public function displayPageMain() { $res = ''; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Name (*)</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $value = $this->getValue('name', ''); if (empty($value)) { $res .= "<span id='status_source_name_error'><img src='images/error_12.png'> Provide source name is mandatory !<br></span><span id='status_source_name_ok' style='display: none'><img src='images/ok_12.png'> </span>"; } else { $res .= "<span id='status_source_name_error' style='display: none'><img src='images/error_12.png'> Provide source name is mandatory !<br></span><span id='status_source_name_ok'><img src='images/ok_12.png'> </span>"; } $res .= "<input class='editInputText' type='text' name='source_name' id='source_name' value='" . fi($this->getValue('name', '')) . "' onBlur='checkParameter(\"source_name\");'></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Host (*)</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $value = $this->getValue('url_host', ''); if (empty($value)) { $res .= "<span id='status_source_host_error'><img src='images/error_12.png'> Provide source host is mandatory !<br></span><span id='status_source_host_ok' style='display: none'><img src='images/ok_12.png'> </span>"; } else { $res .= "<span id='status_source_host_error' style='display: none'><img src='images/error_12.png'> Provide source host is mandatory !<br></span><span id='status_source_host_ok'><img src='images/ok_12.png'> </span>"; } $res .= "<input class='editInputText' type='text' name='source_host' id='source_host' value='" . fi($this->getValue('url_host', '')) . "' onBlur='checkParameter(\"source_host\");'>"; $res .= "<br/><span class='help'>The source's host domain (don't specify protocol). Example :<br/>The crawler will retrieve only the urls belonging to this domain.<br>You must specify one or more starting url below !</span></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Starting URLs (*)</td>"; $url = $this->getValue('url', ''); $urlJson = '{ "urls": ['; if (!empty($url)) { if (substr($url, 0, 1) == "<") { $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); $urlXml = simplexml_load_string($url); $result = $urlXml->xpath('/urls/url'); $sep = ""; while (list(, $node) = each($result)) { $urlitem = (string) $node->url; $urlitem = trim(preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', $urlitem)); $urlJson .= $sep . '{ "url": "' . $urlitem . '", "home": "' . (string) $node->home . '", "mode": "' . (string) $node->mode . '", "allowotherdomain": "' . (string) $node->allowotherdomain . '", "onlyfirstcrawl": "' . (string) $node->onlyfirstcrawl . '" }'; $sep = ","; } } else { $urlitem = $url; $urlitem = trim(preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', $urlitem)); $urlJson .= '{ "url": "' . $urlitem . '", "home": "", "mode": "s", "allowotherdomain": "0", "onlyfirstcrawl": "0" }'; } } $urlJson .= '] }'; $res .= "<td><span id='status_source_url_error'><img src='images/error_12.png'> Provide one or more starting url is mandatory !<br></span><span id='status_source_url_ok' style='display: none'><img src='images/ok_12.png'> </span>"; $res .= "<div id='url'>"; $res .= "</div>"; $res .= "<input type='hidden' name='source_url' id='source_url' value='" . fi($urlJson) . "'>"; $res .= "<input type='hidden' name='source_url_xml' id='source_url_xml' value='" . fi($url) . "'>"; $res .= "<a href='javascript:addUrl();'><img src='images/plus_12.png'> Add url</a>"; $res .= " <a href='javascript:scanRSS();'><img src='images/plus_12.png'> Scan RSS</a>"; $res .= "<br/><span class='help'>All the urls used by the crawler in order to start the crawl process</span></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Host aliases</td>"; $res .= "<td><input class='editInputText' type='text' name='source_alias' id='source_alias' value='" . fi($this->getValue('alias_host', '')) . "'>"; $res .= "<br/><span class='help'>The source's host domain aliases (don't specify protocol). Example :,, *,*<br/>The crawler will also accept the urls belonging to these domains</span></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Status</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $res .= "<select id='source_enabled' name='source_enabled' style='editInputSelect'>"; $res .= "<option value='1'"; if ($this->getValue('enabled', '') == "1") { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">Enabled</option>"; $res .= "<option value='0'"; if ($this->getValue('enabled', '') == "0") { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">Disabled</option>"; $res .= "<option value='2'"; if ($this->getValue('enabled', '') == "2") { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">Test</option>"; $res .= "</select>"; $res .= "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $target = $this->getValue('id_target', ''); $aTargets = getAvailableTargets($this->config, $this->id_account_current); if ($aTargets != null) { $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Target</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $res .