예제 #1
 } else {
     logline("No need to do sleep tracking because {$username} has no provider chosen");
 foreach ($_POST['oncall']['notifications'] as $id => $n) {
     $sleep_state = -1;
     $mtts = -1;
     $sleep_level = -1;
     $confidence = -1;
     $timestamp = mysql_real_escape_string($n['time']);
     $hostname = mysql_real_escape_string($n['hostname']);
     $output = mysql_real_escape_string($n['output']);
     $service = mysql_real_escape_string($n['service']);
     $state = mysql_real_escape_string($n['state']);
     $tag = mysql_real_escape_string($n['tag']);
     $notes = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($n['notes'], ENT_QUOTES));
     $alert_id = generateOnCallAlertID($timestamp, $hostname, $service);
     if ($sleep) {
         // Run the sleep tracking provider for this alert
         $sleep_info = getSleepDetailAtTimestamp($timestamp, $sleeptracking_settings[$sleep_provider], $sleepprovider_settings);
         if ($sleep_info) {
             $sleep_state = $sleep_info['sleep_state'];
             $mtts = $sleep_info['mtts'];
             $sleep_level = $sleep_info['sleep_level'];
             $confidence = $sleep_info['confidence'];
     $query = "INSERT INTO oncall_weekly (alert_id, range_start, range_end, timestamp, hostname, service, state, contact, output, tag, sleep_state, mtts, sleep_level, sleep_confidence, notes) VALUES\n                ('{$alert_id}', '{$range_start}', '{$range_end}', '{$timestamp}', '{$hostname}', '{$service}', '{$state}', '{$username}', '{$output}', '{$tag}', '{$sleep_state}', '{$mtts}', '{$sleep_level}', '{$confidence}','{$notes}')";
     logline("Processing on call line with data: {$query}");
     if (!mysql_query($query)) {
         echo "Database update failed, error: " . mysql_error();
         logline("Database update failed, error: " . mysql_error());
예제 #2
function printOnCallNotifications($on_call_name, $start, $end, $oncall_start, $oncall_end)
    global $nagios_state_to_badge, $nagios_alert_tags;
    # Non timezone version to store the data
    $range_start = $start;
    $range_end = $end;
    // Call the correct provider
    $oncall_config = getTeamConfig('oncall');
    if (!$oncall_config) {
        return '<div class="alert alert-error">Something terrible has happened. This team doesn\'t have on call enabled!</div>';
    $provider_name = $oncall_config['provider'];
    logline("printOnCallNotifications has started, looking for provider {$provider_name}. ");
    // Get the global configuration for the provider
    $provider_config = getOnCallProvider($provider_name);
    $provider_global_options = $provider_config['options'];
    // Get the per team options for the provider
    $provider_team_options = getTeamOnCallConfig('provider_options');
    // Hopefully the user entered a valid oncall provider name...
    if (!$provider_config) {
        return '<div class="alert alert-error">Something terrible has happened. We cannot find an on-call provider named "' . $provider_name . '"</div>';
    logline("printOnCallNotifications is loading {$provider_config['lib']}");
    // Load the provider specified.
    include_once "{$provider_config['lib']}";
    logline("Firing getOnCallNotifications...");
    // And now ask for the notifications
    $notifications = getOnCallNotifications($on_call_name, $provider_global_options, $provider_team_options, $oncall_start, $oncall_end);
    // If the returned data wasn't an array, something is wrong...
    if (!is_array($notifications)) {
        logline("getOnCallNotifications didn't return an array! Returned data was {$notifications} ");
        return '<div class="alert alert-error">The oncall provider failed. It returned: <pre>' . $notifications . '</pre></div>';
    } else {
        logline("getOnCallNotifications returned an array containing " . count($notifications) . " notifications");
    // Data collection complete. Time to render the form items for report submission.
    // First, we populate the field with the on call ranges so the report is saved with the correct timestamp
    $html = "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[range_start]' value='{$range_start}'>";
    $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[range_end]' value='{$range_end}'>";
    $timezone = getTimezoneSetting();
    $n_num = 0;
    $n_total = count($notifications);
    $timesaver = false;
    foreach ($notifications as $n) {
        # Add a row that lets the user potentially stop halfway and come back later
        if ($n_num >= $n_total / 2 && !$timesaver) {
            $timesaver = true;
            $html .= "<tr><td colspan='5'><div class='well'><b>Hey!</b> You made it halfway. If you want you can save up to here and continue later.";
            $html .= "<button class='btn btn-primary pull-right' type='submit'>Save draft</button></div></td></tr>";
        # Look for a previous copy of this alert
        if ($previous_data = checkForPreviousOnCallItem(generateOnCallAlertID($n['time'], $n['hostname'], $n['service']))) {
            $previous_notes = $previous_data['notes'];
            $previous_tag = $previous_data['tag'];
        } else {
            $previous_notes = null;
            $previous_tag = null;
        $pretty_date = date("D d M H:i:s T", $n['time']);
        $html .= "<tr>";
        $html .= "<td>{$pretty_date}</td><td>{$n['hostname']}</td><td>{$n['service']}</td><td><pre><small>{$n['output']}</small></pre></td>";
        $html .= "<td><span class='label label-{$nagios_state_to_badge[$n['state']]}'>{$n['state']}</span></td>";
        # Need to populate all the information into hidden fields so we get all the data back nicely when the form is submitted
        $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][hostname]' value='{$n['hostname']}'>";
        $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][output]' value='{$n['output']}'>";
        $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][time]' value='{$n['time']}'>";
        $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][state]' value='{$n['state']}'>";
        $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][service]' value='{$n['service']}'>";
        $html .= "</tr>";
        $html .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>";
        # Dropdown that lets the user choose a tag for the alert
        $html .= "<select name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][tag]' class='input-xlarge'>";
        foreach ($nagios_alert_tags as $tag => $tag_name) {
            $selected = $tag == $previous_tag ? " selected" : "";
            $html .= "<option value='{$tag}'{$selected}>{$tag_name}</option>";
        $html .= "</select></td>";
        $html .= "<td colspan='2'><div class='control-group'><label class='control-label'><b>Notes:</b> </label>\n            <div class='controls'><input type='text' name='oncall[notifications][not_{$n_num}][notes]' class='input-xxlarge' placeholder='Notes' value='{$previous_notes}'></div></div></td>";
        $html .= "<td><input class='bulk-check' data-num='{$n_num}' type='checkbox'></td></tr>";
    return $html;