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echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /images/dynamic/cat-profile-video.jpg" alt="Cat" title="Cat" /> <span class="profile-play-ico"></span> </a> </div> <p>So why is this gorgeous girl not yet in a forever home of her own? Alas, Peachy has a tendency towards what’s politely called inappropriate elimination: she frequently “does her business” outside the litter box. We’ve discovered that Peachy’s favorite “bathroom” is any sort of flat paper, and we’ll regularly spot her scratching at the large white sheets we put under the litter boxes. Understandably, many adopters are hesitant to take on a cat with spotty bathroom habits, and so Peachy is often admired, but not yet chosen.</p> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /images/dynamic/cat-profile-single.jpg" alt="cat-profile" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-10405" /> <p>In addition to this behavioral issue, 12-year-old Peachy has a medical condition quite common to cats “of a certain age:” hyperthyroidism. This means Peachy’s thyroid gland is producing excess amounts of thyroid hormone. Fortunately, like most hyperthyroid cats, Peachy has responded very well to a medication which controls the production of her thyroid hormones. She receives this medication twice every day (and puts up all the fuss one would expect for a Princess), and we regularly do blood tests to monitor her hormone levels, so as to regulate her dosage.</p> <p>While Peachy’s “issues” are fortunately not life-threatening, we realize they make it more likely she may be at Tabby’s Place for life. We’re happy to be her loyal subjects, as we love having her in the Community Room, and we love how much she loves making this room her own empire.</p> <p>Until Peachy finds the perfect, patient adopter, you can be a part of this beautiful girl’s life as her sponsor. Your monthly donation for Peachy helps us to give her the medication, veterinary attention, and royal treatment she needs and deserves.</p> </div> <div class="adopt-aloysius-block cf"> <div class="adopt-aloysius-txt"><span>Adopt Aloysius</span> Start the application process now.</div> <div class="adopt-aloysius-btn"><a href="<?php fruitframe_permalink('adopt_single'); ?> ?cat_id=<?php echo $post->ID; ?> &cat_name=<?php echo $post->post_title; ?> " title="APPLY NOW" class="major-btn-blue tabby-button">APPLY <span>NOW</span></a></div> </div> <div class="sponsor-aloysius-block adopt-aloysius-block cf"> <div class="adopt-aloysius-txt"><span>HELP ALOYSIUS</span> Choose a Donation Amount</div> <div class="adopt-aloysius-btn"><a href="#" title="Give Monthly" class="major-btn-blue tabby-button">Give <span>Monthly</span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="cat-profile-left equal-height-div">
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