  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $data['value'] = fw_ext('mailer')->get_db_settings_option();
     $wrapper_attr = $option['attr'];
     unset($wrapper_attr['name'], $wrapper_attr['value']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) . '>' . fw()->backend->option_type('multi')->render($id, array('inner-options' => $this->get_inner_options()), $data) . '</div>';
  * @internal
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $options_array = $this->prepare_option($id, $option);
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     if ($option['show_borders']) {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-with-borders';
     } else {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-without-borders';
     $picker_key = key($option['picker']);
     $picker_type = $option['picker'][$picker_key]['type'];
     $picker = $option['picker'][$picker_key];
     $picker_value = fw()->backend->option_type($picker_type)->get_value_from_input($picker, isset($data['value'][$picker_key]) ? $data['value'][$picker_key] : null);
     $skip_first = true;
     foreach ($options_array as $group_id => &$group) {
         if ($skip_first) {
             // first is picker
             $skip_first = false;
         if ($group_id === $id . '-' . $picker_value) {
             // skip selected choice options
         $options_array[$group_id]['attr']['data-options-template'] = fw()->backend->render_options($options_array[$group_id]['options'], $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']'));
         $options_array[$group_id]['options'] = array();
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($options_array, $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $input_attr = array('name' => $option['attr']['name'], 'id' => $option['attr']['id'] . '--checkbox', 'data-switch-left' => $option['left-choice']['label'], 'data-switch-right' => $option['right-choice']['label']);
     foreach (array('left', 'right') as $value_type) {
         if (is_bool($option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'])) {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-bool-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'] ? 'true' : 'false';
         } else {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'];
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX && in_array($data['value'], array('false', 'true')) && ($option['left-choice']['value'] !== $data['value'] && $option['right-choice']['value'] !== $data['value'])) {
          * This happens on fw.OptionsModal open/render
          * When the switch is used by other option types
          * then this script http://bit.ly/1QshDoS can't fix nested values
          * Check if values is 'true' or 'false' and one of the choices values is a boolean that matches it
          * then transform/fix it to boolean
         if ($data['value'] === 'true' && (is_bool($option['right-choice']['value']) && $option['right-choice']['value'] === true || is_bool($option['left-choice']['value']) && $option['left-choice']['value'] === true)) {
             $data['value'] = true;
         } elseif ($data['value'] === 'false' && (is_bool($option['right-choice']['value']) && $option['right-choice']['value'] === false || is_bool($option['left-choice']['value']) && $option['left-choice']['value'] === false)) {
             $data['value'] = false;
     if ($data['value'] === $option['right-choice']['value']) {
         // right choice means checked
         $input_attr['checked'] = 'checked';
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value'], $option['attr']['checked'], $option['attr']['type']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . '<input type="hidden" value="" ' . (empty($input_attr['checked']) ? 'name="' . esc_attr($input_attr['name']) . '"' : '') . ' />' . '<input type="checkbox" ' . fw_attr_to_html($input_attr) . ' />' . '</div>';
 public function _admin_filter_shortcode_notation($notation, $atts)
     $attributes = $atts['optionValues'];
     $attributes['color'] = !empty($attributes['color']) ? $attributes['color'] : '#000';
     $attributes['size'] = !empty($attributes['size']) ? $attributes['size'] : '40';
     return '[icon ' . fw_attr_to_html($attributes) . ']';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     // this js contains custom changes
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-' . $this->get_type() . '-image-picker', fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/js/image-picker/image-picker.js'), array(), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/css/styles.css'), array('qtip'), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/js/scripts.js'), array('fw-events', 'qtip'), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     $wrapper_attr = array('id' => $option['attr']['id'], 'class' => $option['attr']['class']);
