예제 #1
 * This explicitly empties and reloads any module's hook calls.
 * @param array $module_ids
function sc_reset_module_hook_calls($module_ids)
    global $g_table_prefix, $L;
    $problems = false;
    foreach ($module_ids as $module_id) {
        if (!is_numeric($module_id)) {
        $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
        if (empty($module_info)) {
        $module_folder = $module_info["module_folder"];
        $module_version = $module_info["version"];
        $module_config = sc_get_module_config_file_contents($module_folder);
        $desired_hooks = isset($module_config["hooks"][$module_version]) ? $module_config["hooks"][$module_version] : $module_config["hooks"];
        if (empty($desired_hooks)) {
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}hook_calls WHERE module_folder = '{$module_folder}'");
        foreach ($desired_hooks as $hook_info) {
            $hook_type = $hook_info["hook_type"];
            $action_location = $hook_info["action_location"];
            $function_name = $hook_info["function_name"];
            $hook_function = $hook_info["hook_function"];
            $priority = $hook_info["priority"];
            $query = mysql_query("\n    \t  INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}hook_calls (hook_type, action_location, module_folder, function_name, hook_function, priority)\n    \t  VALUES ('{$hook_type}', '{$action_location}', '{$module_folder}', '{$function_name}', '{$hook_function}', {$priority})\n    \t");
            if (!$query) {
                $problems = true;
    if ($problems) {
        return array(true, $L["notify_problems_resetting_module_hooks"]);
    } else {
        return array(true, $L["notify_module_hooks_reset"]);
예제 #2
파일: about.php 프로젝트: jdearaujo/core

require "../../global/session_start.php";
$request = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
$module_info = ft_get_module($request["module_id"]);
// compile header information
$page_vars = array();
$page_vars["page"] = "modules_about";
$page_vars["page_url"] = ft_get_page_url("modules_about");
$page_vars["head_title"] = "{$LANG["word_modules"]} - {$LANG["word_about"]}";
$page_vars["module_info"] = $module_info;
ft_display_page("admin/modules/about.tpl", $page_vars);
예제 #3
파일: themes.php 프로젝트: jdearaujo/core
 * Loads a theme opening page for a module. This should be used loaded for every page in a
 * module. It serves the same function as ft_display_page, except that it sets the appropriate root
 * folder for the module and loads the
 * @param array $page_vars a hash of information to display / provide to the template.
 * @param string $theme
function ft_display_module_page($template, $page_vars = array(), $theme = "", $swatch = "")
    global $g_root_dir, $g_root_url, $g_success, $g_message, $g_link, $g_smarty_debug, $g_language, $LANG, $g_smarty, $L, $g_smarty_use_sub_dirs, $g_js_debug, $g_benchmark_start, $g_enable_benchmarking, $g_hide_upgrade_link;
    $module_folder = _ft_get_current_module_folder();
    // $module_id = ft_get_module_id_from_module_folder($module_folder);
    $default_module_language = "en_us";
    if (empty($theme) && isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["theme"])) {
        $theme = $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["theme"];
        $swatch = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["swatch"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["swatch"] : "";
    } elseif (empty($theme)) {
        $settings = ft_get_settings(array("default_theme", "default_client_swatch"));
        $theme = $settings["default_theme"];
        $swatch = $settings["default_client_swatch"];
    if (!isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"])) {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["is_logged_in"] = false;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_type"])) {
        $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]["account_type"] = "";
    // common variables. These are sent to EVERY template
    $g_smarty->template_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}";
    $g_smarty->compile_dir = "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}/cache/";
    $g_smarty->use_sub_dirs = $g_smarty_use_sub_dirs;
    $g_smarty->assign("LANG", $LANG);
    // this contains the custom language content of the module, in the language required. It's populated by
    // ft_init_module_page(), called on every module page
    $g_smarty->assign("L", $L);
    $g_smarty->assign("SESSION", $_SESSION["ft"]);
    $settings = isset($_SESSION["ft"]["settings"]) ? $_SESSION["ft"]["settings"] : array();
    $g_smarty->assign("settings", $settings);
    $g_smarty->assign("account", $_SESSION["ft"]["account"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_root_dir", $g_root_dir);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_root_url", $g_root_url);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_js_debug", $g_js_debug ? "true" : "false");
    $g_smarty->assign("g_hide_upgrade_link", $g_hide_upgrade_link);
    $g_smarty->assign("same_page", ft_get_clean_php_self());
    $g_smarty->assign("query_string", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
    // TODO FIX
    $g_smarty->assign("dir", $LANG["special_text_direction"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_enable_benchmarking", $g_enable_benchmarking);
    $g_smarty->assign("swatch", $swatch);
    // if this page has been told to dislay a custom message, override g_success and g_message
    if (isset($_GET["message"])) {
        list($g_success, $g_message) = ft_display_custom_page_message($_GET["message"]);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_success", $g_success);
    $g_smarty->assign("g_message", $g_message);
    $module_id = ft_get_module_id_from_module_folder($module_folder);
    $module_nav = ft_get_module_menu_items($module_id, $module_folder);
    $g_smarty->assign("module_nav", $module_nav);
    // if there's no module title, display the module name. TODO not compatible with languages...
