function current_page($params) { global $this_page, $parent_page; $page = $params['page']; $class = getArrayValue($params, 'class'); if ($class == '') { $class = "selected"; } if ($page == $parent_page) { return ' class="' . $class . '" '; } else { return false; } }
/** * Function used to insert log * @param VARCHAR $type, type of action * @param ARRAY $details_array , action details array */ function insert($type, $details_array) { global $db, $userquery; $a = $details_array; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $userid = getArrayValue($a, 'userid'); $username = $a['username']; $useremail = getArrayValue($a, 'useremail'); $userlevel = getArrayValue($a, 'userlevel'); $action_obj_id = getArrayValue($a, 'action_obj_id'); $action_done_id = getArrayValue($a, 'action_done_id'); $userid = $userid ? $userid : $userquery->udetails['userid']; $username = $username ? $username : $userquery->udetails['username']; $useremail = $useremail ? $useremail : $userquery->udetails['email']; $userlevel = $userlevel ? $userlevel : getArrayValue($userquery->udetails, 'level'); $success = $a['success']; $details = getArrayValue($a, 'details'); $db->insert(tbl('action_log'), array('action_type', 'action_username', 'action_userid', 'action_useremail', 'action_ip', 'date_added', 'action_success', 'action_details', 'action_userlevel', 'action_obj_id', 'action_done_id'), array($type, $username, $userid, $useremail, $ip, NOW(), $success, $details, $userlevel, $action_obj_id, $action_done_id)); }
/** * INIT */ function init() { $lang = mysql_clean(getArrayValue($_COOKIE, 'cb_lang')); //Setting Language if (isset($_GET['set_site_lang'])) { $lang = $_GET['set_site_lang']; if ($this->lang_exists($lang)) { setcookie('cb_lang', $lang, time() + 3600, '/'); } } if (isset($lang) and !empty($lang)) { $lang_details = $this->lang_exists($lang); } if (isset($lang) && isset($lang_details)) { $default = $lang_details; } else { $default = $this->get_default_language(); } if ($default['language_code']) { $this->lang = $this->lang_iso = $default['language_code']; } }
/** * Function used to add session * @todo: Find a proper solution to avoid database crashing because of sessions insertion and updation */ function add_session($user, $name, $value = false, $reg = false) { global $db, $pages; if (!$value) { $value = $this->id; } $this->get_user_session($user, $name, true); if ($db->num_rows > 0) { $db->delete(tbl($this->tbl), array('session_string', 'session'), array($name, $this->id)); } $cur_url = $pages->GetCurrentUrl(); if (THIS_PAGE != 'cb_install') { if ($name === "guest" && config("store_guest_session") !== "yes") { // do nothing } else { $db->insert(tbl($this->tbl), array('session_user', 'session', 'session_string', 'ip', 'session_value', 'session_date', 'last_active', 'referer', 'agent', 'current_page'), array($user, $this->id, $name, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $value, now(), now(), getArrayValue($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER'), $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $cur_url)); } } if ($reg) { //Finally Registering session $this->session_register($name); $this->session_val($name, $value); } }
?> <option value="<?php echo $i; ?> "><?php echo $i; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> <?php echo getArrayValue(explode('%1', _t('한 페이지에 글 %1건 표시')), 1); ?> </div> </div> </div> </form> <hr class="hidden" /> <form id="search-form" class="data-subbox" method="post" action="<?php echo $context->getProperty(''); ?> /owner/communication/trash/trackback"> <h2><?php echo _t('검색'); ?>
function getArrayKey(array $array, $value) { return getArrayValue($array, $value, true); }
function cbMenu($params = NULL) { $this->head_menu($params); if (!$params['tag']) { //$params['tag'] = 'li'; if (!$params['class']) { $params['class'] = ''; } } if (!isset($params['getSubTab'])) { $params['getSubTab'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['parentTab'])) { $params['parentTab'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['selectedTab'])) { $params['selectedTab'] = ''; } $headMenu = $this->head_menu; $custom = isset($this->custom_menu) ? $this->custom_menu : false; if (is_array($custom)) { $headMenu = array_merge($headMenu, $custom); } /* Excluding tabs from menu */ if (isset($params['exclude'])) { if (is_array($params['exclude'])) { $exclude = $params['exclude']; } else { $exclude = explode(",", $params['exclude']); } foreach ($headMenu as $key => $hm) { foreach ($exclude as $ex) { $ex = trim($ex); if (strtolower(trim($hm['name'])) == strtolower($ex)) { unset($headMenu[$key]); } } } } $main_menu = array(); foreach ($headMenu as $menu) { if (isSectionEnabled($menu['this'])) { $selected = current_page(array("page" => $menu['this'])); if ($selected) { $menu['active'] = true; } $main_menu[] = $menu; } } $output = ""; //if(($params['tag'])) // $output .= "<".$params['tag'].">"; foreach ($main_menu as $menu) { $selected = getArrayValue($menu, 'active'); $output .= "<li "; $output .= "id = 'cb" . $menu['name'] . "Tab'"; $output .= " class = '"; if ($params['class']) { $output .= $params['class']; } if ($selected) { $output .= " selected"; } $output .= "'"; if (isset($params['extra_params'])) { $output .= $params['extra_params']; } $output .= ">"; $output .= "<a href='" . $menu['link'] . "'>"; $output .= $menu['name'] . "</a>"; $output .= "</li>"; } //if(($params['tag'])) // $output .= "</".$params['tag'].">"; if (SMARTY_VERSION < 3) { if ($params['echo']) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } else { if (isset($params['echo'])) { echo $output; } else { return $main_menu; } } }
