/** 验证 app * app_chk function. * * @access public * @param mixed $arr_appRequest * @param mixed $arr_appRow * @return void */ function app_chk($arr_appRequest, $arr_appRow) { if ($arr_appRequest["alert"] != "ok") { return $arr_appRow; } if ($arr_appRow["app_status"] != "enable") { return array("alert" => "x050402"); } $_str_ip = fn_getIp(); if (!fn_isEmpty($arr_appRow["app_ip_allow"])) { $_str_ipAllow = str_ireplace(PHP_EOL, "|", $arr_appRow["app_ip_allow"]); if (!fn_regChk($_str_ip, $_str_ipAllow, true)) { return array("alert" => "x050212"); } } else { if (!fn_isEmpty($arr_appRow["app_ip_bad"])) { $_str_ipBad = str_ireplace(PHP_EOL, "|", $arr_appRow["app_ip_bad"]); if (fn_regChk($_str_ip, $_str_ipBad)) { return array("alert" => "x050213"); } } } if ($arr_appRow["app_key"] != $arr_appRequest["app_key"]) { return array("alert" => "x050217"); } return array("alert" => "ok"); }
/** * ajax_submit function. * * @access public * @return void */ function ajax_submit() { $_arr_adminSubmit = $this->mdl_admin->input_submit(); if ($_arr_adminSubmit["alert"] != "ok") { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert($_arr_adminSubmit["alert"]); } $_str_adminPassDo = ""; $_str_adminRand = ""; if ($_arr_adminSubmit["admin_id"] > 0) { if (!isset($this->adminLogged["admin_allow"]["admin"]["edit"]) && !$this->is_super) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x020303"); } if ($_arr_adminSubmit["admin_id"] == $this->adminLogged["admin_id"] && !$this->is_super) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x020306"); } $_str_adminPass = fn_post("admin_pass"); if (!fn_isEmpty($_str_adminPass)) { $_str_adminRand = fn_rand(6); $_str_adminPassDo = fn_baigoEncrypt($_str_adminPass, $_str_adminRand); } } else { if (!isset($this->adminLogged["admin_allow"]["admin"]["add"]) && !$this->is_super) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x020302"); } $_arr_adminPass = validateStr(fn_post("admin_pass"), 1, 0); switch ($_arr_adminPass["status"]) { case "too_short": $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x020205"); break; case "ok": $_str_adminPass = $_arr_adminPass["str"]; break; } $_str_adminRand = fn_rand(6); $_str_adminPassDo = fn_baigoEncrypt($_str_adminPass, $_str_adminRand); } $_arr_adminRow = $this->mdl_admin->mdl_submit($_str_adminPassDo, $_str_adminRand); if ($_arr_adminRow["alert"] == "y020101" || $_arr_adminRow["alert"] == "y020103") { $_arr_targets[] = array("admin_id" => $_arr_adminRow["admin_id"]); $_str_targets = json_encode($_arr_targets); if ($_arr_adminRow["alert"] == "y020101") { $_type = "add"; } else { $_type = "edit"; } $_str_adminRow = json_encode($_arr_adminRow); $_arr_logData = array("log_targets" => $_str_targets, "log_target_type" => "admin", "log_title" => $this->log["admin"][$_type], "log_result" => $_str_adminRow, "log_type" => "admin"); $this->mdl_log->mdl_submit($_arr_logData, $this->adminLogged["admin_id"]); } $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert($_arr_adminRow["alert"]); }
/** 签名 * sso_signature function. * * @access public * @param mixed $tm_time * @param mixed $str_rand * @return void */ function sso_signature($arr_params) { $_arr_sso = array("act_post" => "signature", "params" => $arr_params); $_str_return = ""; $_arr_ssoData = array_merge($this->arr_data, $_arr_sso); //合并数组 $_arr_get = fn_http(BG_SSO_URL . "?mod=signature", $_arr_ssoData, "post"); //提交 $_arr_return = fn_jsonDecode($_arr_get["ret"], "no"); if (!fn_isEmpty($_arr_return["signature"])) { $_str_return = $_arr_return["signature"]; } return $_str_return; }
/** * api_signature function. * * @access public * @return void */ function api_signature() { $this->app_check("post"); $_arr_params = fn_post("params"); if ($_arr_params) { foreach ($_arr_params as $_key => $_value) { if (!fn_isEmpty($_value)) { $_arr_paramsSrc[$_key] = fn_getSafe($_value, "txt", ""); } } } $_str_sign = $this->obj_sign->sign_make($_arr_paramsSrc); $_arr_return = array("signature" => $_str_sign, "alert" => "y050404"); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); }
/** 获取 IP * fn_getIp function. * * @access public * @return void */ function fn_getIp() { if (isset($_SERVER)) { if (fn_isEmpty(fn_server("REMOTE_ADDR"))) { $_str_ip = ""; } else { $_str_ip = fn_server("REMOTE_ADDR"); } } else { if (fn_isEmpty(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))) { $_str_ip = ""; } else { $_str_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } } return $_str_ip; }
