예제 #1
                "emp.id != B.manager"
$sql_queries = array('SELECT * FROM emp', 'SELECT * FROM deptloc', 'SELECT * FROM location', 'SELECT * FROM dept', 'SELECT * FROM account', 'SELECT * FROM nothere WHERE pigs = "fly"', 'SELECT * FROM emp
WHERE salary >= 1500', 'SELECT * from emp
WHERE (job <> "analyst") AND (job <> "intern")
ORDER BY empname', 'SELECT * from emp
WHERE (job <> "analyst") AND (job <> "intern")
ORDER BY empname DESC', 'SELECT empname, deptname, deptno FROM emp, dept
WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno', 'SELECT * FROM location, dept, deptloc
WHERE dept.deptno = deptloc.deptno AND location.locno = deptloc.locno', 'SELECT * FROM location, dept, deptloc
WHERE dept.deptno = deptloc.deptno AND location.locno = deptloc.locno
ORDER BY manager', 'SELECT empname, locname, deptname FROM location, dept, deptloc, emp
WHERE dept.deptno = deptloc.deptno AND location.locno = deptloc.locno
AND emp.id <> dept.manager
ORDER BY empname, locname, deptname');
foreach ($queries as $key => $query) {
    echo "Query:\n{$query}\n\n";
    echo "SQL equivalent:\n{$sql_queries[$key]}\n\n";
    eval('$results = ' . $query . ';');
    if (PEAR::isError($results)) {
        echo " Query failed.\n";
        echo $results->getMessage() . "\n";
    } else {
        echo "Results:\n";
        echo formatTextTable($results);
    echo "\n************************************************\n\n";
//	$db->close();
예제 #2
// open and close table multiple times while inserting
//foreach (array('w','r') as $mode) {
$mode = 'w';
$result = $table->open('hats', $mode);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
    echo $result->getMessage() . "\n";
echo "Created table 'hats'\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
    foreach ($hats as $hat) {
        $result = $table->insert($hat);
        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
            echo 'Could not insert: ' . $result->getMessage() . "\n";
$queries = array('$table->select("(type != bowler) and (type != fedora)")', '$table->select("quantity<=60")', '$table->select("quantity>=50")', '$table->sort("quantity, hat_id", "a", $table->select("*"))', '$table->sort(array("quantity", "hat_id"), "a", $table->getRows())', '$table->sort("lastshipment", "d", $table->select("*"))', '$table->unique($table->project("brand,quantity,  type",$table->sort("quantity", "d", $table->select("type != \'top hat\'"))))', '$table->remove("type == bowler")', '$table->project("brand, type", $table->select("*"))');
foreach ($queries as $query) {
    echo "Query: {$query}\n";
    eval('$results = ' . $query . ';');
    if (PEAR::isError($results)) {
        echo " Query failed.\n";
        echo $results->getMessage() . "\n";
    } else {
        echo formatTextTable($table->finalize($results), null, 'mysql');
    echo "------------------------------------------------\n\n";