예제 #1
파일: themes.php 프로젝트: jdearaujo/core
 * Updates the list of themes in the database by examining the contents of the /themes folder.
function ft_update_theme_list()
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_root_dir, $LANG;
    $themes_folder = "{$g_root_dir}/themes";
    // loop through all themes in this folder and if the theme contains the requisite files, add it to the database
    $theme_info = array();
    $dh = opendir($themes_folder);
    // if we couldn't open the themes folder, it probably doesn't exist
    if (!$dh) {
        return array(false, $message);
    // get the existing themes
    $current_themes = ft_get_themes();
    // empty the themes table
    mysql_query("TRUNCATE {$g_table_prefix}themes");
    while (($folder = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        if (is_dir("{$themes_folder}/{$folder}") && $folder != "." && $folder != "..") {
            $summary_file = "{$themes_folder}/{$folder}/about/theme.php";
            $thumbnail = "{$themes_folder}/{$folder}/about/thumbnail.gif";
            if (!is_file($summary_file) || !is_file($thumbnail)) {
            $info = _ft_get_theme_info_file_contents($summary_file);
            $info = ft_sanitize($info);
            // if the theme name is not defined, skip it
            if (empty($info["theme_name"])) {
            $theme_name = $info["theme_name"];
            $theme_author = $info["theme_author"];
            $theme_author_email = $info["theme_author_email"];
            $theme_link = $info["theme_link"];
            $theme_description = $info["theme_description"];
            $theme_version = $info["theme_version"];
            $theme_uses_swatches = $info["theme_uses_swatches"];
            $swatches = "";
            if ($theme_uses_swatches == "yes") {
                $swatch_info = array();
                while (list($key, $value) = each($info["theme_swatches"])) {
                    $swatch_info[] = "{$key},{$value}";
                $swatches = ft_sanitize(implode("|", $swatch_info));
            // try and set the cache folder as writable
            if (!is_writable("{$themes_folder}/{$folder}/cache/")) {
                @chmod("{$themes_folder}/{$folder}/cache/", 0777);
            $cache_folder_writable = is_writable("{$themes_folder}/{$folder}/cache/") ? "yes" : "no";
            mysql_query("\n        INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}themes (theme_folder, theme_name, uses_swatches, swatches,\n          author, theme_link, description, is_enabled, theme_version)\n        VALUES ('{$folder}', '{$theme_name}', '{$theme_uses_swatches}', '{$swatches}', '{$theme_author}',\n          '{$theme_link}', '{$theme_description}', '{$cache_folder_writable}', '{$theme_version}')\n      ");
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_theme_list_updated"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", array(), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);
function smarty_function_themes_dropdown($params, &$smarty)
    global $LANG;
    if (empty($params["name_id"])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("assign: missing 'name_id' parameter. This is used to give the select field a name and id value.");
    $default_value = isset($params["default"]) ? $params["default"] : "";
    $default_swatch = isset($params["default_swatch"]) ? $params["default_swatch"] : "";
    $onchange = isset($params["onchange"]) ? $params["onchange"] : "";
    // we always give theme dropdowns a special "ft_themes_dropdown" class. This is used to dynamically
    // add the event handlers to hide/show the appropriate swatch dropdown
    $attributes = array("id" => $params["name_id"], "name" => $params["name_id"], "class" => "ft_themes_dropdown", "onchange" => $onchange);
    $attribute_str = "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($attributes)) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $attribute_str .= " {$key}=\"{$value}\"";
    $themes = ft_get_themes();
    $html = "<select {$attribute_str}>\n           <option value=\"\">{$LANG["phrase_please_select"]}</option>";
    $swatch_info = array();
    foreach ($themes as $theme) {
        if ($theme["is_enabled"] == "no") {
        $selected = $theme["theme_folder"] == $default_value ? "selected" : "";
        $html .= "<option value=\"{$theme["theme_folder"]}\" {$selected}>{$theme["theme_name"]}</option>";
        if ($theme["uses_swatches"] == "yes") {
            $swatch_info[$theme["theme_folder"]] = $theme["swatches"];
    $html .= "</select>";
    // now generate swatch dropdowns for all themes that have them. This is by far the simplest solution,
    // since there will always be very few themes and even fewer that have
    while (list($theme_folder, $swatches) = each($swatch_info)) {
        $classes = array("{$params["name_id"]}_swatches");
        if ($theme_folder != $default_value) {
            $classes[] = "hidden";
        $class_str = implode(" ", $classes);
