예제 #1
function fn_searchanise_get_products_before_select(&$params, &$join, &$condition, &$u_condition, &$inventory_condition, &$sortings, &$total, &$items_per_page, &$lang_code, &$having)
    // disable by core
    if (AREA == 'A' || fn_se_check_disabled() || !empty($params['having']) || !empty($params['disable_searchanise']) || empty($params['search_performed']) || !empty($params['block_data']) || empty($params['q']) && fn_se_get_simple_setting('use_navigation') !== 'Y' || fn_se_get_import_status(fn_se_get_company_id(), $lang_code) != 'done' || !empty($params['pid']) || !empty($params['b_id']) || !empty($params['item_ids']) || !empty($params['feature']) || !empty($params['downloadable']) || !empty($params['tracking']) || !empty($params['shipping_freight_from']) || !empty($params['shipping_freight_to']) || !empty($params['exclude_pid']) || !empty($params['get_query']) || !empty($params['only_short_fields']) || isset($params['supplier_id']) || isset($params['amount_to']) || isset($params['amount_from']) || isset($params['q']) && Registry::get('settings.General.search_objects') || isset($params['compact']) && $params['compact'] == 'Y' || !empty($_REQUEST['sort_by']) && !in_array($_REQUEST['sort_by'], fn_se_get_valid_sortings()) || !empty($params['force_get_by_ids']) && empty($params['pid']) && empty($params['product_id'])) {
    // disable by addons
    if (!empty($params['rating']) || !empty($params['bestsellers']) || !empty($params['also_bought_for_product_id']) || !empty($params['for_required_product']) || !empty($params['ppcode']) && $params['ppcode'] == 'Y' || isset($params['tag']) && fn_string_not_empty($params['tag']) || Registry::ifGet('addons.age_verification.status', 'D') == 'A' || Registry::ifGet('addons.vendor_data_premoderation.status', 'D') == 'A' || !empty($params['picker_for']) && $params['picker_for'] == 'gift_certificates') {
    list($restrict_by, $query_by, $union) = fn_se_prepare_request_params($params);
    // Categories
    if (!empty($params['cid'])) {
        $cids = is_array($params['cid']) ? $params['cid'] : array($params['cid']);
        $c_condition = '';
        if (AREA == 'C') {
            $_c_statuses = array('A', 'H');
            // Show enabled categories
            $cids = db_get_fields("SELECT a.category_id FROM ?:categories as a WHERE a.category_id IN (?n) AND a.status IN (?a)", $cids, $_c_statuses);
            $c_condition = db_quote('AND a.status IN (?a) AND (' . fn_find_array_in_set(Tygh::$app['session']['auth']['usergroup_ids'], 'a.usergroup_ids', true) . ')', $_c_statuses);
        $sub_categories_ids = db_get_fields("SELECT a.category_id FROM ?:categories as a LEFT JOIN ?:categories as b ON b.category_id IN (?n) WHERE a.id_path LIKE CONCAT(b.id_path, '/%') ?p", $cids, $c_condition);
        $sub_categories_ids = fn_array_merge($cids, $sub_categories_ids, false);
        if (empty($sub_categories_ids)) {
            $params['force_get_by_ids'] = true;
            $params['pid'] = $params['product_id'] = 0;
        if (!empty($params['subcats']) && $params['subcats'] == 'Y') {
            $restrict_by['category_id'] = join('|', $sub_categories_ids);
        } else {
            $restrict_by['category_id'] = join('|', $cids);
    // Sortings
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['search_performed']) && empty($_REQUEST['sort_by']) && SE_USE_RELEVANCE_AS_DEFAULT_SORTING == 'Y') {
        $params['sort_by'] = 'relevance';
        $params['sort_order'] = 'asc';
    if (!empty($params['sort_by']) && !in_array($params['sort_by'], fn_se_get_valid_sortings())) {
    if ($params['sort_by'] == 'product') {
        $sort_by = 'title';
    } elseif ($params['sort_by'] == 'relevance') {
        $params['sort_order'] = 'asc';
        $sort_by = 'relevance';
    } else {
        $sort_by = $params['sort_by'];
    $sort_order = $params['sort_order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
    // Items_per_page
    $items_per_page = empty($params['items_per_page']) ? 10 : (int) $params['items_per_page'];
    if (!empty($params['limit'])) {
        $max_results = $params['limit'];
    } else {
        $max_results = $items_per_page;
    $get_items = true;
    $get_facets = false;
    if (!fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE') && AREA == 'C' && !empty($params['dispatch']) && in_array($params['dispatch'], fn_se_get_facet_valid_locations()) && fn_se_check_product_filter_block() == true) {
