function show_row($x, $y, $mode, $i) { $class = $i % 2 ? "row0" : "row1"; echo "<tr class={$class}><td>"; switch ($mode) { case 'host': echo "<a href=show_host_detail.php?hostid={$x}>{$x}</a>"; break; case 'user': $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($x); echo "<a href=show_user.php?userid={$x}>{$user->name}</a>"; break; case 'team': $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($x); if ($team) { echo "<a href=team_display.php?teamid={$x}>{$team->name}</a>"; } else { echo "(no team)"; } break; case 'model': echo $x; break; case 'day': echo $x; break; } echo "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($y->credit), "</td><td align=right>{$y->nresults}</td></tr>\n"; }
function show_user($user) { echo "\n <tr class=row1>\n <td>", user_links($user), " (ID {$user->id})</td>\n "; if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); echo "\n <td> <a href=team_display.php?teamid={$team->id}>{$team->name}</a> </td>\n "; } else { echo "<td><br></td>"; } echo "\n <td align=right>", format_credit($user->expavg_credit), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->total_credit), "</td>\n <td>", $user->country, "</td>\n <td>", time_str($user->create_time), "</td>\n </tr>\n "; }
function show_user_row($user, $i) { echo ' <tr class="row1"> <td>$i</td> <td>' . user_links($user) . '</td> <td class="right">' . format_credit_large($user->expavg_credit) . '</td> <td class="right">' . format_credit_large($user->total_credit) . '</td> <td>' . $user->country . '</td> <td>' . time_str($user->create_time) . '</td> </tr> '; }
function show_user_row($user, $i) { echo "\n <tr class=row1>\n <td>{$i}</td>\n <td>", user_links($user), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->expavg_credit), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->total_credit), "</td>\n <td>", $user->country, "</td>\n <td>", time_str($user->create_time), "</td>\n </tr>\n "; }
function show_row($item, $apps, $is_team, $i) { $j = $i % 2; if ($is_team) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($item->teamid); if (!$team) { return; } $x = "<td>" . team_links($team) . "</td>\n"; } else { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($item->userid); if (!$user) { return; } $x = "<td>" . user_links($user, BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM) . "</td>\n"; } echo "<tr class=row{$j}>"; echo "<td>{$i}</td>\n"; echo $x; foreach ($apps as $app) { if ($app->id == $item->appid) { $c = $item; } else { if ($is_team) { $c = BoincCreditTeam::lookup("teamid={$item->teamid} and appid={$app->id}"); } else { $c = BoincCreditUser::lookup("userid={$item->userid} and appid={$app->id}"); } if (!$c) { $c = new StdClass(); $c->expavg = 0; $c->total = 0; } } echo "<td align=right>" . format_credit($c->expavg) . "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($c->total) . "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; }
function show_user_row($user, $i) { $j = $i % 2; echo "\n <tr class=row{$j}>\n <td>{$i}</td>\n <td>", user_links($user, BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->expavg_credit), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->total_credit), "</td>\n <td>", $user->country, "</td>\n <td>", time_str($user->create_time), "</td>\n </tr>\n "; }