/** * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo||\PDO $driver * @throws \Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return $this */ public function setDriver($driver) { if ($driver instanceof \PDO && $driver->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'sqlite' || $driver instanceof Pdo\Pdo && $driver->getDatabasePlatformName() == 'Sqlite') { $this->resource = $driver; return $this; } throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$driver must be a Sqlite PDO Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Driver, Sqlite PDO instance'); }
/** * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Mysqli\Mysqli|\Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo||\mysqli|\PDO $driver * @throws \Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return $this */ public function setDriver($driver) { // handle Zend\Db drivers if ($driver instanceof Mysqli\Mysqli || $driver instanceof Pdo\Pdo && $driver->getDatabasePlatformName() == 'Mysql' || $driver instanceof \mysqli || $driver instanceof \PDO && $driver->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'mysql') { $this->resource = $driver; return $this; } throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$driver must be a Mysqli or Mysql PDO Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Driver, Mysqli instance or MySQL PDO instance'); }
/** * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Sqlsrv\Sqlsrv|\Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo||resource|\PDO $driver * @throws \Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return $this */ public function setDriver($driver) { // handle Zend\Db drivers if ($driver instanceof Pdo\Pdo && in_array($driver->getDatabasePlatformName(), array('SqlServer', 'Dblib')) || $driver instanceof \PDO && in_array($driver->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME), array('sqlsrv', 'dblib'))) { $this->resource = $driver; return $this; } throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$driver must be a Sqlsrv PDO Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Driver or Sqlsrv PDO instance'); }
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree; // Get Image $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'img-right') { $img_url = getAttribute($node, 'src'); } } // biology $pattern = '/<h1>Biography<\\/h1>([^<]*)<div>([^<]*)<h2>([^<]*)<\\/h2>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<img ([^>]*)>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; $cnt = preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches); if ($cnt == 1) { $biology = $matches[7][0]; } else { // Add a <p> open tag next to image tag $pattern = '/<h1>Biography<\\/h1>([^<]*)<div>([^<]*)<h2>([^<]*)<\\/h2>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<img ([^>]*)>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; $cnt = preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches); // var_dump( $matches ); $biology = $matches[8][0]; // echo $contents; } // Get Speciality $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h2'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $speciality = $node->nodeValue; break; } $speciality = substr($speciality, strpos($speciality, '(') + 1); $speciality = substr($speciality, 0, strlen($speciality) - 1); // Get the Location and phone $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'style') == 'margin-bottom:10px;') { $location = $node->nodeValue; $phone = substr($location, strpos($location, 'Phone') + 7); $location = substr($location, 0, strpos($location, 'Phone')); } } // Get the zip code $pattern = '/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9\\-]*))/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches) > 0) { $zipcode = $matches[1][0]; } }
/** * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Sqlsrv\Sqlsrv|\Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Pdo||resource|\PDO $driver * @throws \Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return $this */ public function setDriver($driver) { // handle Zend_Db drivers if ($driver instanceof Pdo\Pdo && $driver->getDatabasePlatformName() == 'Sqlsrv') { /** @var $driver \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\DriverInterface */ $this->resource = $driver->getConnection()->getResource(); return $this; } // handle if ($driver instanceof \PDO && $driver->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'sqlsrv') { $this->resource = $driver; return $this; } throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$driver must be a Sqlsrv PDO Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Driver or Sqlsrv PDO instance'); }
function Curated($xml) { $this->name = getAttribute($xml, 'name'); $this->by = getAttribute($xml, 'by'); $this->scroll = getAttribute($xml, 'scroll'); $this->resize = getAttribute($xml, 'resize'); $this->width = getAttribute($xml, 'width'); $this->height = getAttribute($xml, 'height'); $this->image = getValue($xml, 'image'); $this->description = innerHTML($xml, 'description'); $this->location = getValue($xml, 'location'); $links = $xml->getElementsByTagName('link'); $links = $links->toArray(); foreach ($links as $link) { $this->links[] = array('href' => $link->getAttribute('href'), 'title' => $link->getText()); } }
