function updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid) { global $authMechs; $esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); $userData = getLDAPUserData($authtype, $userid); if (is_null($userData)) { return NULL; } $affilid = $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']; $now = unixToDatetime(time()); // select desired data from db $qbase = "SELECT AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "af.shibonly, " . "u.emailnotices, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, " . "u.showallgroups " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . " = {$affilid} AND "; if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) { $query = $qbase . "u.uid = {$userData['numericid']}"; } else { $query = $qbase . "u.unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 255); $updateuid = 0; # check to see if there is a matching entry where uid is NULL but unityid and affiliationid match if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid']) && !mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $updateuid = 1; $query = $qbase . "u.unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 255); } // if get a row // update db // update results from select if ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $user["unityid"] = $userid; $user["firstname"] = $userData['first']; $user["lastname"] = $userData["last"]; $user["email"] = $userData["email"]; $user["lastupdated"] = $now; $query = "UPDATE user " . "SET unityid = '{$esc_userid}', " . "firstname = '{$userData['first']}', " . "lastname = '{$userData['last']}', " . "email = '{$userData['email']}', "; if ($updateuid) { $query .= "uid = {$userData['numericid']}, "; } $query .= "lastupdated = '{$now}' "; if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid']) && !$updateuid) { $query .= "WHERE uid = {$userData['numericid']}"; } else { $query .= "WHERE unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}"; } doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1); } else { // call addLDAPUser $id = addLDAPUser($authtype, $userid); $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . " AS email, " . " AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.usepublickeys, " . "u.sshpublickeys, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . " = {$id}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (!($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) { return NULL; } $user['sshpublickeys'] = htmlspecialchars($user['sshpublickeys']); } // TODO handle generic updating of groups switch (getAffiliationName($affilid)) { case 'EXAMPLE1': updateEXAMPLE1Groups($user); break; default: //TODO possibly add to a default group } $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1); $user["groupperms"] = getUsersGroupPerms(array_keys($user['groups'])); $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]); $user['login'] = $user['unityid']; return $user; }
function ldapLogin($authtype, $userid, $passwd) { global $HTMLheader, $printedHTMLheader, $authMechs, $phpVer; $esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); if (!($fh = fsockopen($authMechs[$authtype]['server'], 636, $errno, $errstr, 5))) { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype, 1); return; } fclose($fh); $ds = ldap_connect("ldaps://{$authMechs[$authtype]['server']}/"); if (!$ds) { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'], 0); print $HTMLheader; $printedHTMLheader = 1; selectAuth(); return; } ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); if (array_key_exists('lookupuserbeforeauth', $authMechs[$authtype]) && $authMechs[$authtype]['lookupuserbeforeauth'] && array_key_exists('lookupuserfield', $authMechs[$authtype])) { # in this case, we have to look up what part of the tree the user is in # before we can actually look up the user $auth = $authMechs[$authtype]; if (array_key_exists('masterlogin', $auth) && strlen($auth['masterlogin'])) { $res = ldap_bind($ds, $auth['masterlogin'], $auth['masterpwd']); } else { $res = ldap_bind($ds); } if (!$res) { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $auth['affiliationid'], 0); printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $search = ldap_search($ds, $auth['binddn'], "{$auth['lookupuserfield']}={$userid}", array('dn'), 0, 3, 15); if ($search) { $tmpdata = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if (!$tmpdata['count'] || !array_key_exists('dn', $tmpdata[0])) { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $auth['affiliationid'], 0); printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $ldapuser = $tmpdata[0]['dn']; } else { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $auth['affiliationid'], 0); printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } } else { $ldapuser = sprintf($authMechs[$authtype]['userid'], $userid); } $res = ldap_bind($ds, $ldapuser, $passwd); if (!$res) { // login failed $err = ldap_error($ds); if ($err == 'Invalid credentials') { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'], 0, $err); } else { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'], 0); } printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } else { addLoginLog($userid, $authtype, $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'], 1); # used to rely on later code to update user info if update timestamp was expired // see if user in our db /*$query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '$esc_userid' AND " . "affiliationid = {$authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if(! mysql_num_rows($qh)) { // if not, add user $newid = updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid); if(is_null($newid)) abort(8); }*/ # now, we always update the user info $newid = updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid); if (is_null($newid)) { abort(8); } // get cookie data $cookie = getAuthCookieData("{$userid}@" . getAffiliationName($authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'])); // set cookie if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2", ">=") == true) { setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0, 1); } else { setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0); } # set skin cookie based on affiliation $skin = getAffiliationTheme($authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']); $ucskin = strtoupper($skin); setcookie("VCLSKIN", "{$ucskin}", time() + SECINDAY * 31, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); // redirect to main page header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT); dbDisconnect(); exit; } }