$formValues = $_POST; foreach ($MAX_LENGTHS as $key => $value) { $formValues[$key] = Format::limitLength($formValues[$key], $MAX_LENGTHS[$key]); } $foundProfile = Doctrine::findMembre($numeroMembre); // Don't generate method calls to avoid potential security hole. $foundProfile->setStatut($formValues['statut']); $foundProfile->setEnfants($formValues['enfants']); $foundProfile->setDevise($formValues['devise']); $foundProfile->setCoordonnee('email', $formValues['email'], $formValues['emailPrive']); $foundProfile->setCoordonnee('phone', $formValues['telephone'], $formValues['telephonePrive']); $adresseValue = ['address' => trim("{$formValues['adresse1']}\n{$formValues['adresse2']}\n{$formValues['adresse3']}"), 'code' => $formValues['codePostal'], 'city' => $formValues['ville'], 'country' => $formValues['pays']]; $foundProfile->setCoordonnee('address', json_encode($adresseValue), $formValues['adressePrivee']); $foundProfile->setLangues(getArrayValue($formValues, 'langues')); $foundProfile->setCompetences(getArrayValue($formValues, 'competences')); $foundProfile->setPassions(getArrayValue($formValues, 'passions')); Doctrine::persist($foundProfile); Doctrine::flush(); $ldapResult = LdapSync::updateProfile($numeroMembre, $foundProfile->jsonSerialize()); if ($ldapResult) { // Then it's an error. $logger->error("Ldap error updating status for #{$numeroMembre}: {$ldapResult}"); } echo json_encode($foundProfile); } else { $logger->info('Found validation errors: ' . print_r($v->errors(), true)); $errors = []; foreach ($v->errors() as $fieldName => $fieldErrors) { foreach ($fieldErrors as $message) { $errors[] = $message; }
if ($Cbucket->LatestAdminMenu()) { $Cbucket->AdminMenu = array_merge($Cbucket->LatestAdminMenu(), $Cbucket->AdminMenu); } //Assigning Smarty Tags & Values Assign('CB_VERSION', CB_VERSION); Assign('FFMPEG_FLVTOOLS_BINARY', getConstant('FFMPEG_FLVTOOLS_BINARY')); Assign('FFMPEG_MPLAYER_BINARY', getConstant('FFMPEG_MPLAYER_BINARY')); Assign('PHP_PATH', PHP_PATH); Assign('FFMPEG_BINARY', getConstant('FFMPEG_BINARY')); Assign('FFMPEG_MENCODER_BINARY', getConstant('FFMPEG_MENCODER_BINARY')); Assign('js', JS_URL); Assign('title', TITLE); Assign('slogan', SLOGAN); Assign('flvplayer', FLVPLAYER); Assign('avatardir', BASEURL . '/images/avatars'); Assign('whatis', getArrayValue($row, 'whatis')); Assign('category_thumbs', CAT_THUMB_URL); Assign('gp_thumbs_url', GP_THUMB_URL); Assign('video_thumbs', THUMBS_URL); //Assign('ads',$ads); Assign('email_verification', EMAIL_VERIFICATION); Assign('group_thumb', BASEURL . '/images/groups_thumbs'); Assign('bg_dir', BASEURL . '/images/backgrounds'); Assign('captcha_type', $row['captcha_type']); Assign('languages', isset($languages) ? $languages : false); Assign('module_dir', MODULEDIR); Assign('VIDEOS_URL', VIDEOS_URL); Assign('THUMBS_URL', THUMBS_URL); Assign('PLUG_URL', BASEURL . '/plugins'); //Remote and Embed Assign('remoteUpload', $row['remoteUpload']);
<option value="1"<?php echo $blog['publishWholeOnRSS'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo _t('전체공개'); ?> </option> <option value="0"<?php echo $blog['publishWholeOnRSS'] ? '' : ' selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php echo _t('부분공개'); ?> </option> </select><?php echo getArrayValue(explode('%1', _t('RSS 파일의 글 본문은 %1를 원칙으로 합니다.')), 1); ?> </dd> </dl> </fieldset> </div> <?php echo setDetailPanel('panelEtcSetting', 'button'); ?> <div id="panelEtcSetting" class="section folding"> <fieldset class="container"> <legend><?php echo _t('기타'); ?>
/** * This function used to include headers in <head> tag * it will check weather to include the file or not * it will take file and its type as an array * then compare its type with THIS_PAGE constant * if header has TYPE of THIS_PAGE then it will be inlucded */ function include_header($params) { $file = getArrayValue($params, 'file'); $type = getArrayValue($params, 'type'); if ($file == 'global_header') { Template(BASEDIR . '/styles/global/head.html', false); return false; } if ($file == 'admin_bar') { if (has_access('admin_access', TRUE)) { Template(BASEDIR . '/styles/global/admin_bar.html', false); } return false; } if (!$type) { $type = "global"; } if (is_includeable($type)) { Template($file, false); } return false; }