예제 #1

		$thumbWidths = getThumbnailWidths();
		if (empty ($fullList)) {
			echo "<p>No files found for <b>" . $name . "</b>.</p>";
			echo "<p>If you think this is an error, please post in the forum.</p>" . $back;
		} else {
			foreach ($fullList as $fileArray) {
				$lastModified = $fileArray[0];
				$filename = $fileArray[1];
				$thumbsArray = $fileArray[2];
				$boxTitle = $filename . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>(" . formatLongDate($lastModified) . ")";
				<?= getBoxTop($boxTitle, 30, false, null) ?>
				<table class="layouttable" style="width:100%">
					<? if (!empty($thumbsArray)){ ?>
					<td style="width:250px;vertical-align:top;">
					<a href="<?= $directory ?>/files/images/<?= $filename ?>">
					<img src="<?= $thumbsDir.$thumbsArray[0] ?>"></a></td>
					<td style="vertical-align:top; align:left;">

				$i = 0;
						<table class="layouttable" width="100%">
							<td width="100">Forum - Full size</td>
							<td width="400" align="left"><textarea onClick="javascript:focus();javascript:select();" name="forumImg<?= $filename ?>" style="width:400px" 
예제 #2
echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null), "");

<table class="layouttable">
<tr><td width="60%" valign="top">
echo getBoxTop("How to donate", "", false, null);
<p>If you want to support this site, please contact an administrator.</p>
echo getBoxBottom();
<td width="40%" align="center" valign="top">
echo getBoxTop("Donators", "", false, null);
<table class="layouttable"><tr><td>
<p>Donators&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='grey-small' style='font-weight:normal';>(latest first)</span></p>
<? $sql = "SELECT wd.*, wp.player_id FROM $donationstable wd LEFT JOIN weblm_players wp ON wd.name=wp.name ORDER BY ID desc";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
	$name = $row["name"];
	$donationDate = $row["donationDate"];
  $playerId = $row['player_id'];
  if (!is_null($playerId)) {
    $playerLink = '<a style="font-size:11px;" href="'.$directory.'/profile.php?id='.$playerId.'">'.$name.'</a>';
  } else {
    $playerLink = $name;
예제 #3
		echo "<b>$date - $title</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='grey-small'>(posted by $user)</span>";
						         <td><?php echo"$news" ?></td>
	<? echo getBoxBottom() ?>

	} else {
<table width="50%"><tr><td>
<?= getBoxTop("Post News", "", false, null) ?>
<? $newsDate = formatNewsDate(time()); ?>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="post.php?submit=1">
<table class="formtable">
<td><input type="Text" class="width100" size="10" name="date" value="<?php echo "$newsDate" ?>"></td>
<td><input type="Text" class="width250" size="45" name="titlenews" value="<?php echo "$titlenews" ?>"></td>
예제 #4
        } else {
            $edit = '1';
        $sql = "DELETE FROM {$newstable} WHERE news_id = '{$edit}'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        echo "<p>News entry {$edit} deleted</p>" . $index;
    } else {
        if (!empty($_GET['edit'])) {
            $edit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['edit']);
        } else {
            $edit = '1';
<table width="50%"><tr><td>
        echo getBoxTop("Delete News Entry", "", false, null);
<form name="form1" method="post" action="delete.php?submit=1">
<td>Delete news?</td>
<td class="padding-button">
	<input type='hidden' name='edit' value="<?php 
        echo "{$edit}";
	<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="delete" style="background-color: <?php 
        echo "{$color5}";
예제 #5
	    echo getBoxBottom();

