', 'document.location = "' . $content_actions['edit']['href'] . '";');
     } else {
         $tpl->set('body_ondblclick', false);
     if ($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption('editsectiononrightclick')) {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', 'setupRightClickEdit()');
     } else {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', false);
     $tpl->set('sidebar', $this->buildSidebar());
     $tpl->set('nav_urls', $this->buildNavUrls());
     // execute template
     $res = $tpl->execute();
     // result may be an error
예제 #11
function changeCredits($uid, $pid, $credits)
    if (!canViewPuzzle($uid, $pid)) {
        utilsError("You do not have permission to modify this puzzle.");
    $purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
    mysql_query('START TRANSACTION');
    $oldCredits = getCredits($pid);
    $cleanCredits = $purifier->purify($credits);
    //$cleanCredits = htmlspecialchars($cleanCredits);
    updateCredits($uid, $pid, $oldCredits, $cleanCredits);
예제 #12
function makeWelcome()
    // Load the globals.
    global $VERSION;
    global $SITENAME;
    global $IGB;
    global $IGB_VISUAL;
    global $MySelf;
    global $DB;
    global $ValidUntil;
    /* HTML stuff */
    $page = "<h2>Welcome to {$VERSION}!</h2>";
    /* The welcome table */
    $table = new table(2, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Welcome to {$VERSION}");
    $table->addCol("Logged in as:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol("Registered Rank:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol("Latest login:"******"bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    if ($MySelf->getLastlogin() < 1) {
        $table->addCol("This is your very first login! Welcome!");
    } else {
        $table->addCol(date("r", $MySelf->getLastlogin()));
    $table->addCol("Your account:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    $table->addCol(number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK");
    $table->addCol("Your profile:", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
    global $BLESSED;
    if ($BLESSED) {
        $table->addCol("Installation Blessed!", array("bold" => true, "align" => "right"));
        $table->addCol("It is not affected by expiration. It runs with the highest priority on the server and all limitations have been lifted.");
    // Set the filename to the announce textfile.
    $announceFile = "/path/to/your/announce/txt.file";
    // Check its existance...
    if (file_exists($announceFile)) {
        // Then load it.
        $globalAnnounce = file_get_contents($announceFile);
    // Only display contents if more than X characters long.
    if (strlen($globalAnnounce) > 10) {
        // Create announcement table...
        $announceTable = new table(1, true);
        $announceTable->addHeader(">>> Important hosting information");
        // ... and add it to the page.
        $page .= $announceTable->flush();
    $page .= $table->flush();
    /* Show failed Logins to admins. */
    if ($MySelf->isAdmin()) {
        $page .= showFailedLogins("15");
    } else {
        $page .= showFailedLogins("10", $MySelf->getUsername());
    /* permissions table */
    $permsTable = new table(1, true);
    $permsTable->addHeader(">> Your permissions");
    // Permissions matrix
    $perms = array("canLogin" => "log in.", "canJoinRun" => "join mining operations.", "canCreateRun" => "create new mining operations.", "canCloseRun" => "close mining operations.", "canDeleteRun" => "delete mining operations.", "canAddHaul" => "haul to mining operations.", "canSeeEvents" => "view scheduled events.", "canEditEvents" => "add and delete scheduled events.", "canChangePwd" => "change your own password.", "canChangeEmail" => "change your own email.", "canChangeOre" => "manage ore prices and enable/disable them.", "canAddUser" => "add new accounts.", "canSeeUsers" => "see other accounts.", "canDeleteUser" => "delete other accounts.", "canEditRank" => "edit other peoples ranks.", "canManageUser" => "grant and take permissions.", "isAccountant" => "manage the corporation wallet and authorize payments.", "isOfficial" => "create official mining runs (with payout).");
    $permDS = $DB->getAssoc("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" . $MySelf->getID() . "' AND deleted='0'");
    $keys = array_keys($perms);
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        if ($permDS[$MySelf->getID()][$key] == 1) {
            $permsTable->addCol("You are allowed to " . $perms[$key]);
    $permsTable->addHeader("If you believe your permissions are faulty, consult your CEO immediatly.");
    // Show the balance
    $balance = getTransactions($MySelf->getID());
    $logins = getLogins($MySelf->getID());
    $page .= "<br>" . $balance . "<br>" . $permsTable->flush() . "<br>" . $logins;
    // .. then return it.
    return $page;
예제 #13
파일: payout.php 프로젝트: nuxi/MiningBuddy
function payout()
    // Some globals needed.
    global $DB;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    global $MySelf;
    global $IGB;
    global $IGB_VISUAL;
    // Are we allowed to do this?
    if (!$MySelf->isAccountant()) {
        makeNotice("You are not an accountant to your corporation. Access denied.", "error", "Access denied");
     * Amount of ISK owned.
    $iskOwned = new table(2, true);
    $iskOwned->addHeader(">> Outstanding ISK");
    // Load all unique members from the database.
    $uniqeMembers = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM users WHERE deleted='0' ORDER BY username ASC");
    // Create a row for each member.
    while ($id = $uniqeMembers->fetchRow()) {
        $playerCreds = getCredits($id['id']);
        // We need this later on...
        $allPeeps[$id['id']] = ucfirst(idToUsername($id['id']));
        // if the member has more or less than zero isk, list him.
        if ($playerCreds != 0) {
            $iskOwned->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=showTransactions&id=" . $id['id'] . "\">" . $allPeeps[$id['id']] . "</a>");
            $iskOwned->addCol(number_format($playerCreds, 2) . " ISK");
    // Show the total isk owned.
    $outstanding = totalIskOwned();
    $iskOwned->addCol(">> Total Outstanding ISK:");
    $iskOwned->addCol(totalIskOwned() . " ISK");
     * Show a drop down menu to create a menu to see everyones transaction log.
    $freeSelect = new table(2, true);
    $freeSelect->addHeader(">> Lookup specific transaction log");
    // Create a PDM for all the peoples.
    foreach ($allPeeps as $peep) {
        $pdm .= "<option value=\"" . array_search($peep, $allPeeps) . "\">{$peep}</option>";
    $freeSelect->addCol("Show log of ", array("align" => "right"));
    $freeSelect->addCol("<select name=\"id\">{$pdm}</select>");
    $freeSelect->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Lookup log in Database\">");
     * Show current requests
    $requests = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM payoutRequests WHERE payoutTime IS NULL ORDER BY time DESC");
    if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
        $table = new table(6, true);
    } else {
        $table = new table(5, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Pending payout requests");
    if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
        $table->addCol("right click menu");
    while ($request = $requests->fetchRow()) {
        if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
            $api = new api($request['applicant']);
            //			$profile = new profile($request['applicant']);
            if ($api->valid() && ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL)) {
                $rcm = " [<a href=\"showinfo:1378//" . $api->getCharacterID() . "\">RCM</a>]";
        $table->addCol("#" . str_pad($request['request'], "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
        $table->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=showTransactions&id={$request['applicant']}\">" . ucfirst(idToUsername($request['applicant'])) . "</a>");
        if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
        $table->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request['time']));
        if (getCredits($request['applicant']) < $request['amount']) {
            $class .= "red";
        if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
            $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" class=\"{$class}\" name=\"dumb\" readonly value=\"" . number_format($request['amount'], 2) . "\"> ISK");
        } else {
            $table->addCol(number_format($request['amount'], 2) . " ISK", array("class" => $class));
        // Can the user still cover his request with cash?
