foreach ($locations as $location) { if (!is_numeric($location)) { array_push($locArray, $location); } else { break; } } $locString = implode($locArray); unset($contentsArray[$index]['location']); $contentsArray[$index]['location'] = $locString; } return $contentsArray; } // This function formats the area by exploding on spaces for each area and then resetting the value of each area only to the first value in the areas array. function formatArea($contentsArray) { foreach ($contentsArray as $index => $value) { $areas = explode(' ', $contentsArray[$index]['area']); unset($contentsArray[$index]['area']); $contentsArray[$index]['area'] = $areas[0]; } return $contentsArray; } // Each function is called and saved as $contentsArray to cut down on variables. // Each time the updated version of the array is saved over the previous array of the same name. $contentsArray = readTheFile('public/data/parks.csv'); $contentsArray = cutOne($contentsArray); $contentsArray = reorderArray($contentsArray); $contentsArray = formatLocation($contentsArray); $contentsArray = formatArea($contentsArray); // print_r($contentsArray);
function drawPropertyDetail() { global $detailHeaderText; global $detailImage1; global $detailReference; global $detailPrice; global $detailPrice2; global $detailLocation; global $detailType; global $detailROLType; global $detailROLSubType; global $detailBeds; global $detailBaths; global $detailPlot; global $detailArea; global $detailTerrace; global $detailEnergy; global $detailDescription; global $photoArray; global $featuresArray; global $builds; global $dimension; global $agencyRef; global $currencyIcon; global $dir; global $languageArr; global $showMap; global $bookingPage; global $showBookingCalendar; global $datePickerLanguages; global $language; $currencyIcon = array('EUR' => '€', 'GBP' => '£', 'USD' => '$'); $bookingDataJSon = ''; $bookingLink = ''; $showPlot = false; $showGarden = false; $searchLink = $dir; if ($searchLink == '') { $searchLink = '/'; } if (($detailROLType == 'Plot' || $detailROLType == 'Commercial') && $detailPlot != '' && $detailPlot != '0') { $showPlot = true; } else { if ($detailROLType == 'House' && $detailROLSubType != 'Terraced Townhouse' && $detailPlot != '' && $detailPlot != '0') { $showPlot = true; } } if (!$showPlot) { if ($detailROLType == 'Apartment' && $detailROLSubType == 'Ground Floor' && $detailPlot != '' && $detailPlot != '0') { $showGarden = true; } else { if ($detailROLType == 'House' && $detailROLSubType == 'Terraced Townhouse' && $detailPlot != '' && $detailPlot != '0') { $showGarden = true; } } } if (isset($_SESSION["SearchType"]) && in_array($_SESSION["SearchType"], array('RentalLT', 'RentalST')) && $showBookingCalendar) { $rag = createRangeDate(); $bookingData = rentalBooking(array('start' => $rag[0][0], 'end' => $rag[sizeof($rag) - 1][1])); $bookingDataJSon = json_encode($bookingData); $bookingLink = createUrl($dir . '/', array($bookingPage), '', '') . "?P_RefId=" . getPropertyRef(); } $price = ''; switch ($_SESSION["SearchType"]) { case "RentalST": if ($detailPrice != '') { $price .= formatPrice($detailPrice, isset($_SESSION["currency"]) ? $currencyIcon[$_SESSION["currency"]] : '€'); } if ($detailPrice2 != '' && $detailPrice2 != $detailPrice) { if ($price != '') { $price .= ' - '; } $price .= formatPrice($detailPrice2, isset($_SESSION["currency"]) ? $currencyIcon[$_SESSION["currency"]] : '€'); } if ($price != '') { $price .= ' /' . $languageArr['detail_Headings']['week']; } break; case "RentalLT": if ($detailPrice != '') { $price .= formatPrice($detailPrice, isset($_SESSION["currency"]) ? $currencyIcon[$_SESSION["currency"]] : '€'); $price .= ' /' . $languageArr['detail_Headings']['month']; } break; default: if ($detailPrice != '') { $price .= formatPrice($detailPrice, isset($_SESSION["currency"]) ? $currencyIcon[$_SESSION["currency"]] : '€'); } } $propertyDetail = TemplateHelper::render('templates/propertyDetail.html', array('Property.Price' => $price, 'Property.LocationRef' => ' - ' . $detailReference, 'Property.NewSearchUrl' => $searchLink, 'Property.NewSearchText' => $languageArr['results_Headings']['new_Search'], 'Property.LastResult.Link' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'Property.LastResult.Text' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['last_Result'], 'Property.HeaderText' => $detailHeaderText, 'Property.PhotoText' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['photos'], 'Property.Map.Title' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['map'], 'Property.DetailImages' => $detailImage1, 'Property.PhotoList' => $photoArray, 'Property.DetailLocation' => $detailLocation, 'Property.StartRentalDate' => isset($_SESSION["startRentalDate"]) ? $_SESSION["startRentalDate"] : '', 'Property.EndRentalDate' => isset($_SESSION["endRentalDate"]) ? $_SESSION["endRentalDate"] : '', 'Property.LanguageCode' => $datePickerLanguages[$language], 'Property.Booking.Data' => $bookingDataJSon, 'Property.Booking.Url' => $bookingLink, 'Property.Booking.TextHover' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['not_Available'], 'Property.Booking.LinkText' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['calendar'], 'Property.Description' => preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", '<br />', $detailDescription), 'Property.DetailText' => $languageArr['detail_Headings']['property_Details'], 'Property.DetailBed' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['bedrooms']['header'] . ": " . $detailBeds, 'Property.DetailBath' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['bathrooms']['header'] . ": " . $detailBaths, 'Property.DetailPlot' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['plot_Size'] . ": " . formatArea($detailPlot, "m²"), 'Property.DetailBuild' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['built_Size'] . ": " . formatArea($builds, "m²"), 'Property.DetailTerrace' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['terrace_Size'] . ": " . formatArea($detailTerrace, "m²"), 'Property.DetailGarden' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['garden'] . ": " . formatArea($detailPlot, "m²"), 'Property.DetailEnergy' => $languageArr['field_Headings']['energyRating']['header'] . ": " . $detailEnergy, 'Property.Features' => $featuresArray), array('showLastResultLink' => !isFeatureSearch(), 'showMap' => $showMap, 'showBookingCalendar' => isset($_SESSION["SearchType"]) && in_array($_SESSION["SearchType"], array('RentalLT', 'RentalST')) && $showBookingCalendar, 'showPlot' => $showPlot, 'showBuild' => $builds != '', 'showTerrace' => $detailTerrace != '' && $detailTerrace != '0', 'showGarden' => $showGarden, 'showEnergy' => $detailEnergy != '')); return $propertyDetail; }