     foreach ($wrapper_attr as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
     $option['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
      * pre loads images on page load
      * fixes glitch with preview:
      * * hover first time  - show wrong because image not loaded and has no height/width and cannot detect correctly popup position
      * * hover second time - show correctly
     $pre_load_images_html = '';
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<select ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
     if (!empty($option['blank']) and $option['blank'] === true) {
         $html .= '<option value=""></option>';
     foreach ($option['choices'] as $key => $choice) {
         $attr = array('value' => $key);
         if ($option['value'] == $key) {
             $attr['selected'] = 'selected';
         if (is_string($choice)) {
             // is 'http://.../small.png'
             $choice = array('small' => array('src' => $choice));
         if (is_string($choice['small'])) {
             // is 'http://.../small.png'
             $choice['small'] = array('src' => $choice['small']);
         $attr['data-small-img-attr'] = json_encode($choice['small']);
         // required by image-picker plugin
         $attr['data-img-src'] = $choice['small']['src'];
         if (!empty($choice['large'])) {
             if (is_string($choice['large'])) {
                 // is 'http://.../large.png'
                 $choice['large'] = array('src' => $choice['large']);
             $attr['data-large-img-attr'] = json_encode($choice['large']);
             $pre_load_images_html .= fw_html_tag('img', array('src' => $choice['large']['src']));
         if (!empty($choice['data'])) {
             // used in js events
             $attr['data-extra-data'] = json_encode($choice['data']);
         $html .= fw_html_tag('option', $attr, fw_htmlspecialchars(isset($choice['label']) ? $choice['label'] : ''));
     $html .= '</select>';
     return fw_html_tag('div', $wrapper_attr, $html . '<div class="pre-loaded-images"><br/><br/>' . $pre_load_images_html . '</div>');
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $option['attr']['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
     $option['attr']['class'] .= ' code';
     $option['attr']['size'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['maxlength'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['onclick'] = 'this.select()';
     return '<input type="text" ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $wrapper_attr = array('id' => $option['attr']['id'], 'class' => $option['attr']['class']);
     foreach ($wrapper_attr as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
     $option['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
      * pre loads images on page load
      * fixes glitch with preview:
      * * hover first time  - show wrong because image not loaded and has no height/width and cannot detect correctly popup position
      * * hover second time - show correctly
     $pre_load_images_html = '';
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<select ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
     if ($option['blank'] === true) {
         $html .= '<option value=""></option>';
     foreach ($option['choices'] as $key => $choice) {
         $attr = array('value' => $key);
         if ($option['value'] == $key) {
             $attr['selected'] = 'selected';
         if (is_string($choice)) {
             // is 'http://.../small.png'
             $choice = array('small' => array('src' => $choice));
         if (is_string($choice['small'])) {
             // is 'http://.../small.png'
             $choice['small'] = array('src' => $choice['small']);
         $attr['data-small-img-attr'] = json_encode($choice['small']);
         $attr['data-img-src'] = $choice['small']['src'];
         // required by image-picker plugin
         if (!empty($choice['large'])) {
             if (is_string($choice['large'])) {
                 // is 'http://.../large.png'
                 $choice['large'] = array('src' => $choice['large']);
             $attr['data-large-img-attr'] = json_encode($choice['large']);
             $pre_load_images_html .= fw_html_tag('img', array('src' => $choice['large']['src']));
         if (!empty($choice['data'])) {
             // used in js events
             $attr['data-extra-data'] = json_encode($choice['data']);
         if (!empty($choice['attr'])) {
             $attr = array_merge($choice['attr'], $attr);
         $html .= fw_html_tag('option', $attr, fw_htmlspecialchars(isset($choice['label']) ? $choice['label'] : ''));
     $html .= '</select>';
     return fw_html_tag('div', $wrapper_attr, $html . '<div class="pre-loaded-images"><br/><br/>' . $pre_load_images_html . '</div>');