        $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $request['request'] . "\" value=\"true\">");
        $haveRequest = true;
        //} else {
        //	$table->addCol("<i>not enough ISK</i>");
    $table->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Mark as paid\">");
    $funnyForm = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
    $funnyForm .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
    $funnyForm .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"payout\">";
    $funnyForm .= $table->flush();
    $funnyForm .= "</form>";
     * Show fulfilled requests
    if (is_numeric($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 0) {
        $page = "LIMIT " . $_GET['page'] * 20 . ", 20";
    } elseif ($_GET['page'] == "all") {
        $page = "";
    } else {
        $page = "LIMIT 20";
    $requests = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM payoutRequests WHERE payoutTime IS NOT NULL ORDER BY time DESC {$page}");
    $table_done = new table(6, true);
    $table_done->addHeader(">> Fulfilled payout requests");
    $table_done->addCol("Payout time");
    $table_done->addCol("Authorized by");
    while ($request = $requests->fetchRow()) {
        $table_done->addCol("#" . str_pad($request['request'], "5", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
        $table_done->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action=showTransactions&id={$request['applicant']}\">" . ucfirst(idToUsername($request['applicant'])) . "</a>");
        $table_done->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request['time']));
        $table_done->addCol(number_format($request['amount'], 2) . " ISK");
        $table_done->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $request['payoutTime']));
        $haveOldRequests = true;
    // The "show this many payouts"-part.
    $count = $DB->getCol("SELECT COUNT(request) FROM payoutRequests WHERE payoutTime IS NOT NULL");
    $countSteps = floor($count[0] / 20);
    $showMore = "Switch to page >> ";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $countSteps; $i++) {
        $thisStep = str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $showMore .= "[<a href=\"index.php?action=payout&page=" . $thisStep . "\">" . $thisStep . "</a>] ";
    $showMore .= "[<a href=\"index.php?action=payout&page=all\">All</a>] ";
    $html = "<h2>Manage Payouts</h2>" . $iskOwned->flush() . "<br><br>";
    $html .= "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"GET\">" . $freeSelect->flush() . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"showTransactions\"></form><br>";
    if ($haveRequest) {
        $html .= $funnyForm . "<br>";
    } else {
        $html .= "<i>No open requests.</i><br><br>";
    if ($haveOldRequests) {
        $html .= $table_done->flush();
    } else {
        $html .= "<br><i>No payouts at all.</i>";
    return $html;
예제 #14
             echo $mod_strings['_LBL_FAX_SETTINGS_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR'];
         } else {
             $errCode = split(":", $credits);
             if ($errCode[0] == "ERR") {
                 echo $mod_strings['LBL_GET_CREDITS_ERROR'] . " (" . $errCode[1] . ")";
             } else {
                 echo $errCode[1];
     } else {
         echo $mod_strings['LBL_GET_CREDITS_ERROR'];
 } else {
     if ($_REQUEST["command"] == "checkconnectivity") {
         $config = Accounting::loadConfigParams();
         $result = getCredits($config);
         if ($result == "-1") {
             echo $mod_strings['_LBL_FAX_SETTINGS_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR'];
         } else {
             $errCode = split(":", $result);
             if ($errCode[0] == "ERR") {
                 echo $mod_strings['_LBL_FAX_SETTINGS_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_LOGIN'] . " (" . $errCode[1] . ")";
             } else {
                 echo $mod_strings['_LBL_FAX_SETTINGS_CONNECTIVITY_OK'];
     } else {
         if ($_REQUEST["command"] == "addtemplate") {
             Accounting::addTemplate($_REQUEST["name"], $_REQUEST["body"]);
         } else {
             if ($_REQUEST["command"] == "savetemplate") {
예제 #15
function displayCredits($uid, $pid)
    $notes = htmlspecialchars(getCredits($pid));
    <table class="creditsInfo">
            <td class='creditsInfo'>
                <strong>Credits: </strong> <?php 
    echo $notes;
            <td class='creditsInfo'>
                <a href="#" class="changeLink">[Change]</a>
            <td colspan='2'>
                <form method="post" action="form-submit.php">
                    <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php 
    echo $uid;
" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php 
    echo $pid;
" />
                    <input type="text" name="credits" maxlength="255" class="longin" value="<?php 
    echo $notes;
                    <input type="submit" name="changeCredits" value="Change" />
예제 #16
  * initialize various variables and generate the template
  * @param OutputPage $out
  * @public
 function outputPage(&$out)
     global $wgTitle, $wgArticle, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgOut;
     global $wgScript, $wgStylePath, $wgContLanguageCode;
     global $wgMimeType, $wgJsMimeType, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgRequest;
     global $wgDisableCounters, $wgLogo, $action, $wgFeedClasses, $wgHideInterlanguageLinks;
     global $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax;
     global $wgPageShowWatchingUsers;
     global $wgUseTrackbacks;
     global $wgDBname;
     $fname = 'SkinTemplate::outputPage';
     // Hook that allows last minute changes to the output page, e.g.
     // adding of CSS or Javascript by extensions.
