예제 #1
     * Callback for displaying the What's New admin page.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public function admin()
		<div class="wrap about-wrap">

		<img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/admin/images/whats-new.png';
" class="alignright whats-new" />

        echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title());

		<div class="about-text"><?php 
        printf(__('Congratulations! You\'re now running Genesis %s.', 'genesis'), PARENT_THEME_BRANCH);

		<div class="changelog">
        _e('What&#8217;s New', 'genesis');
			<div class="feature-section">

        _e('Customizer', 'genesis');
        _e('Many of the settings you would normally find on the theme settings page can now also be found in the customizer. So, you can now adjust things like the layout, breadcrumbs, and the way your content archives, and watch the changes happen in real time.', 'genesis');

        _e('Removing Features', 'genesis');
        printf(__('For users installing Genesis for the first time on a site, we have disabled the "Primary Navigation Extras" setting. If you would like to add custom links like Twitter or RSS, just use a custom menu item and give it a CSS class of <code>right</code> and it will float right. If you wish to display the date or a search form in the navigation menu, <a href="%s" target="_blank">follow this tutorial</a>.', 'genesis'), 'http://my.studiopress.com/snippets/nav-extras');

        _e('Boring, but important', 'genesis');
        _e('We\'re always improving. Call it a sickness, but we like to make things work really, really well. Here\'s a list of the technical changes in this latest release.', 'genesis');

        _e('Support Feedblitz as a feed redirection option.', 'genesis');
        _e('Prevent unnecessary calls to update server.', 'genesis');
        _e('Fixed a breadcrumb compatibility issue with WordPress SEO.', 'genesis');
        _e('Fixed IE11 bug in layout selector.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added support for RTL in the dashboard for Genesis elements.', 'genesis');
        _e('Many other improvements and bug fixes.', 'genesis');


		<div class="project-leads">

        _e('Project Leads', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/fdbd4b13e3bcccb8b48cc18f846efb7f?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Nathan Rice" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice">Nathan Rice</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/sillygrampy"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/7b8ff059b9a4504dfbaebd4dd190466e?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Ron Rennick" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/sillygrampy">Ron Rennick</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/bgardner"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/c845c86ebe395cea0d21c03bc4a93957?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Brian Gardner" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/bgardner">Brian Gardner</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');


		<div class="contributors">

        _e('Contributors', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group" id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
        $contributors = genesis_contributors();
        foreach ($contributors as $contributor) {
            echo '<li class="wp-person">';
            printf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" class="gravatar" /></a><a class="web" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_url($contributor['gravatar']), esc_attr($contributor['name']), esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_html($contributor['name']));
            printf('<span class="title">%s</span>', __('Contributor', 'genesis'));
            echo '</li>' . "\n";


		<div class="return-to-dashboard">
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('genesis', 0));
        _e('Go to Theme Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('seo-settings', 0));
        _e('Go to SEO Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');

예제 #2
     * Callback for displaying the What's New admin page.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public function admin()
		<div class="wrap about-wrap">

		<img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/admin/images/whats-new.png';
" class="alignright whats-new" />

        echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title());

		<p class="about-text"><?php 
        _e('Genesis 2.4 focuses mainly on updating and adding inline documentation, better conforming to the WordPress code standards, and enhancing the Markup API so that most Genesis generated markup is filterable.', 'genesis');

		<div class="changelog">
			<div class="feature-section">

        _e('Added', 'genesis');
        _e('Added <code>unfiltered_or_safe_html</code> sanitizer.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added or corrected lots of inline documentation.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added <code>phpcs.xml</code> file for code standards testing.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added identifying classes to featured posts\' "More Posts" section title and list.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added <code>$wrap</code> and <code>$title</code> to the passed arguments of the <code>genesis_post_title_output</code> filter.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added new features to the Markup API, allowing for open and close arguments, passing content, and new filters.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added <code>js-superfish</code> class to all menus that support it.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added missing "to" in <code>genesis_prev_next_post_nav()</code>\'s comment header.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added new functions that handle the logic for meta and favicon markup, and amended existing output functions to use them.', 'genesis');