<?php define("true-access", true); //if(!$hostname || !$user || !$password || !$dbName) //{ //header ("Location: installation.php"); // p("Please, make sure you introduced every data"); //} //else{ $hostname = getAttribute("Prueba/hostname.txt"); $user = getAttribute("Prueba/user.txt"); $password = getAttribute("Prueba/password.txt"); $dbName = getAttribute("Prueba/dbName.txt"); function getAttribute($path) { if (file_exists($path)) { $allData = file_get_contents($path); $arrayOfLines = file($path); $result = $arrayOfLines[sizeof($arrayOfLines) - 1]; } return $result; } define("SALT", "word"); define("DB_HOST", $hostname); define("DB_USER", $user); define("DB_PASSWORD", $password); define("DB_NAME", $dbName); //echo "estos son mis params".SALT; //echo "host".DB_HOST; //echo DB_USER; //echo DB_PASSWORD;
<a class="addthis_button_google"></a> <a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a> <span class="addthis_separator">•</span> <a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&username=xa-4c40b32a7baba973" class="addthis_button_compact">More</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#username=xa-4c40b32a7baba973"></script> <!-- AddThis Button END --> <?php } echo '<div class="scalar_logo_wrapper">' . "\n"; // Publisher icon if (!empty($book->publisher_thumbnail)) { $href = ''; $link_tags = get_tag('a', $book->publisher); if (!empty($link_tags)) { $href = getAttribute('href', $link_tags[0]); } if (!empty($href)) { echo '<a href="' . $href . '">'; } echo '<img class="publisher-thumb" src="' . confirm_slash(base_url()) . confirm_slash($book->slug) . $book->publisher_thumbnail . '" />' . "\n"; if (!empty($href)) { echo '</a>'; } } // Page version number if (isset($page->version_index) && isset($page->versions[$page->version_index]) && !empty($page->versions[$page->version_index])) { $title = $page->versions[$page->version_index]->title; $created = $page->versions[$page->version_index]->created; $version_num = $page->versions[$page->version_index]->version_num; echo '<span class="screen-version"><a href="' . $base_uri . $page->slug . '.' . $version_num . '.versions">Version ' . $version_num . '</a> <span id="screen-version-id">id ' . $page->versions[$page->version_index]->version_id . '</span> ';
?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php //} ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='middle' align='center'> <span class='msjError'> <?php if (request . getAttribute("error") != null) { out . println(request . getAttribute("error")); } ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='middle' align='center'> <input type='submit' value='Enviar' align='left' class='botns' /> <?php if (ul != null) { ?> <a href="registrar_usu?proceso=eliminar"><input type='button' value='Darme de Baja' align='left' class='botns' /></a> <?php
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree; // Get Image $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image') { $img_url = getAttribute($node, 'src'); } } // Get Appointment $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'desktop') { $appointment = $node->nodeValue; } } // Get Other information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h3'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { switch ($node->nodeValue) { case 'Areas of treatment:': $expertise = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Specialty:': $speciality .= $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Specialties:': $speciality .= $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Practicing location:': $location = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Education:': $education = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Certifications:': $certification = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Awards:': $honor = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; break; case 'Internships:': $training .= 'Internships : ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Residencies:': $training .= 'Residencies : ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Fellowships:': $training .= 'Fellowships : ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue . ', '; break; } } // Get the rank if (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'associate professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'assistant professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } if (strlen($training) > 0) { $training = substr($training, 0, strlen($training) - 2); } $phone = '(800) USC-CARE (800-872-2273)'; }
