if ($reserveCheck == 2) { print "<strong>この番組は既に一部予約済みです。</strong><br>\n"; } } print '<table width="60%" style="width: 60%">'; print '<tr><th>削除</th><th>予約番組名</th><th>開始</th><th>終了</th><th>尺(分)</th></tr>'; foreach ($chkoverwrap as $item) { $prereservedtitle = $item['title']; $stationname = $item['stationname']; $tid = $item['tid']; $pid = $item['pid']; print "<tr>"; if ($tid > 1) { echo "<td><a href=\"delreserve.php?tid={$tid}&sid={$stationid}\">予約削除</a></td><td><a href=\"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$tid}/time/#{$stationname}\" target=\"_blank\">{$prereservedtitle}</a></td><td>" . foldate2print($item['startdatetime']) . "</td><td>" . foldate2print($item['enddatetime']) . "</td><td>" . $item['lengthmin'] . "</td>\n"; } else { echo "<td><a href=\"delepgp.php?pid={$pid}\">予約削除</a></td><td>EPG録画</td><td>" . foldate2print($item['startdatetime']) . "</td><td>" . foldate2print($item['enddatetime']) . "</td><td>" . $item['lengthmin'] . "</td>\n"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; print "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"それでも予約\" ><br>\n"; } print "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\n <tr><th style=\"width:130px\">放送局</th><td>{$stationjname}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>放送開始</th><td>{$startprinttime}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>放送終了</th><td>{$endprinttime}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>尺(分)</th><td>{$lengthmin}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>放送チャンネル</th><td>{$recch}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>番組名</th><td><a href=\"./showlibc.php?tid={$tid}\">{$progname}</a></td></tr>\n <tr><th>内容</th><td>{$progdesc}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>ジャンル</th><td>{$progcat}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>番組ID</th><td>{$epgid}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>局コード</th><td>{$stationid}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>TID</th><td>{$tid}</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"epgid\" value=\"{$epgid}\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"stationid\" value=\"{$stationid}\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subtitle\" value=\"{$progname} {$progdesc}\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"startdatetime\" value=\"{$startfoltime}\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"enddatetime\" value=\"{$endfoltime}\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lengthmin\" value=\"{$lengthmin}\" />\n\n"; ?> </FORM> </body> </html>
</td> <td rowspan="2"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($epg['epgtitle']); ?> </td> <td rowspan="2"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($epg['epgdesc']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr <?php echo $reservedClass; ?> > <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($epg['enddatetime'])); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <hr> <div style="margin:10px;"> 凡例 <table style="margin-bottom:10px; table-layout: fixed;"> <tr> <td class="pastreservedtitle">録画済み</td> <td class="pasttitle">未予約で放送済み</td> <td class="reservedtitle">予約済み</td>
} else { do { $startdatetime = $stationrowdata['startdatetime']; $enddatetime = $stationrowdata['enddatetime']; $printstarttime = substr($startdatetime, 8, 2) . ':' . substr($startdatetime, 10, 2); $tdclass = 't' . substr($startdatetime, 8, 2) . substr($startdatetime, 10, 2); $title = $stationrowdata['epgtitle']; $title = htmlspecialchars(z2h($title)); $desc = $stationrowdata['epgdesc']; $desc = htmlspecialchars(z2h($desc)); if ($epgviewstyle) { $desc .= "<br><br>\n"; $desc .= " <!-- " . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($enddatetime)) . "-->"; } else { $desc .= "<br><br>\n"; $desc .= " " . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($enddatetime)); } $height = htmlspecialchars($stationrowdata['lengthmin']) * 3; $epgid = htmlspecialchars($stationrowdata['epgid']); $epgcategory = htmlspecialchars($stationrowdata['epgcategory']); if (isset($timetablehash[$startdatetime])) { $number = $timetablehash[$startdatetime]; //print "$stationname $stationrowdata[0] [$number] $printstarttime $title $desc<br>\n"; } else { $number = 0; //print "$stationname $stationrowdata[0] 現在番組 $printstarttime $title $desc<br>\n"; } $reservedStyle = ''; $reserveCheck = searchStartEndTime($reserve, $startdatetime, $enddatetime); if ($reserveCheck == 1) { $reservedStyle = ' style="border: 3px #ff0000 solid;" ';
