function yay_parse(string $source, Directives $directives = null, BlueContext $blueContext = null) : string { if ($gc = gc_enabled()) { gc_disable(); } // important optimization! static $globalDirectives = null; if (null === $globalDirectives) { $globalDirectives = new ArrayObject(); } $directives = $directives ?: new Directives(); $blueContext = $blueContext ?: new BlueContext(); $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSource($source), 'directives' => $directives, 'cycle' => new Cycle($source), 'globalDirectives' => $globalDirectives, 'blueContext' => $blueContext]; foreach ($cg->globalDirectives as $d) { $cg->directives->add($d); } traverse(midrule(function (TokenStream $ts) use($directives, $blueContext) { $token = $ts->current(); tail_call: if (null === $token) { return; } // skip when something looks like a new macro to be parsed if ('macro' === (string) $token) { return; } // here we do the 'magic' to match and expand userland macros $directives->apply($ts, $token, $blueContext); $token = $ts->next(); goto tail_call; }), consume(chain(token(T_STRING, 'macro')->as('declaration'), optional(repeat(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')))->as('tags'), lookahead(token('{')), commit(chain(braces()->as('pattern'), operator('>>'), braces()->as('expansion')))->as('body'), optional(token(';'))), CONSUME_DO_TRIM)->onCommit(function (Ast $macroAst) use($cg) { $scope = Map::fromEmpty(); $tags = Map::fromValues(array_map('strval', $macroAst->{'tags'})); $pattern = new Pattern($macroAst->{'declaration'}->line(), $macroAst->{'body pattern'}, $tags, $scope); $expansion = new Expansion($macroAst->{'body expansion'}, $tags, $scope); $macro = new Macro($tags, $pattern, $expansion, $cg->cycle); $cg->directives->add($macro); // allocate the userland macro // allocate the userland macro globally if it's declared as global if ($macro->tags()->contains('·global')) { $cg->globalDirectives[] = $macro; } }))->parse($cg->ts); $expansion = (string) $cg->ts; if ($gc) { gc_enable(); } return $expansion; }
protected function tearDown() { //Close & unsets if (is_object($this->em)) { $this->em->getConnection()->close(); $this->em->close(); } unset($this->em); unset($this->container); unset($this->kern); unset($this->client); //Nettoyage des mocks // $refl = new \ReflectionObject($this); foreach ($refl->getProperties() as $prop) { if (!$prop->isStatic() && 0 !== strpos($prop->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), 'PHPUnit_')) { $prop->setAccessible(true); $prop->setValue($this, null); } } //Nettoyage du garbage if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } gc_collect_cycles(); //Parent parent::tearDown(); }
/** * Remove items that link back to this before destroying this object */ public function __destruct() { if ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<') || !gc_enabled()) && !ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode')) { unset($this->feed); } }
protected function iterate($seconds) { sleep($seconds); if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } gc_collect_cycles(); }
public function __construct() { $this->checkPcntl(); // Enable PHP 5.3 garbage collection if (function_exists('gc_enable')) { gc_enable(); $this->gc = gc_enabled(); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // enables garbage collector because symfony/phpunit-bridge disables it. see: // see: // see: (feature list) if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } }
/** * In the constructor we'll simply initialise the earlier two properties, * respectivily with an array and the current timestamp. */ public static function Initialize() { self::$s_pStatistics = new \stdClass(); self::$s_pStatistics->Memory = 0; self::$s_pStatistics->Cycles = 0; self::$s_nLastCollect = time(); if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } }
/** * Gc */ private function gc() { if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } else { gc_enable(); gc_collect_cycles(); gc_disable(); } }
/** * @param WorkerEvent $event * @return void */ public function onStopConditionCheck(WorkerEvent $event) { // @see if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } $usage = memory_get_usage(); if ($this->maxMemory && $usage > $this->maxMemory) { $event->exitWorkerLoop(); $this->state = sprintf("memory threshold of %s exceeded (usage: %s)", $this->humanFormat($this->maxMemory), $this->humanFormat($usage)); } else { $this->state = sprintf('%s memory usage', $this->humanFormat($usage)); } }
