* and use this program. * * * **************************************************************************** * PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE * * "copyright.txt" FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Mailer; use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Add email to maillist if ($mode == 'update') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['subscribe_email'])) { fn_em_subscribe_email($_REQUEST['subscribe_email'], array('name' => fn_em_get_subscriber_name())); } } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT); } if ($mode == 'unsubscribe') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['unsubscribe_key'])) { fn_em_unsubscribe($_REQUEST['unsubscribe_key']); Registry::get('view')->assign('notification_msg', __('email_marketing.text_unsubscribe_successful')); $msg = Registry::get('view')->fetch('addons/email_marketing/common/notification.tpl'); fn_set_notification('I', __('email_marketing.unsubscribe_successful'), $msg); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, fn_url()); } elseif ($mode == 'confirm') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['ekey'])) { $email = fn_get_object_by_ekey($_REQUEST['ekey'], 'E');
* * * This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid * * license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install * * and use this program. * * * **************************************************************************** * PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE * * "copyright.txt" FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($mode == 'customer_info' || $mode == 'update_steps') { if (!empty($_SESSION['cart']['user_data']['email'])) { $name = fn_em_get_subscriber_name(); $email = $_SESSION['cart']['user_data']['email']; $subscriber_data = fn_em_get_subscriber_data($email); if (!empty($subscriber_data) && $subscriber_data['name'] != $name) { fn_em_update_subscriber(array('name' => $name), $subscriber_data['subscriber_id']); } } } return; } if ($mode == 'checkout') { if (Registry::get('addons.email_marketing.em_show_on_checkout') == 'Y' && !empty($_SESSION['cart']['user_data']['email']) && !fn_em_is_email_subscribed($_SESSION['cart']['user_data']['email'])) { Tygh::$app['view']->assign('show_subscription_checkbox', true); } }
<?php /*************************************************************************** * * * (c) 2004 Vladimir V. Kalynyak, Alexey V. Vinokurov, Ilya M. Shalnev * * * * This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid * * license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install * * and use this program. * * * **************************************************************************** * PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE * * "copyright.txt" FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($mode == 'place_order') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['subscribe_customer'])) { fn_em_subscribe_email(Tygh::$app['session']['cart']['user_data']['email'], array('name' => fn_em_get_subscriber_name())); } } return; }
<?php /*************************************************************************** * * * (c) 2004 Vladimir V. Kalynyak, Alexey V. Vinokurov, Ilya M. Shalnev * * * * This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid * * license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install * * and use this program. * * * **************************************************************************** * PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE * * "copyright.txt" FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ use Tygh\Registry; if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($mode == 'place_order') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['subscribe_customer'])) { fn_em_subscribe_email($_SESSION['cart']['user_data']['email'], array('name' => fn_em_get_subscriber_name())); } } return; }