<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">

echo getBoxTop("Hall of Fame", "", false, null);
    $cur = 1;
    $pos = 1;
    $oldpoints = "";
    foreach ($overall as $currentname => $player_array) {
        $player_sql = "SELECT approved from $playerstable where name = '$currentname'";
        $player_row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($player_sql));
        $nameClass = colorNameClass($name, $player_row['approved']);
        $points = $player_array['points'];
        $seasonpos = $player_array['seasonpos'];
        if ($points != $oldpoints) {
예제 #6
      if (name.lastIndexOf('(') > 0) {
        name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('(')-1);
    document.location.href= path + '.php?' + get + '=' + name;
echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null), "");
<table width="95%">
	<table width="60%"><tr><td> 	
echo getBoxTop("Quickfinder", "", false, null);
 	<form name="formQuickfind" action="javascript:goTo('profile', 'name')" method="POST">
 	<table class="formtable">
	    <td width="100">Player name</td>
	    	<input class="width300" type="text" id="playernameTxt" name="playernameTxt" value="" autocomplete="off"><br>
		    <div id="playernameDiv" class="autocomplete"></div>
		    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
		    // <![CDATA[
				new Autocompleter.Local('playernameTxt', 'playernameDiv', new Array(<?php 
echo getPlayersAllJavascript();
), { choices: 25, tokens: new Array(';','\n'), fullSearch: true, partialSearch: true});
		    // ]]>
예제 #7
$sql="SELECT * FROM $admintable WHERE name = '$username' AND password = '******'";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
$number = mysql_num_rows($result);

$columnTitlesArray = array('ID', 'User', 'Pass', 'Email', 'Players', 'Access', '','Reject');

If ($approveMessage != $approveDefault) {
	$new = true;
} else {
	$new = false;
<form method="post" action="approvePlayers.php">
echo getBoxTop($boxTitle, "", $new, null);

<table class="layouttable">
<tr width="100%">
<td width="90%"><?php 
echo $approveMsg;
<td width="10%" align="right" valign="middle">
	<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="width200">
echo getBoxBottom();
예제 #8
				$playerId = $row['player_id'];
				$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO $minitournamenttable (ID, PLAYER_ID, LINK) ".
					"VALUES ('', '$playerId', '$forumLink')";
				$result = mysql_query($sqlInsert);
				echo doParagraph("Inserting tournament win for ".doBold($playerName)." - Result: ".doBold($result));
				echo doParagraph('Please check the <a href="'.$forumLink
					.'">forum link</a> and the <a href="/tournaments.php">tournaments page</a> to see if everything is correct.'); 
		} else {
echo getBoxTop("Report", "", false, null);
	<form method="post" action="reportMini.php?submit=1" name="formReport">
    <table class="formtable">
	    <td>Tournament winner</td>
	    <td><select class="width150" size="1" name="playerName">		
$sortby = "name ASC";
$sql = "SELECT name FROM {$playerstable} WHERE approved = 'yes' ORDER BY {$sortby}";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
$cur = 1;
while ($num >= $cur) {
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
예제 #9
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$left = $subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null);

echo getOuterBoxTop($left, "");
<table><tr><td width="900">
$xml_query = "";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_query);
foreach ($xml->lobbies->lobby as $lobby) {
    echo getBoxTop($lobby->attributes()->name, "", false, "");
    $users = array();
    foreach ($lobby->user as $user) {
        $users[] = (string) $user->attributes()->profile;
    echo "<b>" . sizeof($users) . "</b> ";
    if (sizeof($users) == 0) {
        echo "users";
    } elseif (sizeof($users) == 1) {
        echo "user: "******"users: " . getCommaSeparatedString($users);
    foreach ($lobby->matches as $matches) {
        foreach ($matches->match as $match) {
예제 #10
	<input type="hidden" name="losername" value="<?php 
echo $losername;
	<? if ($drawOverride) { ?>
		<input type="hidden" name="drawOverride" value="true">
	<? } ?>
echo getBoxBottom();
	<td valign="top">
if (!empty($error)) { 
	echo getBoxTop("Info", "", true, null);
	echo $error;
	echo getBoxBottom();
} // membersonly
echo getOuterBoxBottom();
예제 #11
require 'variables.php';
require 'variablesdb.php';
require 'functions.php';
require 'top.php';

echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null), "");
			<table class="layouttable">
					<td width="60%" valign="top">
						<!-- info -->