     wfRunHooks('BeforePageDisplay', array(&$out));
     extract($wgRequest->getValues('oldid', 'diff'));
     $this->mTitle =& $wgTitle;
     $this->mUser =& $wgUser;
     $tpl = $this->setupTemplate($this->template, 'skins');
     #if ( $wgUseDatabaseMessages ) { // uncomment this to fall back to GetText
     $tpl->setTranslator(new MediaWiki_I18N());
     $this->thispage = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDbKey();
     $this->thisurl = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL();
     $this->loggedin = $wgUser->isLoggedIn();
     $this->iscontent = $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL;
     $this->iseditable = ($this->iscontent and !($action == 'edit' or $action == 'submit'));
     $this->username = $wgUser->getName();
     $userPage = $wgUser->getUserPage();
     $this->userpage = $userPage->getPrefixedText();
     if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() || $this->showIPinHeader()) {
         $this->userpageUrlDetails = $this->makeUrlDetails($this->userpage);
     } else {
         # This won't be used in the standard skins, but we define it to preserve the interface
         # To save time, we check for existence
         $this->userpageUrlDetails = $this->makeKnownUrlDetails($this->userpage);
     $this->usercss = $this->userjs = $this->userjsprev = false;
     $this->titletxt = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $tpl->set('title', $wgOut->getPageTitle());
     $tpl->set('pagetitle', $wgOut->getHTMLTitle());
     $tpl->set('displaytitle', $wgOut->mPageLinkTitle);
     $tpl->setRef("thispage", $this->thispage);
     $subpagestr = $this->subPageSubtitle();
     $tpl->set('subtitle', !empty($subpagestr) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $subpagestr . '</span>' . $out->getSubtitle() : $out->getSubtitle());
     $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
     $tpl->set("undelete", !empty($undelete) ? '<span class="subpages">' . $undelete . '</span>' : '');
     $tpl->set('catlinks', $this->getCategories());
     if ($wgOut->isSyndicated()) {
         $feeds = array();
         foreach ($wgFeedClasses as $format => $class) {
             $feeds[$format] = array('text' => $format, 'href' => $wgRequest->appendQuery("feed={$format}"));
         $tpl->setRef('feeds', $feeds);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('feeds', false);
     if ($wgUseTrackbacks && $out->isArticleRelated()) {
         $tpl->set('trackbackhtml', $wgTitle->trackbackRDF());
     $tpl->setRef('mimetype', $wgMimeType);
     $tpl->setRef('jsmimetype', $wgJsMimeType);
     $tpl->setRef('charset', $wgOutputEncoding);
     $tpl->set('headlinks', $out->getHeadLinks());
     $tpl->set('headscripts', $out->getScript());
     $tpl->setRef('wgScript', $wgScript);
     $tpl->setRef('skinname', $this->skinname);
     $tpl->setRef('stylename', $this->stylename);
     $tpl->set('printable', $wgRequest->getBool('printable'));
     $tpl->setRef('loggedin', $this->loggedin);
     $tpl->set('nsclass', 'ns-' . $this->mTitle->getNamespace());
     $tpl->set('notspecialpage', $this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL);
     /* XXX currently unused, might get useful later
     		$tpl->set( "editable", ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_SPECIAL ) );
     		$tpl->set( "exists", $this->mTitle->getArticleID() != 0 );
     		$tpl->set( "watch", $this->mTitle->userIsWatching() ? "unwatch" : "watch" );
     		$tpl->set( "protect", count($this->mTitle->isProtected()) ? "unprotect" : "protect" );
     		$tpl->set( "helppage", wfMsg('helppage'));
     $tpl->set('searchaction', $this->escapeSearchLink());
     $tpl->set('search', trim($wgRequest->getVal('search')));
     $tpl->setRef('stylepath', $wgStylePath);
     $tpl->setRef('logopath', $wgLogo);
     $tpl->setRef("lang", $wgContLanguageCode);
     $tpl->set('dir', $wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr");
     $tpl->set('rtl', $wgContLang->isRTL());
     $tpl->set('langname', $wgContLang->getLanguageName($wgContLanguageCode));
     $tpl->set('showjumplinks', $wgUser->getOption('showjumplinks'));
     $tpl->setRef('username', $this->username);
     $tpl->setRef('userpage', $this->userpage);
     $tpl->setRef('userpageurl', $this->userpageUrlDetails['href']);
     $tpl->set('pagecss', $this->setupPageCss());
     $tpl->setRef('usercss', $this->usercss);
     $tpl->setRef('userjs', $this->userjs);
     $tpl->setRef('userjsprev', $this->userjsprev);
     global $wgUseSiteJs;
     if ($wgUseSiteJs) {
         if ($this->loggedin) {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl('-', 'action=raw&smaxage=0&gen=js'));
         } else {
             $tpl->set('jsvarurl', $this->makeUrl('-', 'action=raw&gen=js'));
     } else {
         $tpl->set('jsvarurl', false);
     $newtalks = $wgUser->getNewMessageLinks();
     if (count($newtalks) == 1 && $newtalks[0]["wiki"] === $wgDBname) {
         $usertitle = $this->mUser->getUserPage();
         $usertalktitle = $usertitle->getTalkPage();
         if (!$usertalktitle->equals($this->mTitle)) {
             $ntl = wfMsg('youhavenewmessages', $this->makeKnownLinkObj($usertalktitle, wfMsgHtml('newmessageslink'), 'redirect=no'), $this->makeKnownLinkObj($usertalktitle, wfMsgHtml('newmessagesdifflink'), 'diff=cur'));
             # Disable Cache
     } else {
         if (count($newtalks)) {
             $sep = str_replace("_", " ", wfMsgHtml("newtalkseperator"));
             $msgs = array();
             foreach ($newtalks as $newtalk) {
                 $msgs[] = wfElement("a", array('href' => $newtalk["link"]), $newtalk["wiki"]);
             $parts = implode($sep, $msgs);
             $ntl = wfMsgHtml('youhavenewmessagesmulti', $parts);
         } else {
             $ntl = '';
     $tpl->setRef('newtalk', $ntl);
     $tpl->setRef('skin', $this);
     $tpl->set('logo', $this->logoText());
     if ($wgOut->isArticle() and (!isset($oldid) or isset($diff)) and 0 != $wgArticle->getID()) {
         if (!$wgDisableCounters) {
             $viewcount = $wgLang->formatNum($wgArticle->getCount());
             if ($viewcount) {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', wfMsgExt('viewcount', array('parseinline'), $viewcount));
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         if ($wgPageShowWatchingUsers) {
             $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM {$watchlist}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE wl_title='" . $dbr->strencode($this->mTitle->getDBKey()) . "' AND  wl_namespace=" . $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
             $res = $dbr->query($sql, 'SkinTemplate::outputPage');
             $x = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
             $numberofwatchingusers = $x->n;
             if ($numberofwatchingusers > 0) {
                 $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', wfMsg('number_of_watching_users_pageview', $numberofwatchingusers));
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $this->credits = false;
         if (isset($wgMaxCredits) && $wgMaxCredits != 0) {
             require_once "Credits.php";
             $this->credits = getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
         } else {
             $tpl->set('lastmod', $this->lastModified());
         $tpl->setRef('credits', $this->credits);
     } elseif (isset($oldid) && !isset($diff)) {
         $tpl->set('copyright', $this->getCopyright());
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
         $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('copyright', false);
         $tpl->set('viewcount', false);
         $tpl->set('lastmod', false);
         $tpl->set('credits', false);
         $tpl->set('numberofwatchingusers', false);
     $tpl->set('copyrightico', $this->getCopyrightIcon());
     $tpl->set('poweredbyico', $this->getPoweredBy());
     $tpl->set('disclaimer', $this->disclaimerLink());
     $tpl->set('privacy', $this->privacyLink());
     $tpl->set('about', $this->aboutLink());
     $tpl->setRef('debug', $out->mDebugtext);
     $tpl->set('reporttime', $out->reportTime());
     $tpl->set('sitenotice', wfGetSiteNotice());
     $printfooter = "<div class=\"printfooter\">\n" . $this->printSource() . "</div>\n";
     $out->mBodytext .= $printfooter;
     $tpl->setRef('bodytext', $out->mBodytext);
     # Language links
     $language_urls = array();
     if (!$wgHideInterlanguageLinks) {
         foreach ($wgOut->getLanguageLinks() as $l) {
             $tmp = explode(':', $l, 2);
             $class = 'interwiki-' . $tmp[0];
             $nt = Title::newFromText($l);
             $language_urls[] = array('href' => $nt->getFullURL(), 'text' => $wgContLang->getLanguageName($nt->getInterwiki()) != '' ? $wgContLang->getLanguageName($nt->getInterwiki()) : $l, 'class' => $class);
     if (count($language_urls)) {
         $tpl->setRef('language_urls', $language_urls);
     } else {
         $tpl->set('language_urls', false);
     // WERELATE - added trees
     $tpl->setRef('trees', $this->getTrees());
     # Personal toolbar
     $tpl->set('personal_urls', $this->buildPersonalUrls());
     $content_actions = $this->buildContentActionUrls();
     $tpl->setRef('content_actions', $content_actions);
     // XXX: attach this from javascript, same with section editing
     if ($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption("editondblclick")) {
         $tpl->set('body_ondblclick', 'document.location = "' . $content_actions['edit']['href'] . '";');
     } else {
         $tpl->set('body_ondblclick', false);
     if ($this->iseditable && $wgUser->getOption('editsectiononrightclick')) {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', 'setupRightClickEdit()');
     } else {
         $tpl->set('body_onload', false);
     $tpl->set('sidebar', $this->buildSidebar());
     $tpl->set('nav_urls', $this->buildNavUrls());
     // execute template
     $res = $tpl->execute();
     // result may be an error
예제 #17
function getTransactions($user)
    // Database 4tw!
