/** * Create a new Message in the default thread for the runid * @param $usertoken the ARLearn user token to append to the app key when sending the onBehalfOf token (as created with function createARLearnUserToken) * @param $runId the ARLearn runId * @param $message_content the message content * @return false, if the attempt failed, else the response data from the ARLearn service call (will be a json string). */ function createARLearnDefaultThreadMessage($usertoken, $runId, $message_content) { $threadId = getARLearnRunDefaultThreadId($usertoken, $runId); if ($threadId != false) { $response = createARLearnMessage($usertoken, $runId, $threadId, $message_content); return $response; } return false; }
function wespot_msg_get_default_thread_id($group_guid) { elgg_load_library('elgg:wespot_arlearnservices'); elgg_load_library('elgg:wespot_arlearnmsgservices'); if (!($game = wespot_msg_get_game($group_guid))) { return false; } $group = get_entity($group_guid); $runId = $game->arlearn_runid; $owner_guid = $group->owner_guid; $ownerprovider = elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('provider', $owner_guid, 'elgg_social_login'); $owneroauth = str_replace("{$ownerprovider}_", '', elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('uid', $owner_guid, 'elgg_social_login')); $usertoken = createARLearnUserToken($ownerprovider, $owneroauth); if (isset($usertoken) && $usertoken != "") { return getARLearnRunDefaultThreadId($usertoken, $runId); } return false; }