	<? echo getBoxTop("Credits", "", false, null); ?>
  <p>The code used to run <?php 
echo $leaguename;
 is based on the evo-league ladder system by Ike. It is freely available <a href="https://github.com/IkeC">here</a>.</p>
  <p>Parts of the code are based on the WebLeague module written by Peter Hendrix.</p>
  <p>Site design is based on the Morpheus skin for phpPP created by Vjacheslav Trushkin.</p>
echo getBoxBottom();
echo getOuterBoxBottom();
예제 #12
					generateAnimatedGif($fullSrcMask, $fullDestFile);
					cleanupDir($wwwroot.$videoThumbsTempDir, $player_id);
					$animImg = '<img src="/'.$videoThumbsDir.$newAnimName.'">';
echo getBoxTop("Animated GIF&nbsp;<span style='font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>(" . $videoThumbsDir . $newAnimName . ")", 0, false, null);
echo $animImg;
echo getBoxBottom();
echo getBoxTop("Save", 0, false, null);
						<p>If you're satisfied with the result, click 'Save', else click 'Retry'.<p>
						<p><a href="convert.php?type=update&amp;goal_id=<?php 
echo $goal_id;
">Save</a> | <a href="convert.php?type=retry&amp;delete=<?php 
echo $fileNoExt;
echo getBoxBottom();
				} // frames ok
예제 #13
if (empty($name)) {
	echo "<p>No player specified!</p>";        
} else if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
	echo "<p>The player <b>$name</b> could not be found in the database.</p>";
} else {
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	$name = $row['name'];
	$trend_height = 150;
	$trend_width = 390;
	$teamsArray = array();
    <?= getOuterBoxTop($subNavText.getRaquo().getSubNavigation($subpage, $name), "") ?>
	<table width="100%">
			<td colspan="2">
	<?= getBoxTop("Info", "", false, null) ?>
	<p>For every day <?= $name ?> has played one or more games, a trend value is calculated. Days where no games were played are not displayed.</p>   
	<?= getBoxBottom() ?>
			<td style="vertical-align:top; width:50%;">
			<?= getBoxTopImg("Trend curve - Current season", null, false, "", '', ''); ?>
				 <table class="layouttable">
				      	<img src="/graph/trend.php?name=<?= $name ?>&amp;season=<?= $season ?>&amp;height=<?= $trend_height ?>&amp;width=<?= $trend_width ?>" border="1">
예제 #14
		<?= getBoxBottom() ?>
<td width="40%" valign="top">
    $sortby = "news_id DESC";
    $sql="SELECT * FROM $newstable ORDER BY $sortby";
    $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $cur = 1;
	<?= getBoxTop("News Index", "", false, null); ?>
    while ($num >= $cur) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $date = $row["date"];
        $title = $row["title"];
        $id = $row["news_id"];
            <td><?php echo"<a href='#$id'><b>$date</b></a>" ?></td>
            <td><?php echo"<a href='#$id'>$title</a>" ?></td>
예제 #15
	if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
		$limit = "";		
	else {
		$limit = " LIMIT 0, 200";
} else {
	$whereClause = "WHERE type != 'I'";
	$statusLinks[] = array('playerStatus.php?mode=inactive', 'show_inactive', 'show inactive');
	$limit = "LIMIT 0, 200";

<table class="layouttable"><tr><td width="50%">
echo getBoxTop("Actions", "", true, $statusLinks);
<table class="layouttable">
		<td width="120">
			<a href="playerStatus.php?mode=new&amp;type=W"><?php 
echo getStatusImgForType('W');
&nbsp;New Warning</a>
			<a href="playerStatus.php?mode=new&amp;type=B"><?php 
echo getStatusImgForType('B');
&nbsp;New Ban</a>
예제 #16
$page = "players";
$subpage = "teamstatssix";
require '../variables.php';
require '../variablesdb.php';
require '../functions.php';
require '../top.php';
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);
echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, $name), "");
	<table width="100%">
			<td colspan="2">
echo getBoxTop("Info", "", false, null);
	<p>The left side shows <?php 
echo $name;
's statistics for the teams he used when playing games.
The columns show his wins, draws and defeats using this team.</p>
	<p>The right side shows his statistics when playing against different teams. The columns show his wins, draws and defeats against this team.</p>
echo getBoxBottom();
			<td style="vertical-align:top; width:50%;">
예제 #17
	<form method="post" action="reportLeague.php" name="formDelete">
    <table class="formtable">
	    <td width="150">Delete Game ID</td>
	    <td><input type="text" name="deleteGame" maxlength="5" class="width200"></td>

