$objID = $m . '_' . $j; $level_info = explode(':', $price_levels[$i]); $price = $level_info[0] ? $level_info[0] : ($i == 0 ? $full_price : 0); $qty = $level_info[1] ? $level_info[1] : $j; $src = $level_info[2] ? $level_info[2] : 0; $adj = $level_info[3] ? $level_info[3] : 0; $adj_val = $level_info[4] ? $level_info[4] : '0'; $rnd = $level_info[5] ? $level_info[5] : 0; $rnd_val = $level_info[6] ? $level_info[6] : '0'; echo '<tr>' . chr(10); echo ' <td align="center">' . $j . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_input_field('qty_' . $objID, $qty, 'size="5" style="text-align:right" onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('src_' . $objID, gen_build_pull_down($i == 0 ? $first_source_list : $price_mgr_sources), $src, 'onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('adj_' . $objID, gen_build_pull_down($price_mgr_adjustments), $adj, 'onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_input_field('adj_val_' . $objID, $currencies->format($adj_val), 'size="10" style="text-align:right" onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('rnd_' . $objID, gen_build_pull_down($price_mgr_rounding), $rnd, 'onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_input_field('rnd_val_' . $objID, $currencies->precise($rnd_val), 'size="10" style="text-align:right" onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_input_field('price_' . $objID, $currencies->precise($price), 'size="11" style="text-align:right" onchange="updatePrice(' . $m . ')"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo ' <td>' . html_input_field('margin_' . $objID, $currencies->precise('0'), 'readonly="readonly" size="6" style="text-align:right"') . '</td>' . chr(10); echo '</tr>' . chr(10); } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- end of tabsets --> <?php $price_sheets->MoveNext(); $m++; } echo '</div>' . chr(10);
?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_ASSET_ID; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('asset_id', $asset_id, 'size="17" maxlength="16"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo ASSETS_ENTRY_ASSET_TYPE; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('asset_type', gen_build_pull_down($assets_types), isset($asset_type) ? $asset_type : 'vh'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2"><?php echo ' '; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo INV_ENTRY_INVENTORY_TYPE; ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('inventory_type', gen_build_pull_down($inventory_types), isset($inventory_type) ? $inventory_type : 'si', 'onchange="setSkuLength()"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main" align="right"><?php echo INV_ENTRY_INVENTORY_COST_METHOD; ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('cost_method', gen_build_pull_down($cost_methods), isset($cost_method) ? $cost_method : 'f'); ?> </td> <script> /* por default, marco la opcion LIFO*/ $("#cost_method option[value='l']").attr('selected', 'selected'); /* si al ingresar el sku/codigo de barras, ingresan un enter (a mano o lo hace el lector), se ejecutará un submit del formulario para que vaya al siguiente*/ $("#sku").keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { event.preventDefault(); submitToDo('create') } }); </script> </tr>
</tr> <tr> <td><?php echo html_radio_field('NewType', 'rpt') . TEXT_REPORT . ' ====> ' . RW_RPT_RPTGRP; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('GroupName', gen_build_pull_down($ReportGroups)); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo html_radio_field('NewType', 'frm') . TEXT_FORM . ' ====> ' . RW_FRM_RPTGRP; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('FormGroup', gen_build_pull_down($FormGroups)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } // end if ?> </table> </form>
<td> <?php if ($Type == 'frm') { if ($FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] == TEXT_NEW || $FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] == TEXT_ADD) { echo html_pull_down_menu('Params', gen_build_pull_down($FormEntries), $Params['index']); } else { echo $FormEntries[$Params['index']] . html_hidden_field('Params', $Params['index']); } } else { echo html_pull_down_menu('Params', gen_build_pull_down($TotalLevels), $Params['index']); } ?> </td> <?php if ($Type != 'frm') { echo '<td>' . html_pull_down_menu('Align', gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign), $Params['align']) . '</td>'; } ?> <td align = "center"> <?php if ($FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] == TEXT_ADD) { echo html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'medium', 'onclick="submitToDo(\'add\')"'); } else { echo html_icon('actions/view-refresh.png', TEXT_CHANGE, 'medium', 'onclick="submitToDo(\'change\')"'); } ?> </td> </tr> <tr><th id="fieldListHeading" colspan="20"><?php echo RW_RPT_FLDLIST; ?>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo TEXT_DEFAULT . ' ' . html_pull_down_menu('shipping_default_dry_ice_checked', $sel_checked, $_POST['shipping_default_dry_ice_checked'] ? $_POST['shipping_default_dry_ice_checked'] : SHIPPING_DEFAULT_DRY_ICE_CHECKED, ''); ?> </td> <td><?php echo ' '; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo CD_10_60_DESC; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('shipping_default_return_service_show', $sel_show, $_POST['shipping_default_return_service_show'] ? $_POST['shipping_default_return_service_show'] : SHIPPING_DEFAULT_RETURN_SERVICE_SHOW, ''); ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo TEXT_DEFAULT . ' ' . html_pull_down_menu('shipping_default_return_service_checked', $sel_checked, $_POST['shipping_default_return_service_checked'] ? $_POST['shipping_default_return_service_checked'] : SHIPPING_DEFAULT_RETURN_SERVICE_CHECKED, ''); ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo TEXT_VALUE . ' ' . html_pull_down_menu('shipping_default_return_service', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_defaults['return_label']), $_POST['shipping_default_return_service'] ? $_POST['shipping_default_return_service'] : SHIPPING_DEFAULT_RETURN_SERVICE, ''); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>
?> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"><?php echo TEXT_REQUESTED_BY; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('requested_by', gen_get_pull_down(TABLE_USERS, true, '1', 'admin_id', 'display_name'), $cInfo->requested_by); ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_STATUS; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('capa_status', gen_build_pull_down($status_codes), $cInfo->capa_status); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_CAPA_ID . ' ' . TEXT_ASSIGNED_BY_SYSTEM; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('capa_num', $cInfo->capa_num, 'readonly="readonly"'); ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_ENTERED_BY; ?>
<td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('search_gl_acct_from', $gl_array_list, $_SESSION['search_gl_acct_from']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('search_gl_acct_to', $gl_array_list, $_SESSION['search_gl_acct_to']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo TEXT_JOURNAL_RECORD_ID; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('search_main_id', gen_build_pull_down($choices), $_SESSION['search_main_id'], $params = ''); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('search_main_from', $_SESSION['search_main_from'], $params = ''); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('search_main_to', $_SESSION['search_main_to'], $params = ''); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div style="height:19px"><?php echo $query_split->display_count(TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER . TEXT_RESULTS);
function build_form_html($action, $id = '') { global $db, $messageStack; global $integer_lengths, $decimal_lengths, $check_box_choices; $cInfo = ''; if ($action != 'new') { $result = $db->Execute("select id, entry_type, field_name, description, id, params \n\t from " . TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS . " where id = '" . $id . "'"); $params = unserialize($result->fields['params']); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $result->fields[$key] = $value; } $form_array = xtra_field_prep_form($result->fields); $cInfo = new objectInfo($form_array); } // build the tab list $tab_list = gen_build_pull_down(xtra_field_get_tabs('assets')); array_shift($tab_list); if ($action == 'new' && sizeof($tab_list) < 1) { $messageStack->add(EXTRA_FIELDS_ERROR_NO_TABS, 'error'); echo $messageStack->output(); } $output = '<table style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <th colspan="2">' . ($action == 'new' ? TEXT_NEW_FIELD : TEXT_EDIT_FIELD) . '</th>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </thead>' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_FIELD_NAME . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('field_name', $cInfo->field_name, 'size="33" maxlength="32"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td colspan="2">' . INV_FIELD_NAME_RULES . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_DESCRIPTION . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('description', $cInfo->description, 'size="65" maxlength="64"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_CATEGORY_MEMBER . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('tab_id', $tab_list, $cInfo->tab_id) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="ui-widget-header">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <th colspan="2">' . TEXT_PROPERTIES . '</th>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'text', $cInfo->entry_type == 'text' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_TEXT_FIELD . '<br />'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'html', $cInfo->entry_type == 'html' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_HTML_TEXT_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_MAX_NUM_CHARS; $output .= '<br />' . html_input_field('text_length', $cInfo->text_length ? $cInfo->text_length : DEFAULT_TEXT_LENGTH, 'size="10" maxlength="9"'); $output .= '<br />' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_TEXT_VALUE . '<br />' . INV_LABEL_MAX_255; $output .= '<br />' . html_textarea_field('text_default', 35, 6, $cInfo->text_default); $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'hyperlink', $cInfo->entry_type == 'hyperlink' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_HYPERLINK . '<br />'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'image_link', $cInfo->entry_type == 'image_link' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_IMAGE_LINK . '<br />'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'inventory_link', $cInfo->entry_type == 'inventory_link' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_INVENTORY_LINK; $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_FIXED_255_CHARS; $output .= '<br />' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_TEXT_VALUE; $output .= '<br />' . html_textarea_field('link_default', 35, 3, $cInfo->link_default); $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'integer', $cInfo->entry_type == 'integer' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_INTEGER_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_INTEGER_RANGE; $output .