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_title"])) {
        $module_id = ft_get_module_id_from_module_folder($module_folder);
        $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
        $page_vars["head_title"] = $module_info["module_name"];
    // check the "required" vars are at least set so they don't produce warnings when smarty debug is enabled
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_css"])) {
        $page_vars["head_css"] = "";
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_js"])) {
        $page_vars["head_js"] = "";
    if (!isset($page_vars["page"])) {
        $page_vars["page"] = "";
    // if we need to include custom JS messages in the page, add it to the generated JS. Note: even if the js_messages
    // key is defined but still empty, the ft_generate_js_messages function is called, returning the "base" JS - like
    // the JS version of g_root_url. Only if it is not defined will that info not be included. This feature was hacked
    // in 2.1 to support js_messages from a single module file
    $js_messages = "";
    if (isset($page_vars["js_messages"]) || isset($page_vars["module_js_messages"])) {
        $core_js_messages = isset($page_vars["js_messages"]) ? $page_vars["js_messages"] : "";
        $module_js_messages = isset($page_vars["module_js_messages"]) ? $page_vars["module_js_messages"] : "";
        $js_messages = ft_generate_js_messages($core_js_messages, $module_js_messages);
    if (!empty($page_vars["head_js"]) || !empty($js_messages)) {
        $page_vars["head_js"] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n{$page_vars["head_js"]}\n{$js_messages}\n//]]>\n</script>";
    if (!isset($page_vars["head_css"])) {
        $page_vars["head_css"] = "";
    } else {
        if (!empty($page_vars["head_css"])) {
            $page_vars["head_css"] = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n{$page_vars["head_css"]}\n</style>";
    // theme-specific vars
    $g_smarty->assign("images_url", "{$g_root_url}/themes/{$theme}/images");
    $g_smarty->assign("theme_url", "{$g_root_url}/themes/{$theme}");
    $g_smarty->assign("theme_dir", "{$g_root_dir}/themes/{$theme}");
    // if there's a Smarty folder, import any of its resources
    if (is_dir("{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/smarty")) {
        $g_smarty->plugins_dir[] = "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/smarty";
    // now add the custom variables for this template, as defined in $page_vars
    foreach ($page_vars as $key => $value) {
        $g_smarty->assign($key, $value);
    // if smarty debug is on, enable Smarty debugging
    if ($g_smarty_debug) {
        $g_smarty->debugging = true;
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("main", compact("g_smarty", "template", "page_vars"), array("g_smarty")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
예제 #4

require "../../global/library.php";
require_once "library.php";
$request = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
if (isset($request["update"])) {
    list($g_success, $g_message) = exp_update_settings($request);
$module_settings = ft_get_module_settings();
$module_id = ft_get_module_id_from_module_folder("export_manager");
$module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$page_vars = array();
$page_vars["head_title"] = "{$L["module_name"]} - {$LANG["word_settings"]}";
$page_vars["module_settings"] = $module_settings;
$page_vars["module_version"] = $module_info["version"];
$page_vars["allow_url_fopen"] = ini_get("allow_url_fopen") == "1";
ft_display_module_page("templates/settings.tpl", $page_vars);
예제 #5
파일: menus.php 프로젝트: jdearaujo/core
 * This was added to solve the problem of being able to construct a valid URL for the login
 * function, to redirect to whatever custom login page the admin/client has selected. The
 * page identifier is stored in the login_page field (rename to login_page_identifier?).
 * There seems to be some cross-over between this function and ft_get_page_url. Think about!
 * @param string $page_identifier special strings that have meaning to Form Tools, used to identify
 *                  pages within its interface. See the top of /global/code/menus.php for a list.
 * @param string $custom_options again used by Form Tools
 * @param array $args an arbitrary hash of key-value pairs to be passed in the query string
function ft_construct_page_url($page_identifier, $custom_options = "", $args = array())
    global $g_pages;
    $url = "";
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("start", compact("url", "page_identifier", "custom_options", "args"), array("url")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    if (!empty($url)) {
        return $url;
    switch ($page_identifier) {
        case "custom_url":
            $url = $custom_options;
        case "client_form_submissions":
        case "form_submissions":
        case "edit_form":
        case "edit_form_main":
        case "edit_form_fields":
        case "edit_form_views":
        case "edit_form_emails":
            $joiner = strpos($g_pages[$page_identifier], "?") ? "&" : "?";
            $url = $g_pages[$page_identifier] . $joiner . "form_id=" . $custom_options;
        case "edit_client":
        case "edit_client_main":
        case "edit_client_permissions":
            $joiner = strpos($g_pages[$page_identifier], "?") ? "&" : "?";
            $url = $g_pages[$page_identifier] . $joiner . "client_id=" . $custom_options;
            // modules
            if (preg_match("/^module_(\\d+)/", $page_identifier, $matches)) {
                $module_id = $matches[1];
                $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
                if (!empty($module_info)) {
                    $module_folder = $module_info["module_folder"];
                    $url = "/modules/{$module_folder}/";
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/^page_(\\d+)/", $page_identifier, $matches)) {
                    $page_id = $matches[1];
                    $url = "/modules/pages/page.php?id={$page_id}";
                } else {
                    $url = $g_pages[$page_identifier];
    if (!empty($args)) {
        $params = array();
        while (list($key, $value) = each($args)) {
            $params[] = "{$key}={$value}";
        if (strpos("?", $url) === false) {
            $url .= "?" . implode("&", $params);
        } else {
            $url .= "&" . implode("&", $params);
    return $url;
예제 #6
파일: modules.php 프로젝트: jdearaujo/core
 * This function is called from the main Modules page. It upgrades an individual
 * module.