  	<tr><td colspan="2" class="padding-button"><input type="Submit" class="width150" name="submit" value="Delete Game"></td></tr>
echo getBoxBottom();
echo getBoxTop("Replace Player", "", false, null);
	<form method="post" action="reportLeague.php" name="formReport">
    <table class="formtable">
	    <td width="150"><select class="width250" size="1" name="replaceInLeague">		
echo getOptionsActiveLeagues(null);
	    <td width="150">Replace player</td>
	    <td><input type="text" name="oldName" maxlength="30" class="width200"></td>
예제 #18
	<p>If you deactivate your account, your name will disappear from the standings table, statistics 
	 and players list. You can still log in, but you will not be able to report games. 
	<p>Your profile, games and points will remain in the database, and you will not lose any 
	 points for inactivity. This means you can set yourself inactive if you go on holiday or just
	 don't want to play for a while, but also if you don't want to play anymore at all.
	<p>Please note that you cannot reactivate your account yourself. If you want your account back 
 	just contact one of the admins to get it activated. Do <b>not</b> sign up for another account!
echo getBoxBottom();
echo getBoxTop("Confirmation", "", true, null);
		<b>Really deactivate account?</b>
	<form method="post" action="./deactivate.php?passivate=true<?
	if ($name != null) {
		echo "?name=".$name;
		<span class="padding-button"><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Yes" class="width150"></span>
	<form method="post" action="./editprofile.php">
		<span class="padding-button"><input type="Submit" name="submit2" value="No" class="width150"></span>
예제 #19
    <tr><td colspan="2" class="padding-button">
    	<input type="Submit" class="width150" name="submit" value="Simulate game"></td></tr>
echo getBoxBottom();
<td width="50%" valign="top">
<? if (!empty($msg)) { ?>
echo getBoxTop("Simulation Result", "", false, null);
echo $msg;
echo getBoxBottom();
<? } ?>
echo getOuterBoxBottom();
예제 #20
		$sql = "SELECT begindate, enddate from six_seasons where season = '$db_season'";
		$result = mysql_query($sql);
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
		$begindate = $row['begindate'];
		$enddate = $row['enddate'];
		if (strcmp($position, "0") == 0) {
			$position = "unknown";

		$title = "Sixserver Season ".$db_season."&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='font-weight:normal;font-size:9px;'>(".$begindate." - ".$enddate.")</span>";
echo getBoxTop($title, "", false, null);
     <table class="layouttable">             
	      <td style="width:30%;padding-bottom:10px;">Profile <b><?php 
echo $profileName;
	      <td class="td_profile" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
	      <td style="width:5%;">
	      <td colspan="2" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:10px;">
		  	<? echo getSixImgForRank($position, "top"); ?>
예제 #21
if ($ready) {
	$sortby = "news_id DESC";
	$start = "0";
	$finish = "1";
	$sql="SELECT * FROM $newstable WHERE news_id = '$read' ORDER BY $sortby LIMIT $start, $finish";
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	$news = $row["news"];
	$news = nl2br($news);
	$news = SmileyConvert($news,$directory);
	$date = $row["date"];
	$title = $row["title"];
	$user = $row['user'];
	<?= getBoxTop("News Entry ".$read, "", true, null); ?>
	      <tr style="height:30px;">
	         	echo "<b>$date - $title</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='grey-small'>(posted by $user)</span>";
	         <td><?php echo"$news" ?></td>
	<?= getBoxBottom() ?>
예제 #22
        $blacklist = true; 
     } catch (Exception $e) {   
        $logJoin->logInfo('Could not parse xml_string:'.$xml_string);
        $logJoin->logInfo('Exception: '. $e->getMessage());
  if ($blacklist) {
   echo "<p>You are blacklisted.</p>";
  else if ($cookie_name != '' && $cookie_name != 'Ike') {
    echo "<p>You already have an account, <b>".$cookie_name."</b>.</p>";
  } else { ?>
    <table class="layouttable"><tr><td width="800">
    <?= getBoxTop("Sign up for ".$leaguename, "", false, null); ?>
    if (! empty($_GET['submit'])) {
      $submit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['submit']);
    else {
      $submit = 0;

