예제 #1
 // entering today's co-pay.
 if (!$gottoday) {
     echoLine("form_upay[0]", date("Y-m-d"), 0, 0, 0, 0);
     //No encounter yet defined.
 $gottoday = false;
 foreach ($encs as $key => $value) {
     $enc = $value['encounter'];
     $dispdate = $value['date'];
     if (strcmp($dispdate, $today) == 0 && !$gottoday) {
         $dispdate = date("Y-m-d");
         $gottoday = true;
     $inscopay = getCopay($pid, $dispdate);
     $patcopay = getPatientCopay($pid, $enc);
     //Insurance Payment
     $drow = sqlQuery("SELECT  SUM(pay_amount) AS payments, " . "SUM(adj_amount) AS adjustments  FROM ar_activity WHERE " . "pid = ? and encounter = ? and " . "payer_type != 0 and account_code!='PCP' ", array($pid, $enc));
     $dpayment = $drow['payments'];
     $dadjustment = $drow['adjustments'];
     //Patient Payment
     $drow = sqlQuery("SELECT  SUM(pay_amount) AS payments, " . "SUM(adj_amount) AS adjustments  FROM ar_activity WHERE " . "pid = ? and encounter = ? and " . "payer_type = 0 and account_code!='PCP' ", array($pid, $enc));
     $dpayment_pat = $drow['payments'];
     $ResultNumberOfInsurance = sqlStatement("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT TYPE ) NumberOfInsurance FROM insurance_data\n\t\t\twhere pid = ? and provider>0 ", array($pid));
     $RowNumberOfInsurance = sqlFetchArray($ResultNumberOfInsurance);
     $NumberOfInsurance = $RowNumberOfInsurance['NumberOfInsurance'] * 1;
예제 #2
     $enc = $value['encounter'];
     $dispdate = $value['date'];
     if (strcmp($dispdate, $today) == 0 && !$gottoday) {
         $dispdate = xl('Today');
         $gottoday = true;
     $inscopay = getCopay($pid, $value['date']);
     $balance = rawbucks($value['charges'] - $value['payments']);
     $duept = ($inscopay >= 0 ? $inscopay : $value['charges']) - $value['payments'];
     echoLine("form_upay[{$enc}]", $dispdate, $value['charges'], $value['payments'], 0, $duept);
 // If no billing was entered yet for today, then generate a line for
 // entering today's co-pay.
 if (!$gottoday) {
     $inscopay = getCopay($pid, $today);
     $duept = $inscopay >= 0 ? $inscopay : 0;
     echoLine("form_upay[0]", xl('Today'), 0, 0, 0, $duept);
 // Now list previously billed visits.
     $query = "SELECT f.id, f.pid, f.encounter, f.date, " . "f.last_level_billed, f.last_level_closed, f.stmt_count, " . "p.fname, p.mname, p.lname, p.pubpid, p.genericname2, p.genericval2, " . "( SELECT SUM(s.fee) FROM drug_sales AS s WHERE " . "s.pid = f.pid AND s.encounter = f.encounter AND s.billed != 0 ) AS sales, " . "( SELECT SUM(b.fee) FROM billing AS b WHERE " . "b.pid = f.pid AND b.encounter = f.encounter AND " . "b.activity = 1 AND b.code_type != 'COPAY' AND b.billed != 0 ) AS charges, " . "( SELECT SUM(b.fee) FROM billing AS b WHERE " . "b.pid = f.pid AND b.encounter = f.encounter AND " . "b.activity = 1 AND b.code_type = 'COPAY' AND b.billed != 0 ) AS copays, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.pay_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter AND " . "a.payer_type = 0 ) AS ptpaid, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.pay_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter AND " . "a.payer_type != 0 ) AS inspaid, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.adj_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter ) AS adjustments " . "FROM form_encounter AS f " . "JOIN patient_data AS p ON p.pid = f.pid " . "WHERE f.pid = '{$pid}' " . "ORDER BY f.pid, f.encounter";
     // Note that unlike the SQL-Ledger case, this query does not weed
     // out encounters that are paid up.  Also the use of sub-selects
     // will require MySQL 4.1 or greater.
     $ires = sqlStatement($query);
     $num_invoices = mysql_num_rows($ires);
     while ($irow = sqlFetchArray($ires)) {
         $balance = $irow['charges'] + $irow['sales'] + $irow['copays'] - $irow['ptpaid'] - $irow['inspaid'] - $irow['adjustments'];
         if (!$balance) {