        $get_facets = true;
    $request_params = array('sortBy' => $sort_by, 'sortOrder' => $sort_order, 'union' => $union, 'queryBy' => $query_by, 'restrictBy' => $restrict_by, 'items' => $get_items == true ? 'true' : 'false', 'facets' => $get_facets == true ? 'true' : 'false', 'maxResults' => $max_results, 'startIndex' => ($params['page'] - 1) * $items_per_page);
    if ($request_params['sortBy'] == 'null') {
    if (!empty($params['q']) && fn_strlen($params['q']) > 0) {
        $request_params['q'] = $params['q'];
        $request_params['suggestions'] = 'true';
        $request_params['query_correction'] = 'false';
        $request_params['suggestionsMaxResults'] = 1;
    } else {
        $request_params['q'] = '';
    $result = fn_searchanise_send_search_request($request_params, $lang_code);
    if ($result == false) {
        //revert to standart sorting
        if ($params['sort_by'] == 'relevance') {
            $params['sort_by'] = '';
        Registry::set('runtime.se_use_relevance_sorting', false);
    if (!empty($result['suggestions']) && count($result['suggestions']) > 0) {
        $params['suggestion'] = reset($result['suggestions']);
    if (!empty($result['items'])) {
        foreach ($result['items'] as $product) {
            $params['pid'][] = $product['product_id'];
        if ($params['sort_by'] == 'relevance') {
            $sortings['relevance'] = "FIELD(products.product_id, '" . join("','", $params['pid']) . "')";
            $params['sort_order'] = 'asc';
    } else {
        $products = array();
        $params['force_get_by_ids'] = true;
        $params['pid'] = $params['product_id'] = 0;
    if (isset($result['facets'])) {
        Registry::set('searchanise.received_facets', $result['facets']);
    $total = $result['totalItems'];
    $params['limit'] = $items_per_page;
    // need to set it manually for proper pagination
    // reset condition with text search && filtering params  - we are get all control under process of  text search and filtering
    $condition = '';
    $join = '';
예제 #2
function fn_searchanise_get_filters_products_count($params)
    if (AREA == 'A' || fn_se_check_disabled() || !empty($params['disable_searchanise']) || empty($params['q']) && fn_se_get_simple_setting('use_navigation') !== 'Y' || fn_se_get_import_status(fn_se_get_company_id(), CART_LANGUAGE) != 'done' || Registry::ifGet('addons.age_verification.status', 'D') == 'A' || Registry::ifGet('addons.vendor_data_premoderation.status', 'D') == 'A') {
        return fn_get_filters_products_count($params);
    $key = 'pfilters_se_' . md5(serialize($params));
    Registry::registerCache($key, array('products', 'product_features', 'product_filters', 'product_features_values', 'categories'), Registry::cacheLevel('user'));
    // Check exist cache.
    if (Registry::isExist($key) == true) {
        list($filters, $view_all) = Registry::get($key);
    } else {
        if (!fn_se_check_product_filter_block()) {
            return array();
        if (!empty($params['check_location'])) {
            // FIXME: this is bad style, should be refactored
            $valid_locations = array('index.index', 'products.search', 'categories.view', 'product_features.view');
            if (!in_array($params['dispatch'], $valid_locations)) {
                return array();
            if ($params['dispatch'] == 'categories.view') {
                $params['simple_link'] = true;
                // this parameter means that extended filters on this page should be displayed as simple
                $params['filter_custom_advanced'] = true;
                // this parameter means that extended filtering should be stayed on the same page
            } else {
                if ($params['dispatch'] == 'product_features.view') {
                    $params['simple_link'] = true;
                    $params['features_hash'] = (!empty($params['features_hash']) ? $params['features_hash'] . '.' : '') . 'V' . $params['variant_id'];
                    //$params['exclude_feature_id'] = db_get_field("SELECT feature_id FROM ?:product_features_values WHERE variant_id = ?i", $params['variant_id']);
                $params['get_for_home'] = 'Y';
        // hide filters block on the advanced search page
        if (!empty($params['skip_if_advanced']) && !empty($params['advanced_filter']) && $params['advanced_filter'] == 'Y') {
            return array();
        // End copied code.