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     if (empty($data['value'])) {
         $data['value'] = array();
     $div_attr = $option['attr'];
     unset($div_attr['name'], $div_attr['value']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($div_attr) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($option['inner-options'], $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), FW_URI . '/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/css/styles.css', array(), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     if (empty($data['value'])) {
         $data['value'] = array();
     $div_attr = $option['attr'];
     unset($div_attr['name'], $div_attr['value']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($div_attr) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($option['inner-options'], $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $css_path = fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/css/');
     $js_path = fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/js/');
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-type' . $this->get_type(), $css_path . 'multi-picker.css', array(), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-type' . $this->get_type(), $js_path . 'multi-picker.js', array('jquery', 'fw-events'), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     $options_array = $this->prepare_option($id, $option);
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($options_array, $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
  * @internal
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $options_array = $this->prepare_option($id, $option);
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     if ($option['show_borders']) {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-with-borders';
     } else {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-without-borders';
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($options_array, $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $option['attr']['value'] = empty($data['value']) ? $option['value'] : $data['value'];
     $option['attr']['data-default'] = $option['value'];
     $palettes = (bool) $option['palettes'];
     if (!empty($option['palettes']) && is_array($option['palettes'])) {
         $palettes = $option['palettes'];
     $option['attr']['data-palettes'] = json_encode($palettes);
     return '<input type="text" ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), FW_URI . '/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/css/styles.css', array(), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), FW_URI . '/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/js/scripts.js', array('fw-events'), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     $option['attr']['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
     $option['attr']['class'] .= ' code';
     $option['attr']['size'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['maxlength'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['onclick'] = 'this.select()';
     return '<input type="text" ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     global $wp_filesystem;
     if (empty($wp_filesystem)) {
         require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php';
      * $data['value'] contains correct value returned by the _get_value_from_input()
      * You decide how to use it in html
     $option['attr']['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
      * $option['attr'] contains all attributes.
      * Main (wrapper) option html element should have "id" and "class" attribute.
      * All option types should have in main element the class "fw-option-type-{$type}".
      * Every javascript and css in that option should use that class.
      * Remaining attributes you can:
      *  1. use them all in main element (if option itself has no input elements)
      *  2. use them in input element (if option has input element that contains option value)
      * In this case you will use second option.
     $wrapper_attr = array('id' => $option['attr']['id'], 'class' => $option['attr']['class']);
     unset($option['attr']['id'], $option['attr']['class']);
     $json_file = get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/icons/selection.json';
     if ($wp_filesystem->exists($json_file)) {
         $json_content = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($json_file);
         if (!$json_content) {
             return new WP_Error('reading_error', 'Error when reading file');
         $json_content = json_decode($json_content, true);
     } else {
         echo 'Error: JSON file not found';
         return false;
     // icons SELECT input
     $html = '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) . '>';