function process($obj, $contents) { global $obj, $contents, $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank; // Get Image $pattern = '/<div id=\'physicianHeadshot\'>([^<]*)<img src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>([^<]*)<\\/div>/'; $matches = ''; preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches); $img_url = 'http://www.fccc.edu' . $matches[2][0]; // Get Honor $pattern = '/<h4>Honors and Awards<\\/h4>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches) > 0) { $honor = $matches[2][0]; } // Get Education $pattern = '/<h4>Medical Education<\\/h4>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches) > 0) { $education = $matches[2][0]; } // Get Certification $pattern = '/<h4>Certifications:<\\/h4>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches) > 0) { $certification = $matches[2][0]; } // Get Research Interests $pattern = '/<h4>Research Interests<\\/h4>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches) > 0) { $research_interests = $matches[2][0]; } // Get Expertise $pattern = '/<h4>Clinical Expertise:<\\/h4>([^<]*)<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches) > 0) { $expertise = $matches[2][0]; } // Get the specility and biology $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'physicianHeadshot') { $speciality = $node->nextSibling->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'physicianQuotebox') { $biology = $node->nodeValue; } // Get the location if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'physicianAppt') { $location = $node->nodeValue; $location = trim(str_replace("New patients can request an appointment online or call", "", $location)); // The the phone and zipcode $pos = strpos($location, " "); $phone = substr($location, 0, $pos); $location = substr($location, $pos); $pattern = '/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9\\-]*))/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches) > 0) { $zipcode = $matches[1][0]; } } } // Get $speciality again if (trim($speciality) == '') { $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h2'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $speciality = $node->nodeValue; } } $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h4'); $start = 0; foreach ($node_list as $node) { $start++; if ($start == 1) { $appointment = trim($node->nodeValue); if ($appointment == 'Clinical Expertise:') { $appointment = ''; } if (substr($appointment, 0, 5) == 'Video') { $start = 0; } if (substr($appointment, 0, 4) == 'Why ') { $start = 0; } if (strpos($appointment, "Patient Stories") !== false) { $start = 0; } } $nodeValue = trim($node->nodeValue); if ($nodeValue == 'Clinical Expertise:') { $expertise = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Certifications:' && $certification == '') { $certification = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Medical Education' && $education == '') { $education = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Research Interests' && $research_interests == '') { $research_interests = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Clinical Expertise:' && $expertise == '') { $expertise = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Honors and Awards' && $honor == '') { $honor = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Residencies') { $training .= 'Residencies : ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Fellowships') { $training .= 'Fellowships : ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } } }
$xml .= "\t\t<" . $c . "_html5_mp3_audio>" . $mp3_audio . "</" . $c . "_html5_mp3_audio>\n"; } } $ogg_audio = getAttribute('ogg', $res['arp_header_shortcode']); $ogg_audio = trim($ogg_audio, '"'); if ($ogg_audio != "") { $ogg_audio_name = explode('/', $ogg_audio); $ogg_audio_name = $ogg_audio_name[count($ogg_audio_name) - 1]; @copy($ogg_audio, $upload_dir . 'temp_' . $ogg_audio_name); if (file_exists($upload_dir . "temp_" . $ogg_audio_name)) { $filename_arry[] = 'temp_' . $ogg_audio_name; $ogg_audio_name = 'temp_' . $ogg_audio_name; $xml .= "\t\t<" . $c . "_html5_ogg_audio>" . $ogg_audio . "</" . $c . "_html5_ogg_audio>\n"; } } $wav_audio = getAttribute('wav', $res['arp_header_shortcode']); $wav_audio = trim($wav_audio, '"'); if ($wav_audio != "") { $wav_audio_name = explode('/', $wav_audio); $wav_audio_name = $wav_audio_name[count($wav_audio_name) - 1]; @copy($wav_audio, $upload_dir . 'temp_' . $wav_audio_name); if (file_exists($upload_dir . "temp_" . $wav_audio_name)) { $filename_arry[] = 'temp_' . $wav_audio_name; $wav_audio_name = 'temp_' . $wav_audio_name; $xml .= "\t\t<" . $c . "_html5_wav_audio>" . $wav_audio . "</" . $c . "_html5_wav_audio>\n"; } } } } } }
function readDOM($dom) { $cur=$dom.firstChild; while($cur) { if($cur->nodeName=="tag") { $this->set($cur.getAttribute("k"), $cur.getAttribute("v")); } $cur=$cur.nextSibling; } }
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree; // Get Image + 1 $pattern = '/<div class="profilePhotoContainer" id="provImage_MD">([^<]*)<img src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>([^<]*)<\\/div>/'; $matches = ''; preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches); $img_url = 'http://doctors.ucsd.edu' . $matches[2][0]; // Get Dgree $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h1'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $inner_name = $node->nodeValue; $dgree = trim(substr($inner_name, strpos($inner_name, ',') + 2)); } // Get Address $arrAddr = array(); $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h3'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $arrAddr['addr1'][] = $node->nodeValue; } $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('span'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { switch (getAttribute($node, 'itemprop')) { case 'addressLocality': $arrAddr['addr4'][] = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'addressRegion': $arrAddr['addr5'][] = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'postalCode': $arrAddr['addr6'][] = $node->nodeValue; break; } } // Get Other