예제 #1
 public function getMessagesForTransaction($timestamp, $param)
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $trans = array();
     $data = array();
     $trans['call'] = getVar('call', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     $trans['registration'] = getVar('registration', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     $trans['rest'] = getVar('rest', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     $location = $param['location'];
     $time['from'] = getVar('from', round((microtime(true) - 300) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['to'] = getVar('to', round(microtime(true) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['from_ts'] = floor($time['from'] / 1000);
     $time['to_ts'] = round($time['to'] / 1000);
     $limit_orig = getVar('limit', 100, $param, 'int');
     $record_id = getVar('id', 0, $param['search'], 'int');
     $callids = getVar('callid', array(), $param['search'], 'array');
     $b2b = getVar('b2b', false, $param['search'], 'bool');
     $callwhere = array();
     $utils['logic_or'] = getVar('logic', false, array_key_exists('query', $param) ? $param['query'] : array(), 'bool');
     $and_or = $utils['logic_or'] ? " OR " : " AND ";
     $search = array();
     /* make array */
     $search['callid'] = implode(";", $callids);
     $callwhere = generateWhere($search, $and_or, $db, $b2b);
     $nodes = array();
     if (SINGLE_NODE == 1) {
         $nodes[] = array("dbname" => DB_HOMER, "name" => "single");
     } else {
         foreach ($lnodes as $lnd) {
             $nodes[] = $this->getNode($lnd['name']);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $limit = $limit_orig;
         $ts = $time['from_ts'];
         for ($ts = $time['from_ts']; $ts < $time['to_ts']; $ts += 86400) {
             foreach ($this->query_types as $query_type) {
                 if ($trans[$query_type]) {
                     if ($limit < 1) {
                     $order = " order by id DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
                     $table = "sip_capture_" . $query_type . "_" . gmdate("Ymd", $ts);
                     $query = "SELECT t.*, '" . $query_type . "' as trans,'" . $node['name'] . "' as dbnode, hcs.alias as source_alias, hcd.alias as destination_alias";
                     $query .= " FROM " . $table . " as t";
                     $query .= " LEFT JOIN " . DB_CONFIGURATION . ".alias as hcs ON t.source_ip=hcs.ip AND t.source_port=hcs.port";
                     $query .= " LEFT JOIN " . DB_CONFIGURATION . ".alias as hcd ON t.destination_ip=hcd.ip AND t.destination_port=hcs.port";
                     $query .= " WHERE (t.date BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['from_ts'] . ") AND FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['to_ts'] . "))";
                     if (count($callwhere)) {
                         $query .= " AND ( " . implode(" AND ", $callwhere) . ")";
                     $noderows = $db->loadObjectArray($query . $order);
                     $data = array_merge($data, $noderows);
                     $limit -= count($noderows);
     /* sorting */
     usort($data, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["micro_ts"] > $b["micro_ts"] ? 1 : -1;'));
     return $data;
예제 #2
 public function doStatisticUserAgent($timestamp, $param)
     /* auth */
     if (count($adata = $this->getLoggedIn())) {
         return $adata;
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $data = array();
     $search = array();
     $callwhere = array();
     $calldata = array();
     $arrwhere = "";
     foreach ($param['filter'] as $key => $filter) {
         $search[$key]['method'] = getVar('method', NULL, $filter, 'string');
         $search[$key]['useragent'] = getVar('useragent', NULL, $filter, 'string');
         $callwhere = generateWhere($search[$key], 1, $db, 0);
         if (count($callwhere)) {
             $calldata[] = "(" . implode(" AND ", $callwhere) . ")";
     if (count($calldata)) {
         $arrwhere = " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $calldata) . ")";
     $time['from'] = getVar('from', round((microtime(true) - 300) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['to'] = getVar('to', round(microtime(true) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['from_ts'] = intval($time['from'] / 1000);
     $time['to_ts'] = intval($time['to'] / 1000);
     $and_or = getVar('orand', NULL, $param['filter'], 'string');
     $limit = getVar('limit', 500, $param, 'int');
     $total = getVar('total', false, $param, 'bool');
     $order = "";
     if ($total) {
         $fields = "id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`from_date`) as from_ts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`to_date`) as to_ts, useragent, method, COUNT(id) as cnt, SUM(total) as total";
         $order .= " GROUP BY useragent";
     } else {
         $fields = "id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`from_date`) as from_ts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`to_date`) as to_ts, useragent, method, total";
     $order .= " order by id DESC";
     $table = "stats_useragent";
