function funct_die_and_Report($strMessage, $strUserMessage, $strMessageAdmin, $strPage, $intLogRecord)
    //get error string, usermsg, admin msg and page -> then send email to admin and die
    if (!$strUserMessage) {
        $strUserMessage = $strMessage;
    if (!$strPage) {
        $strPage = "merchantapi";
    //update log record
    if ($intLogRecord) {
        $query = "UPDATE " . $tbl_Logs . " SET " . "response='{$strMessage}' " . "WHERE log_id = {$intLogRecord} ";
        //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
        $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query);
    if ($strMessageAdmin) {
        $strSubject = "Error Detected on: " . $strPage . " ";
        $strBody = " " . $strMessageAdmin . " \n " . $strMessage . " \n " . $strUserMessage . " \n " . $strPage;
        funct_Mail_simple(EMAIL_ADMIN, $strSubject, $strBody);
예제 #2
    if (SEND_THROUGH_WHICH_SYSTEM == "amsterdam") {
        $strSendReturn = funct_Billing_SendBTC_CoinCafe($strWalletHash, $intBTCamt, $strNote, $intMiningFee, $strWalletFrom, $strLabel, $strLabel2, $strLabel3);
        //web api
    //parse return array
    $strSendArry = explode("|", $strSendReturn);
    $strSendMsg = $strSendArry[0];
    // message
    $strSendErr = $strSendArry[1];
    // error
    $strSendHash = $strSendArry[2];
    //update que record
    $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_TRANSACTIONS_QUE . " SET status_id=1 , transaction_txid='{$strSendHash}' , transaction_address='{$strWalletHash}' WHERE id=" . $intQueID;
    //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
    $strERRORUserMessage = "Database update que record Error. Admin has been informed " . $strError_send;
    $strERRORMessageAdmin = "{$strError_send} \n SQL statement failed - {$query} ";
    mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or funct_die_with_grace(mysqli_error(), $strERRORUserMessage, $strERRORMessageAdmin, $strERRORPage);
    //update transaction
    $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_TRANSACTIONS . " SET hash_transaction='{$strSendHash}' WHERE transaction_id=" . $intTransactionID;
    //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
    $strERRORUserMessage = "Database update transaction hash Error. Admin has been informed " . $strError_send;
    $strERRORMessageAdmin = "{$strError_send} \n SQL statement failed - {$query} ";
    mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or funct_die_with_grace(mysqli_error(), $strERRORUserMessage, $strERRORMessageAdmin, $strERRORPage);
    $strStatus = 1;
    //email user and let them know that their transaction has officially gone through
    $strSubject = "Your {$intBTCamt} Bitcoins have been sent.";
    $strBody = "Thank you for using " . WEBSITENAME;
    funct_Mail_simple($strEmail_get, $strSubject, $strBody, '', $strEmail);
    echo "Bitcoins sent: Error= {$strSendErr} - MSG= {$strSendMsg} ";
예제 #3
             if ($DB_MYSQLI->connect_errno) {
                 echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->connect_errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->connect_error;
             if (!($stmt = $DB_MYSQLI->prepare("UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET password = ? WHERE id = ? "))) {
                 echo "Prepare failed: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->error;
             if (!$stmt->bind_param('sd', $strPassword_hash, $intUserID)) {
                 echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
             if (!$stmt->execute()) {
                 echo "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
             //send the user an email
             $strSubject = " Password Reset for {$strEmailForgotForm}";
             $strBody = "temp password: {$strPasswordTemp} \n " . "Please login here: " . WEBSITEFULLURLHTTPS . PAGE_SIGNIN . " \n " . "Change your password here after " . WEBSITEFULLURLHTTPS . PAGE_SETTINGS . " \n ";
             funct_Mail_simple($strEmailForgotForm, $strSubject, $strBody, '', SUPPORT_EMAIL);