= '<br />' . html_pull_down_menu('integer_range', gen_build_pull_down($integer_lengths), $cInfo->integer_range); $output .= '<br />' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_TEXT_VALUE . html_input_field('integer_default', $cInfo->integer_default, 'size="16"'); $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'decimal', $cInfo->entry_type == 'decimal' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_DECIMAL_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_DECIMAL_RANGE; $output .= html_pull_down_menu('decimal_range', gen_build_pull_down($decimal_lengths), $cInfo->decimal_range); $output .= '<br />' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_VALUE . html_input_field('decimal_display', $cInfo->decimal_display ? $cInfo->decimal_display : DEFAULT_REAL_DISPLAY_FORMAT, 'size="6" maxlength="5"'); $output .= '<br />' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_TEXT_VALUE . html_input_field('decimal_default', $cInfo->decimal_default, 'size="16"'); $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'drop_down', $cInfo->entry_type == 'drop_down' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_DROP_DOWN_FIELD . '<br />'; $output .= html_radio_field('entry_type', 'radio', $cInfo->entry_type == 'radio' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_RADIO_FIELD; $output .= ' </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_CHOICES . '<br />' . html_textarea_field('radio_default', 35, 6, $cInfo->radio_default) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'check_box', $cInfo->entry_type == 'check_box' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_CHECK_BOX_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_DEFAULT_TEXT_VALUE . html_pull_down_menu('check_box_range', gen_build_pull_down($check_box_choices), $cInfo->check_box_range) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'date', $cInfo->entry_type == 'date' ? true : false) . ' ' . TEXT_DATE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td> </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'time', $cInfo->entry_type == 'time' ? true : false) . ' ' . TEXT_TIME . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td> </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'date_time', $cInfo->entry_type == 'date_time' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_DATE_TIME_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td> </td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('entry_type', 'time_stamp', $cInfo->entry_type == 'time_stamp' ? true : false) . ' ' . INV_LABEL_TIME_STAMP_FIELD . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . INV_LABEL_TIME_STAMP_VALUE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tbody>' . "\n"; $output .= '</table>' . chr(10); return $output; }
} ?> <?php if (SHIPPING_DEFAULT_RETURN_SERVICE_SHOW) { echo '<tr><td class="dataTableContent">'; echo html_checkbox_field('return_service', '1', $pkg->return_service); echo SHIPPING_TEXT_RETURN_SERVICES; echo html_pull_down_menu('return_service_value', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_defaults['return_label']), $pkg->return_service_value, $parameters = '', $required = false); echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if (defined('SHIPPING_DEFAULT_LTL_CLASS')) { echo '<tr><td class="dataTableContent">'; echo SHIPPING_LTL_FREIGHT_CLASS; echo html_pull_down_menu('ltl_class', gen_build_pull_down($ltl_classes), SHIPPING_DEFAULT_LTL_CLASS, $parameters = '', $required = false); echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo SHIPPING_TEXT_METHODS; ?> </th> </tr> <?php
</tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Line', '1', $Params['Line'] == '1' ? true : false) . TEXT_STDCOLOR . '<br />'; ?> <?php echo html_pull_down_menu('BrdrColor', $kFontColors, $Params['BrdrColor']); ?> </td> <td align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Line', '2', $Params['Line'] == '2' ? true : false) . TEXT_CUSTCOLOR . '<br />'; echo TEXT_RED . html_input_field('BrdrRed', $Params['BrdrRed'], 'size="4" maxlength="3"'); echo TEXT_GREEN . html_input_field('BrdrGreen', $Params['BrdrGreen'], 'size="4" maxlength="3"'); echo TEXT_BLUE . html_input_field('BrdrBlue', $Params['BrdrBlue'], 'size="4" maxlength="3"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo RW_RPT_LINEWIDTH; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('LineSize', gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes), $Params['LineSize']); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
// ******************** end fields tab, start page setup tab ************************** if ($report->reporttype == 'rpt') { ?> <div id="tab_page"> <table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"> <thead class="ui-widget-header"> <tr><th colspan="8"><?php echo PHREEFORM_PGLAYOUT; ?> </th></tr> </thead> <tbody class="ui-widget-content"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <?php echo TEXT_PAPER . ' ' . html_pull_down_menu('papersize', gen_build_pull_down($PaperSizes), $report->page->size, 'onchange="calculateWidth()"'); ?> </td> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <?php echo TEXT_ORIEN . ' ' . html_radio_field('paperorientation', 'P', $report->page->orientation == 'P' ? true : false, '', 'onchange="calculateWidth()"') . ' ' . TEXT_PORTRAIT; ?> <?php echo ' ' . html_radio_field('paperorientation', 'L', $report->page->orientation == 'L' ? true : false, '', 'onchange="calculateWidth()"') . ' ' . TEXT_LANDSCAPE; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="ui-widget-header"><th colspan="8"><?php echo PHREEFORM_PGMARGIN; ?> </th></tr>