function addConfigMapping($data, $maptypes) { $configdata = $this->_getData($data['configid']); if (is_null($configdata[$data['configid']]['configstageid'])) { $stageid = $data['stageid']; } else { $stageid = $configdata[$data['configid']]['configstageid']; } $query = "INSERT INTO configmap " . "(configid, " . "configmaptypeid, " . "subid, " . "affiliationid, " . "disabled, " . "configstageid) " . "VALUES " . "({$data['configid']}, " . "{$data['maptypeid']}, " . "{$data['subid']}, " . "{$data['affiliationid']}, " . "0, " . "{$stageid})"; doQuery($query); $configmapid = dbLastInsertID(); $id = $data['configid']; $configdata = $this->_getData($id); $stages = $this->getConfigMapStages(); $item = array('id' => $configmapid, 'configid' => $id, 'configname' => $configdata[$id]['name'], 'description' => $configdata[$id]['description'], 'configtypeid' => $configdata[$id]['configtypeid'], 'configtype' => $configdata[$id]['configtype'], 'configmaptypeid' => $data['maptypeid'], 'configmaptype' => $maptypes[$data['maptypeid']], 'affiliationid' => $data['affiliationid'], 'mapto' => $data['mapto'], 'affiliation' => getAffiliationName($data['affiliationid']), 'disabled' => 0, 'stageid' => $data['stageid'], 'configstage' => $stages[$data['stageid']]); $ret = array('status' => 'success', 'item' => $item, 'action' => 'add'); sendJSON($ret); return; }
function editOrAddGroup($state) { global $submitErr, $user, $mode; $usergroups = getUserGroups(); $type = getContinuationVar("type"); if ($state) { $isowner = 1; } elseif ($type == 'resource') { $isowner = getContinuationVar('isowner'); } if (!$state) { $groupid = getContinuationVar('groupid', processInputVar('groupid', ARG_NUMERIC)); if ($type == 'user') { if (!array_key_exists($groupid, $usergroups)) { print "<h2>Edit User Group</h2>\n"; print "The selected user group does not exist.\n"; return; } $isowner = 0; if ($usergroups[$groupid]['ownerid'] != $user['id']) { if ($usergroups[$groupid]['custom'] == 0 || $usergroups[$groupid]['courseroll'] == 1) { if (!checkUserHasPerm('Manage Federated User Groups (global)') && (!checkUserHasPerm('Manage Federated User Groups (affiliation only)') || $usergroups[$groupid]['groupaffiliationid'] != $user['affiliationid'])) { print "<h2>Edit User Group</h2>\n"; print "You do not have access to modify the selected user group.\n"; return; } else { $isowner = 1; } } elseif (!array_key_exists("editgroupid", $usergroups[$groupid]) || !array_key_exists($usergroups[$groupid]["editgroupid"], $user["groups"])) { print "<h2>Edit User Group</h2>\n"; print "You do not have access to modify the selected user group.\n"; return; } } else { $isowner = 1; } } else { $userresources = getUserResources(array("groupAdmin"), array("manageGroup"), 1); $noaccess = 1; foreach (array_keys($userresources) as $rtype) { if (array_key_exists($groupid, $userresources[$rtype])) { $noaccess = 0; break; } } if ($noaccess) { print "<h2>Edit Resource Group</h2>\n"; print "You do not have access to modify the selected resource group.\n"; return; } } } $allcustomgroups = getUserGroups(1); if ($user['showallgroups']) { $affilusergroups = $allcustomgroups; } else { $affilusergroups = getUserGroups(1, $user['affiliationid']); } $defaultusergroupid = getUserGroupID('Default for Editable by', 1); if ($type == 'resource') { $dispUserGrpIDs = array(); $dispUserGrpIDsAllAffils = array(); foreach (array_keys($allcustomgroups) as $id) { # figure out if user is owner or in editor group $owner = 0; $editor = 0; if ($allcustomgroups[$id]["ownerid"] == $user["id"]) { $owner = 1; } if (array_key_exists("editgroupid", $allcustomgroups[$id]) && array_key_exists($allcustomgroups[$id]["editgroupid"], $user["groups"])) { $editor = 1; } if (!$owner && !$editor) { continue; } if ($user['showallgroups']) { $dispUserGrpIDs[$id] = $allcustomgroups[$id]['name']; } elseif (array_key_exists($id, $affilusergroups) && $allcustomgroups[$id]['groupaffiliation'] == $user['affiliation']) { $dispUserGrpIDs[$id] = $allcustomgroups[$id]['name']; } $dispUserGrpIDsAllAffils[$id] = $allcustomgroups[$id]['name']; } } $resourcegroups = getResourceGroups(); $affils = getAffiliations(); $resourcetypes = getTypes("resources"); if ($submitErr) { $data = processGroupInput(0); if ($mode == "submitEditGroup") { $id = $data["groupid"]; if ($data["type"] == "resource") { list($grouptype, $junk) = explode('/', $resourcegroups[$id]["name"]); $ownerid = $resourcegroups[$id]["ownerid"]; } } else { if ($data["type"] == "resource") { if ($state) { $grouptype = $resourcetypes['resources'][$data['resourcetypeid']]; } else { list($grouptype, $junk) = explode('/', $resourcegroups[$data['groupid']]["name"]); } $ownerid = $data["ownergroup"]; } else { $selectAffil = getContinuationVar('selectAffil'); if (empty($selectAffil) && $user['showallgroups']) { $selectAffil = 1; } } } } else { $data["groupid"] = getContinuationVar("groupid"); $data["type"] = getContinuationVar("type"); $data["isowner"] = $isowner; if (!