     $html .= '<select ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . ' class="fonticonpicker">';
     $html .= '<option value="">' . __('None', 'fw') . '</option>';
     foreach ($json_content['icons'] as $icon) {
         $glyph_full = $json_content['prefix'] . $icon;
         $html .= '<option value="' . $glyph_full . '" ' . selected($option['attr']['value'], $glyph_full, false) . '>' . $glyph_full . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $option['attr']['value'] = (string) $data['value'];
     $option['attr']['class'] .= ' code';
     $option['attr']['size'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['maxlength'] = '7';
     $option['attr']['onclick'] = 'this.select()';
     $option['attr']['data-default'] = $option['value'];
     $palettes = (bool) $option['palettes'];
     if (!empty($option['palettes']) && is_array($option['palettes'])) {
         $palettes = $option['palettes'];
     $option['attr']['data-palettes'] = json_encode($palettes);
     return '<input type="text" ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>';
 protected function _render($containers, $values, $data)
     $html = '';
     $defaults = $this->get_defaults();
     foreach ($containers as $id => &$option) {
         $attr = $option['attr'];
         $attr['data-modal-title'] = $option['title'];
         if (in_array($option['modal-size'], array('small', 'medium', 'large'))) {
             $attr['data-modal-size'] = $option['modal-size'];
         } else {
             $attr['data-modal-size'] = $defaults['modal-size'];
         $html .= '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($attr) . '>' . '<p class="popup-button-wrapper">' . fw_html_tag('button', array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'button button-secondary popup-button'), $option['title']) . '</p>' . (empty($option['desc']) ? '' : '<div class="popup-desc">' . $option['desc'] . '</div>') . '<div class="popup-options fw-hidden">' . fw()->backend->render_options($option['options'], $values, $data) . '</div>' . '</div>';
     return $html;
예제 #17
 protected function _render($containers, $values, $data)
     $html = '';
     foreach ($containers as $id => &$group) {
         $attr = isset($group['attr']) ? $group['attr'] : array();
         $attr['id'] = 'fw-backend-options-group-' . $id;
         if (!isset($attr['class'])) {
             $attr['class'] = 'fw-backend-options-group';
         } else {
             $attr['class'] = 'fw-backend-options-group ' . $attr['class'];
         $html .= '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($attr) . '>';
         $html .= fw()->backend->render_options($group['options'], $values, $data);
         $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     if (is_null($data['value'])) {
         $data['value'] = $this->get_value_from_input($option, null);
     $input_attr = array('name' => $option['attr']['name'], 'id' => $option['attr']['id'] . '--checkbox', 'data-switch-left' => $option['left-choice']['label'], 'data-switch-right' => $option['right-choice']['label']);
     foreach (array('left', 'right') as $value_type) {
         $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-value-json'] = json_encode($option[$value_type . '-choice']['value']);
     if ($checked = $data['value'] === $option['right-choice']['value']) {
         $input_attr['checked'] = 'checked';
         // right choice means checked
     $input_attr['value'] = json_encode($option[($checked ? 'right' : 'left') . '-choice']['value']);
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value'], $option['attr']['checked'], $option['attr']['type']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . '<!-- note: value is json encoded, if want to use it in js, do: var val = JSON.parse($input.val()); -->' . ($checked ? '' : fw_html_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $input_attr['name'], 'value' => $input_attr['data-switch-left-value-json']))) . '<input type="checkbox" ' . fw_attr_to_html($input_attr) . ' />' . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $input_attr = array('name' => $option['attr']['name'], 'id' => $option['attr']['id'] . '--checkbox', 'data-switch-left' => $option['left-choice']['label'], 'data-switch-right' => $option['right-choice']['label']);
     foreach (array('left', 'right') as $value_type) {
         if (is_bool($option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'])) {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-bool-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'] ? 'true' : 'false';
         } else {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'];
     if ($data['value'] === $option['right-choice']['value']) {
         // right choice means checked
         $input_attr['checked'] = 'checked';