cell[0] += '<?php echo html_input_field('fld_wid[]', '', 'size="6" maxlength="4"'); ?> '; cell[0] += '<?php echo html_input_field('fld_hgt[]', '', 'size="6" maxlength="4"'); ?> '; if (document.getElementById('serialform') && document.getElementById('serialform').checked) { cell[0] += '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_pull_down_menu('fld_brk[]', $nyChoice, '1', '')); ?> '; } temp = '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_pull_down_menu('fld_type_row_TBD', gen_build_pull_down($FormEntries), '', 'onchange="boxLoad(this.value, row_TBD)"')); ?> '; temp += '<?php echo html_hidden_field('row_id[]', 'row_TBD'); ?> '; temp += '<?php echo ' ' . str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_fld_row_TBD')) . ' '; ?> '; temp += '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"')) . ' '; ?> '; temp += '<?php
echo TEXT_QA_INIT; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('qa', $yes_no_array, $qa); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_TASK_TIME; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('job_time', $job_time, 'size="10" maxlength="10"'); echo html_pull_down_menu('job_unit', gen_build_pull_down($job_units), $job_unit ? $job_unit : '1'); ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo TEXT_DATA_ENTRY; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('data_entry', $yes_no_array, $data_entry); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo ' '; ?>
function build_form_html($action, $id = '') { global $db, $project_cost_types; $sql = "select description_short, description_long, cost_type, cost_breakdown, inactive \r\n\t from " . $this->db_table . " where phase_id = '" . $id . "'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); $cInfo = new objectInfo($result->fields); $output = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableHeadingRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <th colspan="2">' . ($action == 'new' ? SETUP_INFO_HEADING_NEW_PROJECT_PHASES : SETUP_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_PROJECT_PHASES) . '</th>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td colspan="2">' . ($action == 'new' ? SETUP_PROJECT_PHASES_INSERT_INTRO : SETUP_PROJECT_PHASES_EDIT_INTRO) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_DESC_SHORT . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('description_short', $cInfo->description_short, 'size="17" maxlength="16"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_DESC_LONG . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('description_long', $cInfo->description_long, 'size="50" maxlength="64"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_COST_TYPE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('cost_type', gen_build_pull_down($project_cost_types), $cInfo->cost_type) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_COST_BREAKDOWN . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_checkbox_field('cost_breakdown', '', $cInfo->cost_breakdown) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr class="dataTableRow">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_INACTIVE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_checkbox_field('inactive', '1', $cInfo->inactive ? true : false) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= '</table>' . chr(10); return $output; }
<td><?php echo SHIPPING_TEXT_REFERENCE_ID; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('purchase_invoice_id', $sInfo->purchase_invoice_id); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo SHIPPING_SERVICE_TYPE; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('ship_method', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_methods), $sInfo->ship_method); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo SHIPPING_TEXT_SHIPMENT_DATE; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_calendar_field($cal_ship); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php
} if ($rID) { $report = get_report_details($rID); } $kFonts = gen_build_pull_down($Fonts); $kFontSizes = gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes); $kLineSizes = gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes); $kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors); $kFontAlign = gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign); $cFields = CreateCompanyArray(); $fFields = crit_build_pull_down($CritChoices); $kFields = CreateSpecialDropDown($report); $kTblFields = CreateFieldTblDropDown($report); $kTables = CreateTableList($report); $nyChoice = gen_build_pull_down($NoYesChoice); $pFields = gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing); $tProcessing = gen_build_pull_down($TextProcessing); if (!$type) { // use the first type of the FormEntries array since it will be shown first with a new line $temp = array_keys($FormEntries); $type = array_shift($temp); } $properties = new objectInfo(); $properties->type = $type; $output = box_build($properties, $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("rowID", $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("html", $output); //$xml .= xmlEntry("debug", 'sizeof kFields= ' . sizeof($kFields) . ' and rowID = ' . $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("message", 'Success type = ' . $type . ' and html length = ' . strlen($output)); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