        $html .= "<select name=\"{$theme_folder}_{$params["name_id"]}_swatches\" id=\"{$theme_folder}_{$params["name_id"]}_swatches\" class=\"{$class_str}\">" . "<option value=\"\">{$LANG["phrase_select_swatch"]}</option>";
        $pairs = explode("|", $swatches);
        foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
            list($swatch, $swatch_label) = explode(",", $pair);
            $selected = "";
            if ($theme_folder == $default_value && $default_swatch == $swatch) {
                $selected = "selected";
            $swatch_label = ft_eval_smarty_string($swatch_label);
            $html .= "<option value=\"{$swatch}\" {$selected}>{$swatch_label}</option>";
        $html .= "</select>";
    return $html;
예제 #3
$request = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
// provides means to manually override admin theme in case of disaster
if (isset($request["theme_override"])) {
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_reset_admin_theme($request["theme_override"]);
if (isset($request["update"])) {
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_update_theme_settings($_POST);
if (isset($_POST["refresh_theme_list"])) {
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_update_theme_list();
if (isset($_GET["mass_assign"])) {
    list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_update_client_themes($_GET["accounts"], $_GET["theme_id"]);
$themes = ft_get_themes();
// check permissions on all the themes
$updated_themes = array();
foreach ($themes as $theme_info) {
    $cache_folder = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme_info["theme_folder"]}/cache";
    $theme_info["cache_folder_writable"] = is_writable($cache_folder);
    // if this theme uses swatches, generate a list
    if ($theme_info["uses_swatches"] == "yes") {
        $theme_info["available_swatches"] = ft_get_theme_swatch_list($theme_info["swatches"]);
    $updated_themes[] = $theme_info;
// compile the header information
$page_vars = array();
$page_vars["page"] = "themes";
$page_vars["page_url"] = ft_get_page_url("settings_themes");
예제 #4
 * Tests: theme, menu_id.
function sc_orphan_test__accounts($remove_orphans)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_current_version, $g_cache;
    $response = array("test_descriptions" => "Checks theme associated with accounts is a valid, enabled theme, and checks the menu ID of accounts exists.", "problems" => array(), "clean_up_problems" => array());
    $query = mysql_query("\n    SELECT account_id, account_type, theme, menu_id\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n  ");
    $valid_menu_ids = sc_get_menu_ids();
    $first_client_menu_id = "";
    if ($remove_orphans) {
        $menu_query = mysql_query("SELECT menu_id FROM {$g_table_prefix}menus WHERE menu_type = 'client' LIMIT 1");
        $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($menu_query);
        if (!empty($info["menu_id"])) {
            $first_client_menu_id = $info["menu_id"];
    // get a list of valid theme folders
    $themes = ft_get_themes(true);
    $valid_theme_folders = array();
    foreach ($themes as $theme_info) {
        $valid_theme_folders[] = $theme_info["theme_folder"];
    $num_tests = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        if (!in_array($row["menu_id"], $valid_menu_ids)) {
            $response["problems"][] = "Invalid menu ID: {$row["menu_id"]}";
            // clean-up code
            if ($remove_orphans) {
                $new_menu_id = 1;
                if ($row["account_type"] == "client") {
                    $new_menu_id = $first_client_menu_id;
                if (empty($new_menu_id)) {
                    $response["clean_up_problems"][] = "There's no client menu. Please create one, then re-run the test to fix all dud references.";
                } else {
                    @mysql_query("\n            UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n            SET    menu_id = {$new_menu_id}\n            WHERE  account_id = {$row["account_id"]}\n          ");
        if (!in_array($row["theme"], $valid_theme_folders)) {
            $response["problems"][] = "Invalid theme: {$row["theme"]}";
            // clean-up code
            if ($remove_orphans) {
                @mysql_query("\n          UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n          SET    theme = 'default',\n                 swatch = 'green'\n          WHERE  account_id = {$row["account_id"]}\n        ");
    $response["num_tests"] = $num_tests;
    $response["num_orphans"] = count($response["problems"]);
    return $response;
예제 #5
 * Called by the administrator from the Themes settings page. It updates the list of enabled
 * themes, and which theme is assigned to the administrator and (default) client accounts. Note:
 * it doesn't disable any themes that are already assigned to a user account. If that happens,
 * it returns a message listing the accounts (each clickable) and an option to bulk assign them
 * to a different theme.