    global $DB;
    // Sanity!
    numericCheck($user, 0);
    // Grande Heading!
    $table = new table(6, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Transaction log for <a href=\"index.php?action=edituser&id={$user}\">" . ucfirst(idToUsername($user)) . "</a> " . number_format(getCredits($user), 2) . " ISK");
    // Table columns descriptors.
    $table->addCol("Transaction ID");
    // ask the oracle.
    $transactions = $DB->getCol("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM transactions WHERE owner='" . $user . "' ORDER BY time DESC, id DESC");
    $transactions_count = $transactions[0];
    $transactions_pages = ceil($transactions_count / 20);
    // No transactions yet.
    if ($transactions_count < 1) {
        return false;
    $currentPage = isset($_GET['walletPage']) ? $_GET['walletPage'] : 0;
    // Get the right amount of datasets from the dbase.
    if ($currentPage > 0 && is_numeric($currentPage)) {
        $min = 20 * $currentPage - 20;
    } else {
        $min = 0;
    // Query the database accordingly
    $transactions = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE owner='" . $user . "' ORDER BY time DESC, id DESC LIMIT {$min},20");
    while ($transaction = $transactions->fetchRow()) {
        $table->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $transaction['time']));
        $table->addCol(str_pad($transaction['id'], "6", "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
        switch ($transaction['type']) {
            case "0":
            case "1":
        if ($transaction['amount'] > 0) {
            $table->addCol("<font color=\"#00ff00\">" . number_format($transaction['amount'], 2) . " ISK</font>");
        } else {
            $table->addCol("<font color=\"#ff0000\">" . number_format($transaction['amount'], 2) . " ISK</font>");
    // Get the right next and previous pages.
    $currentPage = isset($_GET['walletPage']) ? $_GET['walletPage'] : 0;
    // if we have more than 1 page, show the navbar.
    if ($transactions_pages > 1) {
        // Handle first page: Static numbering.
        if ($currentPage < 1) {
            $next = 2;
        } else {
            // handle pages greater 2. Check if we have yet another page.
            if ($transactions_pages > $currentPage) {
                $next = $currentPage + 1;
            // All pages above 2 have a previous page.
            $prev = $currentPage - 1;
        // Show backlink, unless we are at page 1.
        if ($prev) {
            // We have a previous page (at page > 1)
            $table->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action={$_GET['action']}&id={$_GET['id']}&walletPage={$prev}\">prev</a>", array("colspan" => 2));
        } else {
            // No previos page (at page 1);
            $table->addCol(" ", array("colspan" => 2));
        // Show direct page links.
        if ($transactions_pages > 1) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $transactions_pages; $i++) {
                if ($currentPage == $i) {
                    $text .= "[{$i}]";
                } else {
                    $text .= "[<a href=\"index.php?action={$_GET['action']}&id={$_GET['id']}&walletPage={$i}\">{$i}</a>]";
        $table->addCol($text, array("colspan" => 2, "align" => "center"));
        // Next link
        if ($currentPage < $transactions_pages) {
            // We have a next page. (at page < n)
            $table->addCol("<a href=\"index.php?action={$_GET['action']}&id={$_GET['id']}&walletPage={$next}\">next</a>", array("colspan" => 2, "align" => right));
        } else {
            // This was the last page. (at page n)
            $table->addCol(" ", array("colspan" => 2));
    $table->addHeader("If there are any problems with your transactions, contact your ceo immediatly.");
    return $table->flush();
예제 #18
 function doAdd()
     $data['status'] = 0;
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
     $mod = M('Exchange_order');
     $gc = M('Exchange_qrcode');
     //$huiyuaninfo = check_vip(wx_openid());
     // $url = 'http://a.forcent.cn/ldh/store.php/Member/requestQrcode/' . $_REQUEST['url'];
     $qid = $_REQUEST['qid'];
     $data['info'] = $_REQUEST['qid'];
     //$where['uid'] = $_REQUEST['uid'];
     $orderinfo = $this->getOrderInfo(array('qid' => $qid, 'status' => 1));
     $qrinfo = $gc->where('id=' . $qid)->find();
     $card_no = $orderinfo['card_no'];
     $huiyuan_score = getCredits($card_no);
     if (!$orderinfo) {
         $data['info'] = '订单已失效';
     $productInfo = M('Exchange_product')->where('id=' . $orderinfo['pid'])->find();
     if ($productInfo['num'] >= $productInfo['total']) {
         $data['info'] = '库存不足';
     } else {
         if ($huiyuan_score >= $qrinfo['score']) {
             $state = $mod->where('id=' . $orderinfo['id'])->save(array('status' => 2, 'paytime' => $this->crtTime()));
             if ($state) {
                 $qty = deductCredits($card_no, $orderinfo['score']);
                 if ($qty) {
                     $scorelog['qid'] = $orderinfo['qid'];
                     $scorelog['orderid'] = $orderinfo['id'];
                     $scorelog['score'] = $orderinfo['score'];
                     $scorelog['huiyuantel'] = $orderinfo['huiyuantel'];
                     $scorelog['huiyuanopenid'] = $orderinfo['openid'];
                     $scorelog['ctime'] = $this->crtTime();
                     //$sql = M('Exchange_qrcode')->getLastSql();
                     // file_put_contents("./ljhasdkjahsdkjasd.txt", var_export($sql, true));
                 $udata['status'] = 2;
                 $udata['utime'] = $this->crtTime();
                 M('Exchange_qrcode')->where('id=' . $_REQUEST['qid'])->save($udata);
                 $parr['num'] = $productInfo['num'] + 1;
                 M('Exchange_product')->where('id=' . $orderinfo['pid'])->save($parr);
                 $data['status'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $data['info'] = '付款失败';
         } else {
             $data['info'] = '积分不足';
예제 #19
 function credits()
     global $wgMaxCredits;
     if (!$wgMaxCredits) {
         return '';
     if ($this->isCurrentArticleView()) {
         require_once "Credits.php";
         global $wgArticle, $wgShowCreditsIfMax;
         $credits = getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
     } else {
         $credits = '';
     return cbt_value($credits, 'view dynamic');
예제 #20
function listUser()
    global $DB;
    global $MySelf;
    global $IGB;
    global $TIMEMARK;
    global $IGB_VISUAL;
    // Are we allowed to peek into peoples files?