<div id="cat_page" class="tabset_content"> <h2 class="tabset_label"><?php echo TEXT_PAGE_SETUP; ?> </h2> <table align="center" border="2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr><th colspan="8"><?php echo RW_RPT_PGLAYOUT; ?> </th></tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <?php echo TEXT_PAPER . ' ' . html_pull_down_menu('papersize', gen_build_pull_down($PaperSizes), $Prefs['papersize'], 'onchange="calculateWidth()"'); ?> </td> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <?php echo TEXT_ORIEN . ' ' . html_radio_field('paperorientation', 'P', $Prefs['paperorientation'] == 'P' ? true : false, '', 'onchange="calculateWidth()"') . ' ' . TEXT_PORTRAIT; ?> <?php echo ' ' . html_radio_field('paperorientation', 'L', $Prefs['paperorientation'] == 'L' ? true : false, '', 'onchange="calculateWidth()"') . ' ' . TEXT_LANDSCAPE; ?> </td> </tr> <tr><th colspan="8"><?php echo RW_RPT_PGMARGIN; ?> </th></tr>
echo constant('ACT_' . strtoupper($type) . '_SHORT_NAME') . ($cInfo->auto_type == false ? '' : ' ' . ACT_ID_AUTO_FILL); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('short_name', $cInfo->short_name, 'size="21" maxlength="20"', $cInfo->auto_type == false ? true : false); ?> </td> <?php if ($type == 'c') { ?> <td align="right"><?php echo CONTACT_LEVEL; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('contacts_level', gen_build_pull_down($contacts_levels), $cInfo->contacts_level ? $cInfo->contacts_level : '0'); ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo constant('ACT_' . strtoupper($type) . '_REP_ID'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('dept_rep_id', $sales_rep_array, $cInfo->dept_rep_id ? $cInfo->dept_rep_id : 'r'); ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td align="right"><?php echo constant('ACT_' . strtoupper($type) . '_REP_ID');
<td><?php echo TEXT_FONT; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('Font', gen_build_pull_down($Fonts), $Params['Font']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo TEXT_SIZE; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('FontSize', gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes), $Params['FontSize']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Color', '1', $Params['Color'] == '1' || $Params['Color'] == '' ? true : false) . TEXT_STDCOLOR . '<br />'; ?> <?php echo html_pull_down_menu('FontColor', $kFontColors, $Params['FontColor']); ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Color', '2', $Params['Color'] == '2' ? true : false) . TEXT_CUSTCOLOR . '<br />';
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="main"><?php echo INV_FIELD_NAME_RULES; ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo INV_CATEGORY_MEMBER; ?> </td> <td class="main"> <?php if ($cInfo->category_id == '0') { $list_array = array('id' => '0', 'text' => TEXT_SYSTEM); } else { $list_array = gen_build_pull_down($category_array); array_shift($list_array); } echo html_pull_down_menu('category_id', $list_array, $cInfo->category_id, $system_disable ? ' disabled ' : ''); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="formAreaTitle"><?php echo INV_HEADING_FIELD_PROPERTIES; ?>
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"><?php echo RW_RPT_BRDRLINE; ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo html_radio_field('Line', '0', $Params['Line'] == '0' || $Params['Line'] == '' ? true : false) . RW_RPT_NOBRDR; ?> </td> <td><?php echo RW_RPT_LINEWIDTH . html_pull_down_menu('LineSize', gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes), $Params['LineSize']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Line', '1', $Params['Line'] == '1' ? true : false) . TEXT_STDCOLOR . '<br />'; ?> <?php echo html_pull_down_menu('BrdrColor', $kFontColors, $Params['BrdrColor']); ?> </td> <td align="center"> <?php echo html_radio_field('Line', '2', $Params['Line'] == '2' ? true : false) . TEXT_CUSTCOLOR . '<br />';
} ?> <?php if (SHIPPING_DEFAULT_DRY_ICE_SHOW) { echo '<tr><td class="dataTableContent">'; echo html_checkbox_field('dry_ice', '1', $pkg->dry_ice); echo SHIPPING_TEXT_DRY_ICE; echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if (SHIPPING_DEFAULT_RETURN_SERVICE_SHOW) { echo '<tr><td class="dataTableContent">'; echo html_checkbox_field('return_service', '1', $pkg->return_service); echo SHIPPING_TEXT_RETURN_SERVICES; echo html_pull_down_menu('return_service_value', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_defaults['return_label']), $pkg->return_service_value, $parameters = '', $required = false); echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo SHIPPING_TEXT_METHODS; ?> </th> </tr> <?php
<th align="center"><?php echo TEXT_FROM; ?> </th> <th align="center"><?php echo TEXT_TO; ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo TEXT_DATE; ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('DefDate', gen_build_pull_down($ValidDateChoices), $DateArray[0]); ?> </td> <td><script type="text/javascript">dateFrom.writeControl(); dateFrom.displayLeft=true; dateFrom.dateFormat="<?php echo DATE_FORMAT_SPIFFYCAL; ?> ";</script></td> <td><script type="text/javascript">dateTo.writeControl(); dateTo.displayLeft=true; dateTo.dateFormat="<?php echo DATE_FORMAT_SPIFFYCAL; ?> ";</script></td> </tr> <?php } if ($Prefs['SortListings'] != '') { ?>
<td nowrap class="main" align="center"><?php echo html_input_field('sku_' . $i, $cInfo->item_rows[$j]['sku'], 'size="' . (MAX_INVENTORY_SKU_LENGTH + 1) . '" maxlength="' . MAX_INVENTORY_SKU_LENGTH . '" onfocus="clearField(\'sku_' . $i . '\', \'' . TEXT_SEARCH . '\')" onBlur="setField(\'sku_' . $i . '\', \'' . TEXT_SEARCH . '\')"'); ?> <?php echo ' ' . html_icon('status/folder-open.png', TEXT_SEARCH, 'small', 'align="absmiddle" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="ItemList(' . $i . ')"'); ?> <?php echo html_hidden_field('id_' . $i, $cInfo->item_rows[$j]['id']); ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo html_input_field('desc_' . $i, $cInfo->item_rows[$j]['desc'], 'size="64" maxlength="64"'); ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo html_pull_down_menu('actn_' . $i, gen_build_pull_down($action_codes), $cInfo->item_rows[$j]['actn']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { echo ' <script language="javascript">addItemRow();</script>' . chr(10); } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><?php echo html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'medium', 'onclick="addItemRow()"');