        _e('Changed', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed URLs for gravatars on the "What\'s New" page to use HTTPS.', 'genesis');
        _e('Corrected typo on SEO settings screen.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed Featured Post widget to use placeholder instead of default value for number of posts to show.', 'genesis');
        _e('Updated <code>CHANGELOG.md</code> with release notes going back to 1.6.0.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed CPT archive intro setting to use <code>unfiltered_or_safe_html</code> sanitizer.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed some code and all documentation to better match WordPress coding standards.', 'genesis');
        _e('Moved <code>h1</code> elements outside the form on admin settings pages.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed Featured Post entry header to display <code>&lt;header&gt;</code> wrapper even when only byline is showing.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed heading on the import/export admin page to <code>h2</code> from <code>h1</code>.', 'genesis');
        _e('Extracted XHTML from Genesis output, and added it back in with new Markup API filters if HTML5 is not supported.', 'genesis');
        _e('Moved SEO tooltips to Help tab on post editor screen.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed to use of time constants in update check transients.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed sitemap to hide Posts-related sections if the site has no Posts.', 'genesis');
        _e('Changed <code>genesis_user_meta_default_on()</code> and <code>Genesis_Admin::create()</code> to do return checks earlier.', 'genesis');
        _e('Moved <code>genesis_create_initial_layouts()</code> to the <code>genesis_setup</code> hook. Possible breaking change, in order to ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.7+.', 'genesis');

        _e('Removed', 'genesis');
        _e('Removed colons from labels on settings screens.', 'genesis');
        _e('Removed errant <code>$</code> in the URL used in the "parent theme active" admin notice.', 'genesis');
        _e('Removed unused global for Admin Readme class.', 'genesis');
        _e('Removed dead code in two post shortcode callback functions.', 'genesis');
        _e('Removed unused parameters in <code>genesis_nav_menu_link_attributes()</code>.', 'genesis');


		<div class="project-leads">

        _e('Project Leads', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice"><img src="https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/fdbd4b13e3bcccb8b48cc18f846efb7f?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Nathan Rice" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice">Nathan Rice</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/bgardner"><img src="https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/c845c86ebe395cea0d21c03bc4a93957?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Brian Gardner" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/bgardner">Brian Gardner</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');


		<div class="contributors">

        _e('Contributors', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group" id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
        $contributors = genesis_contributors();
        foreach ($contributors as $contributor) {
            echo '<li class="wp-person">';
            printf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" class="gravatar" /></a><a class="web" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_url($contributor['gravatar']), esc_attr($contributor['name']), esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_html($contributor['name']));
            printf('<span class="title">%s</span>', __('Contributor', 'genesis'));
            echo '</li>' . "\n";


		<div class="return-to-dashboard">
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('genesis', 0));
        _e('Go to Theme Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
        if (!genesis_seo_disabled()) {
<p><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(menu_page_url('seo-settings', 0));
            _e('Go to SEO Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');


예제 #3
     * Callback for displaying the What's New admin page.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public function admin()
		<div class="wrap about-wrap">

		<img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/admin/images/whats-new.png';
" class="alignright whats-new" />

        echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title());

		<div class="about-text"><?php 
        printf(__('Congratulations! You\'re now running Genesis %s.', 'genesis'), PARENT_THEME_BRANCH);

		<div class="changelog">
        _e('What&#8217;s New', 'genesis');
			<div class="feature-section">

        _e('Accessibility', 'genesis');
        _e('Child themes now have the ability to turn on accessibility features like special text for screen readers, accessible search forms, consistent page and section headings, skip links, and an accessible drop-down navigation menu.', 'genesis');

        _e('Schema.org Microdata Improvements', 'genesis');
        _e('Genesis continues to improve its implementation of Schema.org microdata in our markup, now including breadcrumb microdata.', 'genesis');

        _e('WordPress Feature Compatibility', 'genesis');
        _e('WordPress recently included support for generated title tags, as well as adding support for uploading a custom site icon, and now Genesis is compatible with both new features.', 'genesis');


		<div class="project-leads">

        _e('Project Leads', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/fdbd4b13e3bcccb8b48cc18f846efb7f?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Nathan Rice" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice">Nathan Rice</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/bgardner"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/c845c86ebe395cea0d21c03bc4a93957?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Brian Gardner" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/bgardner">Brian Gardner</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');


		<div class="contributors">

        _e('Contributors', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group" id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
        $contributors = genesis_contributors();
        foreach ($contributors as $contributor) {
            echo '<li class="wp-person">';
            printf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" class="gravatar" /></a><a class="web" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_url($contributor['gravatar']), esc_attr($contributor['name']), esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_html($contributor['name']));
            printf('<span class="title">%s</span>', __('Contributor', 'genesis'));
            echo '</li>' . "\n";