     $query = "SELECT " . $fields . " FROM " . $table . " WHERE (`to_date` BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['from_ts'] . ") AND FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['to_ts'] . "))";
     $query .= $arrwhere;
     $query .= $order;
     $data = $db->loadObjectArray($query);
     /* sorting */
     //usort($data, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["micro_ts"] > $b["micro_ts"] ? 1 : -1;'));
     $answer = array();
     if (empty($data)) {
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['message'] = 'no data';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     } else {
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['message'] = 'ok';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     return $answer;
     return $answer;
예제 #3
 public function doEditNode($param)
     /* auth */
     if (count($adata = $this->getLoggedIn())) {
         return $adata;
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $data = array();
     $search = array();
     $callwhere = array();
     $calldata = array();
     $arrwhere = "";
     $update['status'] = getVar('status', true, $param, 'bool');
     $update['host'] = getVar('host', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['dbname'] = getVar('dbname', 'homer_data', $param, 'string');
     $update['dbport'] = getVar('dbport', 3306, $param, 'int');
     $update['dbusername'] = getVar('dbusername', 'homer_user', $param, 'string');
     $update['dbpassword'] = getVar('dbpassword', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['dbtables'] = getVar('dbtables', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['name'] = getVar('name', '', $param, 'string');
     $id = getVar('id', 0, $param, 'int');
     $exten = "";
     $callwhere = generateWhere($update, 1, $db, 0);
     if (count($callwhere)) {
         $exten .= implode(", ", $callwhere);
     $table = "node";
     $query = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET " . $exten . " WHERE id=" . $id;
     $answer = $this->getNode("");
     return $answer;
예제 #4
 public function doQualityReport($id, $timestamp, $param)
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $data = array();
     $search = array();
     $lnodes = array();
     $callwhere = array();
     //if(array_key_exists('node', $param)) $lnodes = $param['node'];
     if (isset($param['location'])) {
         $lnodes = $param['location']['node'];
     $time['from'] = getVar('from', round((microtime(true) - 300) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['to'] = getVar('to', round(microtime(true) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['from_ts'] = floor($time['from'] / 1000);
     $time['to_ts'] = round($time['to'] / 1000);
     $time['from_ts'] -= 600;
     $time['to_ts'] += 60;
     /* search fields */
     $node = getVar('node', NULL, $param['search'], 'string');
     $type = getVar('type', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $proto = getVar('proto', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $family = getVar('family', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $and_or = getVar('orand', NULL, $param['search'], 'string');
     $limit_orig = getVar('limit', 100, $param, 'int');
     $callids = getVar('callid', array(), $param['search'], 'array');
     $search['correlation_id'] = implode(";", $callids);
     $answer = array();
     if (empty($callids)) {
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['message'] = 'no data';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
         return $answer;
     $nodes = array();
     if (SINGLE_NODE == 1) {
         $nodes[] = array("dbname" => DB_HOMER, "name" => "single");
     } else {
         foreach ($lnodes as $lnd) {
             $nodes[] = $this->getNode($lnd['name']);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $limit = $limit_orig;
         if (empty($callwhere)) {
             $callwhere = generateWhere($search, $and_or, $db, 0);
         for ($ts = $time['from_ts']; $ts < $time['to_ts']; $ts += 86400) {
             $table = "report_capture";
             $query = "SELECT *, '" . $node['name'] . "' as dbnode FROM " . $table . " WHERE (`date` BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['from_ts'] . ") AND FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['to_ts'] . "))";
             if (count($callwhere)) {
                 $query .= " AND ( " . implode(" AND ", $callwhere) . ")";
             $noderows = $db->loadObjectArray($query);
             $data = array_merge($data, $noderows);
             $limit -= count($noderows);
     /* sorting */
     usort($data, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["micro_ts"] > $b["micro_ts"] ? 1 : -1;'));
     $allowreport = array("LocalAddr", "RemoteAddr", "PacketLoss", "Delay", "QualityEst");
     foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
         if ($row['type'] == 1 && $id != "raw") {
             $ldata = array();
             $mas = preg_split("/\r\n\r\n/", $row['msg']);
             $data[$key]['msg'] = $mas[1];
             $drs = preg_split("/\r\n/", $mas[1]);
             foreach ($drs as $k => $d) {
                 $v = preg_split("/:/", $d);
                 $a = explode(' ', $v[1]);
                 /* short report */
                 if ($id == "short" && !in_array($v[0], $allowreport)) {
                 $dval = array();