<?php echo html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small'); ?> </td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="center"><?php echo TEXT_QUANTITY; ?> </td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="center"><?php echo TEXT_WEIGHT; echo html_pull_down_menu('pkg_weight_unit', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_defaults['weight_unit']), $sInfo->pkg_weight_unit) . ' '; ?> </td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="center" colspan="3"><?php echo SHIPPING_TEXT_DIMENSIONS; echo html_pull_down_menu('pkg_dimension_unit', gen_build_pull_down($shipping_defaults['dimension_unit']), $sInfo->pkg_dimension_unit); ?> </td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="center"><?php echo TEXT_VALUE; echo html_pull_down_menu('insurance_currency', $currency_array, $sInfo->insurance_currency); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (isset($sInfo->package)) { $rowCnt = 1; foreach ($sInfo->package as $package) { ?> <tr> <td align="center">
function build_form_html($action, $id = '') { global $db, $project_cost_types; if ($action != 'new' && $this->error == false) { $sql = "select description_short, description_long, cost_type, inactive \n\t from " . $this->db_table . " where cost_id = '" . $this->id . "'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); foreach ($result->fields as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } } $output = '<table style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">' . chr(10); $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <th colspan="2">' . ($action == 'new' ? SETUP_INFO_HEADING_NEW_PROJECT_COSTS : SETUP_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_PROJECT_COSTS) . '</th>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </thead>' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . "\n"; $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td colspan="2">' . ($action == 'new' ? SETUP_PROJECT_COSTS_INSERT_INTRO : HR_EDIT_INTRO) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_DESC_SHORT . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('description_short', $this->description_short, 'size="17" maxlength="16"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_DESC_LONG . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('description_long', $this->description_long, 'size="50" maxlength="64"') . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . SETUP_INFO_COST_TYPE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('cost_type', gen_build_pull_down($project_cost_types), $this->cost_type) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_INACTIVE . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' <td>' . html_checkbox_field('inactive', '1', $this->inactive ? true : false) . '</td>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tr>' . chr(10); $output .= ' </tbody>' . "\n"; $output .= '</table>' . chr(10); return $output; }
$security[$mbr_id] = $member; } $kFonts = gen_build_pull_down($Fonts); $kFontSizes = gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes); $kLineSizes = gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes); $kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors); $kFontAlign = gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign); $cFields = CreateCompanyArray(); $fFields = crit_build_pull_down($CritChoices); $kFields = CreateSpecialDropDown($report); $kTblFields = CreateFieldTblDropDown($report); $kTables = CreateTableList($report); $nyChoice = gen_build_pull_down($NoYesChoice); $pFields = gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing); $tProcessing = gen_build_pull_down($TextProcessing); $joinOptions = gen_build_pull_down($joinSyntax); // build the groups list $report_groups = build_groups($report_groups); $rFields = '<select name="groupname" id="groupname">' . chr(10); switch ($report->reporttype) { case 'rpt': $rFields .= '<optgroup label="' . TEXT_REPORTS . '">' . chr(10); foreach ($report_groups['reports'] as $key => $value) { $selected = $report->groupname == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $rFields .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>' . chr(10); } $rFields .= '</optgroup>' . chr(10); break; case 'frm': $rFields .= '<optgroup label="' . TEXT_FORMS . '">' . chr(10); foreach ($report_groups['forms'] as $key => $value) {
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as | // | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of | // | the License, or any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | The license that is bundled with this package is located in the | // | file: /doc/manual/ch01-Introduction/license.html. | // | If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/reportwriter/pages/builder/template_TplFrmImg.php // $kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors); echo html_form('FrmImage', FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=step6a', 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); echo html_hidden_field('DisplayName', $DisplayName); echo html_hidden_field('index', $Params['index']); echo html_hidden_field('ID', $FormParams['id']); echo html_hidden_field('SeqNum', $SeqNum); echo html_hidden_field('ReportID', $ReportID); echo html_hidden_field('ReportName', $description); echo html_hidden_field('todo', ''); // echo html_hidden_field('rowSeq', ''); // customize the toolbar actions $toolbar->icon_list['cancel']['params'] = 'onclick="submitToDo(\'cancel\')"'; $toolbar->icon_list['open']['show'] = false; $toolbar->icon_list['save']['params'] = 'onclick="submitToDo(\'update\');"'; $toolbar->icon_list['print']['show'] = false; $toolbar->icon_list['delete']['show'] = false;