information $currentProfile = ''; $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { switch (getAttribute($node, 'id')) { case 'acadTitle': $appointment = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'providerSpec_MD': $speciality = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'tabs-1': // $biology = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'tabs-2': break; case 'tabs-3': $expertise = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'tabs-4': // $location = $node->nodeValue; break; case 'tabs-5': $phone = $node->nodeValue; $phone = trim(str_replace('Contact Numbers', '', $phone)); break; } // Get the education, Training and Certificate if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'profileLabel') { $currentProfile = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'profileData') { switch ($currentProfile) { case 'Medical Degree:': $education .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Residency:': $training .= 'Residency : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Fellowship:': $training .= 'Fellowship : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Internship:': $training .= 'Internship : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'Board Certifications:': $certification .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; } } // Get the address 2, 3 if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'profileDataNoLabel emphasize' && getAttribute($node, 'itemprop') == 'name') { $arrAddr['addr2'][] = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'profileDataNoLabel ' && getAttribute($node, 'itemprop') == 'streetAddress') { $arrAddr['addr3'][] = $node->nodeValue . ' ' . $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } } // Get the biology $bioloby = ''; $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'profileDataNoLabel') { if (strlen($node->nodeValue) > strlen($biology)) { $biology = $node->nodeValue; } } } $pos = strrpos($biology, 'UC San Diego Health'); if ($pos > 0) { $biology = substr($biology, 0, $pos); } // Build the address for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrAddr['addr1']); $i++) { $location .= $arrAddr['addr1'][$i] . ' ' . $arrAddr['addr2'][$i] . ' ' . $arrAddr['addr3'][$i] . ' ' . $arrAddr['addr4'][$i] . ' ' . $arrAddr['addr5'][$i] . ' ' . $arrAddr['addr6'][$i] . ', '; $zipcode .= $arrAddr['addr6'][$i] . ', '; } // Get the rank if (strpos($appointment, 'Associate Professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos($appointment, 'Assistant Professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos($appointment, 'Professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } if (strlen($education) > 0) { $education = substr($education, 0, strlen($education) - 2); } if (strlen($training) > 0) { $training = substr($training, 0, strlen($training) - 2); } if (strlen($certification) > 0) { $certification = substr($certification, 0, strlen($certification) - 2); } if (strlen($location) > 0) { $location = substr($location, 0, strlen($location) - 2); } if (strlen($zipcode) > 0) { $zipcode = substr($zipcode, 0, strlen($zipcode) - 2); } }
$labelChanges[] = $change; } if (count($labelChanges) > 0) { saveLabelChanges($labelChanges); } } else { if (!is_null($_GET) && array_key_exists("id", $_GET) && $_GET["id"] != '') { $attributeID = intval($_GET["id"]); } } if (strpos($error, "Duplicate entry") !== FALSE) { $error = "Another attribute already exists with code [" . $_POST["attributeCode"] . "]. Codes must be unique."; } $attribute = null; if (!is_null($attributeID)) { $attribute = getAttribute($attributeID); } $attributeID = is_null($attribute) ? "" : $attribute->id; $code = is_null($attribute) ? "" : $attribute->code; $name = is_null($attribute) ? "" : $attribute->name; $description = is_null($attribute) ? "" : $attribute->description; ?> <h1><a href="overview.php">Overview</a> > <a href="attributes.php">Attributes</a> > Edit Attribute</h1> <?php if ($error != "") { echo "<p class=\"error\">{$error}</p>"; } ?> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="oldAttributeCode" value="<?php
function getPlayerInfo($href) { //$href = "playerpage.htm?ilkid=ALLENMAR01"; //$href = "playerpage.htm?ilkid=ARRINLAV01"; $debug = false; $base_url = "http://databasefootball.com/players/"; //echo "href: $href<br>"; //echo "$base_url $href<br>"; $p_url = $base_url . $href; //echo "player url: $p_url<br>"; $player_page = file_get_html($p_url); $bio = $player_page->find('font.bio', 0); //echo var_dump($bio); $plaintext = $bio->plaintext; $innerText = $bio->innerText; //echo "innerText: $innerText<br>"; echo "Plaintext: {$plaintext}<br>"; $plaintext = preg_replace("(\\'\\')", "\"", $plaintext); $plaintext = preg_replace("(\\')", "\\'", $plaintext); $fullName = $position = $height = $weight = $dob = $hometown = $college = $drafted = $nickname = "null"; $fullName = getAttribute($plaintext, "", "Position:"); if (preg_match("/Full Name:/", $plaintext)) { if (!