    if (!$MySelf->canSeeUsers()) {
        makeNotice("You are not allowed to do this!", "error", "forbidden");
    // Is the supplied ID truly numeric?
    if (!is_numeric($_GET[id])) {
        makeNotice("Why would you do such a thing? Are you evil at heart? Lets assume its a \"mistake\" for now..", "warning", "*cough*", "index.php?action=editusers", "I'm sorry...");
    } else {
        $id = (int) $_GET[id];
    // Query the database.
    $users = $DB->query("select * from users where id='{$id}' AND deleted='0' limit 1");
    // Build the tables.
    while ($row = $users->fetchRow()) {
        $table = new table(2, true);
        $table->addHeader(">> Managing user " . ucfirst($row[username]));
        $username = ucfirst($row[username]);
        $table->addCol(str_pad("{$row['id']}", 5, "0", STR_RIGHT_PAD));
        $table->addCol("Username:"******"<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"" . $uname_temp . "\">";
            $confi_temp = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"username_check\" value=\"true\">";
            $table->addCol($field_temp . " (changing username tick here also: " . $confi_temp . ")");
        } else {
        $table->addCol("<input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . ($row[email] == "" ? 'no email supplied' : $row[email]) . "\">");
        $table->addCol("Password:"******"<input type=\"password\" size=\"40\" name=\"password\">");
        // Ranks System
        $RanksDS = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ranks ORDER BY rankOrder ASC");
        $rankCount = $RanksDS->numRows();
        if ($rankCount >= 1) {
            // We have at least 1 rank.
            while ($rank = $RanksDS->fetchRow()) {
                if ($rank[rankid] == $row[rank]) {
                    // The current rank is selected.
                    $rank_pdm .= "<option SELECTED value=\"{$rank['rankid']}\">{$rank['name']}</option>";
                } else {
                    // The others of course, are not.
                    $rank_pdm .= "<option value=\"{$rank['rankid']}\">{$rank['name']}</option>";
            $rankColumn = "<select name=\"rank\">" . $rank_pdm . "</select>";
        } else {
            // No rank has been set yet.
            $rankColumn = "There are no ranks. Go create some!";
        $table->addCol("Last login:"******"{$row['lastlogin']}" < 10) {
        } else {
            $table->addCol(date("d.m.y H:i:s", $row[lastlogin]));
        $table->addCol(number_format(getCredits($row[id]), 2) . " ISK");
        // Is the account confirmed?
        if ("{$row['confirmed']}" == "0") {
            $table->addCol("Account confirmed:");
            $table->addCol("This account has <b>not</b> been confirmed yet.");
            $table->addCol("Confirm account:");
            $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"true\"> Tick box to confirm account. <br><br>This is a one-way action only. Once an account" . " has been confirmed you can not unconfirm it. Tho you can block or delete it." . " Be careful not to confirm an account by accident - you could allow a non-authorized third party to access your MiningBuddy!");
            $table->addCol("Account confirmed:");
            // Give a red light if user has not even verified himself.
            if ("{$row['emailvalid']}" == "0") {
                $table->addCol("<b>WARNING!</b><br> The User has not yet verified this email yet! If you choose to enable" . " this account at this time, be very sure that you know the person requesting the account!", array("bgcolor" => "#662222"));
            } else {
                $table->addCol("<br><br><b>The user validated the email address.</b><br>");
        } else {
            $table->addCol("This account has been confirmed.");
            if ("{$row['emailvalid']}" == "0") {
                $table->addCol("<font color=\"#ff0000\">WARNING!</b></font><br> The User has not verified this email but the account has been confirmed!");
                // Add a "confirm email" checkbox.
                $table->addCol("Mark users email as valid:");
                $table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"SetEmailValid\" value=\"true\">");
            } else {
                $table->addCol("The user validated the supplied email address.");
         * API Goodness
        $api = new api($row[id], true);
        $apit = new table(2, true);
        $apit->addHeader(">> Api information for " . ucfirst($row[username]));
        $apit->addCol("API Key in database:");
        if ($api->getApiID() && $api->getApiKey()) {
            $apit->addCol(yesno(1, true));
            $apit->addCol("API valid:");
            $apit->addCol(yesno($api->valid(), true));
            if ($api->valid()) {
                $apit->addCol("Character ID:");
                $apit->addCol("Validated on:");
                $apit->addCol(date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $api->validatedOn()));
            $apit->addCol("Remove API key from database:");
            $apit->addCol("[<a href=\"index.php?action=delapi&id={$id}\">delete api key</a>]");
        } else {
        // Permissions matrix
        $perms = array("canLogin" => "log in", "canJoinRun" => "join mining Ops", "canCreateRun" => "create new mining Ops", "canCloseRun" => "close mining Ops", "canDeleteRun" => "delete mining Ops", "canAddHaul" => "haul from/to mining Ops", "canSeeEvents" => "view scheduled events", "canDeleteEvents" => "can delete events", "canEditEvents" => "add and delete scheduled events", "canChangePwd" => "change his own password", "canChangeEmail" => "change his own email", "canChangeOre" => "manage ore prices and enable/disable them.", "canAddUser" => "add new accounts", "canSeeUsers" => "see other accounts", "canDeleteUser" => "delete other accounts.", "canEditRank" => "edit other peoples ranks.", "canManageUser" => "grant and take permissions.", "isOfficial" => "create official mining runs (with payout).", "isAdmin" => "edit site settings.", "isLottoOfficial" => "administrate the lottery", "canPlayLotto" => "play Lotto!", "isAccountant" => "edit other users credits.", "optIn" => "User has opt-in to eMails.");
        // Create a seperate permissions table.