function sign_make($arr_params) { unset($arr_params["signature"], $arr_params["alert"]); $_arr_params = array(); foreach ($arr_params as $_key => $_value) { if (!fn_isEmpty($_value)) { $_arr_params[$_key] = $_value; } } ksort($_arr_params); reset($_arr_params); $_str_signSrc = http_build_query($_arr_params); //如果存在转义字符,那么去掉转义 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_str_signSrc = stripslashes($_str_signSrc); } return md5($_str_signSrc); }
function getUi() { if (BG_SWITCH_UI == 1) { //界面开关为开 $str_ui = fn_getSafe(fn_get("ui"), "txt", ""); if (!fn_isEmpty($str_ui)) { //查询串指定 $_str_return = $str_ui; } else { /*if (fn_cookie("cookie_ui")) { //cookie 指定 $_str_return = fn_cookie("cookie_ui"); } else { //系统识别*/ $_str_return = BG_DEFAULT_UI; //客户端是 pc //} } } else { //界面开关为关 $_str_return = BG_DEFAULT_UI; //默认界面 } $this->config["ui"] = $_str_return; }
function fn_ssin_begin() { $_mdl_admin = new MODEL_ADMIN(); //设置管理员模型 $_num_adminTimeDiff = fn_session("admin_ssin_time") + BG_DEFAULT_SESSION; //session有效期 if (fn_isEmpty(fn_session("admin_id")) || fn_isEmpty(fn_session("admin_ssin_time")) || fn_isEmpty(fn_session("admin_hash")) || $_num_adminTimeDiff < time()) { fn_ssin_end(); $_arr_adminRow["alert"] = "x020401"; return $_arr_adminRow; exit; } $_arr_adminRow = $_mdl_admin->mdl_read(fn_session("admin_id")); //print_r($_arr_adminRow); if (fn_baigoEncrypt($_arr_adminRow["admin_time"], $_arr_adminRow["admin_rand"]) != fn_session("admin_hash")) { fn_ssin_end(); $_arr_adminRow["alert"] = "x020403"; return $_arr_adminRow; exit; } fn_session("admin_ssin_time", "mk", time()); return $_arr_adminRow; }
private function check_db() { if (!fn_token("chk")) { //令牌 $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x030206"); } if (fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_HOST) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_NAME) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_USER) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_PASS) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_CHARSET)) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x030412"); } else { if (!defined("BG_DB_PORT")) { define("BG_DB_PORT", "3306"); } $_cfg_host = array("host" => BG_DB_HOST, "name" => BG_DB_NAME, "user" => BG_DB_USER, "pass" => BG_DB_PASS, "charset" => BG_DB_CHARSET, "debug" => BG_DEBUG_DB, "port" => BG_DB_PORT); $GLOBALS["obj_db"] = new CLASS_MYSQLI($_cfg_host); //设置数据库对象 $this->obj_db = $GLOBALS["obj_db"]; if (!$this->obj_db->connect()) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x030111"); } if (!$this->obj_db->select_db()) { $this->obj_ajax->halt_alert("x030112"); } } }
function v_reg($str, $format) { switch ($format) { case "date": $_reg = "/^[0-9]{4}-(((0?[13578]|(10|12))-(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(0?2-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0?[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))\$/"; //日期 break; case "time": $_reg = "/^(([1-9]{1})|([0-1][0-9])|([1-2][0-3])):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9]))?\$/"; break; case "datetime": //日期时间 $_reg = "/^[0-9]{4}-(((0?[13578]|(10|12))-(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(0?2-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0?[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))\\s(([1-9]{1})|([0-1][0-9])|([1-2][0-3])):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9]))?\$/"; break; case "int": $_reg = "/^(\\+|-)?\\d*\$/"; //整数 break; case "digit": $_reg = "/^(\\+|-)?\\d*(\\.\\d+)*\$/"; //数值,可以包含小数点 break; case "email": $_reg = "/^\\w+(-\\w+)*(\\.\\w+(-\\w+)*)*@\\w+(\\.\\w+)+\$/"; //Email break; case "url": $_reg = "/^(http|ftp)s?:\\/\\/\\w+(-\\w+)*(\\.\\w+(-\\w+)*)+(/\\w+(-\\w+)*)*(\\.\\w+)*\\??(&?\\w+=\\w+)*(/\\w+(-\\w+)*)*\$/"; //URL地址 break; case "alphabetDigit": $_reg = "/^[a-zA-Z\\d]*\$/"; //数字英文字母 break; case "strDigit": $_reg = "/^[\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}a-zA-Z\\d-_]*\$/u"; // "/^[\\\u4e00-\\\u9fa5|\\\uf900-\\\ufa2d|\w]*$/" 中文字母数字下划线连字符 break; case "alias": $_reg = "/^[a-zA-Z\\d-_]*\$/"; // "/^[\\\u4e00-\\\u9fa5|\\\uf900-\\\ufa2d|\w]*$/" 字母数字下划线连字符 break; default: $_reg = ""; //默认 break; } if (!fn_isEmpty($str) && $format != "text") { //如果值不为空,且格式不为text则验证 if (preg_match($_reg, $str)) { return true; //验证通过,返回正确 } else { return false; //验证失败,返回错误 } } else { return true; //如果为text,直接返回正确 } }
