예제 #1
             $nickname = "";
         if (!isset($email)) {
             $email = "";
         echo "<tr BGCOLOR=\"{$farbe_tabelle_kopf}\"><td>" . $t['pwneu2'] . "</td><td><input name=\"nickname\" width=50 value=\"{$nickname}\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr BGCOLOR=\"{$farbe_tabelle_kopf}\"><td>" . $t['pwneu3'] . "</td><td><input name=\"email\" width=50 value=\"{$email}\"></td></tr>\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=\"http_host\" value=\"{$http_host}\">\n" . "<input type=hidden name=\"aktion\" value=\"passwort_neu\">\n" . "<tr BGCOLOR=\"{$farbe_tabelle_kopf}\"><td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"Absenden\"></td></tr>\n" . "</form></table>";
 } else {
     if ($richtig && $u_id) {
         $query = "SELECT u_adminemail, u_nick FROM user WHERE u_id = '{$u_id}' AND u_level = 'U' LIMIT 2";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         if ($result && mysql_numrows($result) == 1) {
             $a = mysql_fetch_array($result);
             $pwdneu = genpassword(8);
             $f['u_passwort'] = $pwdneu;
             $f['u_id'] = $u_id;
             $text = str_replace("%passwort%", $f['u_passwort'], $t['pwneu15']);
             $text = str_replace("%nickname%", $a['u_nick'], $text);
             $ok = mail($a['u_adminemail'], $t['pwneu14'], $text, "From: {$webmaster} ({$chat})");
             if ($ok) {
                 echo $t['pwneu12'];
                 schreibe_db("user", $f, $f['u_id'], "u_id");
             } else {
                 echo $t['pwneu13'];
* send_remindpass
* sends an e-mail to the user with new generated password or
* if errors occurred then saves errors to the $site->fdat['form_error'] array.
* Requires: GET/POST parameter "op2" must be "send", is step 2 after #remind password# form
* @package CMS
* usage:	include_once($class_path."login_html.inc.php");
*			send_remindpass(array("site" => $this));
function send_remindpass() {
	$args = func_get_arg(0);
	$site = &$args['site']; # pointer to site instance
	# check if feature is allowed: 
	if(!$site->CONF['allow_forgot_password']){ return; }

	if($site->fdat['op2'] == 'send') {

	##### emaili formaadi kontroll
	if (!preg_match("/^[\w\-\&\.\d]+\@[\w\-\&\.\d]+$/", $site->fdat['email'])) {
		$op2_status = "error";
		$site->fdat['form_error']['email'] = $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "wrong email format", tyyp=>"kasutaja"));
	#### if no errors
	if ($op2_status != "error") {

		###### check if user exists
		$sql = $site->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, firstname,lastname,username,email,is_readonly FROM users WHERE email LIKE ? ", $site->fdat['email']);
#		print $sql;
		$sth = new SQL($sql);
		$user = $sth->fetch();	
#		printr($user);
#		exit;

		##### exactly 1 user found => OK
		if ($sth->rows == 1 && $user['is_readonly']!=1) {
			# data sanity: if account info exists => OK
			######## always GENERATE NEW PASSWORD
			$new_pass = genpassword(8); # length 8 char
			# then encrypt password
			$enc_new_pass = crypt($new_pass, Chr(rand(65,91)).Chr(rand(65,91)));
			########## CHANGE password
			$sql = $site->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET password=? WHERE user_id=? ", $enc_new_pass, $user['user_id']);
#			print $sql;
			$sth = new SQL($sql);		

			########## SEND email
			$header = "<br>";
			$footer = "<br>____________________________________<br>
			".(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://').$site->CONF["hostname"].$site->CONF["wwwroot"]."/";

			$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
			$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=".$site->encoding."\r\n";
			$headers .= "From: ".$site->CONF["from_email"]."\r\n";

$message .= "
".$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Name", tyyp=>"Admin")).": ".$user['firstname']." ".$user['lastname']."<br>
".$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Username", tyyp=>"Admin")).": ".$user['username']."<br>
".$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Password", tyyp=>"Admin")).": ".$new_pass."<br>

$message .= '<br>'.$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "forgotten password: mail body", tyyp=>"kasutaja")).'<br>';

			global $class_path;

			$mail = new email(array(
		  		'subject' => $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'unustatud parool: subject', 'tyyp' => 'kasutaja')),
		  		'message' => strip_tags($header.$message.$footer),
		  		'html' => $header.$message.$footer,
		  		'charset' => $site->encoding,
		  	$send_status = $mail->send_mail(array(
		  		'to' => $user['email'],
		  		'from' => $site->CONF['from_email'],

			//$send_status = mail ($user['email'],$site->sys_sona(array(sona => "unustatud parool: subject", tyyp=>"kasutaja")), $header.$message.$footer, $headers);

			######## MAIL OK
			if ($send_status) { 
				new Log(array(
					'action' => 'send',
					'component' => 'Users',
					'message' => "Password reminder: e-mail sent to '".$user['email']."'.",
				$op2_status = "ok";			
			######## MAIL ERROR
			else  { 
				new Log(array(
					'action' => 'send',
					'component' => 'Users',
					'type' => 'ERROR',
					'message' => "Password reminder error: can't send e-mail to '".$user['email']."'.",
				$op2_status = "error";
				$site->fdat['form_error']['email'] = $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "viga", tyyp=>"kujundus"));			