$state) { $id = $groupid; $data['groupid'] = $id; } else { $id = $data["groupid"]; } if ($data["type"] == "user") { if ($state) { $data["name"] = ''; $data["affiliationid"] = $user['affiliationid']; $data["owner"] = $user['unityid']; if (array_key_exists('VCLEDITGROUPID', $_COOKIE) && (array_key_exists($_COOKIE['VCLEDITGROUPID'], $affilusergroups) || $_COOKIE['VCLEDITGROUPID'] == $defaultusergroupid)) { $data["editgroupid"] = $_COOKIE['VCLEDITGROUPID']; } else { $data["editgroupid"] = $defaultusergroupid; } if (!array_key_exists($data['editgroupid'], $affilusergroups)) { if ($user['showallgroups']) { $affil = getAffiliationName(1); $affilusergroups[$data['editgroupid']]['name'] = "Default for Editable by@{$affil}"; } else { $affilusergroups[$data['editgroupid']]['name'] = 'Default for Editable by'; } } $data["initialmax"] = 240; $data["totalmax"] = 360; $data["maxextend"] = 30; $data["overlap"] = 0; $data["custom"] = 1; $data["courseroll"] = 0; $tmp = explode('@', $data['name']); $data['name'] = $tmp[0]; if ($user['showallgroups']) { $selectAffil = 1; } else { $selectAffil = 0; } } else { $data["name"] = $usergroups[$id]["name"]; $data["affiliationid"] = $usergroups[$id]["groupaffiliationid"]; $data["owner"] = $usergroups[$id]["owner"]; $data["editgroupid"] = $usergroups[$id]["editgroupid"]; $data["initialmax"] = $usergroups[$id]["initialmaxtime"]; $data["totalmax"] = $usergroups[$id]["totalmaxtime"]; $data["maxextend"] = $usergroups[$id]["maxextendtime"]; $data["overlap"] = $usergroups[$id]["overlapResCount"]; $data["custom"] = $usergroups[$id]["custom"]; $data["courseroll"] = $usergroups[$id]["courseroll"]; $tmp = explode('@', $data['name']); $data['name'] = $tmp[0]; if ($user['showallgroups'] || array_key_exists(1, $tmp) && $tmp[1] != $user['affiliation']) { $selectAffil = 1; } else { $selectAffil = 0; } } } else { unset($affilusergroups[$defaultusergroupid]); if ($state) { $grouptype = 'computer'; $data['name'] = ''; if (array_key_exists('VCLOWNERGROUPID', $_COOKIE) && array_key_exists($_COOKIE['VCLOWNERGROUPID'], $user['groups'])) { $ownerid = $_COOKIE['VCLOWNERGROUPID']; } else { $ownerid = ""; foreach (array_keys($user["groups"]) as $grpid) { if (array_key_exists($grpid, $dispUserGrpIDs)) { $ownerid = $grpid; break; } } } } else { list($grouptype, $data["name"]) = explode('/', $resourcegroups[$id]["name"]); $ownerid = $resourcegroups[$id]["ownerid"]; } } } if ($data['type'] == 'user' && !array_key_exists($defaultusergroupid, $affilusergroups)) { if ($user['showallgroups']) { $affil = getAffiliationName(1); $affilusergroups[$defaultusergroupid]['name'] = "Default for Editable by@{$affil}"; } else { $affilusergroups[$defaultusergroupid]['name'] = 'Default for Editable by'; } uasort($affilusergroups, "sortKeepIndex"); } $editusergroup = 0; if ($data['type'] != 'user') { print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "#resources\" method=post>\n"; } else { print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; } print "<DIV align=center>\n"; if ($state) { if ($data["type"] == "user") { print "<H2>Add User Group</H2>\n"; } else { print "<H2>Add Resource Group</H2>\n"; } } else { if ($data["type"] == "user") { print "<H2>Edit User Group</H2>\n"; print "{$usergroups[$data['groupid']]['name']}<br><br>\n"; if ($data['courseroll'] == 1) { print "Type: Course Roll<br><br>\n"; } elseif ($data['custom'] == 0) { print "Type: Federated<br><br>\n"; } $editusergroup = 1; } else { print "<H2>Edit Resource Group</H2>\n"; } } if ($state && $data["type"] == "user" || $data["isowner"] || $data["type"] == "resource") { print "<TABLE>\n"; if ($data["type"] == "resource") { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Type:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; if ($state && $submitErr) { $resourcetypeid = $data['resourcetypeid']; } else { $resourcetypeid = array_search($grouptype, $resourcetypes["resources"]); } if ($state) { printSelectInput("resourcetypeid", $resourcetypes["resources"], $resourcetypeid); } else { print " {$grouptype}\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD></TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } $editname = 1; if ($data['type'] == 'user' && $state == 0 && $usergroups[$groupid]['groupaffiliationid'] == 1) { $tmp = explode('@', $usergroups[$groupid]['name']); if ($tmp[0] == 'Specify End Time' || $tmp[0] == 'Allow No User Check' || $tmp[0] == 'Default for Editable by') { $editname = 0; } } if ($data['type'] == 'resource' || $editname && $data['courseroll'] == 0 && $data['custom'] == 1) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Name:</TH>\n"; print " <TD><INPUT type=text name=name value=\"{$data['name']}\" "; print "maxlength=30>"; if ($data['type'] == 'user' && $selectAffil) { print "@"; printSelectInput('affiliationid', $affils, $data['affiliationid']); } print "</TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(GRPNAMEERR); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if ($editname == 0) { print "<TR><TD colspan=2 align=\"center\">\n"; print "(This is a system group whose name cannot be modified.)\n"; print "</TD></TR>\n"; } if ($data["type"] == "user") { if ($data['courseroll'] == 0 && $data['custom'] == 1) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Owner:</TH>\n"; print " <TD><INPUT type=text name=owner value=\"" . $data["owner"]; print "\"></TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(GRPOWNER); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Editable by:</TH>\n"; print " <TD valign=\"top\">\n"; $groupwasnone = 0; if ($submitErr & EDITGROUPERR) { if ($state == 0) { $data['editgroupid'] = $usergroups[$data['groupid']]['editgroupid']; } elseif (count($affilusergroups)) { $tmp = array_keys($affilusergroups); $data['editgroupid'] = $tmp[0]; } } $notice = ''; if ($state == 0 && empty($usergroups[$data['groupid']]["editgroup"])) { $affilusergroups = array_reverse($affilusergroups, TRUE); $affilusergroups[0] = array('name' => 'None'); $affilusergroups = array_reverse($affilusergroups, TRUE); $groupwasnone = 1; $notice = "<strong>Note:</strong> You are the only person that can<br>" . "edit membership of this group. Select a<br>user group here " . "to allow members of that<br>group to edit membership of this one."; } elseif (!array_key_exists($data['editgroupid'], $affilusergroups) && $data['editgroupid'] != 0) { $affilusergroups[$data['editgroupid']] = array('name' => getUserGroupName($data['editgroupid'], 1)); uasort($affilusergroups, "sortKeepIndex"); } if ($state == 1 && $data['editgroupid'] == 0) { print "None\n"; } else { printSelectInput("editgroupid", $affilusergroups, $data["editgroupid"]); } print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; if ($submitErr & EDITGROUPERR) { printSubmitErr(EDITGROUPERR); } else { print $notice; } print "</TD>"; print " </TR>\n"; } else { $groupwasnone = 1; } print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Initial Max Time:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>"; $lengths = getReservationLengths(65535); if (!array_key_exists($data['initialmax'], $lengths)) { $data['initialmax'] = getReservationLengthCeiling($data['initialmax']); } printSelectInput("initialmax", $lengths, $data['initialmax']); print " </TD>"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(INITIALMAXERR); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Total Max Time:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>"; if (!array_key_exists($data['totalmax'], $lengths)) { $data['totalmax'] = getReservationLengthCeiling($data['totalmax']); } printSelectInput("totalmax", $lengths, $data['totalmax']); print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(TOTALMAXERR); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Max Extend Time:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>"; if (!array_key_exists($data['maxextend'], $lengths)) { $data['maxextend'] = getReservationLengthCeiling($data['maxextend']); } printSelectInput("maxextend", $lengths, $data['maxextend']); print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(MAXEXTENDERR); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; if (checkUserHasPerm('Set Overlapping Reservation Count')) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Max Overlapping Reservations:</TH>\n"; print " <TD><INPUT type=text name=overlap value=\""; print $data["overlap"] . "\" maxlength=4></TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; printSubmitErr(MAXOVERLAPERR); print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } } else { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Owning User Group:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; if ($submitErr & EDITGROUPERR) { $ownerid = $resourcegroups[$groupid]['ownerid']; } if ($state == 0 && $ownerid != '' && !array_key_exists($ownerid, $dispUserGrpIDs)) { $dispUserGrpIDs[$ownerid] = $usergroups[$ownerid]['name']; uasort($dispUserGrpIDs, "sortKeepIndex"); } if (!empty($dispUserGrpIDs)) { printSelectInput("ownergroup", $dispUserGrpIDs, $ownerid); } else { printSelectInput("ownergroup", $dispUserGrpIDsAllAffils, $ownerid); } print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; if ($submitErr & EDITGROUPERR) { printSubmitErr(EDITGROUPERR); } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } print "</TABLE>\n"; print "<TABLE>\n"; print " <TR valign=top>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; if ($state) { $cdata = array('type' => $data['type']); if ($data['type'] == 'user') { $cdata['isowner'] = $data['isowner']; if ($data['editgroupid'] == 0) { $cdata['editgroupid'] = 0; $cdata['groupwasnone'] = 1; } $cdata['editgroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($affilusergroups)); } else { if (!empty($dispUserGrpIDs)) { $cdata['ownergroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($dispUserGrpIDs)); } else { $cdata['ownergroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($dispUserGrpIDsAllAffils)); } } $cont = addContinuationsEntry('submitAddGroup', $cdata); print " <INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print " <INPUT type=submit value=\"Add Group\">\n"; } else { $cdata = array('type' => $data['type'], 'groupid' => $data['groupid'], 'isowner' => $data['isowner'], 'editname' => $editname); if ($data['type'] == 'resource') { $cdata['resourcetypeid'] = $resourcetypeid; if (!empty($dispUserGrpIDs)) { $cdata['ownergroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($dispUserGrpIDs)); } else { $cdata['ownergroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($dispUserGrpIDsAllAffils)); } } else { if ($data['courseroll'] == 1 || $data['custom'] == 0 || $editname == 0) { $cdata['name'] = $data['name']; $cdata['affiliationid'] = $data['affiliationid']; } $cdata['selectAffil'] = $selectAffil; $cdata['groupwasnone'] = $groupwasnone; $cdata['custom'] = $data['custom']; $cdata['courseroll'] = $data['courseroll']; $cdata['editgroupids'] = implode(',', array_keys($affilusergroups)); } $cont = addContinuationsEntry('confirmEditGroup', $cdata); print " <INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print " <INPUT type=submit value=\"Confirm Changes\">\n"; } print " </FORM>\n"; print " </TD>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; print " <FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; print " <INPUT type=hidden name=mode value=viewGroups>\n"; print " <INPUT type=submit value=Cancel>\n"; print " </FORM>\n"; print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; } if ($data["type"] != "user") { print "</DIV>\n"; return; } if ($editusergroup) { $newuser = processInputVar("newuser", ARG_STRING); print "<H3>Group Membership</H3>\n"; if ($mode == "addGroupUser" && !