protected static function timeExec(callable $code, $rounds) { $gc_enabled = gc_enabled(); if ($gc_enabled) { gc_disable(); } $start = microtime(TRUE); for ($i = 0; $i < $rounds; $i++) { $code(); } $end = microtime(TRUE); if ($gc_enabled) { gc_enable(); } return $end - $start; }
/** * 环境检查 * @throws Exception */ public function check_pcntl() { // Make sure PHP has support for pcntl if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { $message = 'PHP does not appear to be compiled with the PCNTL extension. This is neccesary for daemonization'; throw new Exception($message); } //信号处理 pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array(&$this, "signal_handler")); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array(&$this, "signal_handler")); pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, array(&$this, "signal_handler")); // Enable PHP 5.3 garbage collection if (function_exists('gc_enable')) { gc_enable(); $this->gc_enabled = gc_enabled(); } }
public function __construct($socket_url, $protocol_name, $transport_name = 'Socket') { if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { throw new LogicException("Daemonic Application should be run using CLI SAPI"); } if (version_compare("5.3.0", PHP_VERSION, '>')) { throw new LogicException("Daemonic Application requires PHP 5.3.0+"); } // Checking for GarbageCollection patch if (false === gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } $transport_class = 'MFS\\AppServer\\Transport\\' . $transport_name; $this->setTransport(new $transport_class($socket_url, array($this, 'onRequest'))); $protocol_class = 'MFS\\AppServer\\' . $protocol_name . '\\Server'; $this->setProtocol(new $protocol_class()); $this->log('Initialized Daemonic Handler'); }
public function check_pcntl() { if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal_dispatch')) { // PHP < 5.3 uses ticks to handle signals instead of pcntl_signal_dispatch // call sighandler only every 10 ticks declare (ticks=1); } // Make sure PHP has support for pcntl if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { $message = 'PHP does not appear to be compiled with the PCNTL extension. This is neccesary for daemonization'; throw new \Exception($message); } //信号处理 \pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array(__CLASS__, "signal_handler"), false); \pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array(__CLASS__, "signal_handler"), false); \pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, array(__CLASS__, "signal_handler"), false); // Enable PHP 5.3 garbage collection if (\function_exists('gc_enable')) { \gc_enable(); $this->gc_enabled = \gc_enabled(); } }
<?php gc_disable(); var_dump(gc_enabled()); gc_enable(); var_dump(gc_enabled());
echo __('PHP Actual Configuration Memory Limit', 'bulletproof-security') . ': <strong><font color="blue">' . __('The Memory Limit value is not available from your Server.', 'bulletproof-security') . '</font></strong><br>'; } else { switch ($memoryLimit) { case $memoryLimit >= '128': echo __('PHP Actual Configuration Memory Limit', 'bulletproof-security') . ': <strong><font color="green">' . $memoryLimitM . '</font></strong><br>'; break; case $memoryLimit >= '65' && $memoryLimit < '128': echo __('PHP Actual Configuration Memory Limit', 'bulletproof-security') . ': <strong><font color="blue">' . $memoryLimitM . __(' Recommendation: Increase Memory Limit to 128M.', 'bulletproof-security') . '</font></strong><br>'; break; case $memoryLimit > '0' && $memoryLimit <= '64': echo __('PHP Actual Configuration Memory Limit', 'bulletproof-security') . ': <strong><font color="red">' . $memoryLimitM . __(' Recommendation: Increase Memory Limit to 128M.', 'bulletproof-security') . '</font></strong><br>'; break; } } if (function_exists('gc_enabled') && function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { if (gc_enabled()) { $garbage = 'On | Cycles: ' . gc_collect_cycles(); } else { $garbage = 'Off'; } echo __('Garbage Collector', 'bulletproof-security') . ': <strong>' . $garbage . '</strong><br>'; } echo __('PHP Max Upload Size', 'bulletproof-security') . ': '; $upload_max = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); echo '<strong>' . $upload_max . '</strong><br>'; echo __('PHP Max Post Size', 'bulletproof-security') . ': '; $post_max = ini_get('post_max_size'); echo '<strong>' . $post_max . '</strong><br>'; echo __('PHP Safe Mode', 'bulletproof-security') . ': '; if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1) { $text = '<font color="red"><strong>' . __('On', 'bulletproof-security') . '</strong></font>';
public function __construct() { if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } }
<?php use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry; use Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler; // Detect if we're loaded by an actual run of phpunit if (!defined('PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL') && !class_exists('PHPUnit_TextUI_Command', false)) { return; } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 && gc_enabled()) { // Disabling Zend Garbage Collection to prevent segfaults with PHP5.4+ // gc_disable(); } if (class_exists('Doctrine\\Common\\Annotations\\AnnotationRegistry')) { AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader('class_exists'); } DeprecationErrorHandler::register(getenv('SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER'));
<?php include 'ProcessControl.php'; set_time_limit(0); if (false == gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } $options = getopt('dhP:u:'); if (isset($options['h'])) { echo <<<'HELP' -d run as a daemon -h print this help and exit -u <username> assume identity of <username> (only when run as root) HELP; exit(0); } try { $manager = new Fork\Manager(function () { $children = new Fork\Children(); $gearman = new Fork\Worker\PeclGearman(function () { return include 'GearmanWorker.php'; }); // Run 5 gearmans each restarting after an hour $children->createProcesses(new Fork\Worker\ExitAfterDuration($gearman, 3600), 5); return $children; }); // Daemonize? if (isset($options['d'])) { $daemon = new ProcessControl\Daemon(); if (isset($options['u'])) {
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } if (!extension_loaded("pthreads")) { die("Please install pthreads extension !"); } if (file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { require 'vendor/autoload.php'; } else { die("Please install composer and run 'composer install' !" . PHP_EOL); } use Emulator\Emulator; Emulator::start();
/** * Watch the source/ directory for any changes to existing files. Will run forever if given the chance. * @param {Boolean} decide if the reload server should be turned on * @param {Boolean} decide if static files like CSS and JS should be moved */ public function watch($reload = false, $moveStatic = true, $noCacheBuster = false) { // automatically start the auto-refresh tool if ($reload) { $path = str_replace("lib" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "PatternLab", "autoReloadServer.php", __DIR__); $fp = popen("php " . $path . " -s", "r"); print "starting page auto-reload...\n"; } $this->noCacheBuster = $noCacheBuster; $c = false; // track that one loop through the pattern file listing has completed $o = new \stdClass(); // create an object to hold the properties $cp = new \stdClass(); // create an object to hold a clone of $o $o->patterns = new \stdClass(); print "watching your site for changes...\n"; // run forever while (true) { // clone the patterns so they can be checked in case something gets deleted $cp = clone $o->patterns; // iterate over the patterns & related data and regenerate the entire site if they've changed $patternObjects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->sd . "/_patterns/"), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); // make sure dots are skipped $patternObjects->setFlags(\FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($patternObjects as $name => $object) { // clean-up the file name and make sure it's not one of the pattern lab files or to be ignored $fileName = str_replace($this->sd . "/_patterns" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name); $fileNameClean = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "_", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName); if ($object->isFile() && ($object->getExtension() == "mustache" || $object->getExtension() == "json")) { // make sure this isn't a hidden pattern $patternParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName); $pattern = isset($patternParts[2]) ? $patternParts[2] : $patternParts[1]; // make sure the pattern still exists in source just in case it's been deleted during the iteration if (file_exists($name)) { $mt = $object->getMTime(); if (isset($o->patterns->{$fileName}) && $o->patterns->{$fileName} != $mt) { $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt; $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed"); } else { if (!isset($o->patterns->{$fileName}) && $c) { $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt; $this->updateSite($fileName, "added"); if ($object->getExtension() == "mustache") { $patternSrcPath = str_replace(".mustache", "", $fileName); $patternDestPath = str_replace("/", "-", $patternSrcPath); $render = $pattern[0] != "_" ? true : false; $this->patternPaths[$patternParts[0]][$pattern] = array("patternSrcPath" => $patternSrcPath, "patternDestPath" => $patternDestPath, "render" => $render); } } else { if (!isset($o->patterns->{$fileName})) { $o->patterns->{$fileName} = $mt; } } } if ($c && isset($o->patterns->{$fileName})) { unset($cp->{$fileName}); } } else { // the file was removed during the iteration so remove references to the item unset($o->patterns->{$fileName}); unset($cp->{$fileName}); unset($this->patternPaths[$patternParts[0]][$pattern]); $this->updateSite($fileName, "removed"); } } } // make sure old entries are deleted // will throw "pattern not found" errors if an entire directory is removed at once but that shouldn't be a big deal if ($c) { foreach ($cp as $fileName => $mt) { unset($o->patterns->{$fileName}); $patternParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileName); $pattern = isset($patternParts[2]) ? $patternParts[2] : $patternParts[1]; unset($this->patternPaths[$patternParts[0]][$pattern]); $this->updateSite($fileName, "removed"); } } // iterate over the data files and regenerate the entire site if they've changed $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->sd . "/_data/"), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); // make sure dots are skipped $objects->setFlags(\FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($objects as $name => $object) { $fileName = str_replace($this->sd . "/_data" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name); $mt = $object->getMTime(); if (!isset($o->{$fileName})) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; if ($fileName[0] != "_" && $object->isFile()) { $this->moveStaticFile("_data/" . $fileName, "", "_data", "data"); } } else { if ($o->{$fileName} != $mt) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed"); if ($fileName[0] != "_" && $object->isFile()) { $this->moveStaticFile("_data/" . $fileName, "", "_data", "data"); } } } } // iterate over all of the other files in the source directory and move them if their modified time has changed if ($moveStatic) { $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->sd . "/"), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); // make sure dots are skipped $objects->setFlags(\FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($objects as $name => $object) { // clean-up the file name and make sure it's not one of the pattern lab files or to be ignored $fileName = str_replace($this->sd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name); if ($fileName[0] != "_" && !in_array($object->getExtension(), $this->ie) && !in_array($object->getFilename(), $this->id)) { // catch directories that have the ignored dir in their path $ignoreDir = $this->ignoreDir($fileName); // check to see if it's a new directory if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isDir() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !is_dir($this->pd . "/" . $fileName)) { mkdir($this->pd . "/" . $fileName); $o->{$fileName} = "dir created"; // placeholder print $fileName . "/ directory was created...\n"; } // check to see if it's a new file or a file that has changed if (file_exists($name)) { $mt = $object->getMTime(); if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isFile() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !file_exists($this->pd . "/" . $fileName)) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; $this->moveStaticFile($fileName, "added"); if ($object->getExtension() == "css") { $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed", 0); // make sure the site is updated for MQ reasons } } else { if (!$ignoreDir && $object->isFile() && isset($o->{$fileName}) && $o->{$fileName} != $mt) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; $this->moveStaticFile($fileName, "changed"); if ($object->getExtension() == "css") { $this->updateSite($fileName, "changed", 0); // make sure the site is updated for MQ reasons } } else { if (!isset($o->fileName)) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; } } } } else { unset($o->{$fileName}); } } } } $c = true; // taking out the garbage. basically killing mustache after each run. unset($this->mpl); unset($this->msf); unset($this->mv); if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } // output anything the reload server might send our way if ($reload) { $output = fgets($fp, 100); if ($output != "\n") { print $output; } } // pause for .05 seconds to give the CPU a rest usleep(50000); } // close the auto-reload process, this shouldn't do anything fclose($fp); }