(strpos($fullName, "Full Name:") === false)) { $fullName = getAttribute($plaintext, "Full Name:", "Position:"); } } if (preg_match("/\\(*\\)/", $fullName)) { $nickname = getAttribute($plaintext, "(", ")"); } //echo "FullName: $fullName<br>"; if (preg_match("/Position:/", $plaintext)) { if (preg_match("/Height:/", $plaintext)) { $position = getAttribute($plaintext, "Position:", "Height:"); } else { $position = getAttribute($plaintext, "Position:", "Born:"); } } if (preg_match("/Height:/", $plaintext)) { $height = getAttribute($plaintext, "Height:", "Weight:"); } if (preg_match("/Weight:/", $plaintext)) { $weight = getAttribute($plaintext, "Weight:", "Born:"); } if (preg_match("/Born:/", $plaintext)) { if (preg_match("/, in/", $plaintext)) { $dob = getAttribute($plaintext, "Born:", ", in"); $hometown = getAttribute($plaintext, ", in", "High School:"); } else { if (preg_match("/High School:/", $plaintext)) { $dob = getAttribute($plaintext, "Born:", "High School:"); $dob = preg_replace("/,/", "", $dob); } else { $dob = getAttribute($plaintext, "Born:", ""); } } $dob = preg_replace("/,/", "", $dob); } if (preg_match("/College:/", $plaintext)) { $college = getAttribute($plaintext, "College:", "Drafted"); } if (preg_match("/Drafted:/", $plaintext)) { $drafted = getAttribute($plaintext, "Drafted:", ""); } //$fullName = $player_page->find("a h1")->plaintext; $header = $player_page->find("a[name] h1", 0); $fullName = $header->plaintext; //Jerry Da prato //John Smith //La var Arrington $fullName = preg_replace("/[[:space:]]([A-Z])/", " !\$1", htmltrim($fullName)); $fullName = preg_replace("(\\')", "\\'", $fullName); //echo var_dump($fullName)."<br>"; $name_array = explode(' !', $fullName); $first = $name_array[0]; $last = $name_array[1]; //echo "trs: ".var_dump($player_page->find('table tr[onmouseover]')); $teams = getTeams($player_page->find('table tbody tr td table tbody tr[onmouseover]')); //echo "Name: $fullName<br>"; if ($debug) { echo "plaintext: {$plaintext}<br>"; echo "nickName: {$nickname}<br>"; echo "Position: '{$position}'<br>"; echo "height: {$height}<br>"; echo "weight: {$weight}<br>"; echo "dob: {$dob}<br>"; echo "hometown: {$hometown}<br>"; echo "college: {$college}<br>"; echo "drafted: {$drafted}<br>"; echo "teams: {$teams}<br><br>"; } $insert = "INSERT INTO players (\r\n\t\t\t\tfirst_name, last_name, height, weight, dob, position, team, college, hometown, drafted, nickname) \r\n\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$first}', '{$last}', '{$height}', {$weight}, '{$dob}', '{$position}', '{$teams}', '{$college}', '{$hometown}', '{$drafted}', '{$nickname}')"; preg_replace("/''/", "'", $insert); echo $insert . "<br>"; //$result = mysql_query($insert); $id = mysql_insert_id(); /*********************** ///awards section /***********************/ getAwards($id, $player_page->find('td p font.bio', 0)); //->find('a[href^=/awards]') }
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree; // Get Other information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'width') == '150') { $img_url = 'http://hospitals.jefferson.edu' . getAttribute($node, 'src'); } } // Get Other information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { // Get Speciality if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'specLineItem') { $speciality .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; } // Appointment if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'professional-titles') { $appointment = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl00_pnlThumbnail') { // $img_url = getAttribute( $node->firstChild, 'src' ); } // Get Location if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl02_pnlOffices') { $location = $node->nodeValue; $location = str_replace('Office Locations', '', $location); $location = str_replace('View on Google Maps', '', $location); } // Get Certification if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabCertifications') { $certification = $node->nodeValue; $certification = str_replace('Board Certifications', '', $certification); } // Get Education if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabEducation') { $education = $node->nodeValue; $education = str_replace('Education', '', $education); } // Get Honor if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabAwards') { $honor = $node->nodeValue; $honor = str_replace('Awards and Honors', '', $honor); } // Training if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabInternship') { $training .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabResidency') { $training .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabFellowship') { $training .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; } // Expertise if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabConditions') { $expertise .= 'Conditions : ' . substr($node->nodeValue, strlen('Conditions')) . ', '; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabTreatments') { $expertise .= 'Treatments : ' . substr($node->nodeValue, strlen('Treatments')) . ', '; } if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_contentpanel_1_ctl04_pnlTabTests') { $expertise .= 'Tests : ' . substr($node->nodeValue, strlen('Tests')) . ', '; } } $pattern = '/Phone: *(\\([0-9]+\\) *[0-9\\-]+)/'; $matches = ''; $cntPhone = preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches); if ($cntPhone > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $cntPhone; $i++) { $phone .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } else { $phone = ' 1-800-JEFF-NOW (800-533-3669)'; } // Get the zip code $pattern = '/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9\\-]*))/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $zipcode .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } // Get the rank if (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'associate professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'assistant professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } if (strlen($training) > 0) { $training = substr($training, 0, strlen($training) - 2); } if (strlen($speciality) > 0) { $speciality = substr($speciality, 0, strlen($speciality) - 2); } if (strlen($expertise) > 0) { $expertise = substr($expertise, 0, strlen($expertise) - 2); } if (strlen($zipcode) > 0) { $zipcode = substr($zipcode, 0, strlen($zipcode) - 2); } }