		<div class="return-to-dashboard">
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('genesis', 0));
        _e('Go to Theme Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
        if (!genesis_seo_disabled()) {
<p><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(menu_page_url('seo-settings', 0));
            _e('Go to SEO Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');


예제 #4
     * Callback for displaying the What's New admin page.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public function admin()
		<div class="wrap about-wrap">

		<img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/admin/images/whats-new.png';
" class="alignright whats-new" />

        echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title());

		<div class="about-text"><?php 
        printf(__('Congratulations! You\'re now running Genesis %s.', 'genesis'), PARENT_THEME_BRANCH);

		<div class="changelog">
        _e('What&#8217;s New', 'genesis');
			<div class="feature-section">

        _e('Occasionally, even the most mature software needs a little freshening up. Instead of focusing on big new features and large changes, we opted to go through the backlog of bug reports and enhancement suggestions. The result is a much more polished and stable Genesis Framework. Have a look at what has changed in 2.3.', 'genesis');

        _e('New and Improved', 'genesis');

        _e('A CHANGELOG.md file for the project. (yay!)', 'genesis');
        _e('Update to normalize.css 4.1.1.', 'genesis');
        _e('Update our theme tags in style.css.', 'genesis');
        _e('Improve the look of the settings screens.', 'genesis');
        _e('Pass entry image link through the markup API.', 'genesis');
        _e('Add a toolbar link to CPT archive settings when viewing a CPT archive.', 'genesis');
        _e('Add shortcodes for site title and home link.', 'genesis');
        _e('Enable after entry widget area for all post types via post type support.', 'genesis');
        _e('Hide layout selector when only one layout is supported.', 'genesis');
        _e('Use TinyMCE (visual editor) for archive intro text input.', 'genesis');
        _e('Allow foreign language characters in content limit functions.', 'genesis');
        _e('Add accessibility to the paginated post navigation.', 'genesis');
        _e('Allow adjacent single entry navigation via post type support.', 'genesis');
        _e('Added relative_depth parameter to date shortcodes.', 'genesis');

        _e('Bug Fixes', 'genesis');
        _e('Use correct class for superfish hover state.', 'genesis');
        _e('Prevent empty footer widgets markup.', 'genesis');
        _e('Prevent empty spaces in entry footer of CPTs.', 'genesis');
        _e('Prevent author shortcode from outputting empty markup when no author is assigned.', 'genesis');
        _e("Disable author box on entries where post type doesn't support author.", 'genesis');
        _e('Disable author shortcode output if author is not supported by post type.', 'genesis');
        _e('Fix issue with no sitemap when running html5 and no a11y support for 404 page.', 'genesis');
        _e('Exclude posts page from page selection dropdown in Featured Page widget.', 'genesis');


		<div class="project-leads">

        _e('Project Leads', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/fdbd4b13e3bcccb8b48cc18f846efb7f?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Nathan Rice" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice">Nathan Rice</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/bgardner"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/c845c86ebe395cea0d21c03bc4a93957?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Brian Gardner" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/bgardner">Brian Gardner</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');


		<div class="contributors">

        _e('Contributors', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group" id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
        $contributors = genesis_contributors();
        foreach ($contributors as $contributor) {
            echo '<li class="wp-person">';
            printf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" class="gravatar" /></a><a class="web" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_url($contributor['gravatar']), esc_attr($contributor['name']), esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_html($contributor['name']));
            printf('<span class="title">%s</span>', __('Contributor', 'genesis'));
            echo '</li>' . "\n";


		<div class="return-to-dashboard">
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('genesis', 0));
        _e('Go to Theme Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
        if (!genesis_seo_disabled()) {
<p><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(menu_page_url('seo-settings', 0));
            _e('Go to SEO Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');


예제 #5
     * Callback for displaying the What's New admin page.
     * @since 1.9.0
    public function admin()
		<div class="wrap about-wrap">

		<img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/admin/images/whats-new.png';
" class="alignright whats-new" />

        echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title());

		<div class="about-text"><?php 
        printf(__('Congratulations! You\'re now running Genesis %s.', 'genesis'), PARENT_THEME_BRANCH);

		<div class="changelog">
        _e('What&#8217;s New', 'genesis');
			<div class="feature-section">

        _e('HTML5 Markup', 'genesis');
        _e('Genesis has always been on the cutting edge of web technology, and Genesis 2.0 continues in that excellent tradition. With a single line of code in a child theme, Genesis will now output HTML5 markup in place of the old XHTML tags. Also, every theme we build in the future will be developed on HTML5.', 'genesis');

        _e('Microdata', 'genesis');
        printf(__('If you\'re using a theme with HTML5 enabled, Genesis will also output your markup using microdata.. Not sure what that is? We don\'t blame you. Take a look at <a href="%s" target="_blank">this explanation</a>. Still confused? Don\'t worry. That\'s why you\'re using a framework. We did all the research and modified the markup to serve search engines the Microdata they\'re looking for, so you don\'t have to. It\'s good to be a Genesis user.', 'genesis'), 'http://html5doctor.com/microdata/');

        _e('A Brand New Design', 'genesis');
        _e('Genesis is sporting a fresh new look. And we\'ve taken advantage of the new HTML5 markup, as well as some snazzy CSS3. We think you\'re gonna love this.', 'genesis');

        _e('Removing Features', 'genesis');
        _e('We want to keep Genesis as lightweight as possible for you, nobody wants to use bloated software. So we\'ve removed the Latest Tweets widget, eNews widget, the "post templates" feature, and the "fancy dropdowns" setting. But fear not! If you want those features back, click below to install the handy plugins we created for you.', 'genesis');

        echo genesis_plugin_install_link('genesis-latest-tweets', __('Genesis Latest Tweets Widget', 'genesis'));
        echo genesis_plugin_install_link('genesis-enews-extended', __('Genesis eNews Extended', 'genesis'));
        echo genesis_plugin_install_link('single-post-template', __('Single Post Template', 'genesis'));
        echo genesis_plugin_install_link('genesis-fancy-dropdowns', __('Fancy Dropdowns', 'genesis'));

        _e('Boring, but important', 'genesis');
        _e('We\'re always improving. Call it a sickness, but we like to make things work really, really well. Here\'s a list of the technical changes in this latest release.', 'genesis');

        _e('Better named loop hooks for HTML5.', 'genesis');
        _e('Network Upgrade now upgrades the Genesis database for all sites in a network when running WordPress in multisite mode.', 'genesis');
        _e('Widget classes are now coded in PHP5 format.', 'genesis');
        _e('Admin CSS and Javascript are now minified.', 'genesis');
        _e('Inline HTML comments have been removed to reduce page size.', 'genesis');
        _e('The Scripts option now has its own metabox when editing an entry.', 'genesis');
        _e('Custom Post Type archive pages now have a settings page so you can control the output.', 'genesis');
        _e('Genesis tracks displayed entry IDs so you can exclude entries from showing twice on a page.', 'genesis');
        _e('Entries without titles now display a permalink after the post content.', 'genesis');


		<div class="project-leads">

        _e('Project Leads', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/fdbd4b13e3bcccb8b48cc18f846efb7f?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Nathan Rice" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/nathanrice">Nathan Rice</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/sillygrampy"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/7b8ff059b9a4504dfbaebd4dd190466e?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Ron Rennick" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/sillygrampy">Ron Rennick</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');
			<li class="wp-person">
				<a href="http://twitter.com/bgardner"><img src="//0.gravatar.com/avatar/c845c86ebe395cea0d21c03bc4a93957?s=120" class="gravatar" alt="Brian Gardner" /></a>
				<a class="web" href="http://twitter.com/bgardner">Brian Gardner</a>
				<span class="title"><?php 
        _e('Lead Developer', 'genesis');


		<div class="contributors">

        _e('Contributors', 'genesis');

			<ul class="wp-people-group" id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
        $contributors = genesis_contributors();
        foreach ($contributors as $contributor) {
            echo '<li class="wp-person">';
            printf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" class="gravatar" /></a><a class="web" href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_url($contributor['gravatar']), esc_attr($contributor['name']), esc_url($contributor['url']), esc_html($contributor['name']));
            printf('<span class="title">%s</span>', __('Contributor', 'genesis'));
            echo '</li>' . "\n";


		<div class="return-to-dashboard">
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('genesis', 0));
        _e('Go to Theme Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
			<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(menu_page_url('seo-settings', 0));
        _e('Go to SEO Settings &rarr;', 'genesis');