require __DIR__ . '/TaxCalculation.php'; require __DIR__ . '/Category.php'; require __DIR__ . '/CsvWriter.php'; require __DIR__ . '/LanguageMapper.php'; $options = getopt(null, ["language:"]); if (empty($options)) { // fallback $options["language"] = "de"; } $skippedProducts = 0; $mapper = new LanguageMapper($options["language"]); $feedFilename = sprintf("%s/Mey_%s_%s.csv", "/opt/productexport", $mapper->getLabel(), date("Y-m-d_H-m-s")); $start = microtime(true); $data = []; $brokenProducts = []; $gc = gc_enabled(); Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($mapper->getStoreId())); $taxCalc = new TaxCalculation(Mage); $open = count($products); $dataWritten = false; $writer = new CsvWriter($feedFilename); $productIds = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', array('eq' => 'configurable'))->addAttributeToFilter('status', array('eq' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Status::STATUS_ENABLED))->getAllIds(); $open = count($productIds); foreach ($productIds as $id) { $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id); $websites = $product->getWebsiteIds(); if (!inMainStore($websites)) { $websites = implode(",", $websites); echo "[wrong website] skip {$id}, websites: {$websites}\n"; $skippedProducts++; continue;
/** * Disable the garbage collector if it's enabled to ensure we don't adjust memory statistics. */ private function disable_gc() { if (gc_enabled()) { $this->wedisabledgc = true; gc_disable(); } }
public function enableGC() { if (!gc_enabled()) { gc_enable(); } }
<?php gc_enable(); // Enable Garbage Collector var_dump(gc_enabled()); // true echo "<br/>"; var_dump(gc_collect_cycles()); // # of elements cleaned up gc_disable(); // Disable Garbage Collector echo "<br/>\n"; var_dump(gc_enabled()); // true echo "<br/>\n"; ?>
<?php /* * This file is part of the PhotoUploader package. * (c) Michal Giergielewicz <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>=') && gc_enabled()) { // Disabling Zend Garbage Collection to prevent segfaults with PHP5.4+ // gc_disable(); } require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; set_error_handler('\\Freyr\\Envelope\\ErrorHandler::exception_error_handler');
private static function _renderSystem() { $i = true; $php = array(); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "PHP версия:", "value" => phpversion()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "PHP идентификатор процесса:", "value" => zend_version()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "PHP ZEND версия:", "value" => getmypid()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Владелец скрипта:", "value" => get_current_user()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Владелец скрипта [UID]:", "value" => getmyuid()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Владелец скрипта [GID]:", "value" => getmygid()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Владелец скрипта [inode]:", "value" => getmyinode()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Макс. время выполнения скрипта:", "value" => ini_get("max_execution_time")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Макс. размер загружаемого файла:", "value" => ini_get("upload_max_filesize")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Макс. размер POST-данных:", "value" => ini_get("post_max_size")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Макс. объем памяти скрипта:", "value" => ini_get("memory_limit")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Папка загружаемых файлов:", "value" => ini_get("upload_tmp_dir")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Папка хранения сессий:", "value" => ini_get("session.save_path")); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Путь включения скриптов:", "value" => get_include_path()); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Cборщик циклических ссылок:", "value" => @function_exists("gc_enabled") ? gc_enabled() ? "On" : "Off" : "N/A(?)"); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC:", "value" => self::mquotes_gpc() ? "On" : "Off"); $php[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME:", "value" => self::mquotes_runtime() ? "On" : "Off"); $i = true; $mysql = array(); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Версия сервера:", "value" => mysql_get_server_info()); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Имя сервера:", "value" => db::coninfo("host")); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Имя БД:", "value" => db::coninfo("name")); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Имя пользователя:", "value" => db::coninfo("user")); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Пароль:", "value" => db::coninfo("pass")); $mysql[] = array("row" => 1 + (0 + ($i = !$i)), "name" => "Используемое расширение:", "value" => mysql); $t = tpl::get(self::$class, self::$section["name"]); $t->setArrayCycle("php", $php); $t->setArrayCycle("mysql", $mysql); $t->_render(); }