        $get_custom = !empty($params['get_custom']);
        $received_facets = Registry::get('searchanise.received_facets');
        $r_filters = $view_all = $variants_ids = $feature_variants = $fields_ids = $slider_vals = $category_facets = array();
        $params['filters_category_id'] = empty($params['category_id']) ? 0 : $params['category_id'];
        if (is_null($received_facets) || $get_custom) {
            list($restrict_by, $query_by, $union) = fn_se_prepare_request_params($params);
            $request_params = array('items' => 'false', 'facets' => 'true', 'union' => $union, 'queryBy' => $query_by, 'restrictBy' => $restrict_by);
            $result = fn_searchanise_send_search_request($request_params);
            if (empty($result)) {
                return fn_get_filters_products_count($params);
            $received_facets = $result['facets'];
        if (empty($received_facets)) {
            // Nothing found
            return array();
        if (!empty($params['features_hash'])) {
            list(, , $fields_ids, $slider_vals) = fn_parse_features_hash($params['features_hash']);
            // Get without
            list($restrict_by, $query_by, $union) = fn_se_prepare_request_params(array_merge($params, array('features_hash' => '')));
            $request_params = array('items' => 'false', 'facets' => 'true', 'union' => $union, 'queryBy' => $query_by, 'restrictBy' => $restrict_by);
            $result = fn_searchanise_send_search_request($request_params);
            if (empty($result)) {
                return fn_get_filters_products_count($params);
            } else {
                $category_facets = $result['facets'];
        $params_for_filters = array('get_variants' => true);
        if (!empty($params['item_ids'])) {
            $params_for_filters['filter_id'] = $params['item_ids'];
        $params_for_filters = array_merge($params_for_filters, $params);
        list($filters, ) = fn_get_product_filters($params_for_filters);
        if (empty($filters)) {
            return array(array(), false);
        $fields = fn_get_product_filter_fields();
        foreach ($filters as $filter_id => $filter) {
            $r_facet = $c_facet = array();
            foreach ($received_facets as $r) {
                $r_feature_id = str_replace('feature_', '', $r['attribute']);
                if (!empty($filter['feature_id']) && $r_feature_id == $filter['feature_id'] || !empty($filter['field_type']) && !empty($fields[$filter['field_type']]['db_field']) && $fields[$filter['field_type']]['db_field'] == $r_feature_id) {
                    $r_facet = $r;
            if (empty($r_facet) && $get_custom == false) {
            foreach ($category_facets as $c) {
                if ($c['attribute'] == $r_facet['attribute']) {
                    $c_facet = $c;
            if ($filter['field_type'] == 'F') {
                $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] = $filter['ranges'] = array('N' => array('range_id' => 0, 'range_name' => __('no'), 'products' => 0), 'Y' => array('range_id' => 1, 'range_name' => __('yes'), 'products' => 0));
            } elseif ($filter['field_type'] == 'S' && (count($r_facet['buckets']) == 1 && $r_facet['buckets'][0]['value'] == 0) == false) {
                //skip if only default vendor (id=0) range passed
                $_companies = array();
                $companies = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT ?:companies.company_id, ?:companies.company FROM ?:companies  WHERE status = 'A' ORDER BY ?:companies.company", array('company_id', 'company'));
                foreach ($companies as $company_id => $company) {
                    $_companies[$company_id] = array('range_id' => $company_id, 'range_name' => $company, 'products' => 0);
                $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] = $filter['ranges'] = $_companies;
            $ranges_count = 0;
            $tmp_ranges = array('selected' => array(), 'used' => array(), 'disabled' => array());
            $filter['ranges'] = isset($filter['ranges']) ? $filter['ranges'] : array();
            // Speed up for many variants!