			} # if account info exists
			# if no username found => error
			else {
				new Log(array(
					'action' => 'send',
					'component' => 'Users',
					'type' => 'ERROR',
					'message' => "Password reminder error: user with e-mail '".$site->fdat['email']."' doesn't have username.",
				$op2_status = "error";
				$site->fdat['form_error']['email'] = $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "email not found", tyyp=>"kasutaja"));	
		} # exactly 1 user found 
		else {
				# 0) the User is flagged is_readonly => write log message
					new Log(array(
						'action' => 'send',
						'component' => 'Users',
						'type' => 'ERROR',
						'message' => "Password reminder error: the email '".$site->fdat['email']."' belongs to a is_readonly flagged user, so no password was sent.",
				# 1) if more than 1 users found => write log message
				if($sth->rows > 1) { 
					new Log(array(
						'action' => 'send',
						'component' => 'Users',
						'type' => 'ERROR',
						'message' => "Password reminder error: more than 1 user found with  e-mail '".$site->fdat['email']."'.",
				# 2) if no users found => write log message and give error message
				else {
					new Log(array(
						'action' => 'send',
						'component' => 'Users',
						'type' => 'ERROR',
						'message' => "Password reminder error: no user found with e-mail '".$site->fdat['email']."'.",
			$op2_status = "error";
			$site->fdat['form_error']['email'] = $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "email not found", tyyp=>"kasutaja"));	
		} # how many users found
	} # email is ok
	} # op2
	# / STEP 2 => SEND

	return $site->fdat['form_error'];
예제 #3
            if ($rs === false) {
                echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>Data not added - a database error occured while saving your data</td>\n<tr>";
            } else {
                if ($rs->RecordCount() > 0) {
                    echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>Data not added - UserID-Expression already exists</td>\n<tr>";
                } else {
                    if ($userid == 'public') {
                        echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>Data not added - you cannot use 'public' as UserID</td>\n<tr>";
                    } else {
                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $db_prefix . "user_auth VALUES(" . $db->qstr($userid) . "," . $db->qstr($authtype) . "," . $db->qstr($admin) . "," . $db->qstr($editor) . "," . $db->qstr($addimages) . "," . $db->qstr($usegroups) . "," . $db->qstr($editgroups) . "," . $db->qstr($active) . ")";
                        $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
                        if ($rs === false) {
                            echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>Data not added - a database error occured while saving your data</td>\n<tr>";
                        if ($authtype == 'static') {
                            $randompassword = genpassword(8);
                            $pwd_hash = md5($randompassword);
                            $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $db_prefix . "user_passwd VALUES(" . $db->qstr($userid) . "," . $db->qstr($pwd_hash) . ")";
                            $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
                            if ($rs === false) {
                                echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>Data not added - a database error occured while setting the new password</td>\n<tr>";
                            echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='9'>A new static user has been created with the password '" . $randompassword . "'. You can change it with the link in the list.</td>\n<tr>";
if ($action == "delete" && $userid > -1) {
예제 #4
        // echo "Logout complete.\n";
        debug("Logout complete.\n");
        $logged_in = false;
    case 'newform':
        // Someone clicked "Create a new account", so ask them for an email address.
        // Reqtype in the form is set to 'newsubmit'.
    case 'newsubmit':
        // $reqtype == 'newsubmit'...
        // We got an email address to create an account for - create the account
        //    and tell the user to check his email.
        $user = sanitizeInput($_REQUEST['luser']);
        if (!luser_create($user, genpassword())) {
            echo "Error: Unable to create user account.\n";
        // Unrecognized reqtype.
        echo "Error: Unrecognized request type (" . $reqtype . ")\n<br>\n";
// echo "Reqtype: $reqtype\n<br>\n";
// echo "Luser: $user\n<br>\n";
// echo "Pass: $pass\n<br>\n";
    echo 'You do not have the permission to access this script.';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>


if (!isset($_GET['genpassword'])) {
} else {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['genkey']) || !isset($_GET['genpassword']) || $_SESSION['genkey'] != $_GET['genpassword']) {
        echo 'cannot refress on this page<br>';
    } else {

<br><br><b>Back to <a href="../main.php">main.</a></b>


예제 #6
파일: index.php 프로젝트: dave7y/thegamesdb
            $errormessage = 'Passwords do not match or are below the minimum required length.';
    } else {
        $errormessage = 'Username already exists.  Please try another.';
if ($function == 'Reset Password') {
    ## Get their email address and username
    $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email);
    $query = "SELECT emailaddress, username, id FROM users WHERE emailaddress='{$email}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    $db = mysql_fetch_object($result);
    ## If we found a match
    if ($db->id) {
        ## Generate a random password
        $newpass = genpassword(8);
        ## Set it in the database
        $newpass = mysql_real_escape_string($newpass);
        $query = "UPDATE users SET userpass=PASSWORD('{$newpass}') WHERE id='{$db->id}'";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
        ## Email it to the user
        $from = "TheGamesDB <{$mail_username}>";
        $host = $mail_server;
        $to = $db->username . '<' . $db->emailaddress . '>';
        $subject = "Your account information";
        $message = "This is an automated message.\n\nYour GamesDB password has been reset.\n\nHere is your new login information:\nusername: {$db->username}\npassword: {$newpass}\n\nIf you have any questions, please let us know.\n\nTheGamesDB Crew\n";
        $headers = 'From: ' . $from;
        mail($to, $subject, wordwrap($message, 70), $headers);
        $message = 'Login information has been sent.';
    } else {
        $errormessage = 'That address cannot be found.';
예제 #7
function gensalt($length)
    return genpassword($length);