function box_build($properties, $i) { global $kFonts, $kFontSizes, $kFontAlign, $kFontColors, $cFields; global $kFields, $kTblFields, $pFields, $tProcessing, $BarCodeTypes; $output = NULL; switch ($properties->type) { case 'BarCode': $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_TYPE . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', gen_build_pull_down($BarCodeTypes), $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false); break; case 'CBlk': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl; $output .= ' <table id="box_Cblk' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr><th colspan="4">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_SEPARATOR . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) { $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $cFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $tProcessing, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fmt_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->formatting) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">'; $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_cblk_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10); $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'); $output .= ' </td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; } $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= ' </td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Cblk\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Cblk' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl; break; case 'CDta': $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td align="center">' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $cFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); break; case 'Data': $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); break; case 'Img': $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_CURRENT_IMAGE . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td align="center">' . nl; $output .= !$properties->filename ? TEXT_NO_IMAGE_SELECTED : html_image(PF_WEB_MY_REPORTS . 'images/' . $properties->filename, '', '', '32'); $output .= ' </td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th colspan="2">' . PHREEFORM_IMAGESEL . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('img_sel_' . $i, 'U', false) . TEXT_UPLOAD_MAGE . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_file_field('img_upload_' . $i) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('img_sel_' . $i, 'S', true) . TEXT_STORED_IMAGES . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('img_file_' . $i, ReadImages(), $properties->filename, 'size="6"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; break; case 'ImgLink': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr class="ui-widget-header"><th colspan="2">' . TEXT_IMAGE_LINK . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td align="center" colspan="2">' . html_input_field('box_txt_' . $i, $properties->text ? $properties->text : DIR_WS_MY_FILES, 'size="40"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; // $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, false, false); break; case 'Line': $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th colspan="3">' . PHREEFORM_LINE_TYPE . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'H', !$properties->linetype || $properties->linetype == 'H' ? true : false) . TEXT_HORIZONTAL . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'V', $properties->linetype == 'V' ? true : false) . TEXT_VERTICAL . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_LENGTH . ' ' . html_input_field('box_len_' . $i, $properties->length, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <th colspan="3">' . PHREEFORM_ENDPOS . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'C', $properties->linetype == 'C' ? true : false) . TEXT_CUSTOM . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_ABSCISSA . html_input_field('box_eabs_' . $i, $properties->endabscissa, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . TEXT_ORDINATE . html_input_field('box_eord_' . $i, $properties->endordinate, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, false); break; case 'PgNum': $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false); break; case 'Rect': $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, true); break; case 'Tbl': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl; $output .= ' <table id="box_Tbl' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr><th colspan="9">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_DESCRIPTION . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FONT . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_SIZE . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_ALIGN . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_COLOR . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_WIDTH . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . ' ' . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) { $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap">' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kTblFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('box_desc_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->description, 'size="15"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fnt_' . $i . '[]', $kFonts, $properties->boxfield[$j]->font) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_size_' . $i . '[]', $kFontSizes, $properties->boxfield[$j]->size) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_aln_' . $i . '[]', $kFontAlign, $properties->boxfield[$j]->align) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_clr_' . $i . '[]', $kFontColors, $properties->boxfield[$j]->color) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('box_wid_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->width, 'size="4" maxlength="4"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl; $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tbl_' . $i . '_' . $j); $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'); $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; } $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Tbl\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, true, true, true, 'h', PHREEFORM_TABLE_HEADING_PROP); $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, true, '', TEXT_TABLE_BODY_PROPERTIES); $output .= PHREEFORM_FORM_TABLE_NOTES; $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Tbl' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl; break; case 'TBlk': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl; $output .= ' <table id="box_Tblk' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr><th colspan="4">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_SEPARATOR . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= '</thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) { $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . '_' . $j) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $tProcessing, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fmt_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->formatting) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl; $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tblk_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10); $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'); $output .= ' </td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; } $output .= '</tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Tblk\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"'); $output .= '</td></tr></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Tblk' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl; break; case 'TDup': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td align="center">' . TEXT_NO_PROPERTIES . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; break; case 'LtrTpl': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TEXTDISP . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_textarea_field('box_txt_' . $i, '50', '20', $properties->text) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); break; case 'LtrData': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl; $output .= ' <table id="box_LtrData' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr><th colspan="9">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_DESCRIPTION . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . ' ' . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) { $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap">' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kTblFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_input_field('box_desc_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->description, 'size="15"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl; $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tbl_' . $i . '_' . $j); $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'); $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; } $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_LtrData\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl; $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl; $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_LtrData' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl; break; case 'Text': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl; $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TEXTDISP . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_textarea_field('box_txt_' . $i, '50', '3', $properties->text) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); break; case 'Ttl': $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl; $output .= ' <table id="box_Ttl' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl; $output .= ' <tr><th colspan="3">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) { $output .= ' <tr>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl; $output .= ' <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl; $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_ttl_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10); $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'); $output .= ' </td>' . nl; $output .= ' </tr>' . nl; } $output .= '</tbody></table>' . nl; $output .= '</td>' . nl; $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Ttl\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"'); $output .= '</td></tr></table>' . nl; $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Ttl' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl; break; } return $output; }