 * @param array $infohash this parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing the
 *             various fields from the main settings admin page.
 * @return array Returns array with indexes:<br/>
 *               [0]: true/false (success / failure)<br/>
 *               [1]: message string<br/>
function ft_update_theme_settings($infohash)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_root_url, $g_root_dir, $LANG;
    // lots to validate! First, check the default admin & client themes have been entered
    $rules = array();
    $rules[] = "required,admin_theme,{$LANG["validation_no_admin_theme"]}";
    $rules[] = "required,default_client_theme,{$LANG["validation_no_default_client_theme"]}";
    $errors = validate_fields($infohash, $rules);
    if (!isset($infohash["is_enabled"])) {
        $errors[] = $LANG["validation_no_enabled_themes"];
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $success = false;
        array_walk($errors, create_function('&$el', '$el = "&bull;&nbsp; " . $el;'));
        $message = join("<br />", $errors);
        return array($success, $message);
    $enabled_themes = $infohash["is_enabled"];
    // next, check that both the admin and default client themes are enabled
    $admin_theme = $infohash["admin_theme"];
    $default_client_theme = $infohash["default_client_theme"];
    if (!in_array($admin_theme, $enabled_themes) || !in_array($default_client_theme, $enabled_themes)) {
        return array(false, $LANG["validation_default_admin_and_client_themes_not_enabled"]);
    // lastly, if there are already client accounts assigned to disabled themes, we need to sort it out.
    // We handle it the same way as deleting the client menus: if anyone is assigned to this theme,
    // we generate a list of their names, each a link to their account page (in a _blank link). We
    // then inform the user of what's going on, and underneath the name list, give them the option of
    // assigning ALL affected accounts to another (enabled) theme.
    $theme_clauses = array();
    foreach ($enabled_themes as $theme) {
        $theme_clauses[] = "theme != '{$theme}'";
    $theme_clause = join(" AND ", $theme_clauses);
    $query = mysql_query("\n    SELECT account_id, first_name, last_name\n    FROM   {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n    WHERE  {$theme_clause}\n  ");
    $client_info = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $client_info[] = $row;
    if (!empty($client_info)) {
        $message = $LANG["notify_disabled_theme_already_assigned"];
        $placeholder_str = $LANG["phrase_assign_all_listed_client_accounts_to_theme"];
        $themes = ft_get_themes(true);
        $dd = "<select id=\"mass_update_client_theme\">";
        foreach ($themes as $theme) {
            $dd .= "<option value=\"{$theme["theme_id"]}\">{$theme["theme_name"]}</option>";
        $dd .= "</select>";
        // a bit bad (hardcoded HTML!), but organize the account list in 3 columns
        $client_links_table = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n<tr>";
        $num_affected_clients = count($client_info);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_affected_clients; $i++) {
            $account_info = $client_info[$i];
            $client_id = $account_info["account_id"];
            $first_name = $account_info["first_name"];
            $last_name = $account_info["last_name"];
            $client_ids[] = $client_id;
            if ($i != 0 && $i % 3 == 0) {
                $client_links_table .= "</tr>\n<tr>";
            $client_links_table .= "<td width=\"33%\">&bull;&nbsp;<a href=\"{$g_root_url}/admin/clients/edit.php?page=settings&client_id={$client_id}\" target=\"_blank\">{$first_name} {$last_name}</a></td>\n";
        $client_id_str = join(",", $client_ids);
        // close the table
        if ($num_affected_clients % 3 == 1) {
            $client_links_table .= "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"66%\"> </td>";
        } else {
            if ($num_affected_clients % 3 == 2) {
                $client_links_table .= "<td width=\"33%\"> </td>";
        $client_links_table .= "</tr></table>";
        $submit_button = "<input type=\"button\" value=\"{$LANG["phrase_update_accounts"]}\" onclick=\"window.location='index.php?page=themes&mass_assign=1&accounts={$client_id_str}&theme_id=' + \$('#mass_update_client_theme').val()\" />";
