예제 #1
 * The geodirectory listing slider shortcode.
 * This implements the functionality of the shortcode for displaying listing slider.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @param array $atts {
 *     Attributes of the shortcode.
 *     @type string $animation              Controls the animation type, "fade" or "slide". Default. slide.
 *     @type int    $animation_loop         Gives the slider a seamless infinite loop. Default. 0.
 *     @type int    $animation_speed        Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds. Default. 600.
 *     @type string $category               Filter by term. Can be any valid term. Default. 0.
 *     @type int    $direction_nav          Enable previous/next arrow navigation?. Can be 1 or 0. Default. 0.
 *     @type string $order_by               Order by filter. Default. latest.
 *     @type string $post_number            Number of listings to display. Default. 5.
 *     @type string $post_type              Post type of listing. Default. gd_place.
 *     @type string $show_featured_only     Do you want to display only featured losting? Can be 1 or 0. Default. Empty.
 *     @type string $show_title             Do you want to display title? Can be 1 or 0. Default. Empty.
 *     @type string $slideshow              Setup a slideshow for the slider to animate automatically. Default. 0.
 *     @type int    $slideshow_speed        Set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds. Default. 5000.
 *     @type string $title                  Slider title. Default. Empty.
 * }
 * @return string Slider HTML.
function geodir_sc_listing_slider($atts)
    $defaults = array('post_type' => 'gd_place', 'category' => '0', 'post_number' => '5', 'slideshow' => '0', 'animation_loop' => 0, 'direction_nav' => 0, 'slideshow_speed' => 5000, 'animation_speed' => 600, 'animation' => 'slide', 'order_by' => 'latest', 'show_title' => '', 'show_featured_only' => '', 'title' => '');
    $params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
     * Now we begin the validation of the attributes.
    // Check we have a valid post_type
    if (!gdsc_is_post_type_valid($params['post_type'])) {
        $params['post_type'] = 'gd_place';
    // Check we have a valid sort_order
    $params['order_by'] = gdsc_validate_sort_choice($params['order_by']);
    // Match the chosen animation to our options
    $animation_list = array('slide', 'fade');
    if (!in_array($params['animation'], $animation_list)) {
        $params['animation'] = 'slide';
    // Post_number needs to be a positive integer
    $params['post_number'] = absint($params['post_number']);
    if (0 == $params['post_number']) {
        $params['post_number'] = 1;
    // Manage the entered categories
    if (0 != $params['category'] || '' != $params['category']) {
        $params['category'] = gdsc_manage_category_choice($params['post_type'], $params['category']);
    // Convert show_title to a bool
    $params['show_title'] = intval(gdsc_to_bool_val($params['show_title']));
    // Convert show_featured_only to a bool
    $params['show_featured_only'] = intval(gdsc_to_bool_val($params['show_featured_only']));
     * Hopefully all attributes are now valid, and safe to pass forward
    // redeclare vars after validation
    if (isset($params['direction_nav'])) {
        $params['directionNav'] = $params['direction_nav'];
    if (isset($params['animation_loop'])) {
        $params['animationLoop'] = $params['animation_loop'];
    if (isset($params['slideshow_speed'])) {
        $params['slideshowSpeed'] = $params['slideshow_speed'];
    if (isset($params['animation_speed'])) {
        $params['animationSpeed'] = $params['animation_speed'];
    if (isset($params['order_by'])) {
        $params['list_sort'] = $params['order_by'];
    $query_args = array('post_number' => $params['post_number'], 'is_geodir_loop' => true, 'post_type' => $params['post_type'], 'order_by' => $params['order_by']);
    if (1 == $params['show_featured_only']) {
        $query_args['show_featured_only'] = 1;
    if (0 != $params['category'] && '' != $params['category']) {
        $category_taxonomy = geodir_get_taxonomies($params['post_type']);
        $tax_query = array('taxonomy' => $category_taxonomy[0], 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $params['category']);
        $query_args['tax_query'] = array($tax_query);
    $defaults = array('before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'after_title' => '');
    $query_args = array_merge($query_args, $params);
    geodir_listing_slider_widget_output($defaults, $query_args);
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;
  * Front-end display content for listing slider widget.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @since 1.5.1 Declare function public.
  * @param array $args     Widget arguments.
  * @param array $instance Saved values from database.
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     geodir_listing_slider_widget_output($args, $instance);