             $errorMSG = "A temporary password has been sent to " . $strEmailForgotForm . " Please check your email. sigin with the temp password and then change it.";
             //No Such Email in Database
         //fetch for multiple rows
     //Close statement
 } else {
     echo "Prepare failed: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->error;
 //echo "errorMSG=$errorMSG";
 //refresh join page with msg
 header('Location: ' . PAGE_SIGNIN . '?error_forgot=' . $errorMSG);
            //update transactions table so that user can see status in their wallet.php
            $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_TRANSACTIONS . " SET status={$status_id}, status_msg='" . $status_name . "' WHERE order_id=" . $intOrderID . " AND type='buy'";
            //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
            mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error());
            //update orders table with latest status of order
            $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_ORDERS . " SET status_id={$status_id}, status_text='" . $status_name . "' WHERE orderid=" . $intOrderID;
            //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
            mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error());
        //end if chest id specified
        /* */
        if ($strFromPage == "id") {
            //send email to admin
            $strUploadSrc = PATH_KYC . $intUserID . "." . $strCopyExt;
            copy($uploaded_file, __ROOT__ . $strUploadSrc);
            //copy pic to recipets folder. latest overwrites newest
            //echo "uploadedfile=".$uploaded_file." copied=".$strUploadSrc."<br>";
            //email admin
            $strSubject = "ID Upload " . $intUserID . " " . $strFirstName . " " . $strLastName . " " . $Email;
            $strBody = "ID File Uploaded: " . WEBSITEFULLURL . $strUploadSrc . " \n" . "Member Details: " . WEBSITEFULLURL . "/cp/member_details.php?id=" . $intUserID . " \n" . "{$Email} \n {$strPhone} \n" . "" . WEBSITEFULLURL . " ";
            funct_Mail_simple(EMAIL_ORDERS, $strSubject, $strBody);
            if ($intUserID) {
                $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET verification_id= verification_id + 1 WHERE id=" . $intUserID;
                //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
                mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query);
        echo "ok";
//End Switch Statement
    $intFlag_email_onget = $intFlag_email_onget;
} else {
    $intFlag_email_onget = EMAIL_USER_ON_RECEIVE;
//send email to merchant
if ($strEmail and $intFlag_email_onget) {
    $strSubject = "You got Coin! {$crypto_amt} BTC (est. \$" . $intTotalUSD . ") " . WEBSITENAME;
    $strBody = "You just received {$crypto_amt} BTC into your " . WEBSITENAME . " account. \n\n" . " -Thank you ";
    $strError = $strError . " " . funct_Mail_simple($strEmail, $strSubject, $strBody);
    //send email to admin
    $strSubject = "{$intUserID} {$strNameFirst} {$strNameLast} received {$crypto_amt} btc \$" . $intTotalUSD;
    $strBody = "User: {$intUserID} {$strNameFirst} {$strNameLast} received {$crypto_amt} BTC\n\n\tUSD Equivalent: ({${$intTotalUSD}})\n\n\n\tOld balance: {$intBalanceBTC_old} BTC\n\n\tNew balance: {$intNewBalance} BTC\n\n\tintEarnedTotal: {$intEarnedTotal}\n\n\tEmail: {$strEmail}\n\n\tPhone: {$strPhone}\n\n\tMember Details: " . WEBSITEFULLURL . "/cp/member_details.php?id={$intUserID}\n\n\tStreet Address: {$strAddress}";
    $strError = $strError . " " . funct_Mail_simple(EMAIL_WALLETSEND, $strSubject, $strBody, EMAIL_ORDERS);
if ($intFlag_sms_onget) {
    //send sms message to merchant IMPORTANT
    $strTxtMessage = '+ $' . $intTotalUSD . ' You got ' . $crypto_amt . ' Bitcoin ';
    $strError = $strError . " " . functSendSMSswitch($strPhone, $strTxtMessage, $intCountryPhoneCode);
    if ($intDebugFlag) {
        $strDebugSqlTxt = $strDebugSqlTxt . "sms error=" . $strError . "<br>";