($submitErr & IDNAMEERR)) { print "<font color=\"#008000\">{$newuser} successfully added to group"; print "</font><br><br>\n"; } if ($mode == "deleteGroupUser") { print "<font color=\"#008000\">{$newuser} successfully deleted from "; print "group</font><br><br>\n"; } $groupmembers = getUserGroupMembers($data["groupid"]); $edit = 1; if ($data['courseroll'] == 1 || $data['custom'] == 0) { $edit = 0; } if (empty($groupmembers) && !$edit) { print "(empty group)<br>\n"; } print "<TABLE border=1>\n"; if ($edit) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; print " <TD align=right><INPUT type=submit value=Add></TD>\n"; print " <TD><INPUT type=text name=newuser maxlength=80 size=40 "; if ($submitErr & IDNAMEERR) { print "value=\"{$newuser}\"></TD>\n"; } else { print "></TD>\n"; } if ($submitErr) { print " <TD>\n"; printSubmitErr(IDNAMEERR); print " </TD>\n"; } $cont = addContinuationsEntry('addGroupUser', $data); print " <INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print " </FORM>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } foreach ($groupmembers as $id => $login) { print " <TR>\n"; if ($edit) { print " <TD>\n"; print " <FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; print " <INPUT type=submit value=Delete>\n"; $data['userid'] = $id; $data['newuser'] = $login; $cont = addContinuationsEntry('deleteGroupUser', $data); print " <INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print " </FORM>\n"; print " </TD>\n"; } print " <TD>{$login}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } print "</TABLE>\n"; } print "</DIV>\n"; }
function updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid) { global $authMechs; $userData = getLDAPUserData($authtype, $userid); if (is_null($userData)) { return NULL; } $affilid = $authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']; $now = unixToDatetime(time()); // select desired data from db $query = "SELECT AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "af.shibonly, " . "u.emailnotices, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "adminlevel a, " . "affiliation af " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . " = {$affilid} AND "; if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) { $query .= "u.uid = " . $userData["numericid"]; } else { $query .= "u.unityid = '{$userid}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid}"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 255); // if get a row // update db // update results from select if ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $user["unityid"] = $userid; $user["firstname"] = $userData['first']; $user["lastname"] = $userData["last"]; $user["email"] = $userData["email"]; $user["lastupdated"] = $now; $query = "UPDATE user " . "SET unityid = '{$userid}', " . "firstname = '{$userData['first']}', " . "lastname = '{$userData['last']}', " . "email = '{$userData['email']}', " . "lastupdated = '{$now}' "; if (array_key_exists('numericid', $userData) && is_numeric($userData['numericid'])) { $query .= "WHERE uid = " . $userData["numericid"]; } else { $query .= "WHERE unityid = '{$userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}"; } doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1); } else { // call addLDAPUser $id = addLDAPUser($authtype, $userid); $query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, " . "u.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "u.firstname AS firstname, " . "u.lastname AS lastname, " . "u.preferredname AS preferredname, " . " AS email, " . " AS IMtype, " . "u.IMid AS IMid, " . "u.uid AS uid, " . " AS id, " . " AS adminlevel, " . " AS adminlevelid, " . "u.width AS width, " . "u.height AS height, " . "u.bpp AS bpp, " . "u.audiomode AS audiomode, " . "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, " . "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, " . "u.mapserial AS mapserial, " . "u.showallgroups, " . "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated " . "FROM user u, " . "IMtype i, " . "affiliation af, " . "adminlevel a " . "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND " . "u.adminlevelid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . " = {$id}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (!($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) { return NULL; } } // TODO handle generic updating of groups switch (getAffiliationName($affilid)) { case 'EXAMPLE1': updateEXAMPLE1Groups($user); break; default: //TODO possibly add to a default group } $user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1); $user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]); $user['login'] = $user['unityid']; return $user; }
function ldapLogin($authtype, $userid, $passwd) { global $HTMLheader, $printedHTMLheader, $authMechs, $phpVer; $ds = ldap_connect("ldaps://{$authMechs[$authtype]['server']}/"); if (!$ds) { print $HTMLheader; $printedHTMLheader = 1; selectAuth(); return; } ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); /*if($authtype == 'EXAMPLE1 LDAP') { # in this case, we have to look up what part of the tree the user is in # before we can actually look up the user $auth = $authMechs[$authtype]; $res = ldap_bind($ds, $auth['masterlogin'], $auth['masterpwd']); if(! $res) { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $search = ldap_search($ds, $auth['binddn'], "cn=$userid", array('dn'), 0, 3, 15); if($search) { $tmpdata = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if(! $tmpdata['count'] || ! array_key_exists('dn', $tmpdata[0])) { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $ldapuser = $tmpdata[0]['dn']; } else { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } } elseif($authtype == 'EXAMPLE2 LDAP') { # this is similar to EXAMPLE1, but here we do an anonymous bind $auth = $authMechs[$authtype]; $res = ldap_bind($ds); if(! $res) { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $search = ldap_search($ds, $auth['binddn'], "uid=$userid", array('dn'), 0, 3, 15); if($search) { $tmpdata = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search); if(! $tmpdata['count'] || ! array_key_exists('dn', $tmpdata[0])) { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } $ldapuser = $tmpdata[0]['dn']; } else { printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } } else*/ $ldapuser = sprintf($authMechs[$authtype]['userid'], $userid); $res = ldap_bind($ds, $ldapuser, $passwd); if (!