                 foreach ($a as $are) {
                     $b = explode('=', $are);
                     if (!empty($b[0])) {
                         if ($b[1] == null) {
                             $b[1] = $b[0];
                         $dval[$b[0]] = $b[1];
                 if (!empty($v[0])) {
                     $ldata[$v[0]] = $dval;
             $data[$key]['msg'] = $ldata;
     if (empty($data)) {
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['message'] = 'no data';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     } else {
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['message'] = 'ok';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     return $answer;
예제 #5
 function updateUser($param)
     if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) {
         $_SESSION['loggedin'] = '-1';
     if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == "-1") {
         return array();
     /* get our DB */
     $mydb = $this->getContainer('db');
     $data = array();
     $search = array();
     $callwhere = array();
     $calldata = array();
     $update['department'] = getVar('department', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['email'] = getVar('email', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['firstname'] = getVar('firstname', '', $param, 'string');
     $update['lastname'] = getVar('lastname', '', $param, 'string');
     $password = getVar('password', '', $param, 'string');
     $uid = getVar('uid', 0, $param, 'int');
     $exten = "";
     $callwhere = generateWhere($update, 1, $mydb, 0);
     if (count($callwhere)) {
         if (strlen($password) > 0) {
             $exten = "`password` = PASSWORD('" . $password . "'),";
         $exten .= implode(", ", $callwhere);
     $query = $mydb->makeQuery("UPDATE " . $this->user_table . " SET " . $exten . " WHERE " . $this->id_column . " = ? limit 1;", $_SESSION['loggedin']);
     return $this->getUser();
예제 #6
 public function getMessagesForTransaction($timestamp, $param)
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $trans = array();
     $data = array();
     $lnodes = array();
     if (isset($param['location'])) {
         $lnodes = $param['location']['node'];
     $trans['call'] = getVar('call', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     $trans['registration'] = getVar('registration', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     $trans['rest'] = getVar('rest', false, $param['transaction'], 'bool');
     /* default transaction */
     if (!$trans['call'] && !$trans['registration'] && !$trans['rest']) {
         $trans['rest'] = true;
         $trans['registration'] = true;
         $trans['call'] = true;
     $location = $param['location'];
     $time['from'] = getVar('from', round((microtime(true) - 300) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['to'] = getVar('to', round(microtime(true) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['from_ts'] = floor($time['from'] / 1000);
     $time['to_ts'] = round($time['to'] / 1000);
     //workaround for BYE click
     $time['from_ts'] -= 600;
     $limit_orig = getVar('limit', 100, $param['search'], 'int');
     if ($limit_orig <= 0) {
         $limit_orig = 100;
     $record_id = getVar('id', 0, $param['search'], 'int');
     $callids = getVar('callid', array(), $param['search'], 'array');
     $b2b = getVar('b2b', true, $param['search'], 'bool');
     $uniq = getVar('uniq', false, $param['search'], 'bool');
     $callwhere = array();
     $utils['logic_or'] = getVar('logic', false, array_key_exists('query', $param) ? $param['query'] : array(), 'bool');
     $and_or = $utils['logic_or'] ? " OR " : " AND ";
     $search = array();
     /* make array */
     $search['callid'] = implode(";", $callids);
     $callwhere = generateWhere($search, $and_or, $db, $b2b);
     $nodes = array();
     if (SINGLE_NODE == 1) {
         $nodes[] = array("dbname" => DB_HOMER, "name" => "single");
     } else {
         foreach ($lnodes as $lnd) {
             $nodes[] = $this->getNode($lnd['name']);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $limit = $limit_orig;
         $ts = $time['from_ts'];
         for ($ts = $time['from_ts']; $ts < $time['to_ts']; $ts += 86400) {
             foreach ($this->query_types as $query_type) {
                 if ($trans[$query_type]) {
                     if ($limit < 1) {
                     $order = " order by id DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
                     $table = "sip_capture_" . $query_type;
                     if (DB_TABLE_ROTATE) {
                         $table .= "_" . gmdate("Ymd", $ts);
                     $query = "SELECT t.*, '" . $query_type . "' as trans,'" . $node['name'] . "' as dbnode";
                     if ($uniq) {
                         $query .= ", MD5(msg) as md5sum";
                     $query .= " FROM " . $table . " as t";
                     $query .= " WHERE (t.date BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['from_ts'] . ") AND FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['to_ts'] . "))";
                     if (count($callwhere)) {
                         $query .= " AND ( " . implode(" AND ", $callwhere) . ")";
                     $noderows = $db->loadObjectArray($query . $order);