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value'], $option['attr']['checked'], $option['attr']['type']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . '<input type="hidden" value="" ' . (empty($input_attr['checked']) ? 'name="' . esc_attr($input_attr['name']) . '"' : '') . ' />' . '<input type="checkbox" ' . fw_attr_to_html($input_attr) . ' />' . '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     //replace \u00a0 char to &nbsp;
     $value = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), '&nbsp;', (string) $data['value']);
     $name = $option['attr']['name'];
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     $textarea_id = 'textarea_';
     if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_\\-]/i', $option['attr']['id']) || $option['reinit']) {
         $textarea_id .= 'dynamic_id';
     } else {
         $textarea_id .= $option['attr']['id'];
     $wrapper_attr = array_merge($option['attr'], array('data-name' => $name, 'data-config' => $option['teeny'] ? 'teeny' : (is_array($option['tinymce']) ? 'custom' : 'extended'), 'data-tinymce' => is_array($option['tinymce']) ? json_encode($option['tinymce']) : $option['tinymce'], 'data-tmce-teeny' => json_encode($this->get_teeny_preset($option)), 'data-tmce-extended' => json_encode($this->get_extended_preset($option))));
     echo '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) . ' >';
     wp_editor($value, $textarea_id, array('teeny' => $option['teeny'], 'media_buttons' => $option['media_buttons'], 'tinymce' => $option['tinymce'], 'editor_css' => $option['editor_css']));
     echo '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     //replace \u00a0 char to &nbsp;
     $value = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), '&nbsp;', (string) $data['value']);
     $name = $option['attr']['name'];
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     $textarea_id = 'textarea_';
     if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_\\-]/i', $option['attr']['id']) || $option['reinit']) {
         $textarea_id .= 'dynamic_id';
     } else {
         $textarea_id .= $option['attr']['id'];
     $wrapper_attr = array_merge($option['attr'], array('data-name' => $name, 'data-config' => $option['teeny'] ? 'teeny' : (is_array($option['tinymce']) ? 'custom' : 'extended'), 'data-tinymce' => is_array($option['tinymce']) ? json_encode($option['tinymce']) : $option['tinymce'], 'data-tmce-teeny' => json_encode($this->get_teeny_preset($option)), 'data-tmce-extended' => json_encode($this->get_extended_preset($option))));
     echo '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) . ' >';
     $option['editor_css'] .= '<style>#wp-link-wrap{z-index: 160105} #wp-link-backdrop{z-index: 160100} .mce-container.mce-panel.mce-floatpanel.mce-menu, .mce-container.mce-panel.mce-floatpanel.mce-popover, .mce-container.mce-panel.mce-floatpanel.mce-window {z-index: 160105 !important;}</style>';
     wp_editor($value, $textarea_id, array('teeny' => $option['teeny'], 'media_buttons' => $option['media_buttons'], 'tinymce' => $option['tinymce'], 'editor_css' => $option['editor_css']));
     echo '</div>';
  * @internal
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $options_array = $this->prepare_option($id, $option);
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value']);
     if ($option['show_borders']) {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-with-borders';
     } else {
         $option['attr']['class'] .= ' fw-option-type-multi-picker-without-borders';
     $picker_key = key($option['picker']);
     $picker_type = $option['picker'][$picker_key]['type'];
     $picker = $option['picker'][$picker_key];
     if (!is_string($picker_value = fw()->backend->option_type($picker_type)->get_value_from_input($picker, isset($data['value'][$picker_key]) ? $data['value'][$picker_key] : null))) {
          * Extract the string value that is used as array key
         switch ($picker_type) {
             case 'icon-v2':
                 $picker_value = fw_akg('type', $picker_value, 'icon-font');
                 if (!is_string($picker_value = apply_filters('fw:option-type:multi-picker:string-value:' . $picker_type, $picker_value))) {
                     trigger_error('[multi-picker] Cannot detect string value for picker type ' . $picker_type, E_USER_WARNING);
                     $picker_value = '?';
     $skip_first = true;
     foreach ($options_array as $group_id => &$group) {
         if ($skip_first) {
             $skip_first = false;
             // first is picker
         if ($group_id === $id . '-' . $picker_value) {
             // skip selected choice options
         $options_array[$group_id]['attr']['data-options-template'] = fw()->backend->render_options($options_array[$group_id]['options'], $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']'));