        $perm_table = new table(2, true);
        $perm_table->addHeader(">> " . ucfirst($row[username]) . " has permission to... ");
        $perm_keys = array_keys($perms);
        $LoR = 1;
        foreach ($perm_keys as $key) {
            if ($LoR) {
            if ($row[$key]) {
                $perm_table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$key}\" checked> " . $perms[$key]);
            } else {
                $perm_table->addCol("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$key}\"> " . $perms[$key]);
            $LoR = 1 - $LoR;
        if (!$LoR) {
        // Delete User
        $perm_table->addCol("<hr>", array("colspan" => 2));
        $perm_table->addCol("Delete user:"******"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete\" value=\"true\"> Tick box to delete the user permanently.");
        $perm_table->addCol("<hr>", array("colspan" => 2));
        // Commit changes button.
        $perm_table->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Commit changes\">", array("colspan" => 2, "align" => "center"));
    $form .= "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $_GET[id] . "\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
    $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"edituser\">";
    // Show all logins.
    $logins = getLogins($id);
    // Show failed logins.
    $failed_logins = showFailedLogins("15", idToUsername($id));
     * Transactions.
    if ($MySelf->isAccountant()) {
        $acc = new table(2, true);
        $acc->addHeader(">> Create transaction to user " . ucfirst(idToUsername($id)));
        $acc->addCol("Credit to:");
        $acc->addCol("Authorization by:");
        $acc->addCol("Time of Transaction:");
        $acc->addCol(date("r", $TIMEMARK));
        $acc->addCol("Withdrawal or deposit:");
        $pdm = "<select name=\"wod\">";
        $pdm .= "<option value=\"0\">Deposit (give money)</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option SELECTED value=\"1\">Withdrawal (take money)</option>";
        $pdm .= "</select>";
        $acc->addCol("<input size=\"8\" type=\"text\" name=\"amount\"> ISK");
        $pdm = "<select name=\"reason1\">";
        $pdm .= "<option>requested payout</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option SELECTED>normal payout</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>payout of loan</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>manual deposit</option>";
        $pdm .= "<option>cash recived</option>";
        $pdm .= "</select>";
        $acc->addCol($pdm . " -or- <input type=\"text\" name=\"reason2\">");
        $acc->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Authorize transaction\">");
        $transBox = "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
        $transBox .= $acc->flush();
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $_GET[id] . "\">";
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
        $transBox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"transaction\">";
        $transBox .= "</form>";
    $page = "<h2>Managing user details</h2>" . $form . $table->flush() . "<br>" . $apit->flush() . "<br>" . $perm_table->flush() . "</form>" . $transBox;
    $transactions = getTransactions($id);
    if ($transactions) {
        $page .= $transactions;
    // Add login table if we have more than 0 logins.
    if ($logins) {
        if ($transactions) {
            $page .= "<br>";
        $page .= $logins;
    $page .= $failed_logins;
    // Return the page.
    return $page;
예제 #21
 public function __construct()
     // Construct a different html for ingame and the out-of-game browser.
     global $IGB;
     global $VERSION;
     global $MySelf;
     global $TIDY_ENABLE;
     global $width;
     global $URL;
     global $IGB_VISUAL;
     // Enable tidy, if we want to.
     $this->useTidy = $TIDY_ENABLE;
     // In case we are not logged in, or the object does not exist yet.
     if (!is_object($MySelf)) {
         $MySelf = new user(false, false);
     if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) {
         // Use IGB, set header and footer.
         $this->isIGB = true;
         //			$this->header = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-header.txt');
         $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-header.php');
         if ($MySelf->isValid()) {
             $this->header .= makeMenu();
             $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", $MySelf->getRankName(), $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK", $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%USERNAME%%", ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header);
         $this->header = str_replace("%%SITENAME%%", getConfig("sitename"), $this->header);
         //			$this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-footer.txt');
         $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-footer.php');
         $this->footer = str_replace("%%VERSION%%", $VERSION, $this->footer);
     } else {
         // Use normal browser.
         $this->isIGB = false;
         if ($MySelf->isValid() == 1) {
             //				$this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header.txt');
             $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header.php');
         } else {
             //				$this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header-notloggedin.txt');
             $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header-notloggedin.php');
         //			$this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/footer.txt');
         $domainroot = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         // Add page footer
         // use proper footer for sponcered sites.
         if ($domainroot == "miningbuddy.us" or $domainroot == "miningbuddy.de" or $domainroot == "miningbuddy.net") {
             $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/mbh-footer.php');
         } else {
             $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/footer.php');
         // Generate the images.
         $mainLogo = new graphic("title");
         // this is here to retain some code. Image caching seemed to be pretty useless.
         $imageCaching = false;
         if ($imageCaching) {
             $loginLogo = new graphic("standard");
             $versionLogo = new graphic("long");
             $rankLogo = new graphic("standard");
             $moneyLogo = new graphic("standard");
             $moneyLogo->setText(number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK");
         // Replace variables in the header.
         $this->header = str_replace("%%SITENAME%%", getConfig("sitename") . " - " . $VERSION, $this->header);
         $this->header = makeMenu($this->header);
         $thisCharacterID = "";
         if ($MySelf->isValid()) {
             $api = new api($MySelf->getID());
             $thisCharacterID = $api->getCharacterID();
         if ($thisCharacterID == "") {
             $this->header = str_replace("%%PILOT64%%", "", $this->header);
         } else {
             $this->header = str_replace("%%PILOT64%%", "<img width='64' height='64' align='left' src='https://image.eveonline.com/Character/" . $api->getCharacterID() . "_64.jpg' />", $this->header);
         $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGO%%", $mainLogo->render(), $this->header);
         if ($imageCaching) {
             $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGGEDIN%%", $loginLogo->render(), $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", $rankLogo->render(), $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", $moneyLogo->render(), $this->header);
             $this->footer = str_replace("%%IMG%%", $versionLogo->render(), $this->footer);
         } else {
             $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGGEDIN%%", "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $MySelf->getRankName(), $this->header);
             $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK", $this->header);
             $this->footer = str_replace("%%IMG%%", $VERSION, $this->footer);
         $this->header = str_replace("%%USERNAME%%", ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header);
         $this->header = str_replace("%%URL%%", $URL, $this->header);
     $this->header = str_replace("%%VERSION%%", $VERSION, $this->header);
     $this->header .= "<!--header ends here-->";
     $this->footer = "<!--footer starts here-->" . $this->footer;
예제 #22
function lotto_buyTickets()
    // Set some needed variables.
    global $DB;
    global $MySelf;
    $ID = $MySelf->getID();
    $myMoney = getCredits($ID);
    $affordable = floor($myMoney / 1000000);
    if (!getConfig("lotto")) {
        makeNotice("Your CEO disabled the Lotto module, request denied.", "warning", "Lotto Module Offline");
    // Get my credits
    $MyStuff = $DB->getRow("SELECT lottoCredit, lottoCreditsSpent FROM users WHERE id='" . $MySelf->getID() . "'");
    $Credits = $MyStuff[lottoCredit];
    $CreditsSpent = $MyStuff[lottoCreditsSpent];
    // User submited this form already!
    if ($_POST[check]) {
        numericCheck($_POST[amount], 0, $affordable);
        if ($_POST[amount] == 0) {
            makeNotice("You cannot buy zero tickets.", "warning", "Too few tickets.", "index.php?action=lotto", "[whoops]");
        confirm("Please authorize the transaction of " . number_format($_POST[amount] * 1000000, 2) . " ISK in order to buy {$_POST['amount']} lotto credits.");
        // Get the old ticket count, and add the new tickets on top of those.