function ctl_mailbox() { $_num_verifyId = fn_getSafe(fn_get("verify_id"), "int", 0); $_str_verifyToken = fn_getSafe(fn_get("verify_token"), "txt", ""); if ($_num_verifyId < 1) { return array("alert" => "x120201"); } if (fn_isEmpty($_str_verifyToken)) { return array("alert" => "x120202"); } $_arr_verifyRow = $this->mdl_verify->mdl_read($_num_verifyId); if ($_arr_verifyRow["alert"] != "y120102") { return $_arr_verifyRow; } if ($_arr_verifyRow["verify_status"] != "enable") { return array("alert" => "x120203"); } if ($_arr_verifyRow["verify_token_expire"] < time()) { return array("alert" => "x120204"); } if (fn_baigoEncrypt($_arr_verifyRow["verify_token"], $_arr_verifyRow["verify_rand"]) != $_str_verifyToken) { return array("alert" => "x120205"); } $_arr_userRow = $this->mdl_user->mdl_read($_arr_verifyRow["verify_user_id"]); if ($_arr_userRow["alert"] != "y010102") { return $_arr_userRow; } $_arr_verifyRow["verify_token"] = $_str_verifyToken; $_arr_tplData = array("userRow" => $_arr_userRow, "verifyRow" => $_arr_verifyRow); $this->obj_tpl->tplDisplay("reg_mailbox.tpl", $_arr_tplData); return array("alert" => "y010102"); }
private function check_db() { if (fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_HOST) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_NAME) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_USER) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_PASS) || fn_isEmpty(BG_DB_CHARSET)) { return false; } else { if (!defined("BG_DB_PORT")) { define("BG_DB_PORT", "3306"); } $_cfg_host = array("host" => BG_DB_HOST, "name" => BG_DB_NAME, "user" => BG_DB_USER, "pass" => BG_DB_PASS, "charset" => BG_DB_CHARSET, "debug" => BG_DEBUG_DB, "port" => BG_DB_PORT); $GLOBALS["obj_db"] = new CLASS_MYSQLI($_cfg_host); //设置数据库对象 $this->obj_db = $GLOBALS["obj_db"]; if (!$this->obj_db->connect()) { return false; } if (!$this->obj_db->select_db()) { return false; } return true; } }
/** * ajax_chkmail function. * * @access public * @return void */ function ajax_chkmail() { $_arr_userMail = $this->mdl_user->input_chk_mail(); if ($_arr_userMail["alert"] != "ok") { $this->obj_ajax->halt_re($_arr_userMail["alert"]); } if (!fn_isEmpty($_arr_userMail["user_mail"])) { $_arr_userRow = $this->mdl_user->mdl_read($_arr_userMail["user_mail"], "user_mail", $_arr_userMail["not_id"]); if ($_arr_userRow["alert"] == "y010102") { $this->obj_ajax->halt_re("x010211"); } } $arr_re = array("re" => "ok"); exit(json_encode($arr_re)); }
/** * api_chkname function. * * @access public * @return void */ function api_list() { $this->app_check("get"); if (!isset($this->appAllow["pm"]["list"])) { $_arr_return = array("alert" => "x050319"); $_arr_logTarget[] = array("app_id" => $this->appRequest["app_id"]); $_arr_logType = array("pm", "list"); $this->log_do($_arr_logTarget, "app", $_arr_return, $_arr_logType); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); } $_arr_userRow = $this->user_check("get"); $_num_perPage = fn_getSafe(fn_get("per_page"), "int", BG_SITE_PERPAGE); $_str_pmIds = fn_getSafe(fn_get("pm_ids"), "txt", ""); $_str_type = fn_getSafe(fn_get("pm_type"), "txt", ""); $_str_status = fn_getSafe(fn_get("pm_status"), "txt", ""); $_str_key = fn_getSafe(fn_get("key"), "txt", ""); $_arr_sign = array("act_get" => $GLOBALS["act_get"], $this->userRequest["user_by"] => $this->userRequest["user_str"], "user_access_token" => $this->userRequest["user_access_token"], "pm_ids" => $_str_pmIds, "pm_type" => $_str_type, "pm_status" => $_str_status, "key" => $_str_key); if (!fn_isEmpty(fn_get("per_page"))) { $_arr_sign["per_page"] = $_num_perPage; } //file_put_contents(BG_PATH_ROOT . "debug.txt", json_encode($_arr_sign), FILE_APPEND); if (!