         $options_array[$group_id]['options'] = array();
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . fw()->backend->render_options($options_array, $data['value'], array('id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']')) . '</div>';
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     $wrapper_attr = $option['attr'];
     $moment_format = $option['datetime-picker']['moment-format'];
     $wrapper_attr['data-min-date'] = fw_akg('datetime-picker/minDate', $option, false);
     $wrapper_attr['data-max-date'] = fw_akg('datetime-picker/maxDate', $option, false);
     $wrapper_attr['data-extra-formats'] = isset($option['datetime-picker']['extra-formats']) ? json_encode($option['datetime-picker']['extra-formats']) : '';
     $wrapper_attr['data-datetime-attr'] = json_encode($option['datetime-picker']);
     unset($option['datetime-picker']['moment-format'], $option['datetime-picker']['extra-formats'], $option['attr']['class'], $wrapper_attr['name'], $wrapper_attr['id'], $wrapper_attr['value']);
     if (isset($option['datetime-picker']['value'])) {
     $option['datetime-picker']['scrollInput'] = false;
     $option['datetime-picker']['lang'] = substr(get_locale(), 0, 2);
     $option['attr']['data-moment-format'] = $moment_format;
     echo '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) . ' >';
     echo fw()->backend->option_type('text')->render($id, $option, $data);
     echo '</div>';
  * @internal
 protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-' . $this->get_type() . '-adaptive-switch', fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/adaptive-switch/styles.css'), array(), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-' . $this->get_type() . '-adaptive-switch', fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/adaptive-switch/jquery.adaptive-switch.js'), array('jquery'), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     wp_enqueue_style('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/css/styles.css'), array('fw-option-' . $this->get_type() . '-adaptive-switch'), fw()->manifest->get_version());
     wp_enqueue_script('fw-option-' . $this->get_type(), fw_get_framework_directory_uri('/includes/option-types/' . $this->get_type() . '/static/js/scripts.js'), array('fw-events', 'fw-option-' . $this->get_type() . '-adaptive-switch'), fw()->manifest->get_version(), true);
     $input_attr = array('name' => $option['attr']['name'], 'id' => $option['attr']['id'] . '--checkbox', 'data-switch-left' => $option['left-choice']['label'], 'data-switch-right' => $option['right-choice']['label']);
     foreach (array('left', 'right') as $value_type) {
         if (is_bool($option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'])) {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-bool-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'] ? 'true' : 'false';
         } else {
             $input_attr['data-switch-' . $value_type . '-value'] = $option[$value_type . '-choice']['value'];
     if ($data['value'] === $option['right-choice']['value']) {
         // right choice means checked
         $input_attr['checked'] = 'checked';
     unset($option['attr']['name'], $option['attr']['value'], $option['attr']['checked'], $option['attr']['type']);
     return '<div ' . fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) . '>' . '<input type="checkbox" ' . fw_attr_to_html($input_attr) . ' />' . '</div>';
예제 #25
파일: backend.php 프로젝트: isatrio/Unyson
  * Render a meta box
  * @param string $id
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $content HTML
  * @param array $other Optional elements
  * @return string Generated meta box html
 public function render_box($id, $title, $content, $other = array())
     if (!function_exists('add_meta_box')) {
         trigger_error('Try call this method later (\'admin_init\' action), add_meta_box() function does not exists yet.', E_USER_WARNING);
         return '';
     $other = array_merge(array('html_before_title' => false, 'html_after_title' => false, 'attr' => array()), $other);
     $placeholders = array('id' => '{{meta_box_id}}', 'title' => '{{meta_box_title}}', 'content' => '{{meta_box_content}}');
     $placeholders['html_before_title'] = '{{meta_box_html_before_title}}';
     $placeholders['html_after_title'] = '{{meta_box_html_after_title}}';
     $placeholders['attr'] = '{{meta_box_attr}}';
     $placeholders['attr_class'] = '{{meta_box_attr_class}}';
     $cache_key = 'fw_meta_box_template';
     try {
         $meta_box_template = FW_Cache::get($cache_key);
     } catch (FW_Cache_Not_Found_Exception $e) {
         $temp_screen_id = 'fw-temp-meta-box-screen-id-' . fw_unique_increment();
         $context = 'normal';