        $placeholders = array("theme_dropdown" => $dd, "submit_button" => $submit_button);
        $mass_assign_html = "<div class=\"margin_top_large margin_bottom_large\">" . ft_eval_smarty_string($placeholder_str, $placeholders) . "</div>";
        $html = $message . $mass_assign_html . $client_links_table;
        return array(false, $html);
    // hoorah! Validation complete, let's update the bloomin' database at last
    // update the admin settings
    $admin_id = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_id"];
    $admin_swatch = "";
    if (isset($infohash["{$admin_theme}_admin_theme_swatches"])) {
        $admin_swatch = $infohash["{$admin_theme}_admin_theme_swatches"];
    mysql_query("\n    UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}accounts\n    SET    theme = '{$admin_theme}',\n           swatch = '{$admin_swatch}'\n    WHERE  account_id = {$admin_id}\n      ");
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["theme"] = $admin_theme;
    $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["swatch"] = $admin_swatch;
    $default_client_swatch = "";
    if (isset($infohash["{$default_client_theme}_default_client_theme_swatches"])) {
        $default_client_swatch = $infohash["{$default_client_theme}_default_client_theme_swatches"];
    // update the default client theme & swatch
    $new_settings = array("default_theme" => $default_client_theme, "default_client_swatch" => $default_client_swatch);
    // finally, update the enabled themes list. Only set the theme as enabled if the
    // cache folder is writable
    mysql_query("UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}themes SET is_enabled = 'no'");
    foreach ($enabled_themes as $theme) {
        $cache_folder = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}/cache";
        // try and set the cache folder as writable
        if (!is_writable($cache_folder)) {
            @chmod($cache_folder, 0777);
        if (!is_writable($cache_folder)) {
        mysql_query("\n      UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}themes\n      SET    is_enabled = 'yes'\n      WHERE  theme_folder = '{$theme}'\n        ");
    // reset the settings in sessions
    $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] = ft_get_settings();
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_themes_settings_updated"];
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("infohash"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);
예제 #6
 * This was added in 2.1.0. and replaces ft_build_and_cache_upgrade_info() which really wasn't necessary.
 * It returns a hash of information to pass in a hidden form when the user clicks "Update".
function ft_get_formtools_installed_components()
    global $g_current_version, $g_release_type, $g_release_date;
    $settings = ft_get_settings();
    // a hash storing the installed component info
    $components = array();
    // get the main build version
    $program_version = $g_current_version;
    $release_date = $g_release_date;
    $release_type = $g_release_type;
    $version = $program_version;
    if ($release_type == "alpha") {
        $version = "{$program_version}-alpha-{$release_date}";
    } else {
        if ($release_type == "beta") {
            $version = "{$program_version}-beta-{$release_date}";
    $components["m"] = $version;
    $components["rt"] = $release_type;
    $components["rd"] = $release_date;
    $components["api"] = $settings["api_version"];
    // not sure about this, but I've added it for backward compatibility, just in case...
    if ($release_type == "beta") {
        $components["beta"] = "yes";
        $components["bv"] = $version;
    // get the theme info
    $themes = ft_get_themes();
    $count = 1;
    foreach ($themes as $theme_info) {
        $components["t{$count}"] = $theme_info["theme_folder"];
        $components["tv{$count}"] = $theme_info["theme_version"];
    // get the module info
    $modules = ft_get_modules();
    $count = 1;
    foreach ($modules as $module_info) {
        $components["m{$count}"] = $module_info["module_folder"];
        $components["mv{$count}"] = $module_info["version"];
    return $components;