$this->obj_sign->sign_check(array_merge($this->appRequest, $_arr_sign), $this->appRequest["signature"])) { $_arr_return = array("alert" => "x050403"); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); } $_arr_pmIds = array(); if (!fn_isEmpty($_str_pmIds)) { if (stristr($_str_pmIds, "|")) { $_arr_pmIds = explode("|", $_str_pmIds); } else { $_arr_pmIds = array($_str_pmIds); } } if (fn_isEmpty($_str_type)) { $_arr_return = array("alert" => "x110218"); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); } $_arr_search = array("type" => $_str_type, "status" => $_str_status, "key" => $_str_key, "pm_ids" => $_arr_pmIds); switch ($_str_type) { case "in": $_arr_search["pm_to"] = $_arr_userRow["user_id"]; break; case "out": $_arr_search["pm_from"] = $_arr_userRow["user_id"]; break; } $_num_pmCount = $this->mdl_pm->mdl_count($_arr_search); $_arr_page = fn_page($_num_pmCount); $_arr_pmRows = $this->mdl_pm->mdl_list($_num_perPage, $_arr_page["except"], $_arr_search); foreach ($_arr_pmRows as $_key => $_value) { $_arr_pmRows[$_key]["fromUser"] = $this->mdl_user->mdl_read_api($_value["pm_from"]); $_arr_pmRows[$_key]["toUser"] = $this->mdl_user->mdl_read_api($_value["pm_to"]); if ($_str_type == "out") { $_arr_sendRow = $this->mdl_pm->mdl_read($_value["pm_send_id"]); if ($_arr_sendRow["alert"] != "y110102") { $_arr_pmRows[$_key]["pm_send_status"] = "revoke"; } else { $_arr_pmRows[$_key]["pm_send_status"] = $_arr_sendRow["pm_status"]; } } } //print_r($_arr_pmRows); $_arr_return = array("pmRows" => $_arr_pmRows, "pageRow" => $_arr_page); $_str_src = fn_jsonEncode($_arr_return, "encode"); $_str_code = $this->obj_crypt->encrypt($_str_src, $this->appRow["app_key"]); $_arr_return = array("code" => $_str_code, "alert" => "y110402"); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); }
/** 列出及统计 SQL 处理 * sql_process function. * * @access private * @param array $arr_search (default: array()) * @return void */ private function sql_process($arr_search = array()) { $_str_sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($arr_search["key"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND (log_target_type LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR log_result LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%')"; } if (isset($arr_search["type"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["type"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND log_type='" . $arr_search["type"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["status"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["status"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND log_status='" . $arr_search["status"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["level"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["level"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND log_level='" . $arr_search["level"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["operator_id"]) && $arr_search["operator_id"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND log_operator_id=" . $arr_search["operator_id"]; } return $_str_sqlWhere; }
/** JSON 解码 (内容可解码自 base64) * fn_jsonDecode function. * * @access public * @param string $str_json (default: "") * @param string $method (default: "") * @return void */ function fn_jsonDecode($str_json = "", $method = "") { if (fn_isEmpty($str_json)) { $arr_json = array(); } else { $arr_json = json_decode($str_json, true); //json解码 $arr_json = fn_eachArray($arr_json, $method); } return $arr_json; }
/** 列出及统计 SQL 处理 * sql_process function. * * @access private * @param array $arr_search (default: array()) * @return void */ private function sql_process($arr_search = array()) { $_str_sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($arr_search["key"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND (pm_title LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR pm_content LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%')"; } if (isset($arr_search["status"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["status"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND pm_status='" . $arr_search["status"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["type"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["type"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND pm_type='" . $arr_search["type"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["pm_from"]) && $arr_search["pm_from"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND pm_from=" . $arr_search["pm_from"]; } if (isset($arr_search["pm_to"]) && $arr_search["pm_to"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND pm_to=" . $arr_search["pm_to"]; } if (isset($arr_search["pm_ids"]) && $arr_search["pm_ids"]) { $_str_pmIds = implode(",", $arr_search["pm_ids"]); $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND pm_in (" . $_str_pmIds . ")"; } return $_str_sqlWhere; }
