function frontier_execute_delete_post($frontier_post_shortcode_parms = array()) { extract($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); //$post_task = isset($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : "notaskset"; //$post_action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "Unknown"; if (isset($_POST['task'])) { $post_task = $_POST['task']; } else { if (isset($_GET['task'])) { $post_task = $_GET['task']; } else { $post_task = "notaskset"; } } $post_action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : "Unknown"; $submit_delete = isset($_POST['submit_delete']) ? $_POST['submit_delete'] : "Unknown"; $postid = isset($_POST['postid']) ? $_POST['postid'] : 0; if ($post_action == "wpfrtp_delete_post" && $postid != 0) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['frontier_delete_post_' . $_POST['postid']], 'frontier_delete_post')) { wp_die(__("Security violation (Nonce check) - Please contact your Wordpress administrator", "frontier-post")); } $thispost = get_post($postid); //double check current user is equal to author (in case directly with param) if (($submit_delete = "deletego") && frontier_can_delete($thispost) == true) { //Move post to recycle bin $tmp_title = $thispost->post_title; wp_trash_post($_REQUEST['postid']); frontier_post_set_msg(__("Post deleted", "frontier-post") . ": " . $tmp_title); frontier_user_post_list($frontier_post_shortcode_parms); } } }
function frontier_post_delete_link($fp_post, $fp_show_icons = true, $tmp_plink, $tmp_class = '') { $fp_return = ''; if (frontier_can_delete($fp_post) == true) { $concat = get_option("permalink_structure") ? "?" : "&"; if ($fp_show_icons) { $fp_return = '<a class="frontier-post-list-icon ' . $tmp_class . '" id="frontier-post-list-icon-delete" href="' . $tmp_plink . $concat . 'task=delete&postid=' . $fp_post->ID . '">' . frontier_get_icon('delete', $tmp_class) . '</a>'; } else { $fp_return = '<a class="frontier-post-list-text ' . $tmp_class . '" id="frontier-post-list-text-delete" href="' . $tmp_plink . $concat . 'task=delete&postid=' . $fp_post->ID . '">' . __("Delete", "frontier-post") . ' </a>'; } } return $fp_return; }