        $oldCount = $DB->getCol("SELECT lottoCredit FROM users WHERE id='{$ID}' LIMIT 1");
        $newcount = $oldCount[0] + $_POST[amount];
        // Update the database to reflect the new ticket count.
        $check = $DB->query("UPDATE users SET lottoCredit='{$newcount}' WHERE id='{$ID}' LIMIT 1");
        // Check that we were successful.
        if ($DB->affectedRows() != 1) {
            makeNotice("I was unable to add {$newcount} tickets to {$user} stack of {$count} tickets! Danger will robonson, danger!", "error", "Unable to comply.");
        // Make him pay!
        global $TIMEMARK;
        $transaction = new transaction($ID, 1, $_POST[amount] * 1000000);
        $transaction->setReason("lotto credits bought");
        if ($transaction->commit()) {
            // all worked out!
            makeNotice("Your account has been charged the amount of " . number_format($_POST[amount] * 1000000, 2) . " ISK.", "notice", "Credits bought", "index.php?action=lotto", "[OK]");
        } else {
            // We were not successfull
            makeNotice("I was unable to add {$newcount} tickets to {$user} stack of {$count} tickets! Danger will robonson, danger!", "error", "Unable to comply.");
    // Prepare the drop-down menu.
    if ($affordable >= 1) {
        $ddm = "<select name=\"amount\">";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $affordable; $i++) {
            if ($i == 1) {
                $ddm .= "<option value=\"{$i}\">Buy {$i} tickets</option>";
            } else {
                $ddm .= "<option value=\"{$i}\">Buy {$i} tickets</option>";
        $ddm .= "</select>";
    } else {
        // Poor user.
        $ddm = "You can not afford any credits.";
    // Create the table.
    $table = new table(2, true);
    $table->addHeader(">> Buy lotto credits");
    $table->addCol("Here you can buy lotto tickets for 1.000.000,00 ISK each. " . "Your account currently holds " . number_format($myMoney, 2) . " ISK, so " . "you can afford {$affordable} tickets. Please choose the amount of credits you wish " . "to buy.", array("colspan" => 2));
    $table->addCol("Your credits:");
    $table->addCol("Total spent credits:");
    $table->addCol("Purchase this many credits:");
    $table->addHeaderCentered("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Buy credits\">");
    $table->addCol("[<a href=\"index.php?action=lotto\">Cancel request</a>]", array("colspan" => 2));
    // Add some more html form stuff.
    $html = "<h2>Buy Lotto credits</h2>";
    $html .= "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\">";
    $html .= $table->flush();
    $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"check\" value=\"true\">";
    $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"lottoBuyCredits\">";
    $html .= "</form>";
    // Return the mess we made.
    return $html;
예제 #23
 function pageStats()
     global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgArticle, $wgRequest, $wgUser;
     global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax, $wgTitle, $wgPageShowWatchingUsers;
     extract($wgRequest->getValues('oldid', 'diff'));
     if (!$wgOut->isArticle()) {
         return '';
     if (isset($oldid) || isset($diff)) {
         return '';
     if (0 == $wgArticle->getID()) {
         return '';
     $s = '';
     if (!$wgDisableCounters) {
         $count = $wgLang->formatNum($wgArticle->getCount());
         if ($count) {
             $s = wfMsg('viewcount', $count);
     if (isset($wgMaxCredits) && $wgMaxCredits != 0) {
         require_once 'Credits.php';
         $s .= ' ' . getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
     } else {
         $s .= $this->lastModified();
     if ($wgPageShowWatchingUsers && $wgUser->getOption('shownumberswatching')) {
         $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM {$watchlist}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE wl_title='" . $dbr->strencode($wgTitle->getDBKey()) . "' AND  wl_namespace=" . $wgTitle->getNamespace();
         $res = $dbr->query($sql, 'Skin::pageStats');
         $x = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
         $s .= ' ' . wfMsg('number_of_watching_users_pageview', $x->n);
     return $s . ' ' . $this->getCopyright();
예제 #24
  * 兑换
 function exchange()
     $json['status'] = 0;
     $tid = $_REQUEST['tid'];
     $openid = $_REQUEST['openid'];
     $gc = M('jiyuedu_order');
     $huiyuan = check_vip($openid);
     $score = getCredits($huiyuan['card_no']);
     if (1 == $tid && $score < 100) {
         $json['status'] = 0;
         $json['info'] = "积分不足";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $arr = array('tid' => $tid, 'tel' => $huiyuan['huiyuan_tel'], 'name' => $huiyuan['huiyuan_name'], 'openid' => $openid, 'ctime' => getSysTime());
     $state = $gc->add($arr);
     if ($state) {
         if ($tid == 1) {
             deductCredits($huiyuan['card_no'], 100);
             $scorearr = array('qid' => '00001', 'orderid' => $state, 'score' => 100, 'huiyuanopenid' => $openid, 'huiyuantel' => $huiyuan['huiyuan_tel'], 'ctime' => getSysTime());
         $person_m = M('jiyuedu_person');
         if ($tid == 2) {
             $person_m->where(array('openid' => $openid))->save(array('num' => 0));
         $json['status'] = 1;
         $json['key'] = $state;
         $json['info'] = "兑换成功";
     } else {
         $json['info'] = "兑换失败";
     echo json_encode($json);
예제 #25
function makeEmailReceipt($runid, $array)
    // Set variables.
    global $DB;
    global $DBORE;
    global $ORENAMES;
    global $MB_EMAIL;
    //Edit Starts Here
    global $DBSHIP;
    global $SHIPNAMES;
    //Edit Ends Here
    global $VERSION;
    global $URL;
    // Load the run
    $RUN = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM runs WHERE id='{$runid}' LIMIT 2");
    if ($RUN->numRows() != 1) {
        // This run does not exist!