         add_meta_box($placeholders['id'], $placeholders['title'], $this->print_meta_box_content_callback, $temp_screen_id, $context, 'default', $placeholders['content']);
         do_meta_boxes($temp_screen_id, $context, null);
         $meta_box_template = ob_get_clean();
         remove_meta_box($id, $temp_screen_id, $context);
         $meta_box_template = str_replace('<div id="' . $context . '-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables">', '', $meta_box_template);
         $meta_box_template = explode('</div>', $meta_box_template);
         $meta_box_template = implode('</div>', $meta_box_template);
         // add 'fw-postbox' class and some attr related placeholders
         $meta_box_template = str_replace('class="postbox', $placeholders['attr'] . ' class="postbox fw-postbox' . $placeholders['attr_class'], $meta_box_template);
         $meta_box_template = str_replace('<span>' . $placeholders['title'] . '</span>', '<small class="fw-html-before-title">' . $placeholders['html_before_title'] . '</small>' . '<span>' . $placeholders['title'] . '</span>' . '<small class="fw-html-after-title">' . $placeholders['html_after_title'] . '</small>', $meta_box_template);
         FW_Cache::set($cache_key, $meta_box_template);
     $attr_class = '';
     if (isset($other['attr']['class'])) {
         $attr_class = ' ' . $other['attr']['class'];
     // replace placeholders with data/content
     return str_replace(array($placeholders['id'], $placeholders['title'], $placeholders['content'], $placeholders['html_before_title'], $placeholders['html_after_title'], $placeholders['attr'], $placeholders['attr_class']), array(esc_attr($id), $title, $content, $other['html_before_title'], $other['html_after_title'], fw_attr_to_html($other['attr']), esc_attr($attr_class)), $meta_box_template);
예제 #26
if (!defined('FW')) {
 * @var string $id
 * @var  array $option
 * @var  array $data
$wrapper_attr = $option['attr'];

<div <?php 
echo fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr);

echo fw()->backend->option_type('datetime-picker')->render('from', array('type' => 'datetime-picker', 'value' => isset($option['value']['from']) ? $option['value']['from'] : '', 'desc' => isset($option['descriptions']['from']) ? $option['descriptions']['from'] : false, 'datetime-picker' => isset($option['datetime-pickers']['from']) ? $option['datetime-pickers']['from'] : array(), 'attr' => array('class' => 'from')), array('value' => isset($data['value']['from']) ? $data['value']['from'] : $option['value']['from'], 'id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']'));

	<div class="delimiter"><?php 
echo __('to', 'fw');

echo fw()->backend->option_type('datetime-picker')->render('to', array('type' => 'datetime-picker', 'value' => isset($option['value']['to']) ? $option['value']['to'] : '', 'datetime-picker' => isset($option['datetime-pickers']['to']) ? $option['datetime-pickers']['to'] : array(), 'desc' => isset($option['descriptions']['from']) ? $option['descriptions']['from'] : false, 'attr' => array('class' => 'to')), array('value' => isset($data['value']['to']) ? $data['value']['to'] : $option['value']['to'], 'id_prefix' => $data['id_prefix'] . $id . '-', 'name_prefix' => $data['name_prefix'] . '[' . $id . ']'));
예제 #27
 * Generate html tag
 * @param string $tag Tag name
 * @param array $attr Tag attributes
 * @param bool|string $end Append closing tag. Also accepts body content
 * @return string The tag's html
function fw_html_tag($tag, $attr = array(), $end = false)
    $html = '<' . $tag . ' ' . fw_attr_to_html($attr);
    if ($end === true) {
        # <script></script>
        $html .= '></' . $tag . '>';
    } else {
        if ($end === false) {
            # <br/>
            $html .= '/>';
        } else {
            # <div>content</div>
            $html .= '>' . $end . '</' . $tag . '>';
    return $html;
예제 #28
if (!defined('FW')) {
 * @var string $id
 * @var  array $option
 * @var  array $data
 * @var  array $controls
 * @var string $move_img_src
$attr = $option['attr'];
<div <?php 
echo fw_attr_to_html($attr);
	<table class="fw-option-type-addable-option-options" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
$i = 1;
foreach ($data['value'] as $option_value) {
		<tr class="fw-option-type-addable-option-option">
			<td class="td-move">
				<img src="<?php 
    echo $move_img_src;
" width="7" />
  * @see Walker::display_element
 function display_element($element, &$children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, &$output)
     if (!$element) {
     $id_field = $this->db_fields['id'];
     $id = $element->{$id_field};
     //display this element
     $this->has_children = !empty($children_elements[$id]);
     if (isset($args[0]) && is_array($args[0])) {
         $args[0]['has_children'] = $this->has_children;
         // Backwards compatibility.