/** * Remove items that link back to this before destroying this object */ public function __destruct() { if ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<') || !gc_enabled()) && !ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode')) { if (!empty($this->data['items'])) { foreach ($this->data['items'] as $item) { $item->__destruct(); } unset($item, $this->data['items']); } if (!empty($this->data['ordered_items'])) { foreach ($this->data['ordered_items'] as $item) { $item->__destruct(); } unset($item, $this->data['ordered_items']); } } }
public function watchStarterKit() { // default vars $starterKitPath = $this->starterKitPathPrompt(); $sourceDir = Config::getOption("sourceDir"); $fs = new Filesystem(); $c = false; // track that one loop through the pattern file listing has completed $o = new \stdClass(); // create an object to hold the properties $cp = new \stdClass(); // create an object to hold a clone of $o $o->patterns = new \stdClass(); Console::writeLine("watching your starterkit for changes..."); // run forever while (true) { // clone the patterns so they can be checked in case something gets deleted $cp = clone $o->patterns; $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($starterKitPath), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); // make sure dots are skipped $objects->setFlags(\FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($objects as $name => $object) { // clean-up the file name and make sure it's not one of the pattern lab files or to be ignored $fileName = str_replace($starterKitPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name); // check to see if it's a new directory if ($object->isDir() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !is_dir($starterKitPath . "/" . $fileName)) { mkdir($sourceDir . "/" . $fileName); $o->{$fileName} = "dir created"; // placeholder Console::writeLine($fileName . "/ directory was created..."); } // check to see if it's a new file or a file that has changed if (file_exists($name)) { $mt = $object->getMTime(); if ($object->isFile() && !isset($o->{$fileName}) && !file_exists($sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName)) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; $fs->copy($starterKitPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName); Console::writeInfo($fileName . " added..."); } else { if ($object->isFile() && isset($o->{$fileName}) && $o->{$fileName} != $mt) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; $fs->copy($starterKitPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName); Console::writeInfo($fileName . " changed..."); } else { if (!isset($o->fileName)) { $o->{$fileName} = $mt; } } } } else { unset($o->{$fileName}); } } $c = true; // taking out the garbage. basically killing mustache after each run. if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } // pause for .05 seconds to give the CPU a rest usleep(50000); } }
/** * Must be started when already running as daemon. */ public function start() { $this->registerSignals(); // For SIGTERM handling $poll = new \ZMQPoll(); foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { $connection->connect(); $poll->add($connection->pull_socket, \ZMQ::POLL_IN); } // We are using polling to not block indefinitely and be able // to process the SIGTERM signal. The poll timeout is .5 second. $timeout = 500; $to_read = $to_write = array(); $gc = gc_enabled(); $i = 0; while (true) { $events = 0; try { $events = $poll->poll($to_read, $to_write, $timeout); $errors = $poll->getLastErrors(); if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $error) { Log::error('Error polling object: ' . $error); } } } catch (\ZMQPollException $e) { Log::fatal('Poll failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); return 1; } if ($events > 0) { foreach ($to_read as $r) { foreach ($this->connections as $connection) { if ($connection->pull_socket === $r) { $this->processRequest($connection); break; } } $i++; } } pcntl_signal_dispatch(); if ($gc && 500 < $i) { $collected = gc_collect_cycles(); Log::debug(array('photon.server.start', 'collected_cycles', $collected)); $i = 0; } } }
/** * clear the loaded profiles to force to reload the profiles file. * WARNING: it destroy all objects stored in the pool! */ public static function clear() { self::$_profiles = null; self::$_objectPool = array(); if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } }