예제 #1
  * This forces the attachments to be fetched using the correct ordering.
  * Some plugins / themes override this globally for some reason, so this is a preventative measure to ensure sorting is correct
  * @param $query WP_Query
 public function force_gallery_ordering($query)
     //only care about attachments
     if (array_key_exists('post_type', $query->query) && 'attachment' === $query->query['post_type']) {
         $query->set('orderby', foogallery_sorting_get_posts_orderby_arg($this->sorting));
         $query->set('order', foogallery_sorting_get_posts_order_arg($this->sorting));
  * Lazy load the attachments for the gallery
  * @return array
 public function galleries()
     //lazy load the attachments for performance
     if ($this->_galleries === false) {
         $this->_galleries = array();
         if (!empty($this->gallery_ids)) {
             $gallery_query_args = apply_filters('foogallery_album_gallery_get_posts_args', array('post_type' => FOOGALLERY_CPT_GALLERY, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post__in' => $this->gallery_ids, 'orderby' => foogallery_sorting_get_posts_orderby_arg($this->sorting), 'order' => foogallery_sorting_get_posts_order_arg($this->sorting)));
             $galleries = get_posts($gallery_query_args);
             $this->_galleries = array_map(array('FooGallery', 'get'), $galleries);
     return $this->_galleries;