     $cb_args = array_merge(array(&$output, $element, $depth), $args);
     call_user_func_array(array($this, 'start_el'), $cb_args);
     // descend only when the depth is right and there are childrens for this element
     if (($max_depth == 0 || $max_depth > $depth + 1) && isset($children_elements[$id])) {
         foreach ($children_elements[$id] as $child) {
             # BEGIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             if ($depth == 0 && fw_ext_mega_menu_get_meta($id, 'enabled') && fw_ext_mega_menu_get_meta($child, 'new-row')) {
                 if (isset($newlevel) && $newlevel) {
                     $cb_args = array_merge(array(&$output, $depth), $args);
                     call_user_func_array(array($this, 'end_lvl'), $cb_args);
             # END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             if (!isset($newlevel)) {
                 $newlevel = true;
                 # BEGIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 if (!isset($mega_menu_container) && $depth == 0 && fw_ext_mega_menu_get_meta($id, 'enabled')) {
                     $mega_menu_container = apply_filters('fw_ext_mega_menu_container', array('tag' => 'div', 'attr' => array('class' => 'mega-menu')), array('element' => $element, 'children_elements' => $children_elements, 'max_depth' => $max_depth, 'depth' => $depth, 'args' => $args));
                     $output .= '<' . $mega_menu_container['tag'] . ' ' . fw_attr_to_html($mega_menu_container['attr']) . '>';
                 $classes = array('sub-menu' => true);
                 if (isset($mega_menu_container)) {
                     if ($this->row_contains_icons($element, $child, $children_elements)) {
                         $classes['sub-menu-has-icons'] = true;
                     $classes['mega-menu-row'] = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->sub_menu_contains_icons($element, $children_elements)) {
                         $classes['sub-menu-has-icons'] = true;
                 $classes = apply_filters('fw_ext_mega_menu_start_lvl_classes', $classes, array('element' => $element, 'children_elements' => $children_elements, 'max_depth' => $max_depth, 'depth' => $depth, 'args' => $args, 'mega_menu_container' => isset($mega_menu_container) ? $mega_menu_container : false));
                 $classes = array_filter($classes);
                 # END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 //start the child delimiter
                 # BEGIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 //$cb_args = array_merge( array(&$output, $depth), $args);
                 $cb_args = array_merge(array(&$output, $depth), $args, array(implode(' ', array_keys($classes))));
                 # END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 call_user_func_array(array($this, 'start_lvl'), $cb_args);
             $this->display_element($child, $children_elements, $max_depth, $depth + 1, $args, $output);
     if (isset($newlevel) && $newlevel) {
         //end the child delimiter
         $cb_args = array_merge(array(&$output, $depth), $args);
         call_user_func_array(array($this, 'end_lvl'), $cb_args);
     # BEGIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     if (isset($mega_menu_container)) {
         $output .= '</' . $mega_menu_container['tag'] . '>';
     # END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     //end this element
     $cb_args = array_merge(array(&$output, $element, $depth), $args);
     call_user_func_array(array($this, 'end_el'), $cb_args);
예제 #30
 protected function render_choices(&$choices, &$value)
     if (empty($choices) || !is_array($choices)) {
         return '';
     $html = '';
     foreach ($choices as $c_value => $choice) {
         if (is_array($choice)) {
             if (!isset($choice['attr'])) {
                 $choice['attr'] = array();
             if (isset($choice['choices'])) {
                 // optgroup
                 $html .= '<optgroup ' . fw_attr_to_html($choice['attr']) . '>' . $this->render_choices($choice['choices'], $value) . '</optgroup>';
             } else {
                 // choice as array (with custom attributes)
                 $choice['attr']['value'] = $c_value;
                 // this is not allowed
                 $html .= '<option ' . fw_attr_to_html($choice['attr']) . ' ' . (in_array($c_value, $value) ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars(isset($choice['text']) ? $choice['text'] : '', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>';
         } else {
             // simple choice
             $html .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($c_value) . '" ' . (in_array($c_value, $value) ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($choice, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>';
     return $html;