                     $data = array_merge($data, $noderows);
                     $limit -= count($noderows);
     /* apply aliases */
     if ($uniq) {
         $message = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
             if (isset($message[$row['md5sum']])) {
             } else {
                 $message[$row['md5sum']] = $row['node'];
     /* sorting */
     usort($data, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["micro_ts"] > $b["micro_ts"] ? 1 : -1;'));
     return $data;
예제 #7
 public function getRTCForTransaction($timestamp, $param)
     /* get our DB */
     $db = $this->getContainer('db');
     $data = array();
     $search = array();
     $lnodes = array();
     $answer = array();
     $callwhere = array();
     //if(array_key_exists('node', $param)) $lnodes = $param['node'];
     if (isset($param['location'])) {
         $lnodes = $param['location']['node'];
     $time['from'] = getVar('from', round((microtime(true) - 300) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['to'] = getVar('to', round(microtime(true) * 1000), $timestamp, 'long');
     $time['from_ts'] = floor($time['from'] / 1000);
     $time['to_ts'] = round($time['to'] / 1000);
     $time['from_ts'] -= 600;
     $time['to_ts'] += 60;
     /* search fields */
     $type = getVar('uniq', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $node = getVar('node', NULL, $param['search'], 'string');
     $proto = getVar('proto', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $family = getVar('family', -1, $param['search'], 'int');
     $and_or = getVar('orand', NULL, $param['search'], 'string');
     $limit_orig = getVar('limit', 100, $param, 'int');
     $callids = getVar('callid', array(), $param['search'], 'array');
     $mapsCallid = array();
     $cn = count($callids);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cn; $i++) {
         $mapsCallid[$callids[$i]] = $callids[$i];
         if (BLEGCID == "b2b") {
             $length = strlen(BLEGTAIL);
             if (substr($callids[$i], -$length) == BLEGTAIL) {
                 $k = substr($callids[$i], 0, -$length);
                 $mapsCallid[$k] = $k;
             } else {
                 $k = $callids[$i] . BLEGTAIL;
                 $mapsCallid[$k] = $k;
             $s = substr($k, 0, -1);
             $mapsCallid[$s] = $s;
         $k = substr($callids[$i], 0, -1);
         $mapsCallid[$k] = $k;
     $answer = array();
     if (empty($mapsCallid)) {
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['message'] = 'no data';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
         return $answer;
     $search['correlation_id'] = implode(";", array_keys($mapsCallid));
     $nodes = array();
     if (SINGLE_NODE == 1) {
         $nodes[] = array("dbname" => DB_HOMER, "name" => "single");
     } else {
         foreach ($lnodes as $lnd) {
             $nodes[] = $this->getNode($lnd['name']);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $limit = $limit_orig;
         if (empty($callwhere)) {
             $callwhere = generateWhere($search, $and_or, $db, 0);
         $table = "webrtc_capture";
         $query = "SELECT *, '" . $node['name'] . "' as dbnode, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)) as unixts FROM " . $table . " WHERE (`date` BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['from_ts'] . ") AND FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $time['to_ts'] . "))";
         if (count($callwhere)) {
             $query .= " AND ( " . implode(" AND ", $callwhere) . ")";
         $noderows = $db->loadObjectArray($query);
         $data = array_merge($data, $noderows);
         $limit -= count($noderows);
     /* sorting */
     usort($data, create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a["micro_ts"] > $b["micro_ts"] ? 1 : -1;'));
     if (empty($data)) {
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['message'] = 'no data';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     } else {
         $answer['status'] = 200;
         $answer['sid'] = session_id();
         $answer['auth'] = 'true';
         $answer['message'] = 'ok';
         $answer['data'] = $data;
         $answer['count'] = count($data);
     return $data;
예제 #8
function generateUpdate($table, $columns, $oriData, $dataPost, $whereCols)
    $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET ";
    $oriKeys = array_keys($oriData);
    $wKeys = array_keys($whereCols);
    for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($columns[0]); $k++) {
        $val = "";
        $col = $columns[0][$k];
        if (in_array($col, $wKeys)) {
        } elseif (isset($dataPost[$col])) {
            $val = $dataPost[$col];
            $val = getData($val, $columns[1][$k]);
            $sql .= "{$col}={$val}, ";
        } elseif (in_array($col, $oriKeys)) {
            $val = $oriData[$col];
            $val = getData($val, $columns[1][$k]);
            $sql .= "{$col}={$val}, ";
    $sql = trim($sql);
    if (strpos($sql, ",", strlen($sql) - 1) == strlen($sql) - 1) {
        $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1);
    $sqlWhere = generateWhere($whereCols);
    if (strlen($sqlWhere) > 0) {
        $sql = "{$sql} WHERE {$sqlWhere}";
    return $sql;