$res) { // login failed printLoginPageWithSkin($authtype); return; } else { // see if user in our db $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '{$userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (!mysql_num_rows($qh)) { // if not, add user $newid = updateLDAPUser($authtype, $userid); if (is_null($newid)) { abort(8); } } // get cookie data $cookie = getAuthCookieData("{$userid}@" . getAffiliationName($authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid'])); // set cookie if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2", ">=") == true) { setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0, 1); } else { setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0); } # set skin cookie based on affiliation /*if(getAffiliationName($authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']) == 'EXAMPLE1') setcookie("VCLSKIN", "EXAMPLE1", (time() + (SECINDAY * 31)), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); elseif(getAffiliationName($authMechs[$authtype]['affiliationid']) == 'EXAMPLE2') setcookie("VCLSKIN", "EXAMPLE2", (time() + (SECINDAY * 31)), "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); else*/ setcookie("VCLSKIN", "DEFAULT", time() + SECINDAY * 31, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN); // redirect to main page header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT); dbDisconnect(); exit; } }
function userLookup() { global $user; $userid = processInputVar("userid", ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $userid = stripslashes($userid); } $affilid = processInputVar('affiliationid', ARG_NUMERIC, $user['affiliationid']); $force = processInputVar('force', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); print "<div align=center>\n"; print "<H2>User Lookup</H2>\n"; print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; print "<TABLE>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH>Name (last, first) or User ID:</TH>\n"; print " <TD><INPUT type=text name=userid value=\"{$userid}\" size=25></TD>\n"; if (checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)')) { $affils = getAffiliations(); print " <TD>\n"; print "@"; printSelectInput("affiliationid", $affils, $affilid); print " </TD>\n"; } print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TD colspan=2>\n"; print " <input type=checkbox id=force name=force value=1>\n"; print " <label for=force>Attempt forcing an update from LDAP (User ID only)</label>\n"; print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TD colspan=3 align=center><INPUT type=submit value=Submit>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; $cont = addContinuationsEntry('submitUserLookup'); print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print "</FORM><br>\n"; if (!empty($userid)) { $esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); if (preg_match('/,/', $userid)) { $mode = 'name'; $force = 0; } else { $mode = 'userid'; } if (!checkUserHasPerm('User Lookup (global)') && $user['affiliationid'] != $affilid) { print "<font color=red>{$userid} not found</font><br>\n"; return; } if ($mode == 'userid') { $query = "SELECT id " . "FROM user " . "WHERE unityid = '{$esc_userid}' AND " . "affiliationid = {$affilid}"; $affilname = getAffiliationName($affilid); $userid = "{$userid}@{$affilname}"; $esc_userid = "{$esc_userid}@{$affilname}"; } else { $tmp = explode(',', $userid); $last = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($tmp[0])); $first = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($tmp[1])); $query = "SELECT CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', AS unityid " . "FROM user u, " . "affiliation a " . "WHERE u.firstname = '{$first}' AND " . "u.lastname = '{$last}' AND " . "u.affiliationid = {$affilid} AND " . " = {$affilid}"; } $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (!mysql_num_rows($qh)) { if ($mode == 'name') { print "<font color=red>User not found</font><br>\n"; return; } else { print "<font color=red>{$userid} not currently found in VCL user database, will try to add...</font><br>\n"; } } elseif ($force) { $_SESSION['userresources'] = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); $newtime = unixToDatetime(time() - SECINDAY - 5); $query = "UPDATE user SET lastupdated = '{$newtime}' WHERE id = {$row['id']}"; doQuery($query, 101); } elseif ($mode == 'name') { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh); $userid = $row['unityid']; $esc_userid = $row['unityid']; } $userdata = getUserInfo($esc_userid); if (is_null($userdata)) { $userdata = getUserInfo($esc_userid, 1); if (is_null($userdata)) { print "<font color=red>{$userid} not found</font><br>\n"; return; } } $userdata["groups"] = getUsersGroups($userdata["id"], 1, 1); print "<TABLE>\n"; if (!empty($userdata['unityid'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>User ID:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["unityid"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if (!empty($userdata['firstname'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>First Name:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["firstname"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if (!empty($userdata['lastname'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Last Name:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["lastname"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if (!empty($userdata['preferredname'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Preferred