= "<select id='id_target' name='id_target' style='editInputSelect'>"; foreach ($aTargets as $key => $value) { $res .= "<option value='" . $key . "'"; if (!empty($target) && $target == strtolower(trim($key))) { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">" . $value . "</option>"; } $res .= "</select>"; $res .= "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; } $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Collections</td>"; $res .= "<td><input class='editInputText' type='text' name='source_collection' id='source_collection' value='" . fi(str_replace("_", " ", $this->getValue('collection', ''))) . "'>"; $aCollections = getAvailableTagsCollections($this->config, false, $this->id_account_current, "collection"); if ($aCollections != null) { $res .= "<br />"; for ($j = 0; $j <= count($aCollections); $j++) { if ($aCollections[$j] != "") { $aCollections[$j] = str_replace("_", " ", $aCollections[$j]); $res .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='addCollection(\"" . fjsp($aCollections[$j]) . "\");'><span class='nobr'><img id='collection_" . fi($aCollections[$j]) . "' src='images/plus_12.png'> <label for='tag_" . fi($aCollections[$j]) . "'>" . $aCollections[$j] . "</label></a> </span> "; } } } $res .= "<br/><span class='help'>Use comma as separator.</span></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Tags</td>"; $res .= "<td><input class='editInputText' type='text' name='source_tag' id='source_tag' value='" . fi(str_replace("_", " ", $this->getValue('tag', ''))) . "'>"; $aTags = getAvailableTagsCollections($this->config, false, $this->id_account_current, "tag"); if ($aTags != null) { $res .= "<br />"; for ($j = 0; $j <= count($aTags); $j++) { if ($aTags[$j] != "") { $aTags[$j] = str_replace("_", " ", $aTags[$j]); $res .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='addTag(\"" . fjsp($aTags[$j]) . "\");'><span class='nobr'><img id='tag_" . fi($aTags[$j]) . "' src='images/plus_12.png'> <label for='tag_" . fi($aTags[$j]) . "'>" . $aTags[$j] . "</label></a> </span> "; } } } $res .= "<br/><span class='help'>Use comma as separator.<br>These tags will be associated with crawled pages if they are contained in pages.</span></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Country</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $res .= "<select id='source_country' name='source_country' style='editInputSelect'>"; $country = strtolower($this->getValue('country', '')); foreach ($this->aCountries as $key => $value) { $res .= "<option value='" . $key . "'"; if ($country == strtolower(trim($key))) { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">" . $value . "</option>"; } $res .= "</select>"; $res .= "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Main language</td>"; $res .= "<td>"; $res .= "<select id='source_language' name='source_language' style='editInputSelect' onChange='showLanguageRestrictionList();'>"; $language = strtolower($this->getValue('language', '')); foreach ($this->aLanguages as $key => $value) { $res .= "<option value='" . $key . "'"; if ($language == strtolower(trim($key))) { $res .= " selected"; } $res .= ">" . $value . "</option>"; } $res .= "</select>"; $res .= "<div id='language_detection_list' name='language_detection_list'"; if (strtolower(trim($this->getValue('language', ''))) == "xx" || $this->data == null) { $res .= " style='display:block'"; } else { $res .= " style='display:none'"; } $res .= ">Limit detection to this languages list (<a href='' target='_blank'>ISO 639-1 codes</a> separated by \",\") <input class='editInputTextMedium' type='text' name='source_language_detection_list' id='source_language_detection_list' value='" . $this->getValue('language_detection_list', '') . "'></div>"; $res .= "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; return $res; }
print $s; exit; } $cursor = $stmt->getCursor(); $rs = $cursor->getNext(); $res .= "<form name='user_edit' id='user_edit' action=''><center><table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; $res .= "<tbody>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Id</td>"; $res .= "<td>" . $rs["id"] . "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Name</td>"; $res .= "<td>" . $rs["user_name"]; if ($user->getId() == "1") { $res .= " <a href='#' onClick='logonAs(\"" . fjsp($rs["user_name"]) . "\"); return false;'><img src='images/login.png' title='Logon as'></a>"; } $res .= "</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Password</td>"; $res .= "<td><input class='editInputTextSmall' type='password' name='user_password' id='user_password' value=''> (leave empty will not change the password)</td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Confirm password</td>"; $res .= "<td><input class='editInputTextSmall' type='password' name='user_password2' id='user_password2' value=''></td>"; $res .= "</tr>"; if ($rs["id"] != 1 && $user->getLevel() > 1) { $res .= "<tr>"; $res .= "<td class='head'>Requiere change password at next logon</td>"; $res .= "<td><input type='checkbox' name='change_password' id='change_password' value='1'";