//引数 TID チャンネルID //echo("$toolpath/perl/addatq.pl $tid $station"); //exec("$toolpath/perl/addatq.pl 0 0"); $oserr = system("{$toolpath}/perl/addatq.pl 0 0"); } else { print "EPG予約を行う権限がありません。"; } // end if $userclass <= 2 } //end if demomode print "下記予約を完了いたしました。<br>"; //結果表示 print "録画開始:"; echo foldate2print($startdatetime); print "<br />\n\t\t\t録画終了:"; echo foldate2print($enddatetime); print "<br />\n\t\t\t録画尺: {$lengthmin} 分<br />\n\t\t\t録画局:{$recstationname['0']}<br />\n\t\t\t番組名:{$pname}<br />\n\t\t\t"; exit; } else { print "時刻が不正なために予約できませんでした。 <br>"; } } else { print "入力項目が正しくなさそうです。{$errmsg}<br />\n"; } } // 初回表示かデータ処理か ?> <form id="record" name="record" method="get" action="./m.php" autocomplete="off"> <dl class="manualRecord"> <dt><label for="startdate">放送日(年月日 Ex.<?php print "{$today}";
} else { $membername = ""; } echo ' <td rowspan="2">' . $subtitle . '[<a href="delepgp.php?pid=' . $pid . '">予約解除</a>' . $membername . ']<br></td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo ' <td rowspan="2">' . $subtitle . '[解除不能]<br></td>' . PHP_EOL; } } // 開始時刻(ズレ) echo ' <td>' . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata['x'])) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($rowdata['startoffset']) . ')</td>' . PHP_EOL; // 総尺 echo ' <td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">' . htmlspecialchars($rowdata['lengthmin']) . '<br></td>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <tr class="' . $rclass . '">' . PHP_EOL; // 終了時刻 echo ' <td>' . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($endtime)) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } while ($rowdata = $rs->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); ?> </tbody> </table> <table> <tr><td>エンコーダ数</td><td><?php print "{$recunits}"; ?> </td></tr> <?php if ($overlapCheck) { ?> <tr class="overwraped"><td>チューナー重複</td><td><br /></td></tr>
if ($tid == 0) { print "{$title}"; } else { print "<a href=\"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$tid}\" target=\"_blank\">{$title}</a>"; } print "</td>\n"; // 話数 echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($rowdata[3]) . "<br></td>\n"; // サブタイ if ($pid > 0) { print "<td><a href=\"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$tid}/time#{$pid}\" target=\"_blank\">{$subtitle}<br></td>\n"; } else { print "<td>{$subtitle}<br></td>\n"; } // 開始時刻(ズレ) echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[5])) . "<br>(" . htmlspecialchars($rowdata[8]) . ")</td>\n"; // 総尺 echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($rowdata[6]) . "<br></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } while ($rowdata = $rs->fetch()); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Autopageing処理とページのリンクを表示 page_display("", $p, $p2, $lim, $dtcnt, $mode); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ?>
$rowdata = pg_fetch_row($rs, 0); print " <p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#494949\" size=\"6\">書き込み編集 </font></p>\n <hr size=\"4\">\n<p align=\"left\">"; print "<a href = \"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$rowdata['0']}/\" target=\"_blank\">"; $title = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[2]); $countno = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[3]); print "{$title}</a> {$countno} "; $tid = $rowdata[0]; $subtitle = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[4]); if ($tid > 0) { print "<a href = \"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$tid}/time#{$pid}\" target=\"_blank\">{$subtitle}</a> "; } else { print "{$subtitle} "; } print htmlspecialchars($rowdata[1]) . " "; print