Name:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["preferredname"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if (!empty($userdata['affiliation'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Affiliation:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["affiliation"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } if (!empty($userdata['email'])) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Email:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>{$userdata["email"]}</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">Groups:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; uasort($userdata["groups"], "sortKeepIndex"); foreach ($userdata["groups"] as $group) { print " {$group}<br>\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">User Group Permissions:</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; if (count($userdata['groupperms'])) { foreach ($userdata['groupperms'] as $perm) { print " {$perm}<br>\n"; } } else { print " No additional user group permissions\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right style=\"vertical-align: top\">Privileges (found somewhere in the tree):</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; uasort($userdata["privileges"], "sortKeepIndex"); foreach ($userdata["privileges"] as $priv) { if ($priv == "block" || $priv == "cascade") { continue; } print " {$priv}<br>\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; # get user's resources $userResources = getUserResources(array("imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0, $userdata['id']); # find nodes where user has privileges $query = "SELECT AS privnode, " . " AS userprivtype, " . "up.privnodeid " . "FROM userpriv up, " . "privnode p, " . "userprivtype upt " . "WHERE up.privnodeid = AND " . "up.userprivtypeid = AND " . "up.userid = {$userdata['id']} " . "ORDER BY, " . ""; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { print "Nodes where user is granted privileges:<br>\n"; print "<TABLE>\n"; $privnodeid = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if ($privnodeid != $row['privnodeid']) { if ($privnodeid) { print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } print " <TR>\n"; $privnodeid = $row['privnodeid']; $path = getNodePath($privnodeid); print " <TH align=right>{$path}</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; } print " {$row['userprivtype']}<br>\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; } # find nodes where user's groups have privileges if (!empty($userdata['groups'])) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT AS privnode, " . " AS userprivtype, " . "up.privnodeid " . "FROM userpriv up, " . "privnode p, " . "userprivtype upt " . "WHERE up.privnodeid = AND " . "up.userprivtypeid = AND " . " != 'cascade' AND " . " != 'block' AND " . "up.usergroupid IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($userdata['groups'])) . ") " . "ORDER BY, " . ""; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { print "Nodes where user's groups are granted privileges:<br>\n"; print "<TABLE>\n"; $privnodeid = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { if ($privnodeid != $row['privnodeid']) { if ($privnodeid) { print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; } print " <TR>\n"; $privnodeid = $row['privnodeid']; $path = getNodePath($privnodeid); print " <TH align=right>{$path}</TH>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; } print " {$row['userprivtype']}<br>\n"; } print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; } } print "<table>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th>Images User Has Access To:<th>\n"; print " <td>\n"; foreach ($userResources['image'] as $img) { print " {$img}<br>\n"; } print " </td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print "</table>\n"; # login history $query = "SELECT authmech, " . "timestamp, " . "passfail, " . "remoteIP, " . "code " . "FROM loginlog " . "WHERE (user = '******'unityid']}' OR " . "user = '******'unityid']}@{$userdata['affiliation']}') AND " . "affiliationid = {$userdata['affiliationid']} " . "ORDER BY timestamp DESC " . "LIMIT 8"; $logins = array(); $qh = doQuery($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $logins[] = $row; } if (count($logins)) { $logins = array_reverse($logins); print "<h3>Login History (last 8 attempts)</h3>\n"; print "<table summary=\"login attempts\">\n"; print "<colgroup>\n"; print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n"; print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n"; print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n"; print "<col class=\"logincol\" />\n"; print "<col />\n"; print "</colgroup>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th>Authentication Method</th>\n"; print " <th>Timestamp</th>\n"; print " <th>Result</th>\n"; print " <th>Remote IP</th>\n"; print " <th>Extra Info</th>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; foreach ($logins as $login) { print " <tr>\n"; print " <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['authmech']}</td>\n"; $ts = prettyDatetime($login['timestamp'], 1); print " <td class=\"logincell\">{$ts}</td>\n"; if ($login['passfail']) { print " <td class=\"logincell\"><font color=\"#008000\">Pass</font></td>\n"; } else { print " <td class=\"logincell\"><font color=\"red\">Fail</font></td>\n"; } print " <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['remoteIP']}</td>\n"; print " <td class=\"logincell\">{$login['code']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } else { print "<h3>Login History</h3>\n"; print "There are no login attempts by this user.