/** 列出及统计 SQL 处理 * sql_process function. * * @access private * @param array $arr_search (default: array()) * @return void */ private function sql_process($arr_search = array()) { $_str_sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($arr_search["key"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND (user_name LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR user_name LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR user_mail LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR user_note LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%')"; } if (isset($arr_search["key_name"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key_name"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_name LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key_name"] . "%'"; } if (isset($arr_search["key_mail"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key_mail"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_mail LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key_mail"] . "%'"; } if (isset($arr_search["min_id"]) && $arr_search["min_id"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_id>=" . $arr_search["min_id"]; } if (isset($arr_search["max_id"]) && $arr_search["max_id"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_id<=" . $arr_search["max_id"]; } if (isset($arr_search["begin_time"]) && $arr_search["begin_time"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_time>=" . $arr_search["begin_time"]; } if (isset($arr_search["end_time"]) && $arr_search["end_time"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_time<=" . $arr_search["end_time"]; } if (isset($arr_search["begin_login"]) && $arr_search["begin_login"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_time_login>=" . $arr_search["begin_login"]; } if (isset($arr_search["end_login"]) && $arr_search["end_login"] > 0) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_time_login<=" . $arr_search["end_login"]; } if (isset($arr_search["status"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["status"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_status='" . $arr_search["status"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["user_names"]) && $arr_search["user_names"]) { $_str_userNames = implode("','", $arr_search["user_names"]); $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND user_name IN ('" . $_str_userNames . "')"; } return $_str_sqlWhere; }
/** * api_chkmail function. * * @access public * @return void */ function api_chkmail() { $this->app_check("get"); $_arr_userMail = $this->mdl_user->input_chk_mail(); if (BG_REG_ONEMAIL == "false" || BG_LOGIN_MAIL == "on") { //不允许重复 if ($_arr_userMail["alert"] != "ok") { $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_userMail); } if (!fn_isEmpty($_arr_userMail["user_mail"])) { $_arr_userRow = $this->mdl_user->mdl_read_api($_arr_userMail["user_mail"], "user_mail", $_arr_userMail["not_id"]); if ($_arr_userRow["alert"] == "y010102") { $_str_alert = "x010211"; } else { $_str_alert = "y010211"; } } else { $_str_alert = "y010211"; } } else { $_str_alert = "y010211"; } $_arr_sign = array("act_get" => $GLOBALS["act_get"], "user_mail" => $_arr_userMail["user_mail"], "not_id" => $_arr_userMail["not_id"]); if (!$this->obj_sign->sign_check(array_merge($this->appRequest, $_arr_sign), $this->appRequest["signature"])) { $_str_alert = "x050403"; } $_arr_return = array("alert" => $_str_alert); $this->obj_api->halt_re($_arr_return); }
/** 列出及统计 SQL 处理 * sql_process function. * * @access private * @param array $arr_search (default: array()) * @return void */ private function sql_process($arr_search = array()) { $_str_sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($arr_search["key"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND (app_name LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR app_note LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%')"; } if (isset($arr_search["status"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["status"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND app_status='" . $arr_search["status"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["sync"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["sync"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND app_sync='" . $arr_search["sync"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["has_notify"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND LENGTH(app_url_notify)>0"; } if (isset($arr_search["has_sync"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND LENGTH(app_url_sync)>0"; } if (isset($arr_search["not_ids"]) && $arr_search["not_ids"]) { $_str_appIds = implode(",", $arr_search["not_ids"]); $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND app_id NOT IN (" . $_str_appIds . ")"; } return $_str_sqlWhere; }
