function sportal_remove_article()
    global $smcFunc, $sourcedir;
    if (!allowedTo(array('sp_remove_article', 'sp_manage_articles', 'sp_admin'))) {
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-PortalAdmin.php';
    $message_id = !empty($_REQUEST['message']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['message'] : 0;
    $topic_id = !empty($_REQUEST['return']) ? $_REQUEST['return'] : '';
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}sp_articles
		WHERE id_message = {int:message}', array('message' => $message_id));
    redirectexit('topic=' . $topic_id);
function sportal_admin_category_delete()
    global $smcFunc, $context, $txt;
    // Is an id set? If yes, then we need to get some category information.
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
        // Be sure you made it an integer.
        $_REQUEST['category_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['category_id'];
        // Do you know which one to delete?
        if (empty($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
            fatal_lang_error('error_sp_id_empty', false);
        // Get the category info. You need in template.
        $context['category_info'] = getCategoryInfo($_REQUEST['category_id']);
        $context['category_info'] = $context['category_info'][0];
        // Also get the category list.
        $context['list_categories'] = getCategoryInfo();
        // If we have one, that is itself. Delete it.
        if (count($context['list_categories']) < 2) {
            $context['list_categories'] = array();
    if (empty($_REQUEST['category_id']) && empty($_POST['category_id'])) {
        fatal_lang_error('error_sp_id_empty', false);
    // No need to delete articles if category has no articles. But articles are executed if there isn't any other category. :P
    if (empty($_POST['delete_category']) && !empty($context['category_info']['articles'])) {
        // Call the right sub template.
        $context['sub_template'] = 'category_delete';
        $context['page_title'] = $txt['sp-categoriesDelete'];
    } elseif (!empty($_POST['delete_category'])) {
        // Again.
        // Are we going to move something?
        if (!empty($_POST['category_move']) && !empty($_POST['category_move_to'])) {
            // We just need an integer.
            $_POST['category_move_to'] = (int) $_POST['category_move_to'];
            // These are the lucky ones, move them.
            $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
				UPDATE {db_prefix}sp_articles
				SET id_category = {int:category_move_to}
				WHERE id_category = {int:category_id}', array('category_move_to' => $_POST['category_move_to'], 'category_id' => $_POST['category_id']));
            // Fix the article counts.
        } else {
            // Kill 'em all. (It's not the Metallica album. :P)
            $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
				DELETE FROM {db_prefix}sp_articles
				WHERE id_category = {int:category_id}', array('category_id' => $_POST['category_id']));
        // Everybody will die one day...
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}sp_categories
			WHERE id_category = {int:category_id}', array('category_id' => $_POST['category_id']));
        // Return to the list.
    } else {
        // Again.
        // Just delete the category.
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}sp_categories
			WHERE id_category = {int:category_id}', array('category_id' => $_REQUEST['category_id']));
        // Fix the article counts.
        // Return to the list.