function blocks_big_block($row) { $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Bigblock::', "{$row['title']}::", ACCESS_READ)) { return; } $today = getdate(); $day = $today["mday"]; if ($day < 10) { $day = "0{$day}"; } $month = $today["mon"]; if ($month < 10) { $month = "0{$month}"; } $year = $today["year"]; $tdate = "{$year}-{$month}-{$day}"; $column =& $pntable['stories_column']; $articles = getArticles("{$column['time']} LIKE '%{$tdate}%'\n AND {$column['ihome']} = 0\n AND {$column['counter']} > 0", "{$column['counter']} DESC", "1"); if (empty($articles)) { return; } else { $info = genArticleInfo($articles[0]); if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::Story', "{$info['aid']}:{$info['cattitle']}:{$info['sid']}", ACCESS_READ) && pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Topics::Topic', "{$info['topicname']}::{$info['tid']}", ACCESS_READ)) { $links = genArticleLinks($articles[0]); $preformat = genArticlePreformat($info, $links); $content = '<span class="pn-normal">' . _BIGSTORY . '</span><br /><br />'; $content .= $preformat['title']; } else { return; } } if (empty($row['title'])) { $row['title'] = _TODAYBIG; } if (empty($content)) { return; } $row['content'] = $content; return themesideblock($row); }
function blocks_past_block($row) { $catid = pnVarCleanFromInput('catid'); list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn(); $pntable = pnDBGetTables(); $oldnum = pnConfigGetVar('perpage'); if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Pastblock::', "{$row['title']}::", ACCESS_READ)) { return; } if (pnUserLoggedIn()) { $storyhome = pnUserGetVar('storynum'); } else { $storyhome = pnConfigGetVar('storyhome'); } // Break out options from our content field $vars = pnBlockVarsFromContent($row['content']); // Defaults if (empty($storynum)) { $storynum = 10; } if (empty($vars['limit'])) { $vars['limit'] = 10; } $storynum = $vars['limit']; $column =& $pntable['stories_column']; if (!isset($catid) || $catid == '') { $articles = getArticles("{$column['ihome']}=0", "{$column['time']} DESC", $storynum, $storyhome); } else { $articles = getArticles("{$column['catid']}={$catid}", "{$column['time']} DESC", $storynum, $storyhome); } $time2 = ""; setlocale(LC_TIME, pnConfigGetVar('locale')); $boxstuff = "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"pn-normal\">\n"; $vari = 0; $see = 0; foreach ($articles as $article) { $info = genArticleInfo($article); $links = genArticleLinks($info); $preformat = genArticlePreformat($info, $links); // a little bit tricky to remove the bold property from link description // (2001-11-15, hdonner) $preformat['title'] = str_replace("pn-title", "pn-normal", $preformat['title']); if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::Story', "{$info['aid']}:{$info['cattitle']}:{$info['sid']}", ACCESS_READ) || !pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Topics::Topic', "{$info['topicname']}::{$info['tid']}", ACCESS_READ)) { continue; } $see = 1; ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $info['time'], $datetime2); $datetime2 = ml_ftime("" . _DATESTRING2 . "", mktime($datetime2[4], $datetime2[5], $datetime2[6], $datetime2[2], $datetime2[3], $datetime2[1])); $datetime2 = ucfirst($datetime2); if ($time2 == $datetime2) { $boxstuff .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><big><strong>·</strong></big></td>" . "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\"><span class=\"pn-normal\">" . $preformat['title'] . " ({$info['comments']})</span></td></tr>\n"; } else { $boxstuff .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><b>{$datetime2}</b></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><big><strong>·</strong></big></td>" . "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\"><span class=\"pn-normal\">{$preformat['title']} ({$info['comments']})</span></td></tr>\n"; $time2 = $datetime2; } $vari++; if ($vari == $vars['limit']) { $usernum = pnUserGetVar('storynum'); if (!empty($usernum)) { $storynum = $usernum; } else { $storynum = pnConfigGetVar('storyhome'); } $min = $oldnum + $storynum; $boxstuff .= "<tr><td> </td><td valign=\"top\"><a class=\"pn-normal\""; if (!isset($catid)) { $boxstuff .= "href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=Search&file=index&action=search&overview=1&active_stories=1\"><b>" . _OLDERARTICLES . "</b></a></td></tr>\n"; } else { $boxstuff .= "href=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=Search&file=index&action=search&overview=1&active_stories=1&stories_cat[0]={$catid}\"><b>" . _OLDERARTICLES . "</b></a></td></tr>\n"; } } } $boxstuff .= "</table>"; if ($see == 1) { if (empty($row['title'])) { $row['title'] = _PASTARTICLES; } $row['content'] = $boxstuff; return themesideblock($row); } }