            if (!empty($filter['feature_id']) && !in_array($filter['feature_type'], array('D', 'N', 'O'))) {
                $rr_ranges = array();
                foreach ($r_facet['buckets'] as $r) {
                    $rr_ranges[$r['value']] = $r;
                $cc_ranges = array();
                if (!empty($c_facet)) {
                    foreach ($c_facet['buckets'] as $cc) {
                        $cc_ranges[$cc['value']] = $cc;
            foreach ($filter['ranges'] as $s_range_id => $s_range) {
                $r_range = array();
                if (!empty($filter['feature_id']) && !in_array($filter['feature_type'], array('D', 'N', 'O'))) {
                    // features with variants
                    $r_range = isset($rr_ranges[$s_range['variant_id']]) ? $rr_ranges[$s_range['variant_id']] : array();
                } elseif ($filter['field_type'] == 'F') {
                    // Free shipping
                    foreach ($r_facet['buckets'] as $r) {
                        if ($r['value'] == $s_range_id) {
                            $r_range = $r;
                } elseif ($filter['field_type'] == 'S') {
                    // Vendors
                    foreach ($r_facet['buckets'] as $r) {
                        if ($r['value'] == $s_range_id) {
                            foreach ($fields_ids as $fr_id => $ff_type) {
                                if ($ff_type == 'S' && $fr_id == $r['value']) {
                                    $r['selected'] = true;
                            $r_range = $r;
                } else {
                    // range
                    foreach ($r_facet['buckets'] as $r) {
                        if (abs($r['from'] - $s_range['from']) < 0.01 && abs($r['to'] - $s_range['to']) < 0.01) {
                            $r_range = $r;
                $range_id = isset($s_range['variant_id']) ? $s_range['variant_id'] : $s_range['range_id'];
                $new_range = array('feature_id' => $filter['feature_id'], 'range_id' => $range_id, 'range_name' => isset($s_range['variant']) ? $s_range['variant'] : $s_range['range_name'], 'feature_type' => $filter['feature_type'], 'filter_id' => $filter_id);
                if (!empty($r_range)) {
                    $new_range['products'] = $r_range['count'];
                if (empty($r_range['selected']) && fn_check_selected_filter($new_range['range_id'], !empty($new_range['feature_type']) ? $new_range['feature_type'] : '', $params, $filter['field_type'])) {
                    $new_range['checked'] = true;
                if (!empty($r_range['selected'])) {
                    $is_select_found = true;
                    $new_range['selected'] = true;
                    $tmp_ranges['selected'][$range_id] = $new_range;
                } elseif (!empty($r_range)) {
                    $tmp_ranges['used'][$range_id] = $new_range;
                } elseif (!empty($c_facet['buckets'])) {
                    $c_range = false;
                    if (!empty($filter['feature_id']) && !in_array($filter['feature_type'], array('D', 'N', 'O'))) {
                        // features with variants
                        $c_range = isset($cc_ranges[$s_range['variant_id']]) ? $cc_ranges[$s_range['variant_id']] : array();
                    } elseif ($filter['field_type'] == 'F') {
                        // Free shipping
                        foreach ($c_facet['buckets'] as $c) {
                            if ($c['value'] == $s_range_id) {
                                $c_range = $c;
                    } elseif ($filter['field_type'] == 'S') {
                        // Suppliers
                        foreach ($c_facet['buckets'] as $c) {
                            if ($c['value'] == $s_range_id) {
                                $c_range = $c;
                    } else {
                        // range
                        foreach ($c_facet['buckets'] as $c) {
                            if (abs($c['from'] - $s_range['from']) < 0.01 && abs($c['to'] - $s_range['to']) < 0.01) {
                                $c_range = $c;
                    if (!empty($c_range)) {
                        $new_range['disabled'] = true;
                        $tmp_ranges['disabled'][$range_id] = $new_range;
            // \ by store filter ranges
            if (!empty($filters[$filter_id]['slider'])) {
                $is_select_found = true;
                $r_range = $r_facet['buckets'][0];
                $r = array('min' => $r_range['from'], 'max' => $r_range['to']);
                $field_type = $filters[$filter_id]['field_type'];
                if ($field_type == 'P' && CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY != CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY) {
                    $coef = Registry::get('currencies.' . CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY . '.coefficient');
                    $r['min'] = floatval($r['min']) / floatval($coef);
                    $r['max'] = floatval($r['max']) / floatval($coef);
                $r['min'] = floor($r['min'] / $filters[$filter_id]['round_to']) * $filters[$filter_id]['round_to'];