function select($table, $data = "", $where = "", $group = "", $order = "", $length = 0, $start = 0, $distinct = "", $field = false) { $sql = "SELECT"; if ($data) { if ($field) { $sql .= " " . implode(",", $data); } else { $sql .= " `" . implode("`,`", $data) . "`"; } } else { $sql .= " *"; } if ($distinct) { $sql .= ", COUNT(DISTINCT `" . implode(",", $distinct) . "`)"; } $sql .= " FROM `" . $table . "`"; if (!fn_isEmpty($where)) { $sql .= " WHERE " . $where; } if (!fn_isEmpty($group)) { $sql .= " GROUP BY " . $group; } if (!fn_isEmpty($order)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $order; } if ($length > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $length; } //print_r($sql); /*if ($field) { print_r($sql . "\n"); }*/ $this->db_rs = $this->query($sql); if (!$this->db_rs) { return false; } $obj = array(); while ($obj_temp = $this->fetch_assoc($this->db_rs)) { $obj[] = $obj_temp; unset($obj_temp); } return $obj; }
/** 列出及统计 SQL 处理 * sql_process function. * * @access private * @param array $arr_search (default: array()) * @return void */ private function sql_process($arr_search = array()) { $_str_sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($arr_search["key"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["key"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND (admin_name LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR admin_note LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%' OR admin_nick LIKE '%" . $arr_search["key"] . "%')"; } if (isset($arr_search["status"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["status"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND admin_status='" . $arr_search["status"] . "'"; } if (isset($arr_search["type"]) && !fn_isEmpty($arr_search["type"])) { $_str_sqlWhere .= " AND admin_type='" . $arr_search["type"] . "'"; } return $_str_sqlWhere; }
<?php /*----------------------------------------------------------------- !!!!警告!!!! 以下为系统文件,请勿修改 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ //不能非法包含或直接执行 if (!defined("IN_BAIGO")) { exit("Access Denied"); } if ($GLOBALS["adminLogged"]["alert"] != "y020102") { if ($GLOBALS["view"] == "iframe") { $_str_location = "Location: " . BG_URL_ADMIN . "ctl.php?mod=alert&act_get=show&alert=" . $GLOBALS["adminLogged"]["alert"] . "&view=" . $GLOBALS["view"]; } else { if (!fn_isEmpty(fn_server("REQUEST_URI"))) { $_str_attach = fn_forward(fn_server("REQUEST_URI")); } $_str_location = "Location: " . BG_URL_ADMIN . "ctl.php?mod=logon&forward=" . $_str_attach; } header($_str_location); //未登录就跳转至登录界面 exit; }
} else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); } include_once BG_PATH_FUNC . "common.func.php"; //载入通用函数 include_once BG_PATH_FUNC . "validate.func.php"; //载入表单验证函数 include_once BG_PATH_CLASS . "dir.class.php"; //载入模板类 $GLOBALS["act_post"] = fn_getSafe(fn_post("act_post"), "txt", ""); //表单动作 $GLOBALS["act_get"] = fn_getSafe(fn_get("act_get"), "txt", ""); //查询串动作 $GLOBALS["view"] = fn_getSafe(fn_request("view"), "txt", ""); //界面 (是否 iframe) if (!fn_isEmpty($GLOBALS["view"])) { $_url_attach = "&view=" . $GLOBALS["view"]; } function fn_init($arr_set = array()) { //$base = false, $ssin = false, $header = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8", $db = false, $ajax = "", $admin = false, $is_ssin_db = true if (isset($arr_set["db"])) { //连接数据库 include_once BG_PATH_CLASS . "mysqli.class.php"; //载入数据库类 if (!defined("BG_DB_PORT")) { define("BG_DB_PORT", "3306"); } $_cfg_host = array("host" => BG_DB_HOST, "name" => BG_DB_NAME, "user" => BG_DB_USER, "pass" => BG_DB_PASS, "charset" => BG_DB_CHARSET, "debug" => BG_DEBUG_DB); $GLOBALS["obj_db"] = new CLASS_MYSQLI($_cfg_host); //设置数据库对象