function ft_upgrade_module($module_id)
    global $LANG, $g_root_url, $g_root_dir, $g_table_prefix;
    $module_info = ft_get_module($module_id);
    $module_folder = $module_info["module_folder"];
    $module_name = $module_info["module_name"];
    $old_module_version_date = $module_info["module_date"];
    $current_db_version = $module_info["version"];
    $info = ft_get_module_info_file_contents($module_folder);
    $new_version = $info["version"];
    if ($current_db_version == $new_version) {
        return array(false, "");
    // if the module has its own upgrade function, call it. In Oct 2011, a BIG problem was identified
    // in the way modules were being updated. For backward compatibility, the new upgrade function
    // must be named [module folder]__update (not ...__upgrade). if the __update function is defined,
    // it will be called instead of the older __upgrade one.
    @(include_once "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/library.php");
    // NEW "update" function
    $update_function_name = "{$module_folder}__update";
    if (function_exists($update_function_name)) {
        list($success, $message) = $update_function_name($module_info, $info);
        if (!$success) {
            return array($success, $message);
    } else {
        // OLD "upgrade" function
        $upgrade_function_name = "{$module_folder}__upgrade";
        if (function_exists($upgrade_function_name)) {
            $upgrade_function_name($current_db_version, $new_version);
    // now, update the main module record
    $info = ft_sanitize($info);
    // we're assuming the module developer hasn't removed any of the required fields...
    // now check the language file contains the two required fields: module_name and module_description
    $lang_file = "{$g_root_dir}/modules/{$module_folder}/lang/{$info["origin_language"]}.php";
    $lang_info = _ft_get_module_lang_file_contents($lang_file);
    $lang_info = ft_sanitize($lang_info);
    // check the required language file fields
    if (!isset($lang_info["module_name"]) || empty($lang_info["module_name"]) || (!isset($lang_info["module_description"]) || empty($lang_info["module_description"]))) {
    $author = $info["author"];
    $author_email = $info["author_email"];
    $author_link = $info["author_link"];
    $module_version = $info["version"];
    $module_date = $info["date"];
    $origin_language = $info["origin_language"];
    $nav = $info["nav"];
    $module_name = $lang_info["module_name"];
    $module_description = $lang_info["module_description"];
    // convert the date into a MySQL datetime
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $module_date);
    $timestamp = mktime(null, null, null, $month, $day, $year);
    $module_datetime = ft_get_current_datetime($timestamp);
    @mysql_query("\n    UPDATE {$g_table_prefix}modules\n    SET    origin_language = '{$origin_language}',\n           module_name = '{$module_name}',\n           version = '{$module_version}',\n           author = '{$author}',\n           author_email = '{$author_email}',\n           author_link = '{$author_link}',\n           description = '{$module_description}',\n           module_date = '{$module_datetime}'\n    WHERE  module_id = {$module_id}\n      ") or die(mysql_error());
    // remove and update the navigation links for this module
    @mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$g_table_prefix}module_menu_items WHERE module_id = {$module_id}");
    $order = 1;
    while (list($lang_file_key, $info) = each($nav)) {
        $url = $info[0];
        $is_submenu = $info[1] ? "yes" : "no";
        if (empty($lang_file_key) || empty($url)) {
        $display_text = isset($lang_info[$lang_file_key]) ? $lang_info[$lang_file_key] : $LANG[$lang_file_key];
        mysql_query("\n      INSERT INTO {$g_table_prefix}module_menu_items (module_id, display_text, url, is_submenu, list_order)\n      VALUES ({$module_id}, '{$display_text}', '{$url}', '{$is_submenu}', {$order})\n        ") or die(mysql_error());
    // And we're done! inform the user that it's been upgraded
    $placeholders = array("module" => $module_name, "version" => $new_version, "link" => "{$g_root_url}/modules/{$module_folder}");
    $message = ft_eval_smarty_string($LANG["notify_module_updated"], $placeholders);
    return array(true, $message);