htmlspecialchars($rowdata[6]) . "分 "; print htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[5])); print "<br /><br />"; $mp4filename = $rowdata[9]; $serverfqdn = getserverfqdn(); $m2pfilename = $rowdata[8]; list($tid, $countno, $date, $time) = split("-", $m2pfilename); $tid = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $tid); $path = ereg_replace("\\.m2p\$", "", $m2pfilename); $serveruri = getserverfqdn(); print "</div>\n"; //画像 print "<img src='http://{$serveruri}{$httpmediamappath}/{$tid}.localized/img/{$path}/{$filename}' width='160' height='120' alt='{$tid}:{$countno}:{$filetid}' align=\"left\">\n"; if (getform(preview) == 1) { //プレビュー表示 // htmlspecialchars(stripslashes( )) $subject = getform(subject);
</thead> <tbody> <?php /* テーブルのデータを出力 */ do { if ($rowdata['rec']) { echo "<tr class=\"reserved\">\n"; } else { echo "<tr>\n"; } for ($col = 0; $col < $maxcols; $col++) { /* 列に対応 */ if ($col == 3) { echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[$col])) . "<br></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($rowdata[$col]) . "<br></td>\n"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } while ($rowdata = $rs->fetch()); } //end if ?> </tbody> </table> </body> </html>
$query = "\nSELECT \nfoltia_subtitle.pid , \nfoltia_subtitle.stationid , \nfoltia_subtitle.countno , \nfoltia_subtitle.subtitle ,\nfoltia_subtitle.startdatetime , \nfoltia_subtitle.enddatetime ,\nfoltia_subtitle.lengthmin ,\nfoltia_station.stationname , \nfoltia_station.stationrecch \nFROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_station \nWHERE foltia_subtitle.tid = 0 AND \nfoltia_station.stationid = foltia_subtitle.stationid AND \nfoltia_subtitle.pid = ? \n "; // $rs = m_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました"); $rs = sql_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました", array($pid)); $rowdata = $rs->fetch(); $rs->closeCursor(); if (!is_array($rowdata) || empty($rowdata)) { die_exit("登録番組がありません<BR>"); } $pid = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[0]); $stationid = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[1]); $countno = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[2]); $subtitle = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[3]); $starttime = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[4]); $startprinttime = htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[4])); $endtime = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[5]); $endprinttime = htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[5])); $lengthmin = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[6]); $stationjname = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[7]); $recch = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[8]); $delflag = getgetnumform(delflag); ?> <p align="left"><font color="#494949" size="6">EPG予約解除</font></p> <hr size="4"> <?php if ($delflag == "1") { //時刻確認 if ($now < $starttime) { print "EPG予約「" . $subtitle . "」の録画予約を解除しました。 <br>\n"; //削除処理 if ($demomode || $protectmode) {
$lengthmin = htmlspecialchars($rowdata['lengthmin']); $mp4path = "{$recfolderpath}/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$fName}"; $mp4Exists = false; if (file_exists($mp4path) && is_file($mp4path)) { $mp4Exists = true; $mp4size = filesize($mp4path); $mp4size = round($mp4size / 1024 / 1024); } if (ereg(".MP4", $fName)) { $thumbnail = $fName; $thumbnail = ereg_replace(".MP4", ".THM", $thumbnail); } if ($onairdate == "") { $onairdate = "[放送日]"; } else { $onairdate = foldate2print($onairdate); } //Starlight Breaker向け拡張 //$debug_pg_num_rows = $rs ->rowCount(); $caplink = ""; if ($sbpluginexist == 1) { $capimgpath = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("/.m2./", "", $rowdata['m2pfilename'])); if ($capimgpath != "" && file_exists("{$recfolderpath}/{$tid}.localized/img/{$capimgpath}")) { $caplink = " / <a href = \"./selectcaptureimage.php?pid=" . $rowdata['pid'] . "\">キャプ</a>"; } else { $caplink = " / <a href = \"./selectcaptureimage.php?f=" . $rowdata['mp4filename'] . "\">キャプ</a>"; } } else { $caplink = ""; } //end if sb