    if ($submit == 1) {
      $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
      $name = strip_tags($name);
      $name = trim($name);
      $alias = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['alias']);
      $alias = trim(strip_tags($alias));
      if ($alias == '12') {
예제 #23
echo getBoxTop("Awards", "", false, null);
echo $awards;
echo getBoxBottom();
  <? }

   if (!empty($imgpath)) {
echo getBoxTop("User Image", "", false, null);
      <img src="<? echo $imgpath ?>" />
echo getBoxBottom();
   <? } ?>
   else {
예제 #24
function replacePlayerLinks(&$news)
    $playertag_open = "<pl>";
    $playertag_close = "</pl>";
    while (stristr($news, $playertag_open)) {
        $startindex = strpos($news, $playertag_open);
        $endindex = strpos($news, $playertag_close);
        $startpos = $startindex + strlen($playertag_open);
        $name = substr($news, $startpos, $endindex - $startpos);
        $playerId = getIdForPlayer($name);
        if (!empty($playerId)) {
            $nameLink = getPlayerLinkId($name, $playerId);
            $news = str_replace($playertag_open . $name . $playertag_close, $nameLink, $news);
        } else {
            echo getBoxTop("Info", 0, true, '');
            echo "<p><b>Error:</b> Player <b>" . $name . "</b> not found!";
            echo getBoxBottom();
예제 #25
                    } else {
                        $sql = "update {$tournamentimagestable} set ext = '{$ext}', user = '******', updateDate='{$updateDate}' where slot='{$slotId}' and id='{$tournamentId}'";
                    echo '<p>Upload of ' . $picturename . ' successful.</p><p>' . 'Please check the <a href="/tournaments.php">tournaments page</a> to see ' . 'if everything went correctly.</p>';
                    if (!empty($slotId)) {
                        $linkUrl = $directory . '/tournaments.php?cup=' . $getParam . "#" . $slotId;
                        echo doParagraph('Direct link to image on tournament page: <a href="' . $linkUrl . '">' . $linkUrl . '</a>');
            // image too big
        // empty file
    } else {
        echo getBoxTop("Upload", "", false, null);

		 <form method="post" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">

         <table class="formtable">
		 <td>Image Slot</td>
		 	<select class="width300" name="imageSlot">

		if ($cookie_name != 'nilsonramirez') {
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tournamenttable ORDER BY id desc";
		} else {
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tournamenttable WHERE id=29";
예제 #26
			$winnerteam = $row['winnerteam'];
			$loserteam = $row['loserteam'];
			$season = $row['season'];
			$deleted = $row['deleted'];
			$version = $row['version'];
			$host = $row['host'];
			$fairness = $row['fairness'];
			$deleteReason = $row['deleteReason'];
			$comment = $row['comment'];
			$draw = $row['isDraw'];
			$teamBonus = $row['teamBonus']; 
			$winpoints = $row['winpoints'];
			<table width="70%"><tr><td>
echo getBoxTop("Edit Game", "", false, null);
			<form name="form1" method="post" action="editGame.php?submit=1">
			<table class="formtable">
				<td class="width150">Date</td>
				<td class="width200"><?php 
echo $date;
				<td class="width150">IP</td>
				<td class="width200"><?php 
echo $ip;
예제 #27
      include "./chatbox.php";
      echo getBoxBottom(); 
	<td valign="top">				<!-- joins -->
						$joinLinksArray[] = array('./players.php', 'show_players', 'show all players');
						echo getBoxTop("New Players", $boxheight, false, $joinLinksArray); ?>
								   $sql="SELECT * FROM $playerstable where approved ='yes' ORDER BY joindate DESC LIMIT 0, 10";
								   $result = mysql_query($sql);
								   $compteur = 1;
								   while (10 >= $compteur) {
								     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
								     $name = $row["name"];
								     $alias = $row["alias"];
								     $platform = $row["platform"];
								     $approved = $row["approved"];
								     $nameClass = colorNameClass($name, $approved, $platform);
								     if (!empty($row["nationality"])) {