    } else {
        $RUN = $RUN->fetchRow();
    // Load the ore values
    $oreValues = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM orevalues WHERE id='" . $RUN[oreGlue] . "' LIMIT 1");
    $oreValues = $oreValues->fetchRow();
    //Edit Starts Here
    // Load the ship values
    $shipValues = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM shipvalues WHERE id='" . $RUN[shipGlue] . "' LIMIT 1");
    $shipValues = $shipValues->fetchRow();
    //Edit Ends Here
    // Get total number of people who joined.
    $totalPeople = $DB->getCol("SELECT count(DISTINCT userid) FROM joinups WHERE run='{$runid}'");
    $totalPeople = $totalPeople[0];
     * Taxes, net value etc
    $grossValue = getTotalWorth($runid);
    $corpTax = $DB->getCol("SELECT corpkeeps FROM runs WHERE id='{$runid}' LIMIT 1");
    $corpTax = $corpTax[0];
    $taxes = $grossValue * $corpTax / 100;
    $netValue = $grossValue - $taxes;
    $myShareGross = $grossValue / $totalPeople;
    // No ores mined. Bye-bye.
    if ($grossValue < 1) {
     * Get the longest name of the ores.
    foreach ($ORENAMES as $howlong) {
        $length = strlen($howlong);
        if ($length > $winner) {
            $winner = $length;
     * Get all the ores.
    foreach ($DBORE as $ORE) {
        if ($RUN[$ORE] > 0) {
            $oreType = str_pad(array_search($ORE, $DBORE), $winner, " ");
            $oreAmount = str_pad(number_format($RUN[$ORE]), 11, " ");
            $ppu = $oreValues[$ORE . "Worth"];
            $oreValue = str_pad(number_format($ppu) . " ISK", 11, " ");
            $remainder = 70 - (strlen($oreType) + strlen($oreAmount) + strlen($oreValue));
            $oreTotalValue = str_pad(number_format($ppu * $RUN[$ORE]) . " ISK", $remainder, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $l1 = strlen($oreAmount);
            $l1 = strlen($oreValue);
            $l1 = strlen($oreTotalValue);
            if ($OreLine) {
                $OreLine .= "\n";
            $OreLine .= $oreType . $oreAmount . $oreValue . $oreTotalValue;
     * Replace the placeholders
    $email = new email("receipt");
    $temp = $email->getTemplate();
    $temp = str_replace("{{ID}}", str_pad($runid, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $temp);
    $temp = str_replace("{{ORESMINED}}", $OreLine, $temp);
    $temp = str_replace("{{VALUE}}", number_format($grossValue) . " ISK", $temp);
    $temp = str_replace("{{CORPTAXES}}", number_format($taxes) . " ISK", $temp);
    $temp = str_replace("{{NETVALUE}}", number_format($netValue) . " ISK", $temp);
    $temp = str_replace("{{GROSSSHARE}}", number_format($myShareGross) . " ISK", $temp);
    $template = $temp;
     * This ends the part thats generic for everyone. Now the personalized stuff.
    $Atendees = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM joinups WHERE run='{$runid}'");
    while ($atendee = $Atendees->fetchRow()) {
        // Reset the email back to the template.
        $temp = $template;
         * PROBLEM
         * Template is changed in email class, further modding in this loop
         * would require rewrite of either email class or this function.
        // Do some personalized stuff.
        $pilot = idToUsername($atendee[userid]);
        $temp = str_replace("{{USERNAME}}", ucfirst($pilot), $temp);
        $temp = str_replace("{{ACCOUNTBALANCE}}", str_pad("BALANCE: " . number_format(getCredits($atendee[userid])), 66, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " ISK", $temp);
        $myShare = $array[$atendee[userid]];
        $temp = str_replace("{{NETSHARE}}", number_format($myShare) . " ISK", $temp);
         * transactions
        $transactions = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE owner ='{$atendee['userid']}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
        if ($transactions->numRows() > 0) {
            while ($trans = $transactions->fetchRow()) {
                // time type amount reason
                $transLine .= date("m.d.y h:i:", $trans[time]);
                if ($trans[type]) {
                    $transLine .= " [W]";
                } else {
                    $transLine .= " [D]";
                $transLine .= " \"" . substr($trans[reason], 0, 33) . "\"";
                $length = strlen($transLine);
                $remainder = 70 - $length;
                $transLine .= str_pad(number_format($trans[amount]) . " ISK", $remainder, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                // Add the line to the block.
                if ($transBlock) {
                    $transBlock .= "\n";
                $transBlock .= $transLine;
        } else {
            $transLine = "No recent transactions.";
        $temp = str_replace("{{ACCOUNT}}", $transBlock, $temp);
        // Mail, if opt-in.
        $userInfo = $DB->query("SELECT username, id, optIn, email FROM users WHERE id='" . $atendee[userid] . "' AND deleted='0'");
        $userInfo = $userInfo->fetchRow();
        if ($userInfo[email] && $userInfo[optIn]) {
            $to = $userInfo[email];
            $subject = "MiningBuddy Payout";
            $message = $email;
            $DOMAIN = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
            $headers = "From:" . $MB_EMAIL;
            mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
예제 #26
 function doAdd1()
     $data['status'] = 0;
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
     $mod = M('Score_order');
     $gc = M('Score_qrcode');
     $huiyuaninfo = check_vip(wx_openid());
     $qrdata = $gc->where('id=' . $_REQUEST['qid'])->find();
     if (2 == $qrdata['status']) {
         if ($huiyuaninfo['open_id'] == $qrdata['openid']) {
             $data['info'] = '已支付';
         } else {
             $data['info'] = '订单已失效';
     } else {
         $where['qid'] = $_REQUEST['qid'];
         $where['uid'] = $_REQUEST['uid'];
         $where['status'] = 1;
         $card_no = $huiyuaninfo['card_no'];
         $huiyuan_score = getCredits($card_no);
         //$data['info'] = $_REQUEST['score'];
         // $this->ajaxReturn($data);exit;
         if ($huiyuan_score >= $_REQUEST['score']) {
             $state = $mod->where($where)->save(array('status' => 2, 'paytime' => $this->crtTime()));
             if ($state) {
                 $qty = deductCredits($card_no, $_REQUEST['score']);
                 if ($qty) {
                     $scorelog['huiyuanid'] = $huiyuaninfo['huiyuan_id'];
                     $scorelog['score'] = $_REQUEST['score'];
                     $scorelog['huiyuantel'] = $huiyuaninfo['huiyuan_tel'];
                     $scorelog['huiyuanopenid'] = $huiyuaninfo['open_id'];
                     $scorelog['ctime'] = $this->crtTime();
                     //$sql = M('Score_qrcode')->getLastSql();
                     // file_put_contents("./ljhasdkjahsdkjasd.txt", var_export($sql, true));
                 $udata['status'] = 2;
                 $udata['utime'] = $this->crtTime();
                 M('Score_qrcode')->where('id=' . $_REQUEST['qid'])->save($udata);
                 $data['status'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $data['info'] = '付款失败';
         } else {
             $data['info'] = '积分不足';