                $r['max'] = ceil($r['max'] / $filters[$filter_id]['round_to']) * $filters[$filter_id]['round_to'];
                if ($r['max'] - $r['min'] <= $filters[$filter_id]['round_to']) {
                    $r['max'] = $r['min'] + $filters[$filter_id]['round_to'];
                if (!empty($slider_vals[$field_type])) {
                    if ($field_type == 'P' && $slider_vals['P'][2] != CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY) {
                        $prev_coef = Registry::get('currencies.' . $slider_vals['P'][2] . '.coefficient');
                        $cur_coef = Registry::get('currencies.' . CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY . '.coefficient');
                        $slider_vals['P'][0] = floor(floatval($slider_vals['P'][0]) * floatval($prev_coef) / floatval($cur_coef));
                        $slider_vals['P'][1] = ceil(floatval($slider_vals['P'][1]) * floatval($prev_coef) / floatval($cur_coef));
                    $r['left'] = $slider_vals[$field_type][0];
                    $r['right'] = $slider_vals[$field_type][1];
                    if ($r['left'] < $r['min']) {
                        $r['left'] = $r['min'];
                    if ($r['left'] > $r['max']) {
                        $r['left'] = $r['max'];
                    if ($r['right'] > $r['max']) {
                        $r['right'] = $r['max'];
                    if ($r['right'] < $r['min']) {
                        $r['right'] = $r['min'];
                    if ($r['right'] < $r['left']) {
                        $tmp = $r['right'];
                        $r['right'] = $r['left'];
                        $r['left'] = $tmp;
                    $r['left'] = floor($r['left'] / $filters[$filter_id]['round_to']) * $filters[$filter_id]['round_to'];
                    $r['right'] = ceil($r['right'] / $filters[$filter_id]['round_to']) * $filters[$filter_id]['round_to'];
                $filters[$filter_id]['range_values'] = $r;
            } else {
                if (empty($tmp_ranges)) {
                } else {
                    if (!empty($tmp_ranges['selected'])) {
                        $filters[$filter_id]['selected_ranges'] = $tmp_ranges['selected'];
                    $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] = $tmp_ranges['used'] + $tmp_ranges['disabled'];
                    // Calculate number of ranges and compare with displaying count
                    if (empty($params['get_all'])) {
                        if (!empty($filters[$filter_id]['ranges'])) {
                            $count = count($filters[$filter_id]['ranges']);
                        } else {
                            $count = 1;
                        if ($count > $filters[$filter_id]['display_more_count']) {
                            $filters[$filter_id]['more_ranges'] = array_slice($filters[$filter_id]['ranges'], 0, $filters[$filter_id]['display_more_count'], true);
                            $count = $filters[$filter_id]['display_more_count'];
                            $filters[$filter_id]['more_cut'] = true;
                        } else {
                            $filters[$filter_id]['more_ranges'] = $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'];
                        $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] = array_slice($filters[$filter_id]['more_ranges'], 0, $filters[$filter_id]['display_count'], true);
                        $filters[$filter_id]['more_ranges'] = array_slice($filters[$filter_id]['more_ranges'], $filters[$filter_id]['display_count'], $count, true);
                    if (!empty($params['simple_link']) && $filters[$filter_id]['feature_type'] == 'E') {
                        $filters[$filter_id]['simple_link'] = true;
        if (empty($is_select_found) && empty($params['skip_other_variants']) && !empty($params['features_hash'])) {
            fn_set_notification('W', __('text_nothing_found'), __('text_nothing_found_filter_message'));
            if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {
            } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                fn_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], true);
            } else {
                $_params = $params;
                $_params['skip_advanced_variants'] = true;
                $_params['only_selected'] = true;
                if (!empty($params['features_hash']) && empty($params['skip_advanced_variants'])) {
                    list(, , , , $field_ranges_ids) = fn_parse_features_hash($params['features_hash']);
                list($_f, $_view_all) = fn_get_filters_products_count($_params);
                foreach ($_f as $filter_id => $filter) {
                    if (!empty($field_range_values[$filter_id])) {
                        $_f[$filter_id]['range_values'] = $field_range_values[$filter_id];
                return array($_f, $_view_all);
        // Adding to the cache.
        Registry::set($key, array($filters, $view_all));
    return array($filters, $view_all);