    //echo "fone: ".$strPhone."<br>";
if ($intNewCallBackID and ($strError or $strDebugSqlTxt)) {
    $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_ORDERS_CALLBACKS . " SET " . " errorcode='{$strError} {$strDebugSqlTxt}' " . " WHERE callback_id=" . $intNewCallBackID;
    if ($intDebugFlag) {
        echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>";
    if (!$strStatus) {
        $strStatus = 0;
    //if internal send protect db update
    //update transaction table with status, message and hash if it exists
    //need to update  - balance_crypto_old  balance_crypto_new  crypto_total_outflow
    $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_TRANSACTIONS . " SET " . " status={$strStatus}," . " status_msg= '" . $strSendErr . " " . $strSendMsg . "', " . " hash_transaction= '" . $strSendHash . "' " . " WHERE transaction_id= " . $intNewOrderID;
    //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
    $strERRORUserMessage = "Database transaction update Error. Admin has been informed";
    $strERRORMessageAdmin = "{$strError_send} \n SQL statement failed - {$query} ";
    $strERRORPage = "/mods/sendcrypto.php";
    mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or funct_die_with_grace(mysqli_error(), $strERRORUserMessage, $strERRORMessageAdmin, $strERRORPage);
    //update user  count_externalsends total_sentout
    $intBTCamt = number_format($intBTCamt, 8);
    $intBalanceCrypto = number_format($intBalanceCrypto, 8);
    //send email to admin informing of a new Send by a user
    $strSubject = "{$strNetwork} Send ({$intBTCamt} {$strCrypto}) \$" . number_format($intUSDamt, 2) . " USD by {$intUserID} " . $strFirstName . " " . $strLastName;
    $strBody = "amt: {$intBTCamt} {$strCrypto} \n new balance: {$intBalanceCrypto} {$strCrypto} \n usd: \$ {$intUSDamt} \n " . "strSendMsg: {$strSendMsg} \n phone: {$strPhone} \n ip address: {$strIPAddress} \n Label: {$strLabel} \n " . "Member Details: " . WEBSITEFULLURL . "/cp/member_details.php?id={$intUserID}\n" . "email: {$strEmail} \n strSendErr: {$strSendErr} \n strSendHash: {$strSendHash} ";
    funct_Mail_simple(EMAIL_WALLETSEND, $strSubject, $strBody, '', $strEmail);
    if ($strStatus) {
        // no errors so it went thru
        $intErrorCode = 1;
        $strError_send = "SUCCESS. COIN SENT " . $strError_send;
        $intBalanceUSD = number_format($intBalanceCrypto * $intRate, 2);
    } else {
        $intErrorCode = 0;
        $strError_send = $strError_send . " " . $strSendErr;
    //header( 'Location: '. $Form_PageFrom.'?error_send='.$strError ); die();
    echo $intErrorCode . "," . $strError_send . "," . $intBalanceCrypto . "," . $intBalanceUSD;
function funct_SendEmailCode($intUserID)
    global $DB_LINK;
    //Allows Function to Access variable defined in constants.php ( database link )
    //generate unique code
    $intCode = createRandomKey_Num(12);
    //update member record
    $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET emailcode='{$intCode}' WHERE id = {$intUserID} ";
    //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>";
    $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error());
    //get email
    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE id = {$intUserID} ";
    //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>";
    $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error());
    $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs);
    $strEmail = $row["email"];
    $strEmailLink = WEBSITEFULLURLHTTPS . CODE_DO . "?do=confirmemailcode&emailcode=" . $intCode;
    //send email
    $strSubject = WEBSITENAME . " Verification Code " . $intCode;
    $strBody = "Your " . WEBSITENAME . " Verification Code is \n " . $intCode . " \n " . $strEmailLink;
    funct_Mail_simple($strEmail, $strSubject, $strBody);
    //$name=EMAIL_FROM_NAME ; $strFromName=WEBSITENAME ; $strFromEmail=EMAIL_FROM_ADDR ;
    //$strError = functSendEmail($strEmail, $strSubject, $strBody, $name, $strFromName, $strFromEmail);
    return $strError;