<br>\n"; } # reservation history $requests = array(); $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(l.start, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS start, " . "DATE_FORMAT(l.finalend, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS end, " . "c.hostname, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "s.IPaddress, " . "l.ending " . "FROM log l, " . "image i, " . "computer c, " . "sublog s " . "WHERE l.userid = {$userdata['id']} AND " . "s.logid = AND " . " = s.imageid AND " . " = s.computerid " . "ORDER BY l.start DESC " . "LIMIT 5"; $qh = doQuery($query, 290); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($requests, $row); } $requests = array_reverse($requests); if (!empty($requests)) { print "<h3>User's last " . count($requests) . " reservations:</h3>\n"; print "<table>\n"; $first = 1; foreach ($requests as $req) { if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { print " <tr>\n"; print " <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Image:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['prettyimage']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Computer:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['hostname']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Start:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['start']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>End:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['end']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; if ($req['IPaddress'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>IP Address:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['IPaddress']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Ending:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['ending']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } else { print "User made no reservations in the past week.<br>\n"; } # current reservations $requests = array(); $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(rq.start, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS start, " . "DATE_FORMAT(rq.end, '%W, %b %D, %Y, %h:%i %p') AS end, " . " AS requestid, " . "MIN( AS reservationid, " . "c.hostname AS computer, " . "i.prettyname AS prettyimage, " . "c.IPaddress AS compIP, " . "rs.remoteIP AS userIP, " . "ch.hostname AS vmhost, " . "mn.hostname AS managementnode, " . " AS servername, " . " AS admingroup, " . " AS logingroup, " . " AS state, " . " AS laststate " . "FROM image i, " . "managementnode mn, " . "request rq " . "LEFT JOIN reservation rs ON (rs.requestid = " . "LEFT JOIN computer c ON (rs.computerid = " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh ON (c.vmhostid = " . "LEFT JOIN computer ch ON (vh.computerid = " . "LEFT JOIN serverrequest srq ON (srq.requestid = " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup aug ON ( = srq.admingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN usergroup lug ON ( = srq.logingroupid) " . "LEFT JOIN state s1 ON ( = rq.stateid) " . "LEFT JOIN state s2 ON ( = rq.laststateid) " . "WHERE rq.userid = {$userdata['id']} AND " . " = rs.imageid AND " . " = rs.managementnodeid " . "GROUP BY " . "ORDER BY rq.start"; $qh = doQuery($query, 290); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { array_push($requests, $row); } $requests = array_reverse($requests); if (!empty($requests)) { print "<h3>User's current reservations:</h3>\n"; print "<table>\n"; $first = 1; foreach ($requests as $req) { if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { print " <tr>\n"; print " <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Request ID:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['requestid']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; if ($req['servername'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Reservation Name:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['servername']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Image:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['prettyimage']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>State:</th>\n"; if ($req['state'] == 'pending') { print " <td>{$req['laststate']}</td>\n"; } else { print " <td>{$req['state']}</td>\n"; } print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Computer:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['computer']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; if (!empty($req['vmhost'])) { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>VM Host:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['vmhost']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Start:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['start']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>End:</th>\n"; if ($req['end'] == 'Friday, Jan 1st, 2038, 12:00 AM') { print " <td>(indefinite)</td>\n"; } else { print " <td>{$req['end']}</td>\n"; } print " </tr>\n"; if ($req['compIP'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Node's IP Address:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['compIP']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } if ($req['userIP'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>User's IP Address:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['userIP']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } if ($req['admingroup'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Admin Group:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['admingroup']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } if ($req['logingroup'] != '') { print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Access Group:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['logingroup']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print " <tr>\n"; print " <th align=right>Management Node:</th>\n"; print " <td>{$req['managementnode']}</td>\n"; print " </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } else { print "User does not have any current reservations.<br>\n"; } } print "</div>\n"; }