function set($att, $value) { $aux = getAttribute($att); $this->attributes[$att] = $value; return $aux; }
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree, $first_name, $last_name; // Get Image $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'typeof') == 'foaf:Image') { $img_url = getAttribute($node, 'src'); } } // Get First Name, Last Name, Degree $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h1'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $inner_name = $node->nodeValue; } $temp = ''; do { $dgree .= $temp; $pos = strrpos($inner_name, ' '); $temp = substr($inner_name, $pos); $inner_name = substr($inner_name, 0, $pos); } while ($temp == strtoupper($temp)); $inner_name .= $temp; $pos = strpos($inner_name, ' '); $dgree = trim($dgree); $first_name = substr($inner_name, 0, $pos); $last_name = trim(substr($inner_name, $pos)); // Get Other information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (substr(trim($node->nodeValue), 0, 12) == 'Specialties:') { $speciality = $node->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'panel-pane pane-entity-field pane-node-field-clinical-interest') { $expertise = $node->nodeValue; $expertise = trim(str_replace('Clinical Interests:', '', $expertise)); } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'field field-name-field-physician-biography field-type-text-long field-label-hidden') { $biology = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'field field-name-field-physician-locations field-type-field-collection field-label-hidden') { $location = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'field field-name-field-research-interest field-type-text-long field-label-hidden') { $research_interests = $node->nodeValue; } if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'field field-name-field-physician-title field-type-text field-label-hidden') { $appointment = $node->nodeValue; } } // Get the education, Training and Certificate // Get Other information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('ul'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { switch (getAttribute($node, 'class')) { case 'field field-name-field-physician-education field-type-text field-label-above': $education .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'field field-name-field-physician-residency field-type-text-long field-label-above': $training .= 'Residency : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'field field-name-field-physician-fellowship field-type-text field-label-above': $training .= 'Fellowship : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'field field-name-field-physician-internship field-type-text field-label-above': $training .= 'Internship : ' . $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; case 'field field-name-field-physician-boards field-type-text field-label-above': $certification .= $node->nodeValue . ', '; break; } } // Get the zip code $pattern = '/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9\\-]*))/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $zipcode .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } // Get the rank if (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'associate professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'assistant professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } // Extract phone from Location $location = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $location); $location = str_replace("\n", " ", $location); $pattern = '/Phone: *([0-9\\-]+)/'; $matches = ''; $cntPhone = preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches); if ($cntPhone > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $cntPhone; $i++) { $phone .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } else { $phone = ''; } if (strlen($education) > 0) { $education = substr($education, 0, strlen($education) - 2); } if (strlen($training) > 0) { $training = substr($training, 0, strlen($training) - 2); } if (strlen($certification) > 0) { $certification = substr($certification, 0, strlen($certification) - 2); } if (strlen($zipcode) > 0) { $zipcode = substr($zipcode, 0, strlen($zipcode) - 2); } if (strlen($phone) > 0) { $phone = substr($phone, 0, strlen($phone) - 2); } }
/** * Replace an existing attribute with a new one. * This function is implemented using removeAttribute and setAttribute in db-transaction * * @param string old section name * @param string old application code * @param string old user login * @param string old section * @param string old param * @param string new section name * @param string new application code * @param string new user login * @param string new section * @param string new param * @param string new value * @param string new value * @param string new type * @param string new type-extended * @param string new private flag * @param integer new order * @param string new description * @param bool fail if the old value doesn't exist. Dafault false * @return mixed return true on success, else false * @access public */ public function replaceAttribute($old_dn_name, $old_app_code, $old_us_login, $old_se_section, $old_se_param, $dn_name, $app_code, $us_login, $se_section, $se_param, $se_value, $se_type = 'STRING', $se_type_ext = '', $se_private = 'T', $se_order = 0, $se_descr = null, $failIfNotExists = false) { if ($failIfNotExists) { if (getAttribute($old_dn_name, $old_app_code, $old_us_login, $old_se_section, $old_se_param) == null) { return false; } } $inTransaction = $this->inTransaction; if (!$inTransaction) { $this->beginTransaction(); } $this->removeAttribute($old_dn_name, $old_app_code, $old_us_login, $old_se_section, $old_se_param); $this->setAttribute($dn_name, $app_code, $us_login, $se_section, $se_param, $se_value, $se_type, $se_type_ext, $se_private, $se_order, $se_descr); if (!$inTransaction) { $this->commitTransaction(); } }
//$xmlDoc->load ( $tempfile ); //$xmlcontent=file_get_contents($tempfile ); $xmlDoc = simplexml_load_file($tempfile, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_PARSEHUGE); $searchNodes = $xmlDoc->xpath("/fps/item"); $spid = 0; foreach ($searchNodes as $searchNode) { //echo $searchNode->title,"\n"; $title = $searchNode->title; $time_limit = $searchNode->time_limit; $unit = getAttribute($searchNode, 'time_limit', 'unit'); //echo $unit; if ($unit == 'ms') { $time_limit /= 1000; } $memory_limit = getValue($searchNode, 'memory_limit'); $unit = getAttribute($searchNode, 'memory_limit', 'unit'); if ($unit == 'kb') { $memory_limit /= 1024; } $description = getValue($searchNode, 'description'); $input = getValue($searchNode, 'input'); $output = getValue($searchNode, 'output'); $sample_input = getValue($searchNode, 'sample_input'); $sample_output = getValue($searchNode, 'sample_output'); // $test_input = getValue ( $searchNode, 'test_input' ); // $test_output = getValue ( $searchNode, 'test_output' ); $hint = getValue($searchNode, 'hint'); $source = getValue($searchNode, 'source'); $solutions = $searchNode->children()->solution; $spjcode = getValue($searchNode, 'spj'); $spj = trim($spjcode) ? 1 : 0;
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank; // Get Image and expertise $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('figure'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'headshot') { $img_url = 'https://winshipcancer.emory.edu/' . substr(getAttribute($node->firstChild, 'src'), 6); } } // Get the Appointment Speciality and Expertise $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h2'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (trim($node->nodeValue) == 'Titles and Roles') { $html = $obj->saveHTML($node->nextSibling->firstChild); $html = str_replace('<dt>', '', $html); $html = str_replace('</dt>', ', ', $html); $html = str_replace('<dd class="text-muted">', '', $html); $html = str_replace('</dd>', ', ', $html); $pattern = '/<dl[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\/dl>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $html, $matches) > 0) { $appointment = $matches[1][0]; } $html = $obj->saveHTML($node->nextSibling->nextSibling->firstChild); $pattern = '/<dt>([^<]*)<\\/dt>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $html, $matches) > 0) { $speciality = $matches[1][0]; } $pattern = '/<dd><a[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\/a><\\/dd>/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $html, $matches) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $expertise .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } } } // Get the email and phone $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'bio-primary-contact') { $phone = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; $email = $node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue; } } // Get the biology, Education, Research, Certificate $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('section'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $nodeValue = trim($node->firstChild->nodeValue); if ($nodeValue == 'Biography') { $biology = $node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Education') { $education = $node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Research') { $research_interests = $node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue; } if ($nodeValue == 'Awards') { $honor = $node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue; } } // Get the rank if (strpos($appointment, 'Associate Professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos($appointment, 'Assistant Professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos($appointment, 'Professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } }
$searchNodes = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("item"); foreach ($searchNodes as $searchNode) { $title = getValue($searchNode, 'title'); $time_limit = getValue($searchNode, 'time_limit'); $memory_limit = getValue($searchNode, 'memory_limit'); $description = getValue($searchNode, 'description'); $input = getValue($searchNode, 'input'); $output = getValue($searchNode, 'output'); $sample_input = getValue($searchNode, 'sample_input'); $sample_output = getValue($searchNode, 'sample_output'); $test_input = getValue($searchNode, 'test_input'); $test_output = getValue($searchNode, 'test_output'); $hint = getValue($searchNode, 'hint'); $source = getValue($searchNode, 'source'); $solution = getValue($searchNode, 'solution'); $language = getAttribute($searchNode, 'solution', 'language'); $spjcode = getValue($searchNode, 'spj'); $spj = $spjcode ? 1 : 0; // // $valueID = $searchNode->getAttribute ( 'ID' ); // // echo "->$title<br>\n"; // echo "->$time_limit<br>\n"; // echo "->$memory_limit<br>\n"; // echo "->$description<br>\n"; // echo "->$input<br>\n"; // echo "->$output<br>\n"; // echo "->$sample_input<br>\n"; // echo "->$sample_output<br>\n"; // echo "->$test_input<br>\n"; // echo "->$test_output<br>\n";
function process($obj, $contents) { global $img_url, $biology, $expertise, $certification, $education, $location, $research_interests, $phone, $email, $appointment, $zipcode, $speciality, $training, $honor, $rank, $dgree; // Get image information $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('img'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'id') == 'main_0_content_0_ProfileImage') { $img_url = 'http://www.uhhospitals.org' . getAttribute($node, 'src'); } } // Get the phone number $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h3'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'phoneNumber') { $phone = $node->nodeValue; } } // Get the Speciality $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('h2'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { $speciality = $node->nodeValue; } // Get the appointment $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('ul'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'dr-profile-titles') { // echo $obj->saveHTML( $node ); $appointment = $node->nodeValue; } } // Get the other informations $node_list = $obj->getElementsByTagName('div'); foreach ($node_list as $node) { if (getAttribute($node, 'class') == 'dr-profile-content') { $info = trim($node->nodeValue); // biology $pos = strpos($info, 'Video Library'); $posCertification = strpos($info, 'Board Certifications'); if ($pos === false) { $pos = $posCertification; } if (substr($info, 0, 3) == 'Bio') { $biology = substr($info, 3, $pos - 3); } $info = substr($info, $posCertification); // Certification $pos = strpos($info, 'Education & Training'); if ($posCertification !== false) { $certification = substr($info, 0, $pos); $certification = str_replace('Board Certifications', '', $certification); } $info = substr($info, $pos); // Education & Training $pos = strpos($info, 'Expertise'); $education = substr($info, 0, $pos); $education = str_replace('Education & Training', '', $education); $info = substr($info, $pos); // Expertise $pos = strpos($info, 'Office Locations'); $expertise = substr($info, 0, $pos); $expertise = str_replace('Expertise', '', $expertise); $info = substr($info, $pos); // Location $pos = strpos($info, 'var map_options'); $location = substr($info, 0, $pos); $location = str_replace('Office Locations', '', $location); $location = str_replace('Get Directions', ' ', $location); $info = substr($info, $pos); } } // Build the Education and Traning $posInternship = strpos($education, 'Internship'); $posResidency = strpos($education, 'Residency'); $posFellowship = strpos($education, 'Fellowship'); $posTraining = 10000000; if ($posInternship !== false && $posTraining > $posInternship) { $posTraining = $posInternship; } if ($posResidency !== false && $posTraining > $posResidency) { $posTraining = $posResidency; } if ($posFellowship !== false && $posTraining > $posFellowship) { $posTraining = $posFellowship; } if ($posTraining != 10000000) { $training = substr($education, $posTraining); $education = substr($education, 0, $posTraining); } $education = str_replace('Medical / Professional School(s)', ' Medical / Professional School(s) : ', $education); $education = str_replace('Undergraduate', 'Undergraduate : ', $education); $training = str_replace('Internship', 'Internship : ', $training); $training = str_replace('Residency', ', Residency : ', $training); $training = str_replace('Fellowship', ', Fellowship : ', $training); if (substr($training, 0, 2) == ', ') { $training = substr($training, 2); } // Get the zip code $pattern = '/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9\\-]*))/'; $matches = ''; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $location, $matches) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $zipcode .= $matches[1][$i] . ', '; } } // Get the rank if (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'associate professor') !== false) { $rank = 2; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'assistant professor') !== false || strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'assistant clinical professor') !== false) { $rank = 3; } elseif (strpos(strtolower($appointment), 'professor') !== false) { $rank = 1; } if (strlen($zipcode) > 0) { $